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ADVERBIAL CLAUSES As soon as it stops raining, we will leave.

 Once (segera setelah)

is a subordinate clause which does the work of an Once he gets angry, his employees will look down.
adverb. It may, therefore, modify some verb, adjective,
or adverb in the main clause.  As long as (sepanjang/selama)
I will never speak to him again as long as I live.
1. Paired Conjunctions
 Both – and (baik ini maupun itu) Plural  Whenever/Every time (tiap kali)
The doctor always come whenever he is sent for.
My mother is here. My sister is here. Every time I kick him, I feel satisfied.
Both my mother and my sister are here.
3. Adverbial Clauses of CAUSE – EFFECT
 Not only – but also (tidak hanya, tapi)  Because (karena)

My lover is here. My parents are here. He went to bed because he got drowsy.
Not only my lover but also my parents are here.
 Since (=because) (karena)
 Either – or (baik ini maupun itu) Singular
Since he’s not interested in classical music, he
John has your book. Marry has your book. decided not to go to the concert.
Either John or Marry has my book.
 Now that (=because now) for present/future
 Neither – nor (tidak ini, dan tidak itu)
Now that Peggy has a car, she can drive to school.
He doesn’t like coffee. He doesn’t like tea.
He likes neither coffee nor tea.  Inasmuch as (=because) for formal using

2. Adverbial Clauses of TIME Inasmuch as the two government leaders could

 After (setelah) not reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace
are still remote.
After she graduates, she will get a job.
 As (=because) (karena)
 Before (sebelum)
As he was not there, I spoke to his brother.
I had left before he came home.
 Due to (=because of)
 When/Upon (ketika)
Due to the cold weather, we stayed home.
When I arrived, he was talking on the phone.
Upon my arrival, he was walking on the phone.  Therefore/Consequently (as a result)
(sebagai akibatnya)
 While (pada saat)
Al didn’t study. Therefore, he failed the test.
While I was studying hard at home, my lover was Ellen got angry. Consequently, she didn’t want to
doing an affair. go to the mall.

 As (begitu)  Such – Adjective – Noun – That

As she was walking home, it began to rain. (=to emphasize the great degree of something)
(begitu …. sehingga)
 By the time (pada saat)
By the time she comes, we will already have It was such nice weather that we went to the
arrived to the airport. zoo.

 Since (sejak)  So – Adjective/Adverb – That

I haven’t seen him since he left this morning. (=to express result)(begitu … sehingga)

 Until (sampai saat) I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse.

We stayed there until we finished our work. He walked so quickly that I couldn’t keep
up with him.
 As soon as (segera setelah) 1
 So that/In order to (= to express purpose) 5. Adverbial Clauses of CONDITION
(supaya)  If (jika)
If it rains, the streets get wet.
I turned off the TV in order to enable my
roommate to study in peace and quiet.  Even if (bahkan kalau)
(=to express the idea that neither this condition
I turned off the TV so that my roommate could nor that condition matters)
study in peace and quiet. I have decided to go swimming tomorrow. Even if
the weather is cold, I’m going to go swimming.
I’ll take my umbrella so that I won’t/don’t get
wet.  Unless (jika tidak)
(= if ….. not)
Yesterday I took my parasol so that I wouldn’t I will go to the zoo unless it’s cold.
get wet. (= I will go to the zoo if it is not cold)
 Only if (hanya jika)
4. Adverbial Clauses of RESULT (= to express the idea that there is ONLY ONE
 Even though/Although/Though condition that will cause a particular result)
Despite/ In spite of You will pass the test only if you study hard.
(to express unexpected result) Only if you study hard, will you pass the test.
 Otherwise (kalau tidak)
Tim’s in good shape physically, even though he (= to express the idea ‘if the opposite is true,
doesn’t get much exercise. then there will be a certain result)

Although I forbade this you have done it. You’d better hurry. Otherwise, you’ll be late.

Though it was cold, I went swimming. 6. Adverbial Clauses of Giving Example

 For example/For instance/Such as
He wasn’t tired. Nevertheless, he went to bed. (contohnya)

She wasn’t hungry. Nonetheless, she ate two There are many interesting places to visit in the
dishes of ice cream anyway. city, for example/for instance, the botanical
garden or the art museum.
He lied to me. However, I still trust him.
Some countries, such as Brazil and Canada, are big.
In spite of her low grades, she was admitted to the
university. 7. Adverbial Clauses of Continuity the same idea
 Moreover/Furthermore/Besides
Despite the noisiness, I like living in the dorm. (= means also) (terlebih lagi)

 Whereas/While The city provides many cultural opportunities. It

But/Yet has an excellent art museum.
On the other hand Moreover/Furthermore, it has a fine symphony
(=used to show direct opposition) orchestra.
The city provides many cultural opportunities.
Marry is rich, whereas John is poor. Besides an excellent art museum, it has a fine
symphony orchestra.
While Fred is a good student, his brother is
Combine by using paired conjunctions
Florida has a warm climate, but Alaska has a
cold climate. 1. He doesn’t have a pen. He doesn’t have paper.
2. Ron enjoys horseback riding. Bob enjoys
I am poor. Yet, I am honest.
horseback riding.
3. You can have tea, or you can have coffee.
Sue and Ron are expecting a child. Sue is
hoping for a boy. Ron, on the other hand, is 4. Arthur is not in class today. Ricardo is not in class
hoping for a girl. today. 2
5. The president’s assistant will not confirm the endangered species than we did even five years
story. The president’s assistant will not deny the ago. (due to)
story. 20. I didn’t have my umbrella, so I got wet.
6. We can fix dinner for them there, or we can take (consequently)
them to a restaurant.
7. Coal is an irreplaceable natural resource. Oil is an EXERCISE TO DO
irreplaceable natural recourse. Combine by using RESULT
8. Small pox is a dangerous disease. Malaria is a
1. Even though Jack wasn’t feeling good, he went
dangerous disease.
to class. (however)
9. Her roommates don’t know where she is. Her 2. He is happy even though he has a vast fortune.
brother doesn’t know where she is. (in spite of)
10. According to the news report, it will snow 3. Sally was very sad, but she smiled and pretended
tonight, or it will rain tonight. to be having a good time. (nevertheless)
4. In the United States, gambling casinos are not
EXERCISE TO DO legal in most states, while in my country it is
Combine by using CAUSE – EFFECT possible to gamble in any city or town. (on the
other hand)
1. You just had your sixteenth birthday. Now you 5. George didn’t panic even though he was alone
can get a driver’s license. (now that) and lost in the woods. (nevertheless)
2. Monday is Bob’s birthday. Let’s give him a party. 6. They wanted to climb the mountain even though
(inasmuch as) it was dangerous. (despite)
3. My parents are generous. All of the children in 7. Elizabeth is not a citizen of the United States, but
our family have received the best of everything. she has to pay income taxes anyway.
(due to) (nonetheless)
4. I couldn’t understand her. She talked too fast. 8. Old people in my country usually live with their
(so – that) children. The old in United States often live by
5. The audience booed the actors. It was a bad themselves. (whereas)
performance. (such – that) 9. The weather was extremely hot. They went
6. Bob used to live in the dorm, but a couple of jogging in the park. (in spite of)
weeks ago he moved into an apartment. Now he 10. Even though the work was hard, they enjoyed
can cook his own food. (now that) themselves. (yet)
7. Monday is a national holiday. All government
offices will be closed. (since) EXERCISE TO DO
8. We have to wear warm clothes. It’s winter now. Combine by using CONDITION
(now that)
9. I am going to leave the party early. I want to be 1. Sam’s uncle tells a lot of jokes. Sometimes
able to get a good night’s sleep tonight. (so that) they’re funny, and sometimes they’re not. But
10. The car was expensive. We couldn’t afford to buy Sam always laughs at the jokes. (even if)
it. (such – that) 2. If I don’t get some film, I won’t be able to take
11. I’ve met too many people in the last few days. I pictures when Ann and Rob get here. (unless)
can’t possibly remember all of their names. (so – 3. John must get a scholarship in order to go to
that) school. That is the only condition under which he
12. Bill’s wife is ill. Bill has to do all of the cooking can go to school. (only if)
and cleaning all alone. (because of) 4. Your approval doesn’t matter to me. I’m going to
13. Whew! I’ve finally finished painting the house. marry her. (even if)
Now I can go fishing. (now that) 5. Mary can go to school only if she gets a
14. The guys I live with don’t know any Arabic. I have scholarship. (otherwise)
to speak English with them. (inasmuch as)
15. I unplugged the phone. I didn’t want to be EXERCISE TO DO
interrupted while I was working. (so that) Combine by using CONTINUITY of the same idea
16. I can get a job as a bilingual secretary. I know
English now. (now that) 1. I like to read that newspaper. One reason is that
17. The children stayed home. A storm was the news is always reported accurately. It has
approaching. (therefore) interesting special features. (furthermore)
18. When it started to rain, Harry opened his 2. There are many ways you can work on improving
umbrella. He wanted to be sure he didn’t get your English outside of class. For example, you
wet. (so that) should speak English as much as possible, even
19. Dr. Robinson has done excellent research on when you are speaking with friends who speak
wolves. We know much more today about the your native language. You should read as many 3
magazines in English as you have time for. 24. I didn’t put on the lamp. I used to torchlight
Watching television can be helpful. (besides) instead. I didn’t want to disturb anyone.
25. The current was quite strong. He managed to
ANOTHER EXERCISE I bring the child to the bank. He saved the child
Combine by using appropriate pattern!
from drowning.
1. The teacher has explained the lesson several 26. We could not come in time. We started early.
times. The pupils still do not understand it. There was a traffic jam on the highway.
2. The food is expensive. It is not delicious at all. 27. Our school team tried its best. We did not win
3. The inside of the cave is dark. It smells of bats the match. The opposite team was too strong.
too. 28. That old man is blind. He is lame. He can move
4. They searched everywhere for it. They could not very fast with his wooden leg.
find it. 29. I was tired. I couldn’t sleep. The night was warm.
5. Jim switched on the fan. He was feeling very hot. Mosquitoes were buzzing round me.
6. The river was flooded. It had been raining 30. The bell had rung for school to begin. Simon has
continuously for several days. not come yet. He woke up late. He slept late the
7. He ran after the bus. He caught it just as it was night before.
about to move off.
8. Marianne worked hard for the test. She got
through with flying colors. ANOTHER EXERCISE II
9. His sickness is very serious. The doctors have not Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunctions!
given up hope.
1. You can _________ write in English ________
10. We could not enter by the front. The gates were
Malay _______ both are accepted.
locked already.
2. Jimmy missed the bus ________ he had to walk
11. He is the richest man in the country. He is not a
________ luckily someone gave him a lift.
contented man.
3. The boys are afraid to go near the house
12. “Look through the binoculars. You will see the
___________ of the dog _________ they have to
bird up on the tree.”
go up to deliver a message.
13. The machine would not work. Some of the
4. He can speak ________ cannot write English
screws have come off.
________ he studied Chinese at school ______
14. I knocked at the door several times. No one
learned English only when he started working.
answered me.
5. You must hold the rope tight _________ I can cut
15. The rooms given to us were large. They were airy
through it easily.
6. I couldn’t afford to buy it _________ I liked it very
16. His grandfather is sixty years old. He has white
hair all over his head. He is still very healthy.
7. _________ we had set up the net already, we
17. She would not agree to do it. We persuaded her.
couldn’t play badminton _______ it was too
We even begged her.
18. She is an intelligent girl. She failed in the
8. Aileen couldn’t come with us _______ she had a
examination. She is lazy.
bad cold, _________ we came without her.
19. I was hot. I was tired. I had been walking under
9. You should put your shoes out in the sun ______
the sun for two kilometers.
they will dry faster ________ you need them
20. Ronnie fell down from his bicycle. He hurt
himself. He didn’t cry.
10. _______ it rained when we were coming home,
21. Bobby is in the army. Peter is in the navy. Adam is
James did not get wet _________ he had a
only a clerk.
raincoat _________ I didn’t ________ I got wet
22. They postponed the badminton match. It looked
all through.
like raining. The wind was too strong to play in.
11. I left the light on ________ he can find his way up
23. She was very drowsy. She finished the work. She
the stairs ________ he usually comes home very
had promised her brother to finish it for him.
late. 4
12. Mr. Steven had to pay a fine _______ stay in jail 4. There’s very little that he can do about this
for a month ______ breaking a traffic rule. ________ it’s not his responsibility.
13. _______ Sally ________ Joyce is coming to the 5. I’ve known her for a long time. ________, I don’t
meeting ________ because both of them are know much about her.
kept in at school. 6. She’s extremely generous _________ her
husband is the exact opposite.
14. He wanted to join us _________ his father would
7. The suspect is ill in the hospital. _________, we
not allow him.
can’t interview him at the time being.
15. ________ of you are to blame _______ both of 8. I like working here _________ the people are
you didn’t understand the situation. very friendly.
9. __________ I could do the work tonight, or I
could wake up early to do it.
10. He looks __________ he were sick.


1. The space program has been expensive.
1. Paula often throws a meaningful smile to any ________ it has advanced science and created
boy that asks her out for a date; ________ always
2. Smoking in indoor public places is becoming
turns it down at last. extremely rare in the US. This is largely
2. Indonesia has already faced a lot of problems – ___________ widespread public awareness of
economical, political and social - __________ the the health hazard caused by the smoking itself as
conflicts among the politicians. well by “second hand smoke” – smoke inhaled
by someone who doesn’t smoke.
3. Mark always has his office computers repaired
3. __________ they were not that well-known, the
here _________ the excellent quality of service Incas built an incredible system of roads and an
given. amazing bridge.
4. Flying planes is so dangerous and _________, 4. The accomplishments of the Incas in building
requires very experienced-pilot. were very impressive; _________ they could
have done more with their technology.
5. I could have taken Jane’s bags to her car,
5. My parents were very strict with me, _________
________ I didn’t help her to take them. they believed children needed a lot of discipline,
6. Vivian was disappointed _________ not being
able to cease her literature test on time. NEVERTHELESS – THEREFORE – IF – HOWEVER
7. The kids didn’t study. _________, they failed on – MOREOVER
the course.
 It has recently come to my attention that some
8. You must buy the tickets, _________, we won’t
students have not been attending classes
be able to see that play. regularly. This is a very serious situation. You
9. We live in the same building, _________, we can’t get good grades _________ you don’t
hardly see each other. attend classes. __________ you can’t qualify for
10. That house isn’t big enough for us, and a good job. It’s true that many employers don’t
look at grades. __________, employers do want
_________, it’s too expensive.
employees who are well-educated, responsible,
and have a positive attitude. I’ve heard several
THEREFORE – HOWEVER – SO THAT – BECAUSE students say that classes are boring. _________,
– SO – WHEREAS – EITHER – SINCE – NOT ONLY ________ you have a positive attitude toward
– AS THOUGH the material, you will see that it can be
interesting. A good education is the most
1. I went to bed early __________ I would be able valuable of all possessions. __________, I urge all
to get up early. of you to attend classes regularly.
2. It’s an excellent course _________ I’m very lucky
to get a place in it. FOR – IF – FURTHERMORE – BECAUSE – DURING
3. I don’t really want to go to the cinema ________ – MOREOVER – HOWEVER
because I can’t afford it, 5
 The time has come to extend the school year to ________, wrap the cloth around the arm or leg
12 months. _________ students attend school all and tie a half knot. ________, place a stick on top
year, they won’t have the usual 3 months of of the knot and tie a square knot. _________
summer vacation to forget what they have
you’ve done that, twist the stick. __________ the
learned ________ the previous nine months.
_________, there will be less risk of students bleeding stops tie the stick in place. _________
getting into trouble _________ they have too you’ve secured the tourniquet, go to the hospital
much unstructured-time. ______________, a immediately.
twelve-month school year will allow us to make
full-use of our school public facilities. We,
taxpayers, shouldn’t have to pay for the un-kept
buildings that go un-used _________ three
months every year. Students may not like the RESULT
idea of going to classes all year round.
__________, teachers and taxpayers will agree 1. _____________ their own economies stumble,
that it makes more sense than the traditional Malaysia and other countries, that once
academic year. welcomed foreign workers, now tell them to go
2. Justice Syaifuddin was shot dead on the morning
of July 26 by four men riding on two
motorcycles, ___________ he has driving
1. Mark has finally given up his ambition to be a
through Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on his way
sculpture or _________ the realization of his
to work.
talent limitation.
3. Most students from well-off families had
2. English is so easy, _________ French is so
submitted back up application to private
universities, which obviously charge the students
3. ___________ the movie was welcomed with the
much more in fees, ___________ they failed the
extra ordinary number of moviegoers flooding
state entrance examination.
the cinema it would be on cinemas for another
4. In rural China, women are abducted and sold.
This is a practice that will escalate __________
4. __________ her low grades, she was admitted to
the skewed to female ratio, resulting in a dire
the Chicago University.
shortage of available brides. According to
5. I don’t like geometry too much. I’m going to
sociologist, Korea will experience a similar
enroll in a School of Architecture _________.
predicament in the not too distant future,
6. Nobody has noticed Sandra’s talent in music.
__________ on a smaller scale.
_________, she keeps on practicing playing
5. Free copies about the results of State
Universities’ entrance examination were
7. _________ both of them had been engaged for
provided at every State University campus,
almost 4 years and they had already had a stable
__________ in Surabaya, some were being sold
career they decided to get married next month.
at between Rp 2,000 and Rp 5,000 per copy.
8. Shirley was so disappointed ___________ not
6. __________ John F. Kennedy, Jr was American
being able to accomplish her final exam on time.
royalty; he had an effortless common touch-
9. __________ the reality that he’s only an adopted
helping the helpless, working with
child, Harry still loves his foster parents and does
disadvantaged-children and having a kind word
not want to live with his real parents.
for everyone he encountered along his way.
10. Mr. Walberg has blamed himself for not
7. Some Asian nations now have quota policies to
educating his son much better. __________, he
ensure women’s voice in government.
actually feels that it can’t be him who has made
___________, women hold 21% of China’s
his son a bank robber.
parliamentary seats. Taiwan women hold 10% of
elected local government seats.
8. The lives of JFK’s children were something of a
BECAUSE – FIRST – THEN – NEXT – ONCE – paradox-lived in plain sight, largely on the streets
WHEN – AFTER – IN CASE – BY THEN – BEFORE of Manhattan, ___________ shielded from the
public, press, and even the Kennedy clan itself.
 _________ of a serious cut, always apply a 9. The role and status of women in Asia are often
tourniquet _________ you do anything else. traced to the hierarchy for respect and
Don’t wait for an ambulance _________ obedience put forth by conflicts. It’s currently
_________ the injured-person might have already thought, __________, that such teaching should
“be considered politically incorrect in modern
lost too much blood. To apply a tourniquet,
________, place wide cloth close to the wound. 6
BECAUSE – IN ORDER TO – SO-THAT – 4. Residents of Munjul Village in Cipayung sub-
HOWEVER – DESPITE – BECAUSE – AS SOON AS district, East Jakarta, are still consuming polluted
– THOUGH – SO-THAT – IF water from their wells ____________ the source
of pollution had been removed from their area
1. The teacher suspected him cheating __________
seven months ago.
he noticed the pupil’s furtive glances at his
classmate’s paper. 5. The wells belong to 70 families in the
2. _________ you listen carefully, you can hear this neighborhood were all-polluted. ___________,
simple motif throughout the entire score. many residents had abandoned consuming water
3. Many educators argue that a homogenous from their own wells.
grouping of students would improve instruction
6. The residents suspected that the waste had
___________ it would limit the range of student
abilities in the classroom. polluted the water ___________ they operated
4. ___________ he was a misanthrope, he shunned here, the water was fine.
human society. 7. The residents’ complained resulted in the
5. Hroswitha, the nun, ___________ hidden among decision of local authorities to evict UD Kurnia
the cloisters and obscured by time is now
from the area in October last year. _________,
considered an important literary figure of the
medieval period. the water still tastes bitter.
6. __________ the mixture’s volatile, we found that 8. Tests conducted by Labiomed, a laboratory
by lowering its temperature in the laboratory we owned by the Indonesian Army, also show that
could dramatically reduce its tendency to the water in the area failed to meet the clean
water requirements __________ it had a high
7. His olfactory sense was __________ highly
developed _________ he was often called in to percentage of metal and gas.
judge perfume. 9. The water contained 5 ppm of iron and 3 ppm of
8. She has sufficient tact to handle the ordinary nitrate, ___________ the highest acceptable
crises of diplomatic life; __________, even her levels are 0.3 ppm of iron and 1 ppm of nitrate.
diplomacy is insufficient to enable her to weather
10. ___________ the continuing problem, residents
the current emergency.
9. You should delete this paragraph ________ make have opted not to take the case to court as local
your essay more succinct. authorities have responded to their demand.
10. The plot of this story is ________ trite ______ I 11. Djafar’s lawyers told the South Jakarta District
can predict the outcome. Court that their client would continue with the
lawsuit against the National Police _________
failed negotiations.

1. I did not buy the ball ___________ I did not have

1. Tens of thousands of workers on Batam Island
enough money.
may eventually lose their jobs _________
2. He wanted to buy some salt ___________ the
continuing low demand for products from the
shop was closed.
island. 3. I like chocolates ___________ cakes.
2. “___________ the national economy improves, 4. He walked to the door ___________ opened it.
dozens of foreign investors will leave the island 5. They went fishing ____________ did not catch
by May 2012,” Mark said. anything.
3. The North Jakarta Police are seeking five men 6. You must not go near the fire __________ you
__________ their allege roles in the Kidnapping will be burnt.
of Billy Dharmawan, brother of the owner of PT. 7. My brother is ill __________ he cannot go to
Matahari Putra Prima. On Thursday Billy was school.
8. He scalded his hand badly __________ he went
released ___________ it still remains unclear
to see the doctor.
whether the kidnappers were paid any money.
9. She opened the cupboard __________ took out a
____________ the police are still continuing to
probe the case __________ the family has not 10. We couldn’t hear what he was saying _________
yet paid any ransom. he was speaking very softly. 7
11. Michael did not study for his test __________ he
failed it.
12. I searched everywhere for the key _________
could not find it.
13. Do you want the red dress __________ the blue
14. You must hurry ___________ you will miss the
15. You must keep quiet _________ you will have to
leave the room.

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam 8

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