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Awadh Educational Academy Inter College

Class- XII Sub - Chemistry

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

1. Write short notes on the following :

(1) Carbylamine reaction

(2) Darzen reaction

2. Explain :

(i) Wurtz reaction

(ii) Wurtz-Fittig reaction

3. What is Markownikoff’s rule.

4. Sodium and compound A react with each other to form ethane. Write the
structural formula of compound A and equation of the reaction.

5. Write the structure of all possible isomers of C2H2Cl2.

6. Arrange the following in increasing order of activity during nucleophilic


CH3F, CH3Br, CH3I, CH3Cl

7. What are haloarenes ? Write their two main substitution reactions.

8. Write formula and uses of Freon.

9. What are electrophilic substitution reactions? Explain its mechanism with an

example of Aryl halide.

10. How will you convert, Chlorobenzene into

benzene, aniline, phenol, toluene.

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