Seed Selection Lesson Plan

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Objective: Students will be able to select seeds based on the Philippine National Standards (PNS) and
National Seed Quality Control Services/Bureau of Plant Industry (NSQCS/BPI) guidelines.

Code: TLE_AFOA9-12OV-IIIa-j-IVa-j-1

Grade Level: 9-12

Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education (Agriculture and Fishery Arts)

(1) Review

Begin the class by reviewing the previous lesson on the importance of using quality seeds for agricultural
purposes. Ask the students to recall the factors that affect seed quality and the benefits of using seeds
that meet national standards.

(2) Motivation

Display a variety of seed packets and ask the students to observe the labels and information provided.
Discuss how this information might be related to the quality and standards of seeds. Share a story or a
case study about a farmer who achieved a successful harvest by selecting the right seeds.

(3) Activity

Seed Selection Workshop: Engaging and Interactive


Divide the class into small groups.

Provide each group with different seed packets, some adhering to PNS and NSQCS/BPI guidelines and
others not.
Each group should examine the seed packets and list the information available.
Using printed guidelines from PNS and NSQCS/BPI, groups must determine which seeds meet the
Each group presents their findings, explaining how they identified the compliant seeds.
(4) Analysis

Discuss with the students how they felt during the activity, what challenges they encountered, and what
strategies they used to determine which seeds met the national standards.

(5) Abstraction

Summarize the key points of PNS and NSQCS/BPI guidelines for seed selection, emphasizing the
importance of these standards in ensuring high-quality agricultural products.

(6) Application
Real-life Problem Scenario:

Present the students with a scenario where they are helping a local farmer to select seeds for the next
planting season. The farmer has a limited budget and wants to ensure a good harvest. Students must
use their knowledge of PNS and NSQCS/BPI guidelines to advise the farmer on the best seed choices.

(7) Assessment

Seed Selection Quiz:

What does PNS stand for and why is it important in seed selection? (Answer: Philippine National
Standards; It ensures the quality and safety of agricultural products.)
True or False: The NSQCS/BPI is responsible for certifying seeds that do not meet national quality
standards. (Answer: False)
Fill in the blank: Seeds that meet the _____ guidelines are more likely to produce a higher yield and
better quality crops. (Answer: PNS and NSQCS/BPI)
What information on a seed packet can indicate that it complies with national standards? (Answer:
Certification marks, lot number, date of testing, germination rate, etc.)
Why should a farmer consider using seeds that adhere to the PNS and NSQCS/BPI guidelines? (Answer:
To ensure the seeds are of high quality, which can lead to better crop yields and profitability.)
(8) Assignment

Research Assignment:

Ask students to research different types of seeds used in local agriculture and create a comparison chart
that showcases which ones meet the PNS and NSQCS/BPI guidelines and which ones do not. They should
also provide a brief explanation of the potential impact on crop yield and farmer's income.

Interactive Activities Related to the Objective:

Virtual Seed Quality Inspection Simulation: Create a computer simulation where students can inspect
virtual seeds for quality based on PNS and NSQCS/BPI guidelines. They can "test" the seeds for
germination rate, purity, and other factors in a virtual lab setting.

Seed Packet Design Challenge: Students design their own seed packets that include all necessary
information to comply with PNS and NSQCS/BPI guidelines. They should include creative elements that
would help a farmer easily identify the quality and type of seed.

Role-Playing Activity: Students take on roles as farmers, seed inspectors, and agricultural scientists. They
engage in a role-play where they debate the importance of seed standards and simulate the process of
seed certification and selection according to guidelines.

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