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Sample: Teacher support materials


Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 1

2 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials
PHYSICS: Scope and sequence of content

Working in physics In the laboratory, students investigate problems set in a suitable context, with appropriate direction from the teacher. They consider the sources of uncertainty and error in
experimental measurements.
Moving around • understand and use the terms distance, displacement, speed, velocity, mass, inertia, force, weight, acceleration, energy, work and their units
• state and explain Newton’s First Law of Motion, the concept of equilibrium and the necessary conditions for stable, unstable and neutral equilibrium
• explain the behaviour of objects undergoing uniform rectilinear motion
• understand that uniform motion in one dimension can be represented graphically
• describe and explain the behaviour of objects in terms of their average speed—this could apply to objects undergoing uniformly accelerated motion
• describe and explain forces and their effects, including pushes and pulls; contact forces and non-contact forces; and the effects of forces on objects in the presence or
absence of friction
• state and explain Newton’s Second and Third Laws of Motion
• describe and explain the concepts of energy and work, including the relationships between energy and work, kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy, and the
conservation of energy.
Wave motion • explain and apply that a wave is a means of energy transfer
• explain and apply the concepts of wavefronts and rays, wave speed, wavelength, frequency, period, amplitude, phase
• explain that the speed of a wave varies with the medium, and use this to explain the cause of refraction in terms of a change in the speed of wave as it crosses an interface
• explain and apply the concepts of absolute refractive index of a given medium, Snell’s law, total internal reflection, critical angle and dispersion.

Working in physics In the laboratory, students investigate problems set in a suitable context, with appropriate direction from the teacher. They are also encouraged to begin developing their own
investigations of real world problems. They consider the sources of uncertainty in experimental measurements.
Seeing things • distinguish between real and virtual images
• explain the action of mirrors (plane, converging and diverging) in terms of reflection
• explain the action of lenses (converging and diverging) in terms of refraction
• describe the formation of images by converging and diverging lenses
• explain the appearance of coloured objects in terms of their absorption and reflection or transmission of light.

Electricity • construct simple electrical circuits and measure current and potential difference at various points around the circuit
• draw and interpret simple circuits and circuit diagrams including the use of standard symbols for resistor (fixed and variable), light bulb, switch, ammeter, voltmeter, dry cell
and power supply
• describe electrical current through series and parallel circuits
• evidence for the creation of magnetic fields by moving charges.

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 3

PHYSICS: Scope and sequence of content

Working in physics Students are encouraged to develop their own investigations of real world problems, extending their investigative and communication skills and quantifying the uncertainties in their
experimental measurements. They select appropriate problem-solving strategies involving abstract concepts and principles. They consider the level of absolute uncertainty in
experimental measurements.
Motion and forces • distinguish between scalar and vector quantities, and add and subtract vectors in one dimension
• describe and apply the concepts of distance and displacement, speed and velocity, and acceleration for uniform and uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion, including vertical
motion under gravity—this will include applying the relationships:
s v+u v-u
v av = , v av = , a= ,
t 2 t
s = ut + 1 2 at 2 , v2 = u 2 + 2as
• state, explain and apply Newton's First, Second and Third Laws of Motion—this will include applying the relationship: resultant F = ma
• describe, explain and use gravitational fields to explain weight as the force on a mass in a gravitational field. This will include applying the relationship: Fweight = mg
• draw free body diagrams, showing the forces acting on objects, from descriptions of real life situations involving forces acting in one or two dimensions
• describe and apply the Law of Conservation of momentum in one dimension—this will include applying the relationships:
p = mv , ∑ p before = ∑ p after , FΔt = mv − mu
• explain and apply the concepts of energy and work, including kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy and internal energy
• state, explain and apply the principle of conservation of energy in situations involving transfer of energy, and work—this will include applying the relationships:
Ek = 1 2 mv2 , E p = mgΔh , W = Fs , W = ΔE
• explain and apply that power is the rate of doing work or transferring energy—this will include applying such relationships as:
P= = = Fv av .
t t
Nuclear physics • explain and apply the concepts of atomic number, mass number, isotope, atomic mass unit and nuclide
• explain that many nuclides are unstable and that these nuclides decay
• explain and apply the differences and similarities in the nature and properties of α, β and γ radiation
• write and interpret equations relating to alpha, beta and gamma decay
• explain that ionising radiation causes atoms to lose electrons, and thus become charged
• explain and apply the concepts of half-life, activity, dose and dose equivalent, and describe the effects of ionising radiation on humans—this will include applying the
, A = A0 ( 1 2 ) ,
absorbed dose = and dose equivalent = absorbed dose x quality factor
Δt m
• explain and apply the concepts of mass defect and binding energy of nuclides—this will include applying the relationships:
E = mc 2 and that 1 u of mass is equivalent to 931 MeV of energy
• explain the concepts of neutron-induced fission, chain reactions and critical mass
• explain and apply the concept of variation in binding energy per nucleon of nuclides to explain the release of energy by both fission and fusion processes—this will include
applying the relationships:
E = mc 2 and that 1 u of mass is equivalent to 931 MeV of energy
• explain that energy released during nuclear fission can be used to generate electrical energy in the same way as the energy released by burning fossil fuels
• explain that energy produced by nuclear fusion is the ultimate source of solar energy—this will include applying the relationships:
E = mc 2 and that 1 u of mass is equivalent to 931 MeV of energy
describe and explain both advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power stations and other applications of nuclear technology.

4 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

PHYSICS: Scope and sequence of content

Working in physics Students develop their own investigations by researching a real world problem and planning a related experiment. They reflect on their experimental design, the uncertainties in their
measurements, and the implications of their findings. They select appropriate problem-solving strategies involving abstract concepts and principles. They consider the level of
absolute uncertainty in experimental measurements and conclusions.
Heating and cooling • describe and explain matter as a collection of atoms
• describe and explain models of the structure of the atom
• investigate historical perspectives on the nature of matter
• describe and explain the kinetic theory of matter and apply it to explain properties of matter and changes of state
• distinguish between temperature, internal energy and heat
• effects of heat: thermal expansion and contraction
• effects of heat: change of temperature and specific heat capacity—this will include applying the relationship: Q = mcΔT
• effects of heat: change of state and latent heat—this will include applying the relationship: Q = mL
• describe and explain sources of heat, modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation) and their applications
• describe and explain the conversion of different forms of energy into heat—energy degradation, and its relationship to conservation of energy.

Electrical • explain that atoms can gain or lose electrons so gaining a net charge, and state that like charges repel and unlike charges attract
• explain and apply the concept of ‘electric current’ as the rate of flow of electric charge in an electric field—this will include applying the relationship: I=
• state that the direction of conventional current is that in which the flow of positive charge takes place, while the electron flow is in the opposite direction
• explain using electric fields the connection between electrical work, charge and potential difference—this will include applying the relationships of electrical work and power
Work = qV = VIt and P = VI = I 2 R =
• draw and interpret simple circuit diagrams including the use of standard symbols for resistor (fixed and variable), light bulb, switch, ammeter, voltmeter, dry cell and power
• understand and apply the concepts of electrical current, potential difference and resistance in series and parallel circuits
• explain and apply Ohm’s law and the concepts of ohmic and non-ohmic conduction—this will include applying the relationship: V = IR
• determine the total resistance of a number of resistors in series using: RT = R1 + R 2 + ...
• 1 1 1
determine the total resistance of a number of resistors in parallel using: = + + ...
RT R1 R2
• connect components in simple circuits and measure, or predict and verify values of current and potential difference using ammeters and voltmeters
• identify energy transfers in electrical circuits and devices
• describe the cause of electric shock and identify hazardous situations and safety precautions in everyday uses of electrical energy
• explain the electrical principles behind the operation of various safety devices.

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 5

PHYSICS: Scope and sequence of content

Working in Students are given opportunities to develop their skills related to investigating and communicating scientifically. They plan and conduct investigations to obtain valid and reliable results
physics and are prepared to justify their findings. Their problem-solving techniques include combinations of concepts and principles. They consider the level of absolute and percentage uncertainty
in experimental measurements. This includes the use of error bars when displaying data graphically.
Motion and • describe and apply the principle of conservation of energy
forces in a
• resolve, add and subtract vectors in one plane
field • draw free body diagrams, showing the forces acting on objects, from descriptions of real life situations involving forces acting in one plane
• explain and apply the concept of centre of mass
• describe and apply the concepts of distance and displacement, speed and velocity, acceleration, energy and momentum in the context of motion in a plane, including the trajectories
of projectiles in the absence of air resistance—this will include applying the relationships:
s v+u v-u
v av = , v av = , a= ,
t 2 t
s = ut + 1 2 at 2 , v 2 = u 2 + 2as
p = mv , ∑ pbefore = ∑ p after , FΔt = mv − mu Ek = 1 2 mv2 , E p = mgΔh , W = Fs , W = ΔE
• describe qualitatively the effects of air resistance on projectile motion
• explain and apply the concepts of centripetal acceleration and centripetal force, as applied to uniform circular motion—this will include applying the relationships:
v2 mv 2
ac = , resultant F = ma =
r r
• describe and interpret the radial gravitational field distribution around a single (point) mass
• explain and apply Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and the concept of gravitational acceleration, g, as gravitational field strength—this will include applying the relationships:
m1 m 2 M
Fg = G 2
, g=G
r r2
• explain the conditions for a satellite to remain in a stable circular orbit in a gravitational field, and calculate the parameters of satellites in stable circular orbits—this will include
applying the relationships:
s v2 mv 2 mm M
v av = , a c = , resultant F = ma = , Fg = G 1 2 2 , g = G 2
t r r r r
• describe and explain the impact of satellites and associated technologies on everyday life
• explain and apply the concept of torque or moment of a force about a point, and the principle of moments, and their application to situations where the applied force is perpendicular to
the lever arm—this will include applying the relationships:
τ = rF and Στ = 0 .
• explain and apply the concept of a rigid body in equilibrium—this will include applying the relationships:
• ΣF = 0, τ = rF and Στ = 0 .

6 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Electricity and • explain the attraction and repulsion effects for magnets, the behaviour of freely suspended magnets and magnetic compasses, and describe the nature of the Earth's magnetic field
• describe, using diagrams, the magnetic field in various magnetic configurations
• explain that magnetic fields are associated with moving charges, and draw the field due to a current flowing through a long straight wire, a short coil and a solenoid
• distinguish between direct and alternating currents and potentials, and apply Ohm’s law and the characteristics of series and parallel circuits—this will include applying the
1 1 1
relationships: V = IR , RT = R1 + R2 + ... and = + + ...
RT R1 R2
• describe and apply the concept of force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field, and describe the factors which affect the force on a current-carrying conductor in a
magnetic field—this will include applying the relationship:
F = IlB for perpendicular cases
• explain the torque produced by the force on a rectangular coil carrying a current in a magnetic field—this will include applying the relationships:
F = IlB and τ = rF for perpendicular cases
• describe the production of an induced emf by the relative motion of a straight conductor in a magnetic field—this will include applying the relationship:
induced emf = lvB for perpendicular cases
• describe and apply the concepts of magnetic flux and magnetic induction—this will include applying the relationships:
Φ = BA, induced emf = -N
• interpret and explain situations involving induced emf, such as the AC generator, and Lenz's Law applications
• explain using electric fields the connection between electrical work, charge and potential difference—this will include applying the relationships of electrical work and power:
Work = qV = VIt , P = VI = I 2 R =
• explain and apply the principle of the transformer—this will include applying the relationship:
Vs N
= s
Vp Np
• explain why electrical energy is transmitted as AC at very high voltages, and describe and explain the impact on everyday life of electrical power generation and transmission—this
will include applying the relationships:
Vs N V2 .
= s , P = VI = I 2 R =
Vp N p R

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 7

PHYSICS: Scope and sequence of content
Working in physics Students research and report on a question relating to a real world problem. They develop problem-solving strategies that involve linking a number of concepts and principles. They consider
the level of absolute and percentage uncertainty in experimental measurements and conclusions. This includes the use of error bars when displaying data and conclusions graphically.
Particles, waves and • explain and apply the concepts of amplitude, frequency, wavelength, displacement and speed of longitudinal and transverse mechanical waves—this will include applying the relationships:
T = 1f , v = f λ
• explain and apply the concepts of reflection, refraction and diffraction of wave fronts
• explain and apply the concepts of free oscillations, forced oscillations, interference and standing waves—this will include identifying nodes and antinodes, and using the expression
internodal distance = ½ λ
• sketch diagrams to illustrate the behaviour of waves in a variety of situations
• describe and explain the nature and properties of electromagnetic waves, including the concept of light as a wave of changing electric and magnetic fields, and its wave and particle
• describe and apply electromagnetic radiation and the emr spectrum
• classify emr spectra as emission spectra and absorption spectra and as line, broadband and continuous spectra
• describe and explain how astronomical observations exploit differences in properties of the various parts of the emr spectrum (external link: radio astronomy) (external link: ir astronomy)
(external link: uv astronomy) (external link: X-ray astronomy) in order to gather more information about celestial bodies
• explain and interpret line emission spectra, line absorption spectra and ionisation using the Bohr model of the atom and the concepts of ground and excited states, photons, quanta and
energy level transitions—this includes applying the relationships:
c = fλ, E = hf , E2 − E1 = hf
• explain fluorescence and the generation of X-rays—this includes applying the relationships:
c = fλ, E = hf , E2 − E1 = hf
• extend the concept of sub-atomic particle to include neutrinos (external link: neutrinos) and quarks (external link: quarks)
• describe the qualitative aspects of the special theory of relativity (external link: special relativity) such as reference frames (external link: frames of reference) and the mass-energy
equivalence principle (external link: equivalence)
• apply the speed of light in vacuum to astronomical distances to predict and explain transit times of light and particles travelling between planets, stars and galaxies—this will include
applying the relationship: v av =
• describe and explain the expansion of the Universe (external link: expansion of the Universe) and Hubble’s law (external link: Hubble's law)
• describe and apply the speeds of astronomical bodies (external link: speeds of astronomical bodies) such as the moon and the Earth in their orbits, or the speeds of galaxies (external link:
speeds of galaxies) —this will include applying the relationship: v av = s
• describe and explain fundamental cosmological concepts such as red shift (external link: red shift), the curvature of space (external link: spacetime), the Big Bang Theory and the history
(external link: Big Bang) and future of the Universe (external link: the future of the Universe)
• describe and explain the importance of particles, waves and quanta in everyday life.
Motion and forces in • explain that point charges create radial electric fields
electric and magnetic • describe, using diagrams, electric field distributions around simple combinations of charged points, spheres and plates
• describe, explain and use electric fields between parallel plates (external link: field between parallel plates) and within uniform conductors (external link: field in a uniform conductor) , to
explain the forces on charged particles (external link: forces on particles in electric fields) —this will include applying the relationships:
E= =
q d
• apply the concept of force on a charged particle moving through a magnetic field—this will include applying the relationships: F = qvB, F = mv
• describe the factors which affect the magnitude and direction of the force on a charged particle moving through a magnetic field
• explain and apply the concepts of electric and magnetic field in sequence (external link: mass spectrometer) or in combination (external link: crossed fields) —this will include applying the

relationships: E = F = V , F = qvB, mv 2
q d r

8 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Assessment outline: Unit 2APHY (sample only)
Assessment type
Assessment type Tasks Task weightings Outcomes coverage
O1 O2 O3
Task 1
Motion and forces experiments and skills tests
Experiments and Task 4
40% 10%
investigations Nuclear energy experiments and skills test
Task 6
‘They want to build a nuclear power station in my town’ 10%
Task 2
Motion and forces homework validation quizzes
Task 5
Tests 60% 5%
Nuclear energy homework validation quizzes
Task 3
Motion and forces topic tests
Task 7
Nuclear energy topic test
Task 8
Examination 20%
Semester examination

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 9

Teaching and learning program: Physics Unit 2A Time available: 55 hours

Hours Content Lab work Assessment
Vehicle • distinguish between scalar and vector quantities, and Lab 1: Adding displacements in one and
3 movement add and subtract vectors in one dimension. two dimensions
and collisions
Vehicle • explain and apply the concepts of distance and Lab 2: Uniform motion and graphing Task 1A
movement displacement, speed and velocity, and acceleration for Lab 1, 2 or 3 quiz
and collisions uniform and uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion, Lab 3: Uniformly accelerated motion and
including vertical motion under gravity—this will include graphing
6 applying the relationships:
s v+u v-u
vav = , vav = , a= ,
t 2 t
s = ut + 1 2 at 2 , v2 = u 2 + 2as .
Vehicle • state, explain and apply Newton's First, Second and Third Lab 4: Skills test—average speed Task 1B
3 movement Laws of Motion—this will include applying the relationship: Skills test
and collisions resultant F = ma .
Vehicle • explain and apply the law of conservation of Lab 5: Momentum Task 4
movement momentum in one dimension—this will include applying Open-book quiz
6 and collisions the relationships: on homework
p = mv , Σpbefore = Σp after , FΔt = mv − mu .
Bungee • describe, explain and use gravitational fields to explain Lab 6: Acceleration due to gravity Task 6a
jumping weight as the force on a mass in a gravitational field— Test 1
this will include applying the relationship: Fweight = mg (movement)
• draw free body diagrams, showing the forces acting on
objects, from descriptions of real life situations involving
forces acting in one or two dimensions.
Bungee • explain and apply the concepts of energy and work, Lab 7: Modelling a bungee jump Task 1C
jumping including kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy Lab 5, 6 or 7 quiz
and internal energy
4 • state, explain and apply the principle of conservation of
energy in situations involving transfer of energy, and
work—this will include applying the relationships:
E k = 1 2 mv 2 , E p = mgh, W = Fs, W = ΔE .

10 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Hours Content Lab work Assessment
Bungee • explain and apply that power is the rate of doing work Lab 8: Skills test—power Task 1D
jumping or transferring energy—this will include applying such Skills test
3 relationships as:
P= = = Fv av .
t t
Radioisotopes • explain and apply the concepts of atomic number, Lab 9: Radiation and the inverse square Task 6B
in medicine mass number, isotope, atomic mass unit and nuclide law Test 2 (energy
• explain that many nuclides are unstable and that these and power)
4 nuclides decay Task 3
• explain and apply the differences and similarities in the Assign
nature and properties of α, β and γ radiation investigation
• assign research project topic.
Radioisotopes • write and interpret equations relating to alpha, beta and Lab 10: Relative penetration of α, β and γ Task 5A
in medicine gamma decay radiation Open-book quiz
2 • explain that ionising radiation causes atoms to lose on homework
electrons, and thus become charged.
Radioisotopes • explain and apply the concepts of half-life, activity, Lab 11: Background radiation and location Task 2A
in medicine dose and dose equivalent, and describe the effects of Lab 9, 10 or 11
ionising radiation on humans—this will include applying quiz
the relationships:
4 ΔN , ⎛1⎞
A= A = A0 ⎜ ⎟ , absorbed dose = and
Δt ⎝ 2⎠ m
dose equivalent = absorbed dose x quality factor
• check progress of research project.
Nuclear • describe and explain both advantages and Task 7A
2 power disadvantages of nuclear power stations and other Test 3 (radiation)
applications of nuclear technology.
Nuclear • explain and apply the concepts of mass defect and Lab 12: Skills test—measuring radiation Task 2B
power binding energy of nuclides—this will include applying Skills test
the relationships: E = mc 2 and that 1 u of mass is
3 equivalent to 931 MeV of energy
• check progress of research project.

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 11

Hours Content Lab work Assessment
Nuclear • explain the concepts of neutron-induced fission, chain Lab 13: Computer simulation of fission Task 5B
power reactions and critical mass Open-book quiz
• explain and apply the concept of variation in binding on homework
2 energy per nucleon of nuclides to explain the release of
energy by both fission and fusion processes—this will
include applying the relationships: E = mc 2 and that 1 u
of mass is equivalent to 931 MeV of energy.
Nuclear • explain that energy released during nuclear fission can Lab 14: Computer simulation of fusion Task 3
power be used to generate electrical energy in the same way Investigation due
as the energy released by burning fossil fuels Task 7B
4 • explain that energy produced by nuclear fusion is the Test 4 (nuclear
ultimate source of solar energy—this will include energy)
applying the relationships: E = mc 2 and that 1 u of mass
is equivalent to 931 MeV of energy.
Exams • revise semester’s material Task 8
5 • semester examination. Examination

12 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Teaching and learning program: Physics Unit 2B Time available: 55 hours

Hours Learning Content Lab work Assessment

context (nominal)
Are atoms • investigate historical perspectives on the nature of matter and Lab 1: Measuring the size of a Task 3
real? energy molecule Assign
• describe and explain models of the structure of the atom Lab 2: Diffusion investigation
3 • describe and explain matter as a collection of atoms
• describe and explain the kinetic theory of matter and apply it to
explain properties of matter such as diffusion
• assign research project topic.
Are atoms • distinguish between internal energy, heat and temperature Lab 3: Conduction Task 1A
4 real? • describe and explain sources of heat and modes of heat Lab 4: Convection Lab 1, 2 or 3 quiz
transfer (conduction, convection, radiation).
Cooking • effects of heat: thermal expansion Lab 5: Thermal expansion and Task 1B
and • effects of heat: change in temperature—this will include contraction Lab 4, 5 or 6 quiz
5 preserving applying the relationship: Q = mcΔT Lab 6: Specific heat capacity Task 4A
• check progress of research project. Open-book quiz on
Cooking • effects of heat: change of state—this will include applying the Lab 7: Latent heat of vaporisation Task 6A
and relationship: Q = mL Test 1 (kinetic
preserving theory and heat
Cooking • describe and explain the conversion of different forms of Lab 8: Skills test—radiation Task 1C
and energy into heat (energy degradation, and its relationship to Skills test
preserving conservation of energy)
• check progress of research project.

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 13

Hours Learning Content Lab work Assessment
context (nominal)
Lightning • explain that atoms can gain or lose electrons so gaining a net Task 6B
charge, and state that like charges repel and unlike charges Test 2 (heat
attract calculations)
• explain and apply the concept of ‘electric current’ as the rate of
flow of electric charge in an electric field—this will include
4 q Task 3
applying the relationship: I = Investigation due
• state that the direction of conventional current is that in which
the flow of positive charge takes place, while the electron flow
is in the opposite direction.
Lightning • explain using electric fields the connection between electrical Lab 9: Electrical energy and power Task 5A
work, charge and potential difference—this will include Open-book quiz on
4 applying the relationships of electrical work and power homework
Work = qV = VIt P = VI
Household • draw and interpret simple circuit diagrams including the use of Lab 10: Skills test—constructing Task 2A
4 electrical standard symbols for resistor (fixed and variable), light bulb, circuits Skills test
devices switch, ammeter, voltmeter, dry cell and power supply.
Household • understand and apply the concepts of electrical current, Lab 11: Ohmic and non-ohmic
electrical potential difference and resistance in series and parallel resistors
devices circuits
• explain and apply Ohm's law and the concepts of ohmic and
non-ohmic conduction—this will include applying the
relationship: V = IR
Household • determine the total resistance of a number of resistors in Lab 12: Resistors in series Task 7A
4 electrical series using: RT = R1 + R2 + ... Test 3 (basic
devices electricity)
Household • determine the total resistance of a number of resistors in Lab 13: Resistors in parallel Task 2B
4 electrical 1 1 1 Lab 9, 11, 12 or 13
devices parallel using: = + + ... quiz
RT R1 R2
Household • connect components in simple circuits and measure, or predict Lab 14: Skills test—ohmic and non- Task 2C
electrical and verify values of current and potential difference using ohmic resistors Skills test
devices ammeters and voltmeters
• identify energy transfers in electrical circuits and devices.

14 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Hours Learning Content Lab work Assessment
context (nominal)
Staying • explain the cause of electric shock and identify hazardous Task 5B
2 alive situations and safety precautions in everyday uses of electrical Open-book quiz on
energy. homework
Staying • explain the electrical principles behind the operation of various Lab 15: Fuses Task 7B
alive safety devices. Test 4 (circuits)
Review • revise heat and electricity material Task 8
• semester examination. Examination

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 15

TYPE: Lab validation quiz
OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Investigating and communicating in physics; and Outcome 2:
CONTENT: nuclear energy; working in physics
LEARNING CONTEXT: environmental radiation

Task 4A: Lab validation quiz—attenuation of radiation with distance

Total marks: 10 (Weighting 2%)
The intensity of radiation received from a source depends (among other things) on the observer’s
distance from the source. This has strong implications for safety (greater distance means safer) and
detection (the further away the source, the more difficult it is to detect).
This lab exercise precedes the quiz and is about working exactly how the distance and the
measured activity are related. Your instructor will use the equipment; it is your task to collect, record
and process data. You will then answer some questions about the lab under test conditions.

Time allocation for quiz

20 minutes.

What you need to do

Ensure you have revised your work done in the research assignment and investigations.
Ensure that you understand:
• how to read a radiation detector
• background count
• the penetration characteristics of various radiation types
• uncertainties and errors in physical measurements.

16 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Physics Unit 2A: Nuclear energy
Sample lab validation quiz: Lab 9

Lab 9: Attenuation with distance

Your task is to work out the relationship between the measured activity of a radioactive source,
and the distance between the source and the measuring device.

Your teacher will set up and run the experiment. Your task is to record the data and any
observations, process the data, and evaluate the results.

The radioisotope used: __________

• Write a brief description of the experimental procedure. A labelled diagram will help you
describe the equipment and the procedure.

• Record all measurements in a suitable table.

• Draw a graph showing the measured activity as a function of the distance. Use a smooth
curve to show the relationship.

• Using lab software such as Vernier LabPro, a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft
Excel, or a graphing calculator, try various ways to represent the data until you find one
that gives a straight line of best fit. Note that you may need to draw a line of best fit by
eye. This means that not all the points will actually be on the line. Draw the graph,
showing clearly what each axis represents.


1. Determine the equation of the straight line that you obtained when graphing your data.

2. What does this equation mean? In your answer, relate your equation to the data you
obtained from the experiment.

3. Use the equation to predict the measured activity at some point between your nearest
and furthest measurement.

4. Use the equation to determine the distance at which the activity would be 1/25 of the
greatest measured activity in your experiment.

5. List the major sources of error or uncertainty in this experiment, and what steps you took
to minimise their effects.

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 17

Lab validation quiz: (students are allowed access to their lab notes)

1. Write down the equation of the straight line that you obtained when graphing your data.

2. Explain what this equation means. In your answer, relate your equation to the data you
obtained from the experiment.

In questions 3 and 4, use the following data:

• background count = 150 Bq
• closest distance = 5.0 cm; greatest distance = 35.0 cm
• activity at 5.0 cm = 7650 Bq; activity at 35.0 cm = 300 Bq.

3. Refer to the data above. Use the equation from question 1 to predict the measured
activity at a distance of 20 cm. Show your working clearly.

4. Use the equation to determine the distance at which the activity would be 1/36 of the
activity measured at 5.0 cm. Show your working clearly.

5. Name a major source of error or uncertainty in this experiment, and what steps you
took to minimise its effects.

18 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Sample lab validation quiz marking key: nuclear energy Total = 10 marks

1. Equation (inverse square relationship) 1 mark

2. Explanation (attenuation is proportional to inverse square of distance) 1 mark

3. Account for background (subtract 150) 1 mark

working shown 1 mark
predicted activity = 470 Bq 1 mark

4. Account for background (subtract 150) 1 mark

working shown 1 mark
predicted distance = 30 cm 1 mark

5. Major error source (e.g. distance) 1 mark

steps taken to minimise error 1 mark

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 19

Teacher notes
It is best to use a beta source for this experiment.
Run the G-M counter for 30 seconds without having the radioactive source nearby. Repeat
twice. This will establish the background count.
Set up the source and the G-M counter so that:
a. it is easy to change the distance between them
b. it is easy for students to measure the distance between them
c. students can record the count rate at various distances.
Best to anchor the source using a retort stand and clamp, and the ruler using another stand and
clamp. Briefly discuss parallax error to help students to minimise random distance measurement

Geiger-Muller tube

Radioactive source



Run the G-M counter for 30 seconds at each of at least 6 distances. The distances should cover
at least one order of magnitude (e.g. 5 mm to 5 cm, preferably greater e.g. 1 cm to 30 cm).
Instruct students to make their own independent measurements of the distance each time. Do
not attempt to use exact intervals—make the measurement of distance a student problem, not a
teacher problem.
The whole demonstration/experiment should take about 30 minutes to run (depending on
student measuring time more than any other factor). Student working time as they analyse the
data and write up their reports will vary, but about 1½ hours should suffice.
The beta source will also emit gammas but most G-M tubes are relatively insensitive to these, so
this is unlikely to create significant problems.
In theory, students should get a straight line plot with an inverse–square relationship. In practice,
confusing factors include sources that emit more than one easily measured radiation type. If this
occurs, the validation answer key may need to be modified to accord with the experimental
Hold a discussion/brainstorm after the measurement phase, focussing on the idea of changing
the axes to get a straight line. This is where access to computers or graphing calculators can
save a lot of time and frustration. If the students have trouble working out how to do this, suggest
a plot of (activity) vs. (inverse of distance2).
Administer the validation quiz as soon as possible after the lab session.

20 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Assessment outline: Unit 3BPHY (sample only)
Assessment type
Assessment type Tasks Task weightings Outcomes coverage

O1 02 03
Task 1
Particles, waves and quanta experiments and skills tests

Task 5
Experiments and
20% Motion and forces in electric and magnetic fields experiments 6%
and skills test

Task 3
‘Using spectra to identify elements’ investigation

Task 2
Particles, waves and quanta homework validation quizzes

Task 6
Tests 80% Motion and forces in electric and magnetic fields homework 4%
validation quizzes
Task 4
Particles, waves and quanta topic tests
Task 7
Motion and forces in electric and magnetic fields topic tests
Task 8
Examination 40%
Semester examination

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 21

Teaching and learning program: Physics Unit 3A Time available: 55 hours

Learning Assessment
Hours Content Lab work
context (nominal)
• resolve, add and subtract vectors in one plane
• draw free body diagrams, showing the forces acting on Lab 1: Location and behaviour of
Fun fair objects, from descriptions of real life situations involving forces centre of mass
physics acting in one plane
• explain and apply the concept of centre of mass.
• explain and apply the principle of conservation of energy
• explain and apply the concepts of distance and displacement, Lab 2: Projectile motion
speed and velocity, and acceleration in the context of motion
in a plane, including the trajectories of projectiles in the
absence of air resistance—this will include applying the
Fun fair relationships:
physics s v+u v-u
vav = , vav = , a= ,
t 2 t Task 3
s = ut + 1 2 at 2 , v 2 = u 2 + 2as Assign
• describe qualitatively the effects of air resistance on projectile
• explain and apply the concepts of centripetal acceleration and Investigation 1: Forces in uniform Task 1A
centripetal force, as applied to uniform circular motion—this circular motion Lab 1 or 2
Fun fair will include applying the relationships: validation quiz
v2 mv 2
ac = , resultant F = ma =
r r
• explain that point masses create radial gravitational fields Task 3
• describe, using diagrams, gravitational field distributions Investigation report
around simple combinations of masses due
• explain and apply Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and Task 6A
The the concept of gravitational acceleration, g, as gravitational Test 1
Universe field strength—this will include applying the relationships: (projectile and
m1 m2 M circular motion)
Fg = G , g=G
r2 r2

22 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Learning Assessment
Hours Content Lab work
context (nominal)
• describe and explain the scale of observable entities, from
sub-atomic particles to the Universe Lab 3: Pendulum motion and period
• apply the speed of light in vacuum to astronomical distances
to predict and explain transit times of light and particles
travelling between planets, stars and galaxies—this will
The s
Universe include applying the relationship: v av =
• describe and apply the speeds of astronomical bodies such as
the moon and the Earth in their orbits, or the speeds of
galaxies—this will include applying the relationship: v av =
• describe and explain the expansion of the Universe and Hubble’s Lab 4: Orbital speed and period Task 1C
Law Lab 3 or 4
• describe and explain electromagnetic radiation and the validation quiz
2 spectrum
• describe and explain how astronomical observations exploit
differences in properties of the various parts of the emr spectrum
in order to gather more information about celestial bodies.
• explain the conditions for a satellite to remain in a stable Task 4
circular orbit in a gravitational field, and calculate the Open-book
parameters of satellites in stable circular orbits—this will validation quiz on
include applying the relationships: homework
The s v2 mv 2
5 vav = , a c = , resultant F = ma = ,
Universe t r r
mm M
Fg = G 1 2 2 , g = G 2 .
r r
• describe and explain the impact of satellites and associated
technologies on everyday life.

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 23

Learning Assessment
Hours Content Lab work
context (nominal)
• explain and apply the concept of torque or moment of a force Lab 5: Equilibrium Task 6B
about a point, and the principle of moments, and their Test 2 (gravitation
application to situations where the applied force is and satellites)
Using perpendicular to the lever arm—this will include applying the
5 electric relationships: τ = rF and Στ = 0 .
motors • explain and apply the concept of a rigid body in equilibrium—
this will include applying the relationships: Lab 6: Skills test—principle of Task 1B
ΣF = 0 , τ = rF and Στ = 0 moments Lab 6 skills test

• explain the attraction and repulsion effects for magnets, the Lab 7: Magnetic fields Task 5A
behaviour of freely suspended magnets and magnetic Open-book
compasses, and describe the nature of the Earth's magnetic validation quiz on
field homework
• describe, using diagrams, the magnetic field in various magnetic Lab 8: Magnetic fields of current-
Using configurations carrying wires and coils
3 electric • explain that magnetic fields are associated with moving
motors charges, and draw the field due to a current flowing through a
long straight wire, a short coil and a solenoid
• distinguish between direct and alternating currents and
• assign research project topic.
• explain and apply the concept of force on a conductor in a
Using magnetic field, and describe the factors which affect the force on a
2 electric current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field—this will include
motors applying the relationship: F = IlB for perpendicular cases.
• explain the force acting on the electrons in a metallic Lab 9: Skills test– F = IlB Task 2A
conductor moving in a magnetic field, and apply this concept Lab 9 skills test
Using to explain the torque produced by the force on a rectangular
3 electric coil carrying a current in a magnetic field—this will include
motors applying the relationships:
F = IlB and τ = rF for perpendicular cases
• check progress of research project.

24 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Learning Assessment
Hours Content Lab work
context (nominal)
Generating • explain and apply the concepts of magnetic flux and magnetic Investigation 2: Magnetic field inside Task 2B
and induction—this will include applying the relationships: a solenoid Lab 7, 8 or 10
5 transmitting ΔΦ validation quiz
Φ = BA , induced emf = -N , induced emf = l vB
electrical Δt
Generating • interpret and explain situations involving induced emf, such as Lab 10: The motor effect Task 7A
and the AC generator, and Lenz's law applications. Test 3 (motors)
4 transmitting
• explain using electric fields the connection between electrical Lab 11: Electric power Task 5B
work, charge and potential difference—this will include applying Open-book
Generating the relationships of electrical work and power: validation quiz on
and V2 homework
Work = qV = VIt , P = VI = I 2 R =
4 transmitting R
electrical • explain and apply the principle of the transformer—this will
energy include applying the relationship: Lab 13: Skills test—the transformer
Vs N Task 2C
= s Lab 13 skills test
Vp N p
• explain why electrical power is transmitted as AC at very high
Generating voltages, and describe and explain the impact on everyday life
and of electrical power generation and transmission—this will Task 7B
3 transmitting include applying the relationships: Test 4 (induction)
electrical Vs N V2 .
energy = s , P = VI = I 2 R =
Vp N p R
• revise semester’s material Task 8
4 Exams • semester examination. Examination

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 25

Teaching and learning program Unit 3B Time available: 55 hours

Learning Assessment
Hours Content Lab work
context (nominal)
• explain and apply the concepts of amplitude, frequency, Lab 1: Speed of sound by time of Task 3
wavelength, displacement and speed of longitudinal and travel methods Assign
transverse mechanical waves—this will include applying the investigation
4 1
waves relationships: T = , v= f λ
• assign investigation topic.
• explain and apply the concepts of reflection and diffraction of Lab 2: Standing waves (open Task 1A
wave fronts pipes) Lab 1, 2 or 3
Sound • explain and apply the concepts of free oscillations, forced quiz
6 Lab 3: Standing waves (strings)
waves oscillations, and standing waves—this will include identifying
nodes and antinodes, and using the expression:
int ernodal distance = 1 2 λ
• sketch diagrams to illustrate the behaviour of waves in a Lab 4: Skills test—natural Task 1B
Sound variety of situations frequency Lab 4 skills test
• check progress of investigation.
• describe and explain the nature and properties of Lab 5: emr spectrum Task 6A
electromagnetic waves, including the concept of light as a Test 1 (waves
wave of changing electric and magnetic fields, and its wave and the Universe
and particle properties only)
The unseen • describe and explain fundamental cosmological concepts such
as red shift, the curvature of space, the big bang theory and
the history and future of the Universe
• classify emr spectra as emission spectra and absorption
spectra and as line, broadband and continuous spectra.
• explain and interpret line emission spectra, line absorption Lab 6: Emission spectra Task 1C
spectra and ionisation using the Bohr model of the atom and Lab 5 or 6 quiz
The unseen the concepts of ground and excited states, photons, quanta
4 and energy level transitions—this includes applying the
relationships: c = fλ , E = hf , E 2 − E1 = hf
• check progress of investigation.

26 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

Learning Assessment
Hours Content Lab work
context (nominal)
• explain fluorescence and the generation of X-rays—this Task 4
The unseen includes applying the relationships: Open-book
Universe c = fλ , E = hf , E 2 − E1 = hf Quiz on
• extend the concept of sub-atomic particle to include neutrinos Lab 7: Skills test—identifying Task 1D
and quarks elements using spectra Lab 7 skills test
• describe and explain qualitative aspects of the special theory
The unseen of relativity such as reference frames and the mass-energy
Universe equivalence principle
• describe and explain the importance of particles, waves and Task 3
quanta in everyday life. Investigation
• explain that point charges create radial electric fields Lab 8: Electric fields (qualitative) Task 6B
Fields and
forces • describe, using diagrams, electric field distributions around Test 2 (modern
simple combinations of charged points, spheres and plates. physics only)
• describe, explain and use electric fields between parallel Lab 9: Electric fields Task 2A
plates and within uniform conductors, to explain the forces on (quantitative) Lab 8 or 9 quiz
Fields and charged particles—this will include applying the relationships:
E= =
q d
• describe the factors which affect the force on a charged particle Task 7A
moving through a magnetic field Test 3 (electric
Fields and • explain and apply the concept of force on a charged particle fields)
5 moving through a magnetic field—this will include applying the Task 5
Open-book quiz
mv 2
relationships: F = qvB , F = on homework
• explain and apply the concepts of electric and magnetic field in Lab 10: Skills test—electric fields Task 2B
sequence or in combination—this will include applying the Lab 10 skills test
Fields and
5 F V mv 2 Task 7B
relationships: E = = , F = qvB , F = Test 4 (particles
q d r in E and B fields)
• revise semester 1 and 2 material Task 8
7 Exams
• mock WACE examination. Examination

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 27

TYPE: Test
OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Investigation and communication in physics; Outcome 2: Energy; and
Outcome 3: Forces and fields
UNIT CONTENT: Particles, waves and quanta

TASK 4B: Particles, waves and quanta topic test Total marks: 33 (Weighting 8%)

1. Revise your work on this topic.
2. Complete the test in class (45 minutes).

Time allowed:
45 minutes

1. According to a popular theory, both protons and neutrons are themselves made of
combinations of particles called quarks. However, quarks have never been observed. Why
are they so hard to find?
[2 marks]



2. Explain briefly why the red shift of light from distant galaxies is taken to be evidence that
supports the Big Bang hypothesis.
[3 marks]





3. If you look at the light from an incandescent lamp through a spectroscope, you will see a
continuous spread of colours from red at one end, to violet at the other. If you use the same
instrument to look at sunlight, you will see the same spread of colours, but with narrow, dark
lines at different places. Explain what causes these lines to appear in sunlight but not in
[4 marks]




28 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials

4. It is well known that you can hear sounds created around the corner of a building, but you
cannot see what makes the sound around the same corner. Both sound and light can be
thought of as waves. Why do they behave so differently in this instance?
[3 marks]




5. An X-ray scanner is used to detect cracks in metal components. X-rays are generated in the
scanner by electrons which are accelerated by a potential difference of 22 000 volts, and
then allowed to impact a target made of the metal tungsten.
[10 marks]

(a) Explain briefly why this device creates X-rays.

[4 marks]





(b) Calculate the shortest wavelength of X-rays that this machine can produce.
[4 marks]





(c) Tungsten has extremely high melting and boiling points, and is very resistant to being
turned into a gas. Why would the designers of the X-ray scanner specify this metal as
the target at which the electrons are directed?

[2 marks]





Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 29

6. The two speakers shown in the diagram below each emitted the same single note. The
speakers were in phase with each other. A standing wave was created between the two
[11 marks]

1.70 m 0.60 m
Speaker 1 Speaker 2

Q1 L1 Q2 L2 Q3 L3 Q4 L4 Q5 L5 Q6

3.40 m

A student walking from Speaker 1 to Speaker 2 noticed that at the points labeled L1, L2, L3, L4
and L5 the sound from the speakers was loud. At the points labeled Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 and Q6,
however, the sound from the speakers was quiet (but not silent).

The speakers were 3.40 m apart. Point L3 was half way between the speakers. The distance
between Q4 and Q5 was 0.60 m.

(a) Assuming that the speed of sound in air is 346 ms-1, calculate the frequency of the
sound emitted from the speakers.
[3 marks]








(b) With the aid of a diagram or graph, explain why the sound was quiet at Q2.
[3 marks]







30 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials
Q6 cont

The student then placed a tall cylinder (diagram A below) filled with water at L3, and slowly
drained the water out. As the water level in the cylinder fell, it produced a loud sound (diagram
B), then went quiet (diagram C), then produced another loud sound (diagram D) as the level kept


(c) Explain why the cylinder made a loud sound when the water level was as shown in
diagram B, but was quiet when the water level was as shown in diagram C.
[3 marks]








(d) Determine the difference between the water depth at the first loud sound (B), and the
water depth at the second loud sound (D).
[2 marks]




Requirements for assessment Due dates:

□ Written test

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 31

Sample test marking key: Particles, waves and quanta
Question 1: [2 marks]
Mark Answer
1 The quarks in protons and neutrons are very strongly bound.
1 Separating them requires enormous amounts of energy.

Question 2: [3 marks]
Mark Answer
1 Red shift is a result of the Doppler effect
1 Distant galaxies are all strongly red shifted so they must all be receding at a very high
speed in all directions.
1 This recession supports the idea that the Universe is expanding in all directions from a
single instant in the past—the Big Bang.

Question 3: [4 marks]
Mark Answer
1 The coloured background is characteristic of emission from very hot (e.g. white-hot)
surfaces such as the lamp filament or the Sun.
1 Atoms of various elements in the outer atmosphere of the Sun absorb photons having
exactly the right energy to promote electrons to higher energy levels.
1 The energy is almost immediately reradiated, but in all directions, so there is a net
decrease in brightness at this frequency in the direction of the observer.
1 The dark lines are thus the result of selective absorption of certain frequencies in the
region between the Sun’s photosphere and the observer. There is insufficient
atmosphere between the lamp and the observer for this effect to occur with the lamp.

Question 4: [3 marks]
Mark Answer
1 The extent of diffraction depends strongly on the wavelength being diffracted.
1 Sound waves generally have much longer wavelengths than light waves.
1 Sound waves are thus diffracted much more than light waves.

Question 5: [10 marks]

1 The electrons slow down when they impact the target.
1 Some of the kinetic energy lost by the electrons is released as high energy photons.
These are X-rays.
1 Some atoms in the target are ionised by the impacts.
1 X-rays are also generated by electrons from higher energy levels dropping down to
replace electrons lost from inner shells.
Mark Answer
1 Shortest wavelength means highest energy, 22 000 eV i.e. when all the kinetic energy
of an electron is released as a single photon.
1 22 000 eV = (1.6 x 10-19) (22 000) J = 3.52 x 10-15 J
1 hc
Use E = hf =
1 hc ( 6.63 x10 −34 )( 3 x10 8 )
λ= = −15
= 5.65 x10 −11 m
E 3.52 x10
Mark Answer
1 Only a small fraction of the electrons’ kinetic energy becomes X-rays.
1 The remaining electron energy heats the target. Tungsten is less affected by this than
other materials would be.
32 Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials
Question 6: [11 marks]
Mark Answer
1 Internodal distance = ½ wavelength.
1 λ = 2 x0.60m = 1.2m
1 v 346
f = = Hz = 288Hz
λ 1.2
Mark Answer
1 Diagram or graph showing nodes at the Q points and antinodes at the L points.
1 Nodes occur where the two interfering waves arrive with 180° phase difference.
1 There is destructive interference at the Q points at all times.
Mark Answer
1 The external loud sound excites vibrations in the air column in the pipe.
1 Most lengths of pipe allow forced vibration but do not allow resonance.
1 Some lengths (such as in B) allow a standing wave to occur when the incoming wave
interferes with the wave reflected from the water surface.
Mark Answer
1 The difference in pipe length corresponds to one half of a wavelength.
1 The wavelength was 1.2 m so the difference in length must be 0.60 m.

Physics Stage 2: Sample teacher support materials 33

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