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V: Why many students have part time job?

T: Because they want to earn money from work to help their
parents or in their study
V: What is the advatages of having a part time job at a
T: U can earn money, have job experience sooner than other
V: What is the disadvantages of having a part time job at a
T: U may not attention at school, may not good for your
health, have pressure on work and study

T: Why many students have part time job?
V:I think that they want to gain confidence and responsibility
T: What is the advatages of having a part time job at a
V: Explore alternate career options, Get a stable cash flow,
Learn money management skills
T: What is the disadvantages of having a part time job at a
V: Less time for homework. Working students may not have
or make the time to complete their work.

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