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Part 2:

As you will know,Mr Snow is leaving next month at the end of the spring turn.Unfortunately, he decided
not to stay until next year.He is now 60 years old and he would like to stop teaching before he is 65.We
know that he is popular with our students and we would like to buy him a leaving present. If we collect
enough money, we could buy him something really nice. We have already collected 60 pounds but we
need at least 40 pounds more to make a total of 100 pounds. Someone suggested buying a clock and
someone else suggested a watch but we decided to buy him a nice DVD player instead because he loves
watching film. Your teacher will collect money for Mr Snow in the school cafeteria after the lessons ,
next Friday.We finish lessons at midday one Friday 15th of April. On Saturday 16th, we will meet at school,
at about 5:30 p.m. to prepare for the party.The party starts around 7 in the evening. Then a student will
give him the present. I hope all our teachers and some parents will be there and of course , all of you.

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