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OCTOBER 20, 2023 10:45-11;45 AM

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson the learners are expected to:
a. Classify Farm tools according to its purpose and use
b. Check Farm tools faults and defects
c. Create a tool inventory for a specific job requirement.
d. Explain why it is necessary to use good condition tools.

II. CONTENT: Materials, Tools, Equipment for farm works

A. Reference: TLE 10- AFA Activity Sheet
B. Learning Competency with Code : Identify required materials , tools and equipment
according to lists provided and /or authority’s instructions ( TLE_AFA c9-12IIIa-e-1)
C. Instructional Materials: Power Point Presentation,tv, computer, curriculum guide,
lesson plan


Good Morning Grade 10 Good Morning Sir.

Class Monitor, Please check the attendance Alright Sir

Last meeting we identified the different agricultural tools. Isn’t it? Yes Sir
What are those?
Sir, Bolo, Axe, crowbar, grab
hoe, rake spade, shovel
Very Good.

Before we begin this lesson, we have these objectives,

a. Classify Farm tools according to its purpose and use
b. Check Farm tools faults and defects
c. Create a tool inventory for a specific job requirement.
d. Explain why it is necessary to use good condition tools.

Class, carefully look at the pictures. What can you say?(Show a
picture of farmers doing farm job)
Sir, a farmer doing his farm job.

Ask the following “so that it will ease performing

questions: our jobs when we know already

what to use.

1. Why do we need to “by checking it.

know commo
Ask the following questions:
 What can you see on the picture?
 Why do we need to know the tools we need in our farm

 How will you know if the tools are good for use in our farm
job? Yes Sir

1. Why do we need to know commo tools in

The learners will classify tools
Very good
according to its specific use.
Yes Sir
Our tools need to be classified according to its specific uses.

Some are for cutting, digging, cultivating, fertilizing and land

clearing. Do you agree?

You are on your table groups with 7 members,

I will assign you to classify the tools provided with pictures
according to its use. Are you ready?
You have 5 minutes to do the activity

Very good

Let’s check your answers,

Table 1, 2 3 4 and 5

Class, we can’t avoid farm tool to have defects after a long term of
The learners will check the tools
The characteristic of the materials/tools to be used for specific and find the defects and faults
farm project must be: in the tools.

of good quality - This is the most important factor when choosing

materials to buy. Products with good quality are long-lasting and
safe to use because you know that it follows certain standards
before being commercialized.
Reliable - It means that you can be sure that it will perform its Yes Sir
function well, will operate safely and will give the best it could
suitable for the application/purposes - Choose the materials
which are very necessary to make the project possible. Making a
list of products/materials to buy is a good trait of a wise consumer.
Products which are not important must be crossed out.

Here are farm tools that has defects.

On your groups, I’ll let you check tools with defects. You are going
to check the its faults. List down the tools you have and the reason
why we can’t use it. And what are your recommendations

I will give you a form, you will fill this out listing the defects in a
specific tools I will give you. Write your recommended repair.

And then Choose a representative to present your work in the

class Ok? Great

Name of Tool Defect/s Recommendation

No Sir

Do you have questions? Crystal Sir



You will be given a specific task per group. You are going to create
an inventory of tools required for your task and explain its use and
importance to your job. Choose your representative to present
your work, 5 minutes to do the task. Clear? The learners will create an
inventory of tools to be used in
a specific farming task.
Here are the criteria for rating your work

Cooperation 30
Suitability of tools 40
Work Discipline 30
Total 100

Let’s check your work. Are you ready? Yes Sir!


Effective management checks are important means of providing

assurance of the integrity, security, and productivity of materials
and the farm. The errors and the defects of the farm materials
could not be identified right away if there is no strict checking
upon paying and receiving the materials and this will lead the
farmers to failure because it’s wasting of money and time. All
materials received must be checked, listed and be reported to
monitor how many materials are already on hand, purchased or
damaged that need replacements.

ASSESSMENT: I will give you a test paper, you are going to

classify tools according to its use.

Goodbye sir.


ASSIGNMENT: Bring repair tools on our next meeting such as,
Hammer, Plier, Sandpaper, Whetstone etc.

Goodbye and see you next meeting

Prepared by: Luther G. Molina

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