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Week 3: Modules 7-8

CHAPTER 3: Section 3.1 – 3.8

Practice Problems: 3.24, 3.81, 3.83, 3.89, 3.91, 3.93, 3.97,
3.103, 3.105, 3.117, 3.119, 3.135, 3.137.
CHAPTER 4: Section 4.7 – 4.8
Practice Problems: 4.69, 4.71, 4.77, 4.81,

1. Stoichiometry
Reaction stoichiometry allows us to use balanced equations to determine how much of each
REAGENT is needed and how much of each PRODUCT is formed:

Haber: 3 H2(g) + N2 (g)  2 NH3(g)

3 molecules 1 molecule 2 molecules

For instance the stoichiometry of the Haber Process is 3 to 2 between Hydrogen and Ammonia
In a balanced Equation once we know one quantity all the other quantities can be determined
Mass  Moles  Molecules  Atoms

2. The Mole Concept

However, we cannot carry out reactions at the molecular scale
C2H5OH (l) + 3O2 (g) → 2 CO2(g) + 3 H2O (l)
1 molecule 3 molecules

Given MM (C2H5OH ) = 46.08 g/mol; MM (O2) = 32.00 g/mol and NA = 6.02 × 1023 molecules
mass mass mol
= ×
molecule mol molecule

To carry out this reaction at the molecular scale we would need to weigh
7.65 ×10-23 g of C2H5OH and 15.9 × 10-23 g of O2

We will use the MOLE as a measure unit

There are NA = 6.02 × 1023 molecules in a mole (Avogadro’s number)
We will need to figure out the number (#) of moles n in various systems:

mass (g)
# moles =
Molar Mass (g/mol)
Density of liquids is given in kg/L which is the same as g/mL
mass (g) = density (g/mL) × volume (mL)
density (g/mL) × volume (mL)
# moles =
Molar Mass (g/mol)

GASES: Gas Law: PV = nRT

V = Volume (units: L or dm3)
R = 8.314 J/(K·mol) = 8.314 kPa·dm3/(K·mol) = 0.0821 atm·L/(K·mol)
T = Temperature (units: Kelvin) i.e., 0C = 273.15K
P = Pressure (units: atm, Pa or Torr) i.e., 1 atm = 1.01325  105 Pa = 760 Torr

P (kPa) × Volume (L)

# moles =
R (kPa.L/mol) × T (K)

STP: Standard Temperature & Pressure is 0C (273.15K) & 1 atm (101.325 kPa)
Number of moles of solute (mol)
Csolute = Molarity (mol/L) =
Volume of solution (L)
# moles = Volume used (L) × Concentration of solute Csolute (mol/L)

Example 1:
What mass of I2 is produced if 13.1 g KI is reacted with excess KIO3 and HNO3 according
to the following balanced equation? (Ans: 12.0 g)
Given: MM(KI) = 166.0 g mol–1 and MM(I2) = 253.8 g mol–1
Rxn: 5 KI(aq) + KIO3(aq) + 6 HNO3(aq)  6 KNO3(aq) + 3 I2(aq) + 3 H2O(l)
13.1g excess excess ?? in g

Stoichiometry of the reaction: from the reaction we know that 5 moles KI will give 3 moles of I2 or we
can say that the ratio KI to I2 is 5 to 3

We can write out this ratio

# moles of KI reacted 5 moles
# moles of I2 produced 3 moles

or its inverse
# moles of I2 produced 3 moles
# moles of KI reacted 5 moles

The easy way to use the stoichiometric ratio is to use the expression that puts on top the # moles that we
1) Convert mass of KI to moles of KI – using the molar mass of KI.

2) Convert moles of KI to moles of I2 – using the stoichiometric ratio

3 moles
# moles of I2 produced = × # moles of KI reacted
5 moles

3) Convert moles of I2 to mass of I2 – using the molar mass of I2.

Example 2:
Na2CO3(aq) + 2 HCl(aq) → 2 NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)
Na2CO3 m = 2.0 g, MM = 105.99 g.mol-1 is diluted in 20 mL of water
HCl is purchased as an aqueous solution of Molarity: 1 mol.L -1

A. What volume of HCl do we need to neutralize the sodium carbonate?

1.a. number of moles of HCl needed?
Find the # of moles of Na2CO3 in 2.0 g
mass of Na2CO3
n (Na2CO3) =
MM of Na2CO3

Use the Stoichiometry to calculate the # of moles of HCl needed

n (HCl) 2
n (Na2CO3) 1

n (HCl) =
1.b. volume of HCl solution containing the number of moles needed
n (HCl) = 0.038 mol must be present in the volume V HCl added
Concentration (Molarity) of HCl added is 1 mol/L

n (HCl) = CHCl x VHCl therefore
n (HCl)
VHCl =

B. What is the concentration of NaCl obtained?

Stoichiometry :
n (NaCl) 2
n (Na2CO3) 1

n (NaCl) =
Final Concentration of NaCl in mol.L-1

But pay attention to the volume!

3. What is the volume of CO2 released in standard Temperature and Pressure conditions?

PV = nRT

Stoichiometry :

STP: Standard Temperature & Pressure is 0C (273.15K) & 1 atm (101.325 kPa)

Please complete activity 8

Example 3: PCl3 is prepared by a two-step reaction:
a. 4 HCl(aq) + MnO2(s)  MnCl2(aq) + 2 H2O(l) + Cl2(g)

b. P4(s) + 6 Cl2(g)  4 PCl3(s)

How many moles of PCl3 will be prepared from 0.2743 moles HCl and excess MnO 2 and P4? (Ans:
0.04572 moles)
1. Identify the species that you are looking for and what you know
2. Identify the intermediate that is produced in the first step to be used in the second step:

3. Convert moles of what you are looking for (PCl 3) to moles of the intermediate then that of
intermediate to that of HCl using the stoichiometric ratios of the balanced equations

From b. we are looking for moles of PCl3 to moles of Cl2

# moles of PCl3 4
# moles of Cl2 6

From a. moles of Cl2 from moles of HCl (the intermediate which connects the two reactions)
# moles of Cl2 1
# moles of HCl 4

4. Combine your stoichiometric ratios to conclude on the ratio of PCl 3 to HCl

# moles of PCl3 # moles of Cl2 4 1
× = ×
# moles of Cl2 # moles of HCl 6 4


In general, unless we are TOLD that the other reagents are in EXCESS, we must NEVER assume it.
This leads to the so–called LIMITING REAGENT (or REACTANT) problem.

Techniques for dealing with the Limiting Reagent(or Reactant) problem:

(a) Convert all reagent MASSES to MOLES
(b) To decide which of the reagents is LIMITING, simply divide the number of moles of each
reagent by its coefficient in the BALANCED equation.
(c) INSPECT the numbers so obtained; the smallest (or smaller if only two) value indicates the
The moles of products will depend ONLY on the moles of the limiting reactant all others are
Example 4: Na2S2O3 is used in developing photographs. It can be synthesized by the following
Na2CO3 + 2 Na2S + 4 SO2  3 Na2S2O3 + CO2
Calculate the maximum mass of Na2S2O3 (MM =158.1 g/mole) that can be made by reacting the following:
6.00 g of Na2CO3 (MM 106.0g/mol); 5.00g of Na2S (MM 78.0g/mol) and 4.00g of SO2 (MM 64.1 g/mol)
The first step is to recognize that we have a Limiting Reagent problem.
Next we have to decide which reagent is the Limiting Reagent.

DECISION process: mass  moles  number of times the reaction can proceed.

Na2CO3 + 2 Na2S + 4 SO2  3 Na2S2O3 + CO2

mass (g) 6.00 5.00 4.00 ?

MM (g/mol) 106.0 78.0 64.1 158.1

# moles

1 2 4 3


The Limiting Reagent is:

The reagents in Excess are:

Now finish off the problem:

(Answer: Because SO2 is the limiting reagent, only 7.40 g Na2S2O3 can be formed.)

4 types to be aware of:
1. Theoretical yield: what we PREDICT or CALCULATE we will obtain.

2. Actual yield: what we obtain by doing the EXPERIMENT.

Actual Yield
3. Percentage yield: % yield = × 100%
Theoretica l Yield

Actual Yield
4. FRACTIONAL yield =
Theoretica l Yield

Example 5: In the reaction considered above in Example 4, 0.652 g of Na2S2O3 was obtained,

what is the theoretical yield?

what is the actual yield?

What are the Percentage yield and Fractional yield?

 We want to make 1.20 g of Na2S2O3, assuming the yield obtained above, how much SO 2 should
we react with excess Na2CO3 and Na2S?

mass SO2 reacted
mass Na2S2O3 actually obtained

Example 6: What volume (in mL) of 10.0 M HCl solution is needed to prepare 2.00 g Cl 2 based on the
following reaction and assuming excess MnO2:
4 HCl(aq) + MnO2(s)  MnCl2(aq) + Cl2(g) + 2H2O(l)

(a) If the reaction is 100% efficient? [Ans: 11.3 mL]

(b) If the reaction is only 31% efficient? [Ans: 36.5 mL]


Please complete activity 8

Week 3–4: Modules 9–12

Chapter 4: 4.31, 4.35, 4.37, 4.39, 4.41, 4.43, 4.51, 4.85, 4.87,
4.89, 4.93, 4.105, 4.107, 4.109, 4.111, 4.115, 4.119, 4.123,
4.127, 4.141, 4.143, 4.151.

Chapter 5: 5.75, 5.77, 5.87, 5.119, 5.137, 5.143.


Types of Chemical Reactions (p135 in text)

1. Precipitation – mixing of two ionic substances produces a solid ionic substance (a precipitate).
e.g., compare the following two reactions:
BaCl2(aq) + K2SO4(aq)  2 KCl(aq) + BaSO4(s)
BaCl2(aq) + KNO3(aq)  no reaction

2. Acid–Base Reactions – an “acid” reacts with a “base”. Such reactions involve proton transfer.
3. Redox Reactions (Oxidation and Reduction) – reactions that involve the transfer of electrons.
(This topic will be dealt with thoroughly in CHEM*1050 when we look at electrochemistry.)


There are 3 types of solutions:
1. STRONG electrolyte solution – solute exists entirely as ions.
e.g. NaBr(aq), Sr(NO3)2(aq) , HCl(aq), KOH(aq)
soluble salts, strong acids and strong bases
2. WEAK electrolyte solution – solute is only partially ionized.
e.g., CH3COOH(aq), HF(aq), HClO(aq), HNO2(aq)
weak acids, weak bases, only weakly soluble salt
3. NON–electrolyte sol’n – has no ions at all: either the salt is insoluble and remains solid or it is
not a salt thus doesn’t form ions
e.g. C12H22O11(s)
Can you predict the electrical conductivity of each solution?

2. DILUTING SOLUTIONS (section 4.7-4.8, p156)
Types of situations:
(a) Given the dilution information (or recipe), calculate the exact concentration of molecules or ions
present in the dilute solution.
(b) Provide a precise recipe to dilute a solution of known concentration to make a more dilute solution
with a precise concentration.

Example 1: Example for case (a)

What are the molar concentrations of the strontium and nitrate ions in a solution prepared by adding
275.0 mL of pure water to 25.00 mL of 0.2346 M strontium nitrate? Ans: [Sr 2+] = 0.01955 M;
[NO3–] = 0.03910 M
Sr(NO3)2(aq)  Sr2+(aq) + 2NO3–(aq)

Stoichiometry gives: n (Sr2+) = n (Sr(NO3)2) therefore Molarity (Sr2+) = Molarity (Sr(NO3)2)

Abbreviated as M (Sr2+) = M (Sr(NO3)2) [Note we also define concentrations with the letter CXX for
“concentration” in any unit. MXX for “Molarity” is often given with the unit M which always mean

Final Solution of Sr(NO3)2

Initial Solution of Sr(NO3)2
Vf = 25.00 + 275.0 = 300.0 mL,
Add 275.0 mL of water
Vi = 25.00 mL; Mi (Sr2+) = 0.2346 M
Mf (Sr2+) = ?
n (Sr ) = Mi × Vi
n (Sr2+) = Mf × Vf

so we can write in that case: Mi (Sr2+) × Vi = Mf (Sr2+) × Vf

Mi (Sr2+) × Vi
Mf (Sr2+) = =

Example 2: Example for case (b)

Supply a fool–proof recipe for making 5.000 L of 0.01234 M NaOH solution.

You have access to a solution of NaOH in water which was made by adding 45.67 g NaOH to a 2.000 L
volumetric flask and making it up to the 2.000 L mark with water. [Ans = 108.1 mL]

Initial Solution of NaOH: Final Solution of NaOH
Take Vi (?) of initial solution
45.67 g in 2.000 L of water Mf (NaOH) = 0.01234 M ,
Mi (NaOH) Add water up to 5.000 L (Vf) Vf = 5.000 L
1) What is the molarity Mi of the initial solution

n (NaOH) m (NaOH)
Mi (NaOH) = with n (NaOH) = =
2.000 L MM (NaOH)

MM (NaOH) = MM (Na) + MM (O) + MM (H) = 22.99 + 16.00 + 1.01 = 40.00 g.mol-1

Mi (NaOH) = =
2.000 L

2) How many moles of NaOH de we need to get V f = 5.000 L of final Mf = 0.01234 M ?

nf (NaOH) = Mf (NaOH) × Vf = 0.01234 mol.L-1 × 5.000 L

3) What is the corresponding Vi of initial “concentrated” solution that contains n f (NaOH)?

nf (NaOH) = Mi (NaOH) × Vi so we can write in that case: Mi (NaOH) × Vi = Mf (NaOH) × Vf
Mf (NaOH) × Vf
Vi = =
Mi (NaOH)

Recipe: To a 5.000 L volumetric flask, add 108.1 mL mL of the concentrated NaOH solution and enough
water to bring the volume up to the mark on the volumetric flask. Seal and shake well.


Based on scientific observations, the follow rules allow us to do qualitative predictions:
 If a substance has a solubility < 0.01 mol/L, it is considered insoluble.
 If a substance has a solubility > 0.1 mol/L, it is considered soluble.
 If a substance has a solubility of 0.1 – 0.01 mol/L, it is considered sparingly soluble.

3.1. SOLUBILITY RULES (Table 4.1, p131) see midterm data sheet next page and review
polyatomic ions in the must know file or in table 2.6 of your textbook.

1. All alkali metal Group IA (i.e., Li+, Na+, K+, etc) and ammonium salts (NH4+) are SOLUBLE.
2. All nitrate (NO3–), acetate (CH3COO–), chlorate (ClO3–) and perchlorate (ClO4–), salts are
3. Most chloride (Cl –), bromide (Br –) & iodide (I –), salts are soluble
EXCEPT silver (Ag+), lead (Pb2+), or mercury (I) [Hg(I), Hg22+] halides as well as Hg(II)
bromide HgBr2 & Hg(II) iodide (HgI2).
4. Most sulfate (SO42–) salts are soluble.
EXCEPT for silver (Ag2SO4), lead (PbSO4), mercury (I) (Hg2SO4), calcium (CaSO4), strontium
(SrSO4) or barium (BaSO4) sulfates.
5. The following form insoluble salts:
Carbonates (CO32–) Phosphates (PO43–) Oxalates (C2O42–)
EXCEPT those of Group IA elements and NH4+ (Rule 1)
6. Hydroxides (OH–), Oxides (O2–) & Sulfides (S2–) are insoluble,
EXCEPT those from Group IA & NH4+ (Rule 1) and hydroxides and sulfides of Group IIA (e.g.,
Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+) which are slightly soluble.
7. Chromates (CrO42–) salts are insoluble–
EXCEPT those from Group IA & NH4+ (Rule 1), calcium or magnesium chromates.

Example 3: Use the solubility rules to predict the solubility of the following compounds:

a) AgBr b) AgClO4 c) Hg2Br2


Please complete activity 9

The ions given by two strong electrolytes in solution may combine with one another to give an insoluble
compound that will then precipitate out of solution.
For example:
If we dissolve NaBr (soluble strong electrolyte) in water we get Na + (aq) and Br-(aq)
If we dissolve AgClO4 (soluble strong electrolyte) in water we get Ag+(aq) and ClO4-(aq)
 Na+ and ClO4- form a salt that is soluble, thus they stay in solution as Na +(aq) and ClO4-(aq)
 Ag+ and Br- form an INSOLUBLE SALT and therefore AgBr(s) precipitates

Example 4: Predict whether or not a precipitate would result from the following reactions.
Give relevant net–ionic equations.
Hg2(ClO4)2 + NaBr 

Molecular Equation

Complete Ionic Equations

Net Ionic Equation

Section 4.2 p132

Molecular Equations: chemical equation in which the reactants and products are written as if they were
molecular substances, even though they may actually exist in solution as ions.
Complete Ionic Equations: chemical equation in which strong electrolytes are written as separate ions
in solution.
Net Ionic Equation: an ionic equation from which spectator ions have been cancelled

4. ACID–BASE REACTIONS (4.4, p138)


 Acid supplies H+ e.g.: Strong acid HNO3(aq) → H+(aq) + NO3-(aq)

e.g.: Weak acid HF(aq) ⇌ H+(aq) + F-(aq)
 Base supplies HO- e.g.: Strong base KOH(aq) → K+(aq) + OH-(aq)
e.g.: Weak base NH3(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq)
While this definition describes strong acids and strong bases well, it is rather limiting and puts too much
emphasis on the hydroxide ion.

4.1.2. BRØNSTED–LOWRY DEFINITION: expands the notion that all acids and bases react such as:
 The Acid is a PROTON DONOR

Using our last base example we thus see that NH 3 plays the role of a base and H2O that of an acid
e.g.: NH3(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq)

base acid

In fact, when we dissolve a strong acid in water we know that we form the “hydronium ion” H 3O+

e.g.: H2SO4(aq) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + HSO4–(aq)

acid base

Note that H2O can play both the role of an acid and that of a base it is AMPHOTERIC

a. Strong Acids and Strong bases

You must know these:
There are 6 COMMON STRONG ACIDS (Strong Electrolytes):
HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, HClO4, H2SO4 (only first acidity, i.e. HSO4- is a weak acid)
e.g.: H2SO4(aq) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + HSO4–(aq)

There are 8 COMMON STRONG BASES (Strong Electrolytes):
Alkali Metal (Group 1)Hydroxides: LiOH, NaOH, KOH, RbOH and ,CsOH,
Alkaline Earth Metal Hydroxides (Group 2): Ca(OH)2, Sr(OH)2 and Ba(OH)2
Note: Strong bases can also be formed by the reaction of alkali metal and alkaline earth oxides with
water. e.g.: Na2O(s) + H2O(l) NaOH(aq)
CaO(s) + H2O(l) Ca(OH)2(aq)
b. Weak Acids
They are weak electrolytes:
They do not fully dissociate in water. You need to be know the following common weak acids

HF(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + F–(aq)

CH3COOH(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + CH3COO–(aq)
HClO(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + ClO–(aq)
NH4+(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + NH3(aq)

Aqueous solutions of these weak acids will be only WEAKLY Acidic

c. Weak Bases
They are also giving only very few ions when dissolved in water. You need to know the following weak

NH3(aq) + H2O(l) NH4+(aq) + OH–(aq)

CH3NH2(aq) + H2O(l) CH3NH3+(aq) + OH–(aq)
C5H5N (aq) + H2O(l) C5H5NH+(aq) + OH–(aq)
CH3COO-(aq) + H2O(l) CH3COOH(aq) + OH–(aq)

Aqueous solutions of these weak bases will be only WEAKLY Basic

Note that the conjugate base of a weak acid is a weak base and that the conjugate acid of a weak base is
a weak acid. We will talk more about that later when we talk about “equilibrium”.


Please complete activity 10

The reaction of an acid and a base yields a salt and water.
Both strong acid and strong base are strong electrolytes; therefore they are totally dissociated in water.

Example 1: HCl reacts with NaOH

Molecular Equation:
HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) → H2O(l) + NaCl(aq)
Acid Base water Salt

Complete Ionic Equation:

H+(aq) + Cl–(aq) + Na+(aq) + HO–(aq) → H2O(l) + Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

Net Ionic Equation:

H+(aq) + HO–(aq) → H2O(l)

Remember: H+ does not exist in water it forms the Hydronium ion H3O+ so we can also write:
 H2O
H3O+(aq) + HO–(aq) → 2 H2O(l)

What is the pH of the final solution when we have added enough HCl (and no more) to react completely
with the sodium hydroxide?

This is what we do in a Titration we add exactly the correct amount of acid (or base) and no more to
totally react the base (or acid) that we have in solution.

Example 2: HNO3 reacts with Ba(OH)2 in water

Be careful to notice that Barium Hydroxide is a hydroxide from Group 2 metal, so it contains two
hydroxide ions! The stoichiometric ratio between HNO3 and Ba(OH)2 is 2 to 1.

Balanced Molecular Equation
2 HNO3(aq) + Ba(OH)2(aq) → Ba(NO3)2(aq) + 2 H2O(l)

Complete IonicEquation:

Net Ionic Equation:



When we “neutralize” or titrate a WEAK ACID (WA) we will always use a STRONG BASE (SB).
Similarly, we will always “neutralize” or titrate a WEAK BASE (WB) with a STRONG ACID (SA).

a. Reaction of a Weak Acid (WA) with a Strong Base (SB)

Remember that weak acids are weak electrolytes, so they do not dissociate in water

Example: Acetic Acid reacted with Sodium Hydroxide

Molecular Equation
CH3COOH(aq) + NaOH(aq) → CH3COONa(aq) + H2O(l)

Complete Ionic Equation

CH3COOH(aq) + Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) → CH3COO-(aq) + Na+(aq) + H2O(l)

Net Ionic Equation

CH3COOH(aq) + OH-(aq) → CH3COO-(aq) + H2O(l)

At the end of the reaction we have a solution of the salt Sodium Acetate in water. If you go back to page
8 of these notes and look at the list of weak bases you will see that he acetate ion is weakly basic. Thus
rather than being 7 (neutral) the pH at the end of this titration will be weakly basic. Try to remember that
when we start calculating pH values.

b. Reaction of a Weak Base (WB) with a strong Acid (SA)

Remember that weak bases are best defined by as “proton acceptors” by the Brønsted–Lowry definition
so they will react with strong acid by accepting H+

Example: Ammonia reacted with Hydrobromic Acid

Molecular Equation
NH3(aq) + HBr(aq) → NH4Br(aq)


Complete Ionic Equation

NH3(aq) + H+(aq) + Br-(aq) → NH4+(aq) + Br-(aq)

Net Ionic Equation

NH3(aq) + H+(aq) → NH4+(aq)

or if you recall the hydronium ion

NH3(aq) + H3O+(aq) → NH4+(aq) + H2O(l)

At the end of the reaction we have a solution of the salt Ammonium Bromide in water. If you go back to
page 8 of these notes and look at the list of weak acids you will see that the ammonium ion is weakly
acidic. Thus rather than being 7 (neutral) the pH at the end of this titration will be weakly acidic. Try to
remember that when we start calculating pH values.

Question: In the titration of 25 mL of 0.050 M CH3NH2(aq) with 0.050 M HCl(aq),

What is are the main species in solution after addition of 25 mL of acid?
Is the solution neutral, acidic or basic?

Molecular Equation
CH3NH2(aq) + HCl(aq) → CH3NH3Cl(aq)
Complete Ionic Equation
CH3NH2(aq) + H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) → CH3NH3+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
Net Ionic Equation
CH3NH2(aq) + H+(aq) → CH3NH3+(aq)
With the hydromium ion:
CH3NH2(aq) + H3O+(aq) → CH3NH3+(aq) + H2O(l)
0.050 M 0.050 M
25 mL 25 mL

Carbonates, sulphites & sulphides: CO32-, SO32-, S2- react with acids to form a gas.
Molecular Equation:
Na2CO3(aq) + 2 HCl(aq) → 2 NaCl(aq) + H2CO3(aq)
H2CO3(aq) → H2O(l) + CO2(g)
Na2CO3(aq) + 2 HCl(aq) → 2 NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

Complete Ionic Equation:

2 Na+(aq) + CO32-(aq) + 2 H+(aq) + 2 Cl-(aq) → 2 Na+(aq) + 2 Cl-(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

Net ionic Equation:

CO32-(aq) + 2 H+(aq) → H2O(l) + CO2(g)
or if you recall the hydronium ion
CO32-(aq) + 2 H3O+(aq) → 3 H2O(l) + CO2(g)

Question: 1.00 g of potassium sulphite is dissolved in 250 mL of water and titrated with reacted with a
1 M solution of HBr
a. Write the molecular, complete ionic and net ionic equations

b. What is the volume of HBr needed to consume all the potassium sulphite (MM(K 2SO3) = 158.26

c. What is the volume of gas released by the reaction at 25 °C and under 600 Torr?

Please complete activity 11


“A “titration” is a procedure for determining the amount of substance A by adding a carefully measured
volume with known concentration of B until the reaction of A and B is just complete. Thus it simply
means adding B (and not more) carefully until A has been completely reacted.” This just means that we
are at exact stoichiometry. Since the added reactant B is in solution, we usually add a volume of solution
(of B) of known concentration carefully until A has been reacted. The end point is usually determined by
a color change or a pH change (or both).

In a two-step process we can “titrate” an intermediate product i.e: determine the amount formed in the
first reaction using a second reaction. Ultimately, we usually want to know the number of moles
(concentration) of a reagent reacted in a first reaction to give the intermediate. This is just a use of
stoichiometry as we saw before.
Example: A 100.0 mL sample of drinking water containing chlorine (Cl 2) is treated with excess KI in
acidic solution, and the liberated iodine (I2) is titrated against 2.468 mmol L–1 Na2S2O3 solution. An
amount of 10.23 mL of Na2S2O3 was needed to react with all the I2. Calculate the concentration of
chlorine in the water, in moles per litre. [Ans: 1.262 x 10 –4 mol L–1]

Equation 1: Cl2(aq) + 2 KI(aq)  2 KCl(aq) + I2(aq)

V = 100.0 mL Excess ??
CCl2 ??
Equation 2 (titration): I2(aq) + 2 Na2S2O3(aq)  2 NaI(aq) + Na2S4O6(aq)
?? CNa2S2O3 = 2.468 mmol.L-1
V (Na2S2O3) = 10.23 mL
Stoichiometry Equation 1:

Stoichiometry Equation 2:


In a two-step process we can also “titrate” the amount of excess reagent that was added in a first reaction
(and did not react or was left over) using a second reaction. Ultimately we usually want to know the
number of moles (concentration) of the reagent reacted in the first reaction by knowing how much of our
“excess” reagent in step 1 was actually used up. We call that a Back Titration it is just a use of

A 0.1609 g sample of limestone (impure calcium carbonate) is dissolved in 50.00 mL of 0.07543 mol.L -1
hydrochloric acid. The HCl left over after the reaction is titrated against 0.02222 mol.L –1 NaOH solution,
of which 26.89 mL are needed to reach the end point. Calculate the percent of CaCO 3 in the limestone
sample. [Ans: 98.69%]

1. Write balance equations for the reactions that take place.
2. Determine the left over amount of HCl titrated in eq 2
3. Determine the total amount of HCl added in eq 1
4. Determine the amount of HCl that reacted with the limestone sample
5. Calculate the number of moles of CaCO3 present in the limestone sample.
6. Determine the mass of CaCO3 and the percent of CaCO3 in the limestone sample.

Eq 1: CaCO3(aq) + 2 HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2 (g)

m(CaCO3 ) + m (impurities) 50.00 mL
0.1609 g 0.07543 M

Eq 2 (tritration): NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2O

26.89 mL ??
0.02222 M left over in Eq 1

2) What number of moles of HCl n(HCl) was titrated in the reaction with NaOH?
Eq 2, the titration gives:

3) What number of moles of HCl n(HCl) was present in the 50 mL added to the limestone?
Eq 1 gives in the 50.00 mL of 0.07543 M HCl were …

4) What number of moles of HCl have reacted with the limestone?

what was added in Eq 1minus what was titrated (left over) in Eq 2

5) What number of moles of CaCO3 have reacted with the HCl and were present in the sample of
CaCO3(aq) + 2 HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2 (g)
n(CaCO3) ??

6) What mass and percent of CaCO3 was present in the sample of limestone?

All in one problem:
When aluminium metal is added to sulphuric acid, hydrogen gas and aluminium sulfate is produced.
What volume of hydrogen gas will evolve if we use 15.00 mL of a 0.250M solution of sulphuric acid
and add 0.0712 g of aluminium? Assume that this reaction is only 90.0% efficient and that the
experiment was performed at 1.00 atm and 25.0°C. (MMAl = 26.98 g/mole) [Ans: 82.6 mL]

1) What is the limiting reagent?

2) What is the VH2 produced?

Please complete activity 12


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