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Mehedi Hassan

ID: 2019000400072


Submission Date:

FEBRUARY 9, 2023
Certificate of Approval

The Industrial Training Report with SWOT analysis submitted by MEHEDI

HASSAN ID: 2019000400072 has been accepted as satisfactory in partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in in the Department of Textile

Southeast University.

SOUTHEAST University Dhaka, Bangladesh on February 9, 2023.


Dr. ANM Ahmed Ullah Supervisor

Associate Professor

Department of Textile Southeast University

…………. Examiner
Department of Textile Southeast University
…………… Examiner

Department of Apparel Manufacturing and Technology

Southeast University Dhaka Bangladesh

Letter of Transmittal

Date: 09.02.2023

Dr. ANM Ahmed Ullah

Associate Professor

Department of Textile Southeast University

Subject: Submission of Industrial Training Report

Dear Sir,

I, Mehedi Hassan (ID:2019000400072) the student of Textile Department with great

attribution, I would like to state I have successfully completed my internship at BEXIMCO
INDUSTRIAL PARK and completed my industrial training report.

I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough for accepting and evaluating my industrial
training report and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours
ID: 2019000400072
Batch: 40
Section: GMT

Department of Textile Southeast University

Student’s Declaration

It is hereby declared that the Industrial Training report with SWOT analysis is a work
done under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. ANM Ahmed Ullah Department of
Textile Southeast University. I also declare that this report is an original work and no part
of this report has been copied from elsewhere. Furthermore, this report has not been
published or submitted for being awarded any degree, diploma, or recognition earlier.


ID: 2019000400072
First of all, I am grateful to Allah who gives us sound mind & sound health to accomplish
Industrial Attachment at BEXIMCO Industrial Park successfully.

I would like to thank our honorable course teacher & supervisor Dr. ANM Ahmed Ullah
Associate Professor, at Department of Textile Southeast University of Textile for her
guidance, help and encouragement throughout the progress of the internship report. I am
very grateful for her kind advice and instructions.

I would like to thank the management of BEXIMCO Industrial Park for giving me the
opportunity to perform the internship successfully and also their valuable suggestions.

My heartfelt thanks to Khalid Shahrior, General Manager, Human Resources &


I would like to take the opportunity to thank Mr.Shakil Dilwar Khan, GM Merchandising,
Head Office, BEXIMCO Industrial Park, for being my on-site supervisor & providing
me time to time information, suggestion as well as procedures to work with my topic.

I also want to thank my Reporting boss - Md Julhas Senior manager department of

merchandizing, Head Office, BEXIMCO Industrial Park, for being so cooperative in my

I want to thank u my team member md Masud rana -Executive Md Monsur ahmed asst
merchandiser, Easin Mohammad Yousuf, and Md aman ullah executive merchandiser.
Executive, Department of Merchandiser, Head Office, BEXIMCO Industrial Park, for
helping me to get accustomed with all the activities and also for creating a friendly
environment & assist me with the information of my project.

Finally, we will show our gratitude to all the Management & Non-Management Staffs
who have helped me during the internship period and the entire persons who somehow
have impact on me in completing my whole report.

Executive Summary

BEXIMCO is one of the largest groups in Bangladesh and highest GDP contributor.
Here, this is a great chance for me to do our internship in one of its concern organization
BEXIMCO Textile Division.

Since independence Bangladesh has come a long way, and the BEXIMCO Group of
Companies is honored to have had a role in the development of its parent nation. The
Group has worked with a simple philosophy; identify an important need and then do
everything possible to successfully satiate that need, in a manner, which best facilitates
the well-being of the nation. As a result, BEXIMCO has focused on those industries,
which give Bangladesh a competitive advantage in the global market place in many cases
creating the industries for the first time in the region. Presently BEXIMCO Group
comprises twenty-one companies of which five are listed with the Dhaka Stock Exchange
employing over 35,000 personnel and is the largest private sector industrial conglomerate
in the nation. In the course of its growth, it has created industrial and management
capabilities that will serve the country for generations to come. It was the first local
conglomerate to embrace an international corporate structure which is the foundation of
its success. BEXIMCO’s industrial businesses include Jute, Textiles, Basic Chemicals,
Pharmaceuticals and Ceramics.

BEXTEX Ltd. (the “Company”) was incorporated in Bangladesh as a Public Limited

Company with limited liability on 8 March 1994 and commenced commercial operation
in 1995 and also went into the public issue of shares and debentures in the same year. The
shares of the Company are listed in the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges of

Bangladesh. BEXTEX Ltd. is the most modern composite mill in the region. BEXTEX
Ltd. has an installed capacity of 288 high-speed air- jet looms in its weaving section and a
high-tech dyeing and finishing section with a capacity of 100,000 yards of finished fabric
per day. This company is located at the BEXIMCO Industrial Park. BEXTEX Ltd. has a
state-of-the-art composite knit fabric production mill, which serves the growing needs of
high-quality knit garments exporters in Bangladesh. The project was set up as a state-
ofthe-art knit fabric knitting, dyeing and finishing facility. During the year the Company
produced and sold high quality of knit fabrics and bringing forth all the latest in hard
and soft technologies in knitting, dyeing and finishing of knit fabric. BEXTEX Ltd. also
has cotton and polyester blended yarn-spinning mill, with 122,000 spindles is one of the
largest spinning mills of the country. The mill was set up to feed the country’s export-
oriented industries.

As a large textile industry BEXIMCO has large numbers of employees but the
productivity is getting slow day by day. So, it is a matter of concern that why this huge
industry is doing stagnant profit. In the whole procedure of exporting garments to the
retailer of abroad and to communicate with them, merchandisers have a great influence
and responsibilities. When, the order is taken from buyer the duty comes to the floor of
merchandisers and before going production they do almost everything to make the
business smooth. So, the work starts with the order taking and making business
relationship. Then sample making, planning, booking of every single material for
samples and getting approval are all the key responsibilities of merchandisers. In case of
production, sample goes in bulk so, the responsibilities become huge and it comes to the
relation with operation also.

I am selected for the buyer “CK” “WALMART” “ and this team is really supporting from
any side me wanted their help. “CK” is totally new styles and different designs which
push merchandisers to face huge stress and deal with lots of challenges. Here,

these all procedures are tried to be written as the team tried their best

to help in preparing this report.

Table of Contents

Sl. Contents Page No.

Certificate of Supervisor/ Approval i

Letter of Transmittal ii

Student’s Declaration iii

Acknowledgements iv

Executive Summary v + vi

Table of Contents vii + viii

List of Tables ix

List of Figures x

Acronyms xi + xii

Introduction 1-2

Chapt er One : Overview of The Organization 3-14

1.1 Overview of the Industry 4

1.2 Historical Background 5-6

1.3 Factory Location 7

1.4 Company at a Glance 8-9

1.5 Layout 10

1.6 Management structure 11-12

1.7 Major Buyers 13

1.8 Mission + Vision 14

Chapt er Two: Internship Description 15-55

2.1 Internship Overview 16-17

2.2 Tasks 18-54

2.3 Responsibilities 55

Chapt er Three: SWOT Analysis 56-59

3.1 SWOT analysis and problems identified of the industry 57-69

Chapter Four: Best Practices 60-68

4.1 Best Practices in Management 61-62

4.2 Best Practices in production 62-64

4.3 Best Practices in Development 65

4.4 Best Practices in Marketing 65-67

4.5 Application of the best practices to the analysis of the industry 68

Chapt er Five: Recommendations and outline of steps toward resol 69-72

ution of the identified problems

5.1 Problem & Recommendation 70-72

Chapt er Six: Short and long-range effects of the contribution 73-74

to the industry organization

6.1 Short Range Effect 74

6.2 Long Range Effect 74

Chapter Seven: Impact of Internship 75-81

Chapter Eight: CONCLUSION 82-83

References 84

Appendix 84
List of Table

SL. Table Name Page

1 List of Trims 20-23

2 List of Accessories 24-27

3 Machine used in Sewing Section 28-30

List of Figure

Figure Page

Figure:1 (BEXIMCO Head Office) 4

Figure:2 (Google Map Location) 7

Figure:3 [ Layout of Central Sample.( Ground Floor) ] 10

Figure:4 [ Layout of Central Sample.( Mezzanine Floor) ] 10

Figure:5 ( Major Buyers ) 13

Figure: 6 ( Cotton ) 16

Figure:7 ( Yarn ) 17

Figure:8+9+10 ( Trims and Accessories ) 18-19

Figure:11+12+13+14+15+16 ( Some Garments Styles in Beximco ) 40-41

Figure: 17+18+19+20 ( Machine used for fabric finishing ) 52

Figure: 21+22+23+24 (Ironing+ Cartoning + Packing + Spot Removing) 54

Figure: 25 (Actors of Micro Environment) 66

Figure: 26 (Major Force in the Company’s Macro Environment) 67


RMG = Ready made Garment

Southeast = Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers & Exporters association

BKMEA = Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters association

BEPZA = Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority

Tech Pack = Technical Package

AOP =All Over Print

ISO = International Organization for standardization

AQL = Acceptable Quality Level

PI- Proforma Invoice

PO = Purchase Order

SPI = Stitch per Ich

BL = Bill OF Lading

LC = Letter Of Credit

AWB = Air Way Bill

CBM = Cubic Meter

FOB = Free ON

Board FOA = Free On

Air CFR = Cost &


SMS = Sales Man Sample

CVC = Chief Value of Cotton

COD = Cash On Delivery

C& F = Clearing &

Forwarding CBL = Center

Back Line

CFL = Center Front Line

CF = Cost Of Manufacturing

ETP = Effluent Treatment Plan

BOM = Bill Of Material

NSA = NO Seam Allowance

COC = Certification Of Conformity

CAD = Computer Aided Design

CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing

R&D = Research And Development

GSP = Generalized System Of

Preferences PP = Pre Production

CVC = Chief Value Of Cotton

EPI = Ends Per Inch

PPI = Picks Per Inch

WPI = Wales per Inch


The word textiles originally mean a cloth, but now textiles & plural textiles are also used
for thread, filament & yarn. The most popular items of natural & manufactured fiber are
called textiles for which they are a commodity.

For example, this definition includes products made of fiber in the following categories:
threads, cords, clothes & braids, fabrics made of textiles, knitted & not woven, laces, nets
& sticks, household textiles, soft furnishing & garments, tapestries & other floor coverings,
industrial textiles & technical and engineers, including geo-textile elements & medical

A highly globalized market in the readymade clothing industry. Since it is legal engineering
and operates intensively, this industry migrates like a flying goose, from high wages to law
wages. The great risk to the success story of the readymade clothing industry. The RMG
industry is so important that the future of Bangladesh's economy is heavily influenced by
this industry.

Textiles and clothing account for about 85% of total export earnings of Bangladesh. Out of
which, 75% comes from the apparel sector which covers the major products of knit and
woven shirts, blouses, trousers, skirts, shorts, jackets, sweaters, sports wears and many
more casual and fashion items. The sector currently employs approximately above 1.5
million workers, mostly females from underprivileged social classes. We have completed
this report on the basis of all the department of RMG sector such as Merchandising
Department, Commercial Department, Production Department, Supply Chain Department,
Human Resource Department, Compliance Department, MIS

Department, and relevant organization like Southeast, BKMEA, Export Promotion Buru,
Yarn suppliers, Chittagong Port, Insurance Company, Shipping Company. So, by
completing this report we get overall idea about RMG sector, so it carries more value than
any books.

BEXIMCO Textile Ltd. has the capability to offer a complete product range for the
export textile markets. The goal of BEXIMCO Textile Ltd. is to become the preferred
partner for sourcing high quality fabrics & clothing from Bangladesh with highly
advanced technology & an emphasis on developing local human resources. BEXIMCO
Textile Ltd. has the potential to make an important contribution to the nation’s growing
readymade garments export sector.

The rationale behind the existing structure & future expansion of BEXIMCO Textile Ltd.
is to capture value added at each stage of the textile manufacturing process. Despite
Bangladesh’s lack of indigenous cotton production capability, BEXIMCO Textile Ltd. has
leveraged Bangladesh’s labor cost advantage & export competitiveness to the maximum

In the BEXIMCO Group, which is a 100% export-oriented composite knit company, we

preferred this connection. In order to continue the internship research in the BEXIMCO
Group, we nearly worked through all parts of this business and also tried to find out the
operations, scheduling and many other issues. In context, we intentionally mentioned these
stuffs to let you know.

1.1 Overview of the Industry
BEXIMCO Group is one of the largest private sector industrial conglomerates in
Bangladesh engaged in diverse business areas. BEXIMCO comprises of five publicly listed
companies and sixteen private companies. Where, pharmaceuticals and textile section are
the biggest one. BEXIMCO covers one of South Asia’s largest vertically integrated textile
and garment companies. The Textile division is a fully integrated manufacturer of cotton
and polyester blended garments for men, women and children, both for domestic and export
markets. BEXIMCO is also the largest exporter of pharmaceuticals in Bangladesh with a
presence in 45 countries.

BEXIMCO Apparel Limited a member of BEXIMCO Group started its commercial

production in March 1985 under the name of Comtrade Apparels Limited as a joint venture
project between Comtrade Limited of Lausanne, Switzerland and BEXIMCO Group.
Comtrade Apparels Limited name has been changed to BEXIMCO Apparels Limited since
January 01, 1997. Today the BEXCIMCO Group is the largest private sector group in
Bangladesh. BEXIMCO was founded in the 1970’s by two brothers – Ahmed
SohailFaziurRahman and Ahmed Salman FaziurRahman. Since the early days, the group
has evolved from being primarily a commodities trading company to leading, diversified
group with a presence in industry sector that account for nearly 75% of Bangladesh‘s GDP.
BEXIMCO’S corporate mission is “Talking Bangladesh to the world” . BEXIMCO
Apparel limited is managed by a group of professional aims at producing high quality
garments through and effective quality control system right from sourcing of fabric
Figure: 1 (BEXIMCO Head Office)
1.2 History of the factory
Since independence Bangladesh has come a long way, and the BEXIMCO Group of
Companies is honored to have had a role in the development of its parent nation. The Group
has worked with a simple philosophy; identify an important need and then do everything
possible to successfully satiate that need, in a manner which best facilitates the well-being
of the nation. As a result, BEXIMCO has focused on those industries which give
Bangladesh a competitive advantage in the global market place in many cases creating the
industries for the first time in the region. Throughout its four and a half decades journey
the Group has been one of the leading innovators in the country. Presently BEXIMCO
Group comprises twenty one companies of which five are listed with the Dhaka Stock
Exchange employing over 35,000 personnel and is the largest private sector industrial
conglomerate in the nation. . In the course of its growth, it has created industrial and
management capabilities that will serve the country for generations to come. It was the first
local conglomerate to embrace an international corporate structure which is the foundation
of its success. BEXIMCO's industrial businesses include jute, textiles, basic chemicals,
pharmaceuticals, and ceramics. BEXIMCO's nonindustrial undertakings are focused on
real estate and construction, engineering, media, information technology, trading and
financial services. It is the creation and expansion of businesses critical to Bangladesh
development, businesses, which are developed and run by Bangladeshis, businesses that
develop technologies and practices specific to the needs of the country, which is the
defining characteristic of the BEXIMCO story.

Today the BEXIMCO Group (“BEXIMCO” or the “Group”) is the largest private sector
group in Bangladesh. BEXIMCO was founded in the 1970‟s by two brothers – Ahmed
Sohail Fasiur Rahman and Ahmed Salman Fazlur Rahman. Since the early days, the Group
has evolved from being primarily a commodities trading company to a leading, diversified
group with a presence in industry sectors that account for nearly 75% of Bangladesh’s
GDP. BEXIMCO‟s corporate mission is “Taking Bangladesh to the world”.
State-of-the-art manufacturing plants located in the vicinity of Dhaka provide the Group
with a highly cost-effective manufacturing base. A majority of its plants are in the
BEXIMCO Industrial Park, a vertically integrated self-contained facility. This facility
provides ready access to captive power generation, water purification, liquid nitrogen,
waste water treat and other key infrastructure. The Group’s global clients include some of
the world’s best-known brands including MICHAEL KORS, BT, BASF, Chevron, Calvin

Klein, H&M, JC Penney, Macys, Zara, UNICEF, Royal

Doulton and Villeroy & Boch
1.3 Factory Location

State-of-the-art manufacturing plants located in the vicinity of Dhaka provide the Group with a
highly cost-effective manufacturing base. A majority of its plants are in the BEXIMCO Industrial
Park, a vertically integrated self-contained facility. This facility provides ready access to captive
power generation, water purification, liquid nitrogen, waste water treatment and other key
infrastructure. This place has an ample space for every work station with all independent facilities.

Figure 2. Google Map Location

1.4 Company at a Glance

Name BEXIMCO Limited.

Salman F. Rahman & A.S.F
Corporate Headquarters 17 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No.

Dhaka -1205, Bangladesh

Phone: 880-2-8611891-5 ,

9677701-5 ,


Web Site:

Operational Head Quarter BEXIMCO Industrial Park,

Sarabo, Kashimpur, Gazipur,


Sarabo, Kashimpur, Gazipur.

Date of Incorporation 30 May, 1984
Commercial Production 1990

Manufacturing and Marketing

of Yarn,
Business Line
Woven, Knit and Denim
Listing Status Public Listed Company.

Stock Exchange Listing Dhaka And Chittagong.

Authorized Capital in BDT 3,000 Million Taka

Paid up Capital in BDT 1,882.50 Million Taka

Number of Shareholders 37,929

Number of Woven Looms Installed 293

119 , 52

Number of Spindles Installed 0

Number of Denim Looms Installed 56
Number of Circular Knit
Machine Installed

Production Capacity 28 Million Linear Meters

Number of Employees 5,181

1.5 Layout

Layout of Central Sample (Ground Floor)


( Layout of Central Sample (Mezzanine Floor )

1.6 Organogram of Cutting:

Cutting Manager

Cutting Executive

Cutting Management trainee(2)

Cutting Supervisor (2)

Cutting Assistant Supervisor (4)

Trainee Supervisor (4)

Senior Cutting Man (3)

Cutting Man
1.6.1 Organogram of Production:

Chief Business councilor

Factory Manager

GM(Quality) Manager(Garments Finishing) Manager(Cutting) Merchandising

Executive In-Charge In-Charge Assistant Merchandiser

Quality Control Supervisor Supervisor

Process Quality Cutting Man

In Charge
1.7 Major Buyers are

Figure:5 (Major Buyers)

1.8 Mission and Vision


BEXTEX Ltd. is a full service vendor with strong vertically integrated production facilities as well
as creative & analytical capabilities which clearly set us apart from most other South Asian

◙ Gain market leadership in high value-added apparel in USA & Europe. ◙ Use

“Innovation” & “Speed” as prime drivers, rather than cotton & cheap labor ◙

Dominate these markets in high quality:

¤ Men's, Women’s, Children

¤ Shirts (Dress & Casual)

¤ Tops (formal & casual), Skirts, Jackets

¤ Jeans & Casual non - denim bottoms

¤ Knitted tops & bottoms

2.1. Introduction of Raw Material

Raw material (RM) is the primary substance which is used as an input to a production process for
subsequent modification and finally modified into a finished good. Raw materials may be in
processed or unprocessed state. Most of the times raw materials are natural resources such as
cotton, oil, rubber etc. They are also altered to be used in different processes before being used in
the final manufacturing process. So we can say that, the processed or unprocessed materials which
are used to produce final textile products are called TRM.

2.1.1 Fiber

The textile industries use different types of fibres which are derived from nature or manually
produced. These fibres are used to produce dresses, towels, blankets etc. Some of these fibres were
known and used in the earlier years of civilization, as well as in modern times. Other fibres have
acquired varied degrees of importance in recent years. The factors influencing the development
and utilization of all these fibres include their ability to be spun, their availability in sufficient
quantity, the cost or economy of production, and the desirability of their properties to consumers.
2.1.2 Yarn

Yarns can be made of staple fibers by several techniques. The method used is dependent upon such
factors as the economic implications, the fibers to be used and desired properties of the yarn to be
produced. Rings pinning is the oldest and most wide spread technique. Open end spinning is
another major method. The development of short fibers, or staple, into yarn, when started in

terms of basic manufacturing processes, is as follows:






2.1.3 Fabric

Fabric is a planar textile structure produces by interlacing yarns or filaments. Most fabrics are
produced through knitting or weaving, but some are produced by non-woven processes such as

braiding, felting, and twisting.

2.1.4 Trimmings and Accessories:

To fulfill the design objectives we need different kind of materials. Fabrics are the main material,
which used for garment manufacturing. We need other materials also, which make the garments
aesthetic, functional and commercially required. Usually other than fabrics these materials used
for making garments are called trims and accessories.

2.1.5 Trims

The raw materials used in sewing room other than fabric are called Trimmings. On the other hand
materials are directly attached with the fabric to make a garment are called trims. Like Threads,
buttons, lining, Interlining, zippers, labels, care labels, etc.(Interlining is used as shape forming
preserving materials.

2.1.6 Accessories
The materials, which are used to make a garment attractive for sale and packing, other than

fabric sand trims, are called Accessories

Figure:9 Figure:10
Table No:1 List
of Trims:

SL Name of Trims Figure







Twill Tape



Draw Cord

Piping Cord



13 Swivel Hook







Weaving Belt


Seam Sealing Tape


Hook and Eye


Velcro Tape
Table No: 2
List of Accessories:

SL Name of Accessories Figure

Poly Bag

Master Carton

Inner Carton

Size Clip

P.P. Band

Tag Pin

Brass Pin

Collar Stand

Safety Pin


Gum Tape


Arrow Sticker



Tissue Paper

Back Board

Numbering Sticker

16 Hanger

17 Size Sticker

18 Both Side tape

19 Plastic Staple
2.2 Sewing section

20 Clip


operations. Ball Chain

Size Tag

23 Safety Sticker

24 Plastic Clip

After receiving the garments components from cutting section, all the garments parts are joined
and sewn as sequentially. Obviously all the components are sewn according to buyer
Sewing section is the most important department of a garment manufacturing industry. Sewing
machines of different types are arranged as a vertical line to assemble the garments. Sequence
of types of sewing machine arrangement depends on sequence of assembling

Table No: 3 Machine used in sewing section

Machine name Figure


2 Needle chain stitch machine

Bartack Machine
Machine name Figure

Overlock machine

Single Needle Lock Stitch Machine

Snap Button Attaching Machine

Kansai Machine
Machine name Figure
1 Sample:
Sample is the prototype or model of the garment, upon what the buyer can decide on how and
whether to confirm the order or not.

2.2.2 Sample Development Procedure:

Fabric and Accessories for making the Garment

Cutting (For Sample Only)




Quality Control

Pre-check Form

Buyer QC

Forwarding from the Merchandiser

Sending Sample to the Buyer
3 Types of Sample

Proto sample:

It is the very first sample given into the buyer. It is prepared according to the buyer’s
specification. It is a trial sample prepared on product development department. Buyer wants to
see here that how its look likes after applying new design on it. Any types of fabric and color
can be used here. For this types of sample 2-3 pieces garments should be made where 1pc for
manufacturer and rest of those are sent to the buyer for correction.

Fit sample:

After approving proto sample, fit sample should be made by following buyer provided
measurement sheet. It can be made by using similar fabric, nearer GSM and any color. In Fit
sample, stitching and measurement must be 100% accurate. Here fabrication and color can be
changed but no compromise on stitching and measurement. 2-3 garments are used in fit sample
where 1pc kept by the manufacturer and rest of those are sent to the buyer.

Size set sample:

After approving fit sample, based on the patterns of approved sample, all the other sizes
Samples should be graded here and make pattern for different sizes. After that, make 2-3pcs
sample for each size of that order. Manufacturer keep 1pc sample for him and send 1pc or 2pc
samples to the buyer for cutting approval. Here, it should be noted that, without the size set
sample approval, cutting should not be started.

Counter sample:

This type of sample is based on the comments received from the buyer. For this sample, 23 pcs
garments are require.
Salesman sample (SMS):

Salesman sample is used by sales team of buyer to enhance the sales of any garment. Buyer sends
the sample by salesman in the market to receive market feedback from the customers. It is done
approximately 200-500pcs depending on the customers and season. The main objects of SMS
sample are to check market, feedback, Buyer’s design etc.

Pre-production sample (PPS):

P.P sample should be made in actual production line by maintaining all actual of an order
specification. It is the main stage of a garments order where any sample may be approved or
rejected. If the sample is approve then can go for the rest of the process of that order. But if rejected
then there will be the revision of previous processes. PPC (Planning production and control)
department is also involved in this stage. Once PPC department is involved then there’s no way
for accepting of any style change. It is the very critical stage than other’s stage. Extra care must
be needed here to confirm an order correctly.

Top of production sample (TOP):

During running an order in production line, a few samples sent to the buyer or buyers Q, C as TOP
sample. TOP sample has a great importance in achieving certification of whole order. If

TOP sample failed to approve its required quality then whole order will be resumed.
Shipment sample:

Shipment sample is needed after completing final inspection, when goods are ready for the
shipment. It is a sample that reflects what buyers will receive down to Q.C, folding, tagging
bagging, labeling and final packaging included.
2.2 .4

Details Attached To the Garment Sample

The sample made has the following details attached to it, with the help of a tag:

1. Reference Number.

2. Color

3. Fabric

4. Composition

5. Description

6. Quantity

7. Style on /Size

8. Store

• This department is fully dedicated for the making of the samples, which has to be sent
to the buyer.
2.2 .5

• This department has its own stitching, washing, trimming, spotting, and ironing etc.
people, which are fully dedicated for the making of samples only.

• Fabric and trims used in these samples are generally from the local market or from
inhouse warehouse, if it is available
Sample Making Procedure:

Make requisition

Fabric Arrangement

Trims collection

Send to washing

Quality checking

Send to Buyer
2.2 .6

Garments Manufacturing Process:

A basic garment manufacturing flow chart is presented in the below:


Pattern Making

Fit Sample Making

Production Pattern Making


Marker Making

Fabric Spreading

Fabric Cutting

Cutting Parts Sorting or Bundling


Garments Inspection

2.2 .7

Garments Ironing and Finishing

Final Inspection

Garments Packing



6.1 Each process of garments manufacturing flow chart is discussed

in the below with the details:

1. Design:

Design is provided by the buyer. After placing an order buyer send the technical sheet and art-
work of an order to the merchandiser. This process is done by both manually or by using computer.

2. Pattern Making:

By following technical sheet and art-work, pattern of each garment style should be made. It’s done
by both manually and by using computerized method.

3. Fit Sample Making:

The main target of making a fit sample is to follow the details instruction about that garments style.
After making it’s sent to the buyer to rectify. It’s done by manually.

4. Production Pattern Making:

For bulk production, allowance added here with net dimension. Production Pattern Making is done
by both manually and by using computer.

5. Grading:
During an order confirmation, the buyer suggests about the size ratio of that order. So that order
should be graded according to the buyer’s instruction. Grading is done by manually or by using
6. Marker Making:

Marker is a very thin paper which contains all the parts of a particular garment. To make the cutting
process easy, it’s must be needed. Marker making process can be done by both manually and by
using computer.

7. Fabric Spreading:

To cut the fabric properly fabric is spread in lay form. Fabric Spreading is done by manually or by
using computerized method.

8. Fabric Cutting:

Fabrics have to cut here according to marker of garments. Fabric Cutting process is done by using
manual method or computerized method.

9. Cutting Parts Sorting or Bundling:

Here, cutting parts have to sort out or make bundling to send these easily into the next process.
This process is done by manually.

10. Sewing:

All the parts of a garment are joined here to make a complete garment. Sewing process is done
by manually.

11. Garments Inspection:

After completing sewing, inspection should be done here to make fault free garments. Garments

Inspection is done by using manual method.

12. Garments Ironing and Finishing:

Here garments are treated by steam; also required finishing should be completed here. This process
is done by using manual method.
13. Final Inspection:

Finally the complete garments are inspected here according to the buyer’s specification. Final
Inspection is done by manual method.

14. Garments Packing:

Complete garments are packed here by using buyers instructed poly bag. Garments packing are
done by using manual method.

15. Cartoning:

To minimize the damages of garments, all the garments have to cartoned by maintaining buyers
instruction. This process is done by manually.

16. Shipment:
After completing all the required processes it’s finally send to the buyer.
2 2.7 Some styles of garments made in Beximco:
Figure:13 Figure:14
Figure:15 Figure:16
2.2.8 Finishing of garments (For bottom part)

Wash received

Loop cut
Thread cut/ Trimming

Inside Iron


Inside Q/C (Primary)

Top side Q/C (Primary)

Shank button with repeat


Barcode with care label

Top side iron


Final Q / C

Get up Iron

Packing Section

Size assembly

Assorting [1. Solid color solid size

2. Assort color assort size

3. Assort size solid color

4. Solid size assort color]

Shade mention Ratio Waist

tag Hang tag




1) Side seam check:

After thread sucking then the garments side seam are checked very carefully. If faulty side seam
are found, the faulty garment is send to the sewing room. Due to seam pucker or stitch formation,
the faulty side seam is occurred in the garments.

2) Check spot and remove:

When checking the side seam is complete, the garments are checked for spot. If any spot is found
in the garments, the spot will remove by chemical using.

3) Ironing:
After passing through the inspection table, each garment is normally ironed/pressed to remove
unwanted crease and to improve the smoothness, so that the garments looks nice to the customer.
Folding of the garments is also done here for poly packing of the garments as per required

4) Hang tag attach

After ironing is done then the sale price or tack packs are attached with the garments.

5) Inspection:

It is the last stage of inspection the manufactured garments on behalf of the garments
manufacturing organization, to detect any defective garments before packing.

6) Folding:

When the metal free operation is complete then the folding is done.
7) Packing:

After folding the garments then it is packed by poly bag.

8) Cartoning:
After completing the packaging process of garments then cartooning is done.

Merchandising Section Merchandiser
Merchandiser is the Bridge between the industry and the buyer. He have to look after every job
like buying the raw material which is required to finish the product, making the garment, finishing
the garment, documentation, finally shipping. He is the responsible person to make the product. A
garment export unit generally has many department like stores, cutting, production,

packing, checking etc. Functions of a

Merchandiser Internal &

external communication, Sampling,
Lab dips, Accessories &

Preparing internal order sheets,
Preparing purchase orders, Advising
and assisting production,

Advising quality department about quality level,

Mediating production and quality departments, Giving
shipping instructions and following shipping, Helping
documentation department,

Taking responsibility for inspections. Most Important Things for A Merchandiser

Production Follow Up. The Responsibilities Of A Smart Merchandiser Are Handling Order At Four

1. Sourcing for future orders/Buyers

2. New Order

3. Confirmed Order

4. Running Order Sampling

Sampling as a backbone: Sampling department is the most vital department of the organization. It
is the department that develops the samples thus enabling the product Development. This
department prepares samples on the basis of the requirements of the buyer.Sampling as an

integrated department.

This department is self-sufficient as it had its own

Fabric Store





Thread trimming



Quality etc. dedicated for the construction of samples only

Details Attached To The Garment Sample

The sample made has the following details attached to it, with the help of a tag:

9. Reference Number

10. Color

11. Fabric
12. Composition

13. Description

14. Quantity

15. Style on /Size

16. Store

• This department is fully dedicated for the making of the samples, which has to be sent to
the buyer.

• This department has its own stitching, washing, trimming, spotting, and ironing etc. people,
which are fully dedicated for the making of samples only.

• Fabric and trims used in these samples are generally from the local market or from in-
house warehouse, if it is available.

• Fabric, which is brought for sampling purpose, is called yardage and is 25-30mts in length.

Sample Making Procedure:

Make requisition

Fabric Arrangement

Trims collection

Send to washing

Quality checking

Send to buyer
Sample Development Merchandiser:

A sample development merchandiser develops the sample for buyer according to buyer

◙ Sample Approval process :

¤ At first the photo sample is taken from buyer


¤ Then the sample pattern is made by CAD section

¤ Then develop sample is made. (2 pieces)

¤ This developed sample is sent to the buyer

¤ Then buyer will correct the garments as his requirements and send a mail with
comments for corrections.

¤ First correction sample is then made according to buyer requirement

¤ Then fit sample is made

¤ Fit sample is corrected many times according to buyer requirements

¤ Then trimmings and accessories are sent to buyer for approval

¤ Pre-Production (PP) sample is done after approval of trimmings and accessories

¤ After approving the PP sample the Approved sample is sent to CAD section.

Buyer already sends the sizes he requires.

¤ CAD section sends a marker.

¤ After that PP meeting is done.

¤ Buyer then check the sample

¤ If ok then buyer approve the sample and this sample is followed for bulk

In textile manufacturing, finishing refers to the processes that convert the woven or knitted cloth
into a usable material and more specifically to any process performed after dyeing the yarn or

fabric to improve the look, performance or hand feel of the finish textile or clothing. Finishing

Yarn finishing is very important for spinners. Because buyers are not interested to unfinished or
faulty yarns. Spun yarn has many faults like slubs, neps, hairiness etc. So finishing is very
important for yarn manufacturing. For reducing yarn fault auto cone winding machine is used.
Which gives right weight and shape of yarn in cone package. All tasks are done in spinning

finishing section. So spinning finishing section has important role in yarn manufacturing process. Yarn Finishing Process

Yarn gets with cop package from ring frame

Winding by auto coner

Checking under ultraviolet light

Yarn conditioning by heat setting


Weight determination


Delivery to buyer

.3 Fabric Finishing

A fabric finish is applied to a fabric to improve its appearance, feel and other properties.

• improve the appearance – colour

• change the texture of the fabric - embossing, brushing or smoothing

• improve the feel – softer. Flow chart for tube fabric finishing:

Tube Fabric

Balloon Squeezer


Compactor (tube)

Calendar (tube)
. Flow chart for open fabric finishing:

Tube fabric



Compactor (open width)

Figure:17 Figure:18

Figure:19 Figure:20 Garment Finishing

Garments finishing is an important section in readymade garments sector. It’s the last

section of garments manufacturing department. Flow chart of Garment Finishing

Sewn garments received in finishing section

Initial quality check

Spot removing if there’s any spot

Ironing or pressing


Hang tag attaching


Poly bag

Metal check

Packaging or cartoning
Figure:21 Figure:22

2.3 Responsibilities

Figure:23 Figure:24
1) Regular factory visit.
2) Sample follow up.
3) Collect necessary fabric, trims, accessories from store section as per requirement.
4) Follow up production line.
5) Maintain files, and organize documents; photocopy, fax, scanning etc.
6) Preparing trims card.
7) Follow up order status.
8) Maintain buyer’s database.
9) Keep up to date information from lower level to upper level employee.
10) Communicate with buyer QC.

3.1 SWOT analysis and problems identified of the industry

SWOT Analysis:

SWOT analysis is (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis) is a framework for
identifying and analyzing the internal and external factors that can have an impact on the viability
of a project, product, place or person.

Elements of a SWOT analysis:


Internal attributes and resources that support a successful outcome.

The Strengths of BEXIMCO Group Ltd:


Vertical integration ensures their freedom of work and minimizes the dependency to the

ISO approval is one of their biggest advantages about the question of quality.
Experienced managers are great advantage for Beximco. They take decisions on time and
systematically manage all things.
Opportunity to shift employees, one to another SBU. It often helps management to solve
urgent crisis. It reduces cost and time and gives management flexibility to decision making.

Low taxation on raw materials is helpful for reducing overall cost. And makes easier for the
company product to compete the markets existing products.

Good brand image and fame means good market reputation. It helps their marketing
department to get order easily.

Internal attributes and resources that work against a successful outcome.

The Weakness of BEXIMCO Group Ltd:

Beximco textile doesn’t have any strong IT infrastructure. Digitations system is very much
required to run a modern production oriented firm. Without a strong IT infrastructure
operation of a firm is the symbol of inefficiency.

Centralize decision making authority system is one of the main problem of this company.
There is no R&D practice in Beximco textile.
Insufficient and unstructured data system.

Management and stuffs doesn’t have adequate transport facility.

Not heaving any structured system for the intern student
Weak HRM department is one of the most weak point of Beximco groups.
Less job facility for the employees and workers de-motivated the employees. Arranging good
facility is very important for this group.

Employees’ high turn over rate is a major weakness of Beximco textile.


External factors that the entity can capitalize on or use to it advantage.

The Opportunities of BEXIMCO Group Ltd:

Set up ERP and supply chain management system (SCM) in Beximco is an opportunity. It will
speedup the over all performance of the company, saves storage cost, and overall time and money.

Our local market is very potential. So penetrate on local market could be beneficiary for

Now men are fashion concuss, so using this positive potentiality creating new product line
and do market segmentation is easier.
Update and installation of new machinery will increase company’s product quality and
production capacity.

Arranging on job and off job training for the employees will helpful for increasing the
efficiency of employees.

Now we have many fashion institutes in our country. Searching talents and incorporate them
to produce new product will be a great opportunity for Beximco.


External factors that could jeopardize the entity’s success.

The Threats of BEXIMCO Group Ltd:

Textile market is very much related to the high-tech machineries. So, rapid technological
advancement will bring new challenges for the textile industry in very year.

Heavy competition and overcrowded industry makes the textile business highly competitive.
Less job security will be a threat for the employees and for the company also. Because
employees are direct related to the companies performances. And any kind of dissatisfaction
toughly hampers the performances of the production firm.


4.1 Best Practices in Management

In Human Resource Management (HRM) cycle as well as in any organization, training and
development system plays an important and vital role in achieving organizational mission and
vision, goals and objectives. Organizations today consider the HR department as the critical source
of making development amongst the employees to lead the organization to the success.


In simple terms training and development refers to imparting of specific skills, abilities and
knowledge to an employee. A formal definition of training and development is… it is any attempt
to improve current and future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to
perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his/her skills
and knowledge. The need for training and development is determined by the employee’s
performance deficiency, computed as follows:

Training & Development need = Standard performance – Actual performance.

It is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or

behavioral change takes place in structural format. Before starting any Training method we should
state Mission, vision of the company and what are the clear objectives we are looking after the
training methods get over.

Purpose and Goals

The purpose of the training and development function is to:

1. Organize and facilitate the learning process.

2. Expedite acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for effective job

3. Provide employees with career growth opportunities consistent with corporate goals,
objectives, and strategies.
Training and employee development programs are designed to be effective, efficient, and timely,
using sources, methods, and strategies consistent with the following goals:

1. Ensure the availability of human resources to meet present and future organizational needs.

2. Ensure linkage with corporate goals and business strategies.

3. Provide learning experiences that are responsive to the training and development needs of
Postal Service employees.

4. Make instruction timely, using the most cost-effective methods.

5. Reduce organizational training costs while increasing learner retention and proficiency.

4.2 Best Practices in Production

BEXTEX Ltd. is one of South Asia’s largest vertically integrated textile and
garment companies with in-house analytical and creative abilities.
Over the years, BEXIMCO has developed in-house design capabilities with teams based
in Bangladesh and Spain. Furthermore, it has partnered with some of the world’s
renowned design institutes, including Fashion Institute of Technology, Parsons, London
School of Fashions, NIFT and NID, for access to talented designers. The Group has built
strong working relationships with its core clients through a continuous dialogue. The
Group's technology partners include In vista, Huntsman, CHT, Rudof and Clariant. Key
clients include American Eagle, Arcadia Group, Calvin Klein, H&M, JC Penney, Macy's,
Tommy Hilfiger, Warnaco and Zara. The Group is planning to expand the textiles
business through capacity additions.

Post expansion, the annual capacity of knit fabric is expected to increase to 80 million
lbs. from 11 million lbs. currently and the annual capacity of apparel knits is expected to
reach 145 million pieces from 20 million pieces currently.

Yarn spinning,
Fabric weaving,
Processing & finishing,
Apparel manufacturing,
Sewing thread & labels manufacturing,


Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired
goal and brings out, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors. If the textile and
apparel sub sector industries in Bangladesh are to achieve World Class Manufacturing
Standards then the problems of collision and low productivity which the consultants have
highlighted need to be addressed by structured training programs relevant to each level of
company employee.

Mostly no training provision is introduced in garment manufacturing and textile industries.

(Training and Vocational Education) All of the companies generally recognize the importance
of skilled sewing machine operators and training in other skills particularly cutting and
pressing. The training of the operators takes place on the production line and they are taught
basic skills on one type of machine only. There was no structured programmed that would
include training on a number of different machines, the achievement of the appropriate quality
standards and output targets. Similarly, those individuals carrying out the training had,
themselves, not been trained in the instruction techniques.
Even, in case of management body training is necessary for better working environment and
productivity. There is a belief that anyone will start learning by working himself so most
employees come out of nowhere and then start learning gradually so the frequency of mistakes is
higher. The consultants find few companies using a formal recruitment policy or the formal testing
of potential employees during the selection process

BEXIMCO Group is one of the largest private sector industrial conglomerates in Bangladesh
engaged in diverse business areas. BEXIMCO comprises of five publicly listed companies and
sixteen private companies. Where, Pharmaceuticals and Textile section are the biggest one.
BEXIMCO covers one of South Asia’s largest vertically integrated textile and garment companies.
The Textile division is a fully integrated manufacturer of cotton and polyester blended garments
for men, women and children, both for domestic and export markets. BEXIMCO is also the largest
exporter of pharmaceuticals in Bangladesh with a presence in 45 countries. The Pharmaceuticals
division manufactures and sells generic pharmaceutical formulation products, active
pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and intravenous (IV) fluids. The Group is also the largest
ceramics exporter and has an investment in GMG Airlines, the largest private commercial airline
in Bangladesh and in Unique Hotels & Resorts, which owns the Westin Hotel in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Export Import Company (BEXIMCO) maintains this logo from the initial stage of its
business. They have a mission of taking Bangladesh to the world. So, with this logo BEXIMCO
has taken its identity towards the people of the world.
4.3 Best Practices in Development of BEXIMCO Group Ltd.

The best part of development is worked with the department of R and D. (Research and

Main objectives of R and D:

1. Planning and control of Dry and wet process of washing.

2. Setting recipes, Developed New style and Wash according to the

customer requirements.

3. To get / collect buyer feedback/ satisfaction by representing product or capacity.

4. Coordination with Production, Marketing and Merchandising department regarding
technical, approved sample and others issue.

5. To finding best production process with quality.

6. Try to fulfill any buyer requirement according to buyer comment.
7. To minimize time and cost with productivity.
8. Increase productivity.
9. Increase profitability.

4.4 Best Practices in marketing:

Marketing environment of Beximco textiles are the actors and forces outside marketing that

affect marketing manager’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with

targeted customers. Marketing environment is divided into two parts micro environment and

macro environment of the company.

Micro Environment

Figure: 25 Actors of Micro Environment

Beximco’s suppliers of raw materials policy and cost of raw materials or inflation directly effect

the macro environment of Beximco. Customers of Beximco are mostly our RMG producers. So

quality ensuring is a big concern here. In the case of marketing intermediaries; company fame,

managers’ strong liaison/ network with business buyers are the main strategy of Biswas to sell

products. Government policies (favorable) are the main publics here. Beximco competitors’ of

Beximco textile are local producers of Bangladesh. Name of some close competitors of Beximco

textile is given billow.

Macro Environment

Figure: 26 Major Force in the Company’s Macro Environment

Economic factor-

Low production cost, energy availability, workers availability and suitable government policy is

the economic factor for Beximco.

Technological factor-
China machineries are available and cost efficient for Beximco.

Political factorsunstable political situation and various types of strikes plays negative roll on


Natural and cultural factors-

Natural and cultural factors doesn’t play significant roll in the macro environment of


4.5 Applications of the best practices to the analysis of the industry:

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance is an organized department in Beximco Textile Ltd. which deals with ensuring
the quality of the product up to the end user.

The activities of Quality Assurance of Beximco are as follows:

1. Approval of source.
2. Checking of Dispensing operation.
3. In process checking of all production area.
4. Product sampling , release.
5. Product complaint handling.
6. Supplier’s performance review.
7. Conducting quality audit.
8. Perform all type of Validation activities.
9. Document preparation, editing, control etc.
10. Retention sample collection, archiving, monitoring, retrieval etc.
11. Product quality review(Annual/Periodic).
12. Artwork preparation, checking, finalization for packaging material.
13. Preparation of certificate of analysis for finished formulation and finished API.
14. Establishing manufacturing methods and SOPs covering entire operations and their regular

15. Communication of every aspects relating to quality to all relevant persons for early positive

16. Ensuring product Stability.

17. Ensuring adequate training program..


5.1 Problem in Work Place

Internal Problem
From the sample part or the development part, the problem Harriet has to face is the lace
problem. The matching of the lace was almost going impossible as buyer‟s expectation
because the lace is a fancy item and due to its shrinking it was needed to be sourced more
and more which was expensive and due to unavailability of it, the sample was hung for
further procedure.

Washing requirements was also a bit problem that BEXIMCO needed to overcome that it
wanted the ACRU look which is the pure fade white type of color garment becomes after
bleach wash. This was hard to achieve because of trims color as in bulk production
garments are washed in heavy machine mixing huge amount of garments. So, when all the
garments mix together sometimes color split so, keeping the fresh look is a challenge. So,
supplier needs to request buyer to take the garment as closest as possible.

The fabric of Harriet is tencel which is an imported fabric and for this it takes generally 45
days for development to production. Generally it takes 25 days. They have 14 days to
shipment but the fabric needs more than this to be ready. So, this is a huge tension for
supplier to maintain the quality and workmanship with this constrained time for shipment.

Communication gap between the management stuffs can stretch the process as for their bit
ignorance an approval could have been sent for several times and organization can face a
big loss.
External Problems

External problems include the monitory policy and the exchange rate of foreign transaction.
BEXIMCO needs to import many items from abroad due to the unavailability of our
production capacity. So, the cost sometimes gets higher because locally sourced products
can not meet the quality. In that case, if the exchange rate increases it has to face slight
money constraint.

In case of RMG buyers China, Hong Kong, Taiwan is the competitor suppliers of
Bangladesh. So, buyers can choose anyone if they do not get in competitive price. This is
also depended on the relationship with the local office of buyers as they are the media of
communicating with suppliers. So, maintaining a good relationship is important for

Price margin is fixed from buyer. So, supplier should have a bull’s eye forecast to maintain
the price margin given by buyer. If they can not go with it then, the order can be cancelled.
Demand of buyer sometimes go beyond the possible capacities and can be changed at the
very last moment of time which is a big risk for supplier that at the last moment production
can be hampered as well as the assembly line.

Unrest of country’s political and business condition is a reason of losing the confidence of
buyer to continue the business with Bangladeshi supplier.

BEXIMCO Apparels Ltd. is the largest textile group in Bangladesh. It has outstanding reputation
in the global market for excellence. It is a composite factory where they have all the sectors of
woven and knit item like spinning, knitting, dyeing, printing, embroidery, accessories, and
garments production. So, this is huge in case of production and maintenance both.

However, this huge organization is not facing profit due to many of reasons what I have
observed from the internship period-

Supply chain or procurement department is not very strong in this company which causes
that the merchandisers procure all the raw materials of garments that‟s why they feel more
pressure to complete shipment and some time also over the shipment date then company
should pay the extra money for air shipment. So when supply chain department procure all
the raw materials then merchandiser can easily shipment the goods within lead time.

Planning department of operation should be strong and the time management should be
followed. Here, productivity is low due to less command of the authority towards the
production. It should be increased for the higher productivity.

Quality assurance system should be modernized because quality is the top priority of all
international buyers.
Working environment should be increased
Pay scale is very poor which is needed to be increased because company will lose potential
employees due to their policy.

Distribution of power should be well managed and transparency among the workers and
the management should be followed.

The organization is one of the biggest organizations in Bangladesh and contributing the highest
amount of GDP in the economy but if it follows these areas then it will be among the greatest in
the region.



6.1 Short Range Effects

Short-term goals are specific objectives that your company aims to reach over several weeks, or
months, and no more than one year. Your short-term goals are smaller, subsets of goals that you
set in order to achieve your long-term goal. They should be easily obtainable, and easily
measurable, so that you can evaluate your progress towards the long-term goals.


You know that the long-term goal of your company is to be nationally recognized for excellent
customer service. To achieve this long-term goal, you want to set smaller goals that your company
can work on over the next several weeks and months.

6.2 Long Range Effects

Setting long-term business goals is the most important task for any manager and leader. Long term
business goals show you and your team where you are headed and, more importantly, how you get

With Weekdone you can use the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) methodology to to set
inspiring and impactful goals for your company. Weekdone allows you to link Objectives with
each other vertically, so that you can see how individual goals of your employees tie into the
overall Objective of your company.

Goal: Implement regular usage of OKRs and Weekdone.

Conduct an all-hands team meeting to introduce OKRs and Weekdone software.

Everyone keeps their forms up to date at all times.
People give regular feedback to others weekly.

Get well acquainted with and configure Weekdone.

As a part of course curriculum of Southeast University of Fashion & Technology, students are sent
for industrial attachment for two months practice in related field. During the attachment students
worked as a trainee Merchandiser and had to attend the official working days in general working
hours 8 am to 5 pm or it can be different as per company rules.

I have gained knowledge by the industrial training is following

First of all, I share about some skills and qualifications that I have gained from the attachment
and the experience is very much effective for me. Because I specially work in the head office
beside as per work, I need to do job in most sector of BEXIMCO Industrial Park. So I learn
about many things like the work of a merchandiser, how to make and follow TNA plan, how
to maintaining time, how to build up communication, how to improving communication skill,
how to make a leadership in team work, problem solving technique, effective team work, how
to brain storming foe solving a problem, in critical time how to solve the problem, how to do
a work by workers, how to convince the buyer if some problem happens during produce a
sample, how to communicate with different sector, how to release recognition in different
sector for developing a sample, how to finish any work quickly, how to make tracking chart
and the use of tracking chart, how to follow up during sample making and bulk production.

There also some skills that I learn from the attachment such asKnitting

◘ Details know of different fabrics like s/j, interlock, rib, pique etc.

◘ To know the four- point system

◘ To know the inspection system of knitting fabrics.
Store and Inventory:

¤ Operation of inventory process.

¤ Different types of accessories name & function.

¤ How to store different buyer accessories.

¤ Idea about Inventory Report, CHALAN etc.

¤ Source of accessories.

Sample section:

◙ Know about the importance of sample section

◙ Know about how to develop a sample

◙ Know about the difficulties of a sample section

◙ Know about the solution of any problem of sample section
Cutting Section:

◘ Practical experiences with machines of cutting section.

◘ I have learnt how to operate this machine.

◘ Operation of cutting Process and also the spreading process.

◘ Idea about work-culture of cutting Section.

◘ Cutting process faults & remedies.

◘ Numbering, bundling, spreading etc.

Sewing Section:

◘ Introduce with machine used in sewing section.

◘ Operation Process of sewing.

◘ I know about working process of sewing Section.

◘ Faults & remedies of sewing section.

◘ Breakdown of sewing procedure of the factory.

Quality Control Section:

◙ Idea about working process of quality control department.

◙ Run into work culture of this section.

◙ Quality control process faults & remedies.

◙ Quality checking procedure of different garments.

Finishing Section:

¤ Operation of Finishing Process.

¤ Idea about work-culture of Finishing Section like quality checking, Ironing,
Folding, Packing, Cartooning.

I have taken many responsibilities from this attachment, because as a merchant we need
numerous responsibilities to work better and I learn about the most important
responsibilities while working with the merchandising group. The meaning of

M- Should have good Managerial capacity.

E- Efficient in both English written and spoken.

R- Having high sense of Responsibility.

C- Always keep Commitment.

H- Leads honest life.

A- Attitude should always be positive in resolving any problem.

N- Never does any argue with buyers and seniors.

D- Fully devoted to his service.

I- Always Well Informed about his all orders.

S- Sincere in office and daily works.

E - Enthusiastic in nature
R- Regular in e-mail correspondence

I have therefore learned very well these twelve responsibilities. In addition, I also

Acquired a lot of tasks such as planning to work the entire day following the TNA. I know
how much time I waste so I learn about the importance of time, I learn to review and
address all the emails every day, I learn about the proper monitoring procedure when
producing a SRS or FIT or PP or TOP sample, even in bulk manufacturing. Particularly
a sample of the purchaser must be taken by a merchant prior to acceptance. If the sample
fails, the merchant needs to communicate with the buyer and the problem needs to be
resolved as soon as possible and the sample is returned for approval to the buyer. Then
we know that in order to do this job we need to work on the material design as per buyer
specification, the GSM needs to be correct, the measuring needs to be perfect, the trims
and accessories need to be perfect, the sewing thread, the hanging

label, the embroidery, the writing, the washing need to be perfect. And that is what a
merchant has to do. We have therefore obtained from the connection all of this

I think the attachment will influence my future career plans because I don't have any idea
of a corporate life at university, even I don’t have any better practical
knowledge about the working process and machinery use in textile industry, but when I do
the attachment and stay in BEXIMCO INDUSTRIAL PARK for the last two months, I can
make my own blend to a corporate life also I have better idea about the practical knowledge
and the process of using the machinery which done many operation to produce a garments.
So from here I learn a lot of skills and can increase my qualifications besides increasing
our responsibilities for my work now. So I know what is my work right now, we know
where is my success, I know different kinds of people, I know how to handle different
kinds of people, I know how to do any work with more efficiency. That's why I think the
attachment influence me in the future. In this two-month period, I communicate with many
respectable people such as different sections manager, different sections deputy manager,
different sections department head, group director, etc. This affects me, because if I work
hard, I can also gain a good and honorable position in the future. I want to see me in a
better position after a few years. This attachment teaches me a lot of important tasks, if I
can apply this all then I can catch up very quickly with some better position.


During the Industrial Training at Beximco Industrial Park I have been exposed to various
activities and tasks in this company indirectly. Exposure to real working environment is
good for student as trainers, especially to open the minds and brains to be more creative
and highly knowledgeable, students can also identify and address issues that often arise in
real work situations. It will further enhance the student's ability to think, learn
independently and solve Problems effectively and more importantly can produce creative

In review this internship has been an excellent and rewarding experience. I have been able
to meet and network with so many people that we are sure will be able to help me

with opportunities in the future.

One main thing that I have learned through this internship is time management skills as
well as self-motivation. When I first started I did not think that I an going to be able to
make Myself sit in an office for Ten hours a day, six days a week. Once I realized what I
had to do I organized my day and work so that I am not overlapping or wasting my hours.
During the training period I received co-operation and association from the authority and
officers, who were very sincerely and devoted to their duties to achieve their goal.

At last I want to say that this journey was not possible without the help of our honorable
supervisor Dr. ANM Ahmed ullah, our honorable chairman Mr. Muzaffar U. Siddique and
our honorable all teachers. I am really thankful to you all for giving me this

opportunity and for helping me in every ways.


[1.] Overview of the Industry

[2.] Company Profile [3.] Mission and Vision.

[4.] History of the factory

[5.] Major Buyers


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