II English Test VLL Level

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VII Level :Interactive reading and listening

for teenagers and adults

_________________________________________________________. Score: ____/ 50pts

Date: ____________________________________. Teacher’s name: Alvaro Jose Jimenez
General instructions: before solving your test read carefully the instructions, preferably use pen to

Listening Section I : Listen and complete each statement . _/10pts

1. Euphemisms are _____used in the corporate world.

a) Often. B) seldom. C). Never
2. Business try to____ words with negative connotations.
A) Create. B) Avoid. C) Use
3. The same euphemisms are often used______

A)At work and with friends. B) in different contexts C) in more than one conversation

4. Over time, euphemisms can become more______

A) meaningful B) Useful C) Negative

5. Doublespeak is language that_____

A) hides the truth B) is honest and clear C) confuses the speaker

II. Listen again. Fill in the missing information___/10pts

l. Workforce reduction is a corporate euphemism for__________________

2. Sanitation worker is a euphemism for_______________
3.___________________ means the removal of dirt to protect public health.
4. Between jobs and going through a career transition are euphemisms for_____________
5. Funemployedis an example of a euphemism you use with employers.
6, Downsizingis a corporate euphemism for____________________
7._______________________ is an example of a euphemism that got a negative connotation over time.
8. Using 29 dlfferenteuphemisms to mean "fire peopld'is an example of____________________

Section II. Grammar Section___10pts. Write the right Superlative form in each

1. This cat is vibrant . It is _________________feline in the house.

2. This dog is eager. It is_______________canine in the park.
3. This child is charming. He is the___________kid in the class.
4. This movie is thrilling. It is_________________film in the theater.
5. This plan is famous . It is__________________strategy in the game.
6. This song is catchy. It is___________________tune on the radio.
7. This joke is funny. It is_____________________joke of the night.
8. This dish is spicy. It is______________________meal on the menu.
9. This book is funny. It is the funniest story I've read.
10. This idea is clever. It is the cleverest concept we've discussed.

Section III. Writing section. __/10pts. Write 3 paragraphs with the topic “ The most
memorable event” use euphemisms, Superlatives and emotional appeals at least( 100

Section IV. Speaking

I. Answer to the questions that your teacher is going to ask you about the topics developed in the class.
Express your ideas in the best possible way; show management of the vocabulary and grammar mastery
with good pronunciation and fluency. ______/ 10pts

Answer in a correct way with Answer the question with

Number of Answer with major
good pronunciation, fluency minimal difficulties and
questions difficulties. (1)
and coherence. (4) coherence. (2)

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