PRACTICE English Connect 2

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1. Hobbies
a) What do you like to do? Why?

b) What you don’t like doing? Why?

2. Family
Vocabulary: Extended Family (10 Words)
1) 6)
2) 7)
3) 8)
4) 9)
5) 10)

3. Describing people (Describe at least 2 persons, use adjectives and comparatives)



4.Feelings and emotions

5. Past time phrases
a) What I was like when I was younger?

6. Past tense verbs (Write 10 irregular and10 regular verbs)

Example: Irregular: Go | went; Regular: Play |Played

7. Measurements for food (Choice the right option)

Liter Bread
Kilo Fish
Bag Lettuce
Loaf Meat
Bruch Apples
Head Bananas
Pound Milk

8. Places in town

a) Where is the school located?

b) Is the Bank on the Apple Lane Street?

c) Do you know where the Anna’s Foods Restaurant is?

9. Describing a place
10. Future time phrases
a) What are you going to do for this weekend?

b) What are you going to do for the next month?

11. Vacations
a) Where I’m going on vacation?

12. Holidays
a) What do you usually do for Christmas Eve?

13. Medical advice

Juan was playing soccer yesterday with some
friends. He hurt his leg. Now he can’t walk. It is
very swollen

Give to Juan a Medical advice:

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