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Unit 01

Genesis of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

SUBJECT: Pakistan Studies
TOPIC: The Simla conference, Formation of Interim Government, The Third June plan,
Indian Independence Act, and Emergence of Pakistan
LESSON After completion of lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES:  Comprehensively understand the key events leading to India's independence,
including the Simla Conference, the Formation of the Interim Government, the
Third June Plan, the Indian Independence Act, and the emergence of Pakistan.

SUMMARY  Begin with a brief overview of the context: The final stages of India's struggle
OF TASKS for independence and the role of key events in shaping the destiny of the Indian
 Explain what the Simla Conference was and its significance in the lead-up to
 Describe the circumstances that led to the formation of the Interim Government
in 1946.
 Introduce the Third June Plan and its context following World War II.
 Provide an overview of the Indian Independence Act of 1947.
 Highlight the significance of the creation of Pakistan as a separate nation for
 Summarize the key points covered in the lesson: The failure of the Simla
Conference, the formation of the Interim Government, the Third June Plan, the
Indian Independence Act, and the emergence of Pakistan.
 By the end of the lesson students would be asked some questions (open ended)
related to topic.
MATERIALS Board, Markers, Book
 Administer a short quiz with
multiple-choice questions related to
the key points of topic.
HOME WORK Assign a short essay that requires students to delve deeper into one of the
discussed topics.
Unit 02
Initial problems of The Islamic Republic of Pakistan
SUBJECT: Pakistan Studies
TOPIC: Problems: Radcliffe award and injustice, results, Problems of New born state of
LESSON After completion of lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES:  Analyze the challenges posed by the Radcliffe Award, its consequences in terms
of injustice, and the subsequent problems faced by the newly formed state of

SUMMARY  Greet the students and briefly discuss the importance of understanding the
OF TASKS problems of Pakistan.
 Ask the students if they know about the problems.
 Introduce the Radcliffe Award as the border demarcation between India and
Pakistan during partition.
 Explore the aftermath of partition, including the violence, displacement, and
refugee crisis.
 Identify and elaborate on the major challenges faced by Pakistan after its
 Economic challenges, including division of assets and resources.
 Administrative and governance issues due to a sudden shift from
colonial rule to independent nation.
 Security concerns due to communal tensions and territorial disputes.
 Refugee crisis and humanitarian challenges due to massive population
 Recap the main points discussed in the lecture.
 By the end of the lesson students would be asked some questions (open ended):
 Explain the major problems of Pakistan.

MATERIALS Board, Markers, Book

 Engage students in a brief
discussion or group activity where
they can share their thoughts on the
problems of Pakistan.
HOME WORK Assign students to write a reflective essay on the topic "Assessing the Challenges
Faced by the Newborn State of Pakistan and Their Impact." Encourage them to
consider the long-term repercussions of these challenges on Pakistan's
Unit 02
Initial problems of The Islamic Republic of Pakistan
SUBJECT: Pakistan Studies
TOPIC: Accession of Princely states, Efforts for Resolving the problems and other
important steps
LESSON After completion of lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES:  Comprehend the process of accession of princely states to Pakistan, the efforts
made to address challenges, and other significant steps to resolve problems.

SUMMARY  Greet the students and briefly discuss the importance of understanding the
OF TASKS solution of problems of Pakistan.
 Ask the students if they know about the solutions
 Highlight key princely states and their decisions to join one of the two nations,
focusing on the role of their rulers and the socio-political considerations
 Efforts to resolve these issues, including negotiations, Constituent Assembly and
the development of policies for governance and administration.
 Outline other crucial steps taken during the early days of Pakistan's formation.
 Recap the main points discussed in the lecture.
 By the end of the lesson students would be asked some questions (open ended):
 Explain solutions for the major problems of Pakistan.
 Tell about princely states and their accession

MATERIALS Board, Markers, Book

 Engage students in a brief
discussion: "What should be the
decision about princely states?"
HOME WORK Divide the class into groups and assign each group a different princely state that acceded
to Pakistan. Have each group prepare a short presentation summarizing the factors that
influenced the state's decision to join Pakistan and its subsequent impact.
Unit 02
Initial problems of The Islamic Republic of Pakistan
SUBJECT: Pakistan Studies
TOPIC: National solidarity and stability, Quaid-e-Azam vision of Pakistan and his strategy
for solution of problems
LESSON After completion of lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES:  Understand the concepts of national solidarity and stability, delve into Quaid-e-
Azam's vision of Pakistan, and analyze his strategy for solving the challenges
faced by the newly created nation.

SUMMARY  Begin with a thought-provoking question: "Do you know what was the Quaid-e-
OF TASKS Azam’s vision of Pakistan?"
 Define national solidarity and stability and their importance for a newly
independent nation like Pakistan.
 Introduce Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as the founding father of
 Discuss his vision of Pakistan as a separate homeland for Muslims, emphasizing
religious freedom, equality, and social justice.
 His vision about Fundamental principles of economy and guiding principles of
the Foreign Policy
 Explain Quaid-e-Azam's approach of emphasizing unity, discipline, and hard
work, quality of leadership, negotiating skills as the means to address the
problems of Pakistan.
 Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson. Encourage students to
further explore the topic through reading and research.
 Facilitate a class discussion on how Quaid-e-Azam's vision and principles are
relevant in addressing contemporary challenges.
 By the end of the lesson students would be asked some questions (open ended):
 What is national solidarity and stability?
MATERIALS Board, Markers, Book
 Engage students in a brief
discussion to relate Quaid-e-Azam's
principles to contemporary issues
for potential solutions.
HOME WORK Assign students to write a short essay on the relevance of Quaid-e-Azam's vision
and principles in addressing a specific issue Pakistan faces today.
Unit 03
Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Physical Features
SUBJECT: Pakistan Studies
TOPIC: Location, Boundaries, Physical profile. Seasons, Rainfall, Temperature zones
LESSON After completion of lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES:  Understand Pakistan's geographical features, including its location, boundaries,
physical profile, rainfall patterns, and temperature zones.

SUMMARY  Begin by locating Pakistan on a map and discussing its neighboring countries.
OF TASKS  Explain the geographical significance of its location, being situated at the
crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East.
 Briefly discuss the significance of its boundaries with India, China, Afghanistan,
and Iran.
 Discuss Pakistan's varied topography, including the Himalayas, Karakoram
Range, and the Indus River.
 Mention the important geographical features such as the Indus River Basin and
the coastal areas along the Arabian Sea.
 Present an overview of Pakistan's seasons and varied rainfall patterns, ranging
from arid to wet regions.
 Discuss the role of the monsoon and its influence on rainfall distribution across
different areas of Pakistan.
 Introduce the concept of temperature zones in Pakistan
 Discuss the factors contributing to the variation in temperature across these
zones, such as altitude and distance from the sea.
 Summarize the key points discussed: location, boundaries, physical profile,
rainfall patterns, and temperature zones.
 Engage in a class discussion on how geographical features influence various
aspects of life in Pakistan, including agriculture, economy, and culture.
 By the end of the lesson students would be asked some questions (open ended):
 About location, physical features, mountains.

MATERIALS Board, Markers, Book, Videos, Multimedia, Maps

 Display a map of Pakistan showing
different physical features, rainfall
patterns, and temperature zones.
Ask students to identify and label
these features, zones, and patterns
on the map.
HOME WORK Ask students to draw the map of Pakistan and highlight plateaus and mountains.
Unit 03
Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Physical Features
SUBJECT: Pakistan Studies
TOPIC: Imbalanced economic growth and regional disparities, Influence of climate on
human life
LESSON After completion of lesson, students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES:  Understand the concepts of imbalanced economic growth, regional disparities,
and the influence of climate on human life, and to analyze their impact on a
country's development.

SUMMARY  Define imbalanced economic growth and regional disparities.

OF TASKS  Discuss the factors contributing to imbalanced economic growth, such as
unequal distribution of resources, infrastructure, and investment.
 Present examples of regional disparities within a country, highlighting
differences in income, education, healthcare, and development opportunities.
 Introduce the concept of climate and its impact on various aspects of human life.
 Discuss the ways in which climate influences agriculture, industry, health, and
daily activities.
 Summarize the key points discussed: imbalanced economic growth, regional
disparities, and climate's influence on human life.
 By the end of the lesson students would be asked some questions (open ended):
 How imbalanced economic growth can lead to regional disparities and
how climate can either exacerbate or mitigate these disparities

MATERIALS Board, Markers, Book.

 Engage in a class discussion where
Students could relate the concepts
discussed to real-world examples
and contemporary issues.
HOME WORK Assign students to write an essay comparing the impact of climate on human life
in two different regions within their country. They should highlight how climate
influences aspects like agriculture, health, and daily routines, and how regional
disparities might be influenced by these climatic differences.

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