Descriptive Text

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Here is the summary of descriptive text, including the definition, social function, types/kinds,
generic structure, and grammatical features, along with a brief example in English


Descriptive text is a type of text used to provide a detailed description of something, such as an object,
place, person, animal, or thing, so that readers can form a clear mental image of the subject.

**Social Function:**

The social function of descriptive text is to provide detailed information that helps readers or listeners
visualize or better understand the described subject. It can be used in various contexts, such as in
literature, travel guides, or product catalogs.


Descriptive text can encompass various types of subjects, including tourist destinations, animals, objects,
humans, food, and more. It can focus on physical or abstract subjects.

**Generic Structure:**

Descriptive text generally follows a structure that consists of:

1. Identification: Identifying the subject to be described.

2. Description: A detailed description of the subject, including its physical characteristics, qualities,
distinctive features, or aspects that make it unique.

**Grammatical Features:**

- Use of adjectives to provide richer descriptions.

- Use of complex sentences to delve deeper into the description.

- Creative and varied use of descriptive language.

**Example of Descriptive Text:**

**Subject: The Grand Canyon**

The Grand Canyon is a massive geological formation located in the northern part of Arizona, USA. It is
considered one of the most remarkable natural wonders on Earth. This immense canyon, shaped by
millions of years of erosion caused by the Colorado River, is a sight to behold. The Grand Canyon is
characterized by its layered rock formations, with vibrant colors that change throughout the day. It
stretches approximately 277 miles in length and varies in width from 4 to 18 miles, providing
breathtaking vistas at every turn. Visitors are often in awe of the sheer size and beauty of this
magnificent natural wonder.

I hope this summary helps you understand descriptive text better.

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