Res 2023 254 Contingency Plan Hyromet With EREID

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ate, CU lon) ie ) Office of the Sanggunlang Bayan WENOLUTION ADOPTING/ APPROVING MDRKME RESOLUTION HO, 6 Sem OF 2024, ENTHTLED A TEROLUTION APPROVING THE CONTINGENCY AND HESPONSE PLAN CY 2029-2025 FOR HYDMOMETRONOLOGICAL HAZARDS: (renoon, STORM SURGE, FLOODING) WITH EMERGING AND. fu MERGING DISEASES (FEID) OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAN JOBE, CAMANIINES BUR WHEREAS, (hin Sangguniang Navan received MDMIME Mesolution Nis 5 series of 2023, ‘enti A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONTINGENCY AND RESPONSE PLAN CF 2021-2025 FOR HYDROMETFOROLOGICAL HAZARDS (TYPHOON, STORM SURGE, FLOODING) WITT EMERGING AND RESIMERGING DISEASES (EREID) OF THE NNUINICIPALTTY OF SAN JOSE, CAMARINES. SUR" WHEREAS, the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (MDRRMC), With the local officals, sector representatives, and other stakeholders, has Formulated a contingeney plan consistent with prevention and mitigation, reparediness, response, rehabilitation, ancl early recovery, which encompasees ‘rua! pects stich as ealy warning systems, evacuation procedtutes, search and rescue operations, medical servieos, communication protocols, logistics, and coordination mechanisms among the various agencies involved; WHEREAS, this Sangguniang Bayan recognizes the importance of a contingency plan to ‘onable this loca unit to prepare ancl respond timely, effectively, and appropriately luring and after a calamity; WHEREAS, in order to achieve the foregoing purpose, this august body deems it ‘appropriate to approve andl adopt MDC Resolution No. 4, hence this resolution, NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED, as itis hereby resolved by the 15" Sangguniang Bayan of San Jose, Camarines Sur, to adopt/approve MORRMC Resolution No. 5 series of 2023, cenit "A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONTINGENCY AND RESPONSE PLAN CY 2023-2025 FOR HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL HAZARDS (TYPHOON, STORM ‘SURGE, FLOODING) WITH EMERGING AND RE-IMERGING DISEASES (EREID) OF ‘THE MUNICIPALITY OF SAN JOSE, CAMARINES SUR" RESOLVED, FURTHER, that copies of this resolution be furnished to all concemed offices for their information, guidance and appropriate action, APPROVED: December 21, 2023. the Dhuynes Dred BY. Office of the Sangguniang Bayan Page 2 of SB Resolution No.2023-254 CERTIFIED CORRECT: - PACAMARRA, to the Sanggunian ATTESTED: viR¢ |. PANUELOS: Mun. Vice Maygt? Presiding Officer MARSAN B. DURANTE IUELP. CHAVEZ VINCENT BRUCE LY ‘SB Member ‘SB Member ber AUDIE P. CONCINA FARIO™ SB Member SB Member DOMINGO A. TAM, JR. MARC! CHAVEZ, IR. ‘SB Member spfitémber CHARM N{SA C, VALENCIA ‘SK Representative ‘APPROVED:

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