More and More People No Longer Read Newspapers or Watch TV Programs To Get News

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More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to get

news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or
negative development?
- ADS:
+ Đáng tin cậy hơn- nội dung trên newspaper và TV program được kiểm
duyệt chặt chẽ- Vd: Panama newspaper.
+ An toan hon- vi han che viec bi danh cap thong tin ca nhan qua mang.
+ Tiện lợi- có thể xem bất cứ đâu miễn có Internet và miễn phí><Báo thì có
tính phí và muốn xem TV cần có TV.
+ Dễ tìm kiếm thông tin thông qua các search engines- GG
+Bao ve moi truong- tiet kiem giay in cho bao. Vd:o VN, hang nam hang
ngan tan giay dc su dung de in bao tuong duong voi khoang 30 ngan cay bi
don ha.
KL: đối với nội dung quan trọng-> đọc báo và xem TV, còn nội dung thông
thường xem qua mạng xh.
These days, it is true that individuals have the propensity for getting news via the
Internet instead of ordinary sources of information such as newspaper or TV
programs. From my perspective, it depends on circumstances that people should
get information from the Internet or from newspapers and programs on
On the one hand, the main reason why physical newspapers or television are still
flavored by audiences is that they are more reliable than other sources. The
reason behind this is that news from the press and television are censored heavily
by both publishers and the goverment. BBC News would be a prime example of
this. To maintain its reputation, BBC News always checked the content of articles
heavily before posting to the public as this newspaper always prioritizes
journalistic integrity. Therefore, printed newspapers and TV are trustworthy
sources of information for important purposes such as research.
On the other hand, there are also some merits of getting information from
Internet sources. Firstly, with just a small smartphone or a computer connected to
the Internet, people can easily get access to thousands of news from websites or
social media. By contrast, as for printed newspapers, people have to buy articles
or magazines which are inconvenient to bring along. Secondly, search engines on
the Internet enable people to find out the information they wat within a few
seconds. Take Google, the most-visited search engine these days, as an example.
People just type a short title of an article they want to read, and Google will offer
even thousands of websites containing the expected article.
In conclusion, if people need to find out reliable information, they should read
printed articles or watch television programs. In contrast, as for entertainment
purposes, I recommend people to get news via the Internet, which is more

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