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NPM : 23820021


Activity 1 (Individual Assignment)
Find ten action verbs in the puzzle, and find their Indonesian equivalent. Number one has
been done for you.
Answer :
2. Shake : menggoyangkan
3. Boil : didihkan
4. Fiber : membuat serat
5. Fry : menggoreng
6. Eat : makan
7. Mix : mencampur
8. Bend : membengkokkan
9. Grind : menggiling
10. Stir : mengaduk
Activity 2 (Individual Assignment)
Complete the following text with the suitable words in the box!

1. Easy
2. Slice
3. Ginger
4. Table spoon
5. Yolk
6. Get
7. Freezer
8. Grain
9. Roll
10. Light
Activity 3 (Individual Assignment)
Rearrange the following jumbled sentence into good paragraph!


1. First clean the shrimps, remove the heads, and keep the tails (d)
2. After that, make a mix of the flour and egg, with enough water, salt, and pepper (a)
3. Heat oil on a pan (b)
4. Then, one by one, put the shrimps into the pan by first dipping it in the mix above. Fry the
shrimps until golden. (e)
5. Clean the garlic, and slice it thinly and then sprinkle over the shrimps. (g)
6. Finally put the shrimps on a plate and pour tomato sause over them.(c)
7. Sweet and sour shrimps are ready to serve. (f)
Activity 4
create a procedure text based on the topic you have chosen (the topic should be related with
the field of your study).
How to Start a Digital Business
1. Business idea, The first step you have to take is to determine the business idea that you will run.
The business idea should be something you are good at and have the potential to grow. You can
start by identifying the needs or problems that exist in society.
2. Market research, After you have a business idea, you need to do market research to find out the
and challenges for your business. Market research can be done in various ways, such as surveys,
interviews, and data analysis.
3. Business plan, A business plan is a document that describes in detail about your business.
A business plan includes information about the products or services you sell, target market,
marketing strategy, and finances.
4. Creation of a website or application, If your product or service requires a digital platform, you
need to create a website or application. You can create a website or application yourself or use
the services of a web or application developer.
5. Marketing, Marketing is the key to digital business success. You need to do marketing to.
introduce your product or service to potential customers. There are various ways to do digital
marketing, such as SEO, SEM, social media, and influencer marketing.
6. Financial management, Good financial management is important to maintain the continuity of
your business. You need to record all your business income and expenses . Here are some tips for
starting a digital business:
- Start small and grow your business gradually.
- Join digital business communities for support and information.
- Continue to learn and adapt to technological developments.
Digital business has great potential to develop. However, you need to have the right strategy to
start and run a digital business.

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