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TONE AND ATTITUDE A. PENGERTIAN Sifat teks (tone) adalah suatu kualitas yang menunjukkan perasaan dan pi n penulis terhadap suatu hal. Sikap penulis (attitude) adalah bentuk perasaan atau pikiran penulis terhadap permasalahan yang dibahas dalam teks. Keduanya biasa opini atau kecenderungan penulis. B. IDENTIFIKASI PERTANYAAN injukkan dalam bentuk Ekspresi atau emosi penulis teks umumnya ditanyakan sebagai berikut. a. The tone of the passage is b. What does the writer's feeling/attitude/bias about .... ¢. Whatis the writer's opinion about .... ais 1 Perhatikan kalimat dalam teks yang menunjukkan opini atau perasaan penulls. 2. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling mendekati ekspresi dari keseluruhan isi teks. CONTOH SOAL DAN PEMBAHASAN 1. Situated on steep slopes, montane and watershed forests are especially important in ensuring water flow and inhibiting erosion. Yet, during the 1980s, montane formations suffered the highest deforestation rate of tropical forests. When the forests are cut down, less moisture is evapotranspired into the atmosphere resulting in the formation of fewer rain clouds. Subsequently there is a decline in rainfall, subjecting the area to drought. Today Madagascar is largely a red, treeless desert from generations of forest clearing with fire. River flows decline and smaller amounts of quality water reach cities and agricultural lands’ Colombia, once second in the world with freshwater reserves, has fallen to 24th due to its extensive deforestation over the past 30 years. Excessive deforestation around the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur, combined with the dry conditions created by El Nino triggered strict, water rationing in 1998, and for the first time the city had to import water. There is serious concern that widespread deforestation could lead to a significant decline in rainfall and trigger a positive feedback process of increasing desiccation for neighboring forest cover. Thenewly desiccated forest becomes prone to devastating fires, Such fires materialized in 1997 and 1998 in conjunction with the dry conditions created by el Nino. Millions of acres burned as fires swept through Indonesia, Brazil, Colombia, Central America, Florida, and other places. The Woods Hole Research Center warned that more than, 400,000 square kilometers of Brazilian Amazonia were highly vulnerable to fire in 1998. What is the writer's attitude toward deforestation? (SNMPTN 2012) A. positive D. indifferent 8. worried E. concerned CC. ignorant Pembahasai Penulis dalam paragraf ketiga menyatakan “There is serious concern that widespread deforestation could lead to a significant decline in rainfall” (Ada keprihatinan yang serius pada semakin meluasnya deforestasi yang dapat menyebabkan turunnya curah hujan secara signifikan). Jadi, sikap penulis terhadap fenomena deforestasi adalah prihatin (concerned). Jawaban: E Climate change is changing our economy, health, and communities in diverse ways. Scientists warn that if we do not. aggressively curb climate change now, the results will likely be disastrous. Carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants are collecting in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the Sun's heat and causing the planet to warm up. Although local temperatures fluctuate naturally, over the past 50 years the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. Scientists say that unless we curb the emissions that cause climate change, average U: temperatures could be 3 to 9 degrees higher by the end of the century. Climate change is a complex phenomenon, and its full-scale impacts are hard to predict far in advance. But each year scientists learn more about how climate change is affecting the planet and ‘our communities, and most agree that certain consequences are likely to occur if current trends continue. In addition to impacting our water resources, energy supply, transportation, agriculture, and ecosystems, the United States Global Change Research Program concludes that climate change also poses unique challenges to human health, for example, significant increases in the risk of illness and death related to extreme heat and waves are very likely. Some diseases transmitted by food, water, and insects are likely to increase. Certain groups, including children, the alderfly, and the poor, are most vulnerable to a range of climate- related health effects. These impacts wi result in significant costs to our families and the economy. Here is the good news: technologies exist today to make cars that run cleaner and burn less gas, modernize power plants and generate electricity from nonpolluting sources, and cut our electricity use through energy efficiency. The challenge is to be sure these solutions are put to use. Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is tackling global warming on two main fronts—cutting pollution and expanding clean energy. Transitioning to a clean energy economy will bring new job and reduce air pollution. We cannot afford to wait. (Adapted from Which of the following obviously shows the author's bias? (SBMPTN 2016) A. Climate change is changing our economy, health, and communities in diverse ways. Climate change is a complex phenomenon, and its full-scale impacts are hard to predict far in advance. C. Significant increases in the tisk of illness and death related to extreme heat and heat waves are very likely. D. The challenge is to be sure these solutions are put to use. E. Transitioning to a clean energy economic will bring new jobs and reduce air pollution. We cannot afford towait. Pembahasan: Paragraf terakhirkalimat _terakhir menyatakan opini_penulis. untuk menyegerakan solusi dalam menanggulangi akibat perubahan iklim “We cannot afford to wait" (Kami tidak dapat menunggu). Jadi, kecondongan penulis (author's bias) terkait_masalah perubahan iklim tepat dinyatakan dengan kalimat “Transitioning to a clean energy economic will bring new jobs and reduce air pollution. We cannot afford to wait” Jawabar UJI PEMAHAMAN The following text for the questions 1 and 2. Many modern educational experts claim that teaching facts and academic skills is less important than achieving other social objectives. For some liberals, the schools must first change attitudes or provide nurturing in place of failed families or help establish equality and social justice. For some conservatives, the schools must first prepare kids for the workplace by molding them into supple corporate citizens, while others want the focus to be on family values, a competitive spirit, or other social or behavioral objectives. But the idea of simply educating kids seems to have taken a backseat to most educational experts and administrators. They miss the point that kids with real academic skills, especially skills in reading, writing, and mathematics, are more likely to overcome social barriers, more likely to have genuine self esteem, and most likely to be genuinely prepared for the challenges of life and the workplace. By emphasizing so many things besides a genuine, classical education, the educational establishment tends to sell our kids short and bring about many of the problems they claim to be solving. Consider the case of Wesley Elementary School in Houston. According to Richard Nadler in the article, “Failing Grade’, Wesley has all the demographic markers of a school bound for failure. Over 80% of the students qualify for subsidized lunches, and nearly all are minori (92% black, 7% Hispanic). Yet it ranks among the best schools of Houston, with first- graders placing at the 82nd percentile level in reading tests which is 50 points higher than the expected level for similar at-risk schools. What has made Wesley so successful? The answer is classical education in the form of Direct Instruction curriculum designed by Siegfried Engelmann, an example of the much ridiculed “sage-on-the-stage” approach. This Direct Instruction system boosts readin: writing, and math scores by 30 to 40 perce points in at risk school. Sadly, Engelmann, like others who successfully challenge popular fads in education reform, has been rejected by much of the educational establishment. His success is an embarrassment to them. 1. Which of the following best reflects the author's opinion about school? (SNMPTN 2010) A. Teaching social than academic skills. B. Schools must be able to change the attitude of the students. C. Teaching academic skills is more important than social skills. D. Teaching social skills should use conventional methods. E. Teaching academic skills is somehow contemporary. more important In writing the text, the writer's tone could be best described as .... (SNMPTN 2010) A. persuasive D. evaluative B. descri E. conservative C. informative These are amazing advances, but while all this scientific back-slapping is going on, the dark cloud on the horizon is the emerging Ebola epidemic in West Africa and the warning undercurrent that comes with it. At the time of writing at least 7000 people have been infected and half of those have died. The CDC in America also estimate that, because the level of reporting is so poor, the numbers can, in all likelihood, be doubled or even tripled, And because the rates of infection appear to be growing exponentially, tens of thousands, or even millions, might ultimately be affected. To put the scale of the present situation into perspective, since the first recorded case of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo 38 years ago there have been fewer than 2,500 deaths documented in total. So this single present outbreak is already three times larger than the entire Ebola death toll ever. It's also no longer just an African problem. The West has had its own wake-up call this week as the US and Spain, countries previously regarded as immune to the threat thanks to modern medicine, have reported imported cases of the condition and, despite strict infection- control guidelines and practices, onward transmissions of Ebola on their home soil. What is remarkable though is that, while Ebola is terrifying and dramatic in its impact when it causes an outbreak, it appears to be a relatively easy agent to fight. Experimental vaccines tested so far on animals have been impressively effective, protecting against even injection of the live Ebola virus. But because they are at a test stage, these agents, which will be critical if we're to nip this outbreak in the bud, are nowhere near ready for mass production, Trials are only now getting underway of human versions of the vaccines in Oxford, UK, and the US. “Way too late,” many are saying, to prevent the inevitable. So why is it that, nearly 40 years after Ebola first surfaced, the world finds itself ina state of panic, and up to ten thousand people are dead, owing to a bug that's probably preventable thanks to scientific research done decades ago? The answer is that Ebola was regarded as someone else's problem. It was a tropical disease of low importance and (presumed to be) constrained by geography and climate toa part of the world that held little economic interest to the rest of us. But therein lies a salutary lesson: because if even a tiny fraction—less than 1%—of what the present outbreak is now costing the world in terms of lost productivity, humanitarian aid and human lives lost had been spent 20 years ago to develop an Ebola vaccine, we probably wouldn't be in this position now. It’s easy to dismiss tropical diseases as an issue that won't affect the West, but the present situation is a warning shot across our bows that we ignore at our peril (Adapted from The assumption the author has about the West is ....(SBMPTN 2015) A. They act fast to prevent a disease only if it is important for them. B. Tropical disease are considered exotic and dangerous by the people. C._Itisdifficult to convince them that they need to send medical help to Africa, 451 D._ Theyarereally interested in developing Ebola vaccines for mass production. E, They intentionally postpone developing Ebola vaccines because it is expensive. The following text for the questions 4 and 5. As spring arrives, albeit quite late this year for many of us, we notice the changing of seasons by the weather, but also by a host of natural events. Depending on where you live, the crocuses may poke through the snow, the killdeer may be back, or the cherry trees may bloom. There is an orderly sequence of events that seem to occur, with various spring flowers appearing in order, red maple buds bursting into new leaves, or the old lilac by the barn scenting the air. This seasonal cycle of natural phenomena is called phenology. Global climate change appears to be interfering with the phenology of many species, at the very heart of species interactions. In temperate regions like the northern half of the United States, there is comparatively little biological activity in winter. Most plants are dormant, andsoaretheinsects feeding on them. In turn, animals that rely on these insects, such as bats and birds, are hibernating or spending the cold months in more southerly locations. Ectotherms like reptiles and amphibians, which take their body warmth from their environment, also have active phases tied to the seasons. This long winter period constrains all the growing, breeding, and dispersing activities that plants and animals do to a short favorable window. That's what makes spring so vibrant, with plants flowering and putting on new growth, insects emerging and breeding, and birds flying back to take advantage of this short-lived bounty. The onsets of each of these activities add up to so many phenological markers. Different organisms respond to different cues to initiate seasonal activities. Many plants will start growing leaves again after a set period of dormancy, which very roughly dictates the leaf- out window. Cue that more precisely determine when the buds break can be soil temperature, air temperature, or water availability. Similarly, temperature cues can promote the beginning of insect activity. Day length itself can be the operative trigger for some seasonal events. It is only when there are a sufficient number of daylight hours that reproductive hormones will be produced in many bird species. The most energy-demanding period in the life of most animals is when they reproduce. For that reason, it is to their advantage to coincide breeding (and for many, the raising of young) during a period when food is most abundant. Caterpillars should hatch just as the young tender leaves of oak tree emerge, before they harden and become less nutritious. Breeding songbirds need to time the hatching of their young just during that peak in caterpillar activity, so they can take advantage of this rich source of protein to feed their offspring. Many species have evolved to exploit peaks in resource availability, so all these seemingly independent phenological events are indeed part of a complex web of precise interactions. Disruptions in seasonal events can have profound effects on ecosystems. (Adapted from 4. The author's attitude towards sensational cycle of natural events is .... (SBMPTN 2015) A. assertive D. supportive B. objective E. sympathetic optimistic 5. The author's bias regarding spring phenology is that .... (SBMPTN 2015) A. Spring arrives late. B. Spring is so enthusiastic. C. Various spring flowers appear in order. D. Birds are flying back to take advantage of short-lived bounty. Many species have evolved to exploit peaks in resource availability. 6. Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has been an important topic in education. On the hand, studies have shown that ICT can enhance teaching and learning outcomes. For example, in science and mathematics education, scholars have documented that theuseofICTcanimprove students’ conceptual understanding, problem solving, and team working skills. Consequently, most curriculum documents state the importance of ICT and encourage school teachers to use them. However, teachers need to be specifically trained in order to integrate ICT in their teaching. Schools are known to be resistant to innovation and change. However, the spread of ICT is beginning to affect how teachers teach. One of the current issue about the use of ICT is how integrated into the curriculum, The curriculum documents provide arguments for introducing ICT in the school setting. Therefore, schools expect that graduated from teacher education programs have a reasonable knowledge of how to use ICT. However, this may not be the case because most current teachers’ preservice preparation, and subsequent in-service courses were designed by using traditional educational technology and setting. Thus, the participants in these courses are not familiar with the processes, interaction patterns, features and possibilities of teaching learning processes based on ICT. This issue becomes complicated because the students’ thinking skills are often weak. Also, they typically lack information literacy skills although they were born in or after 1982. In addition, they belong to the “Next Generation” Furthermore, they are accustomed to operating in a digital environment for communication, information gathering, and analysis, The problem is that students do not have to understand how their uses of technology affect their habit of learning. Effective development of pre-service teachers’ ICT proficiency does not seem to be direct process, but is the one asking for a careful, complex approach. First, a needs assessment is important to find out what ICT skills and knowledge teachers need at schools. Second, designers of teacher education programs should know the pre-service teachers’ perceptions of ICT and their attitudes toward ICT integration into curriculum. Third, teacher education programs need to consider the two typical arguments that support the ICT use in schools. (Adapted from The assumption the author has about teacher education programs is that .... (SBMPTN 2016) A. The programs have introduced a reasonable knowledge of how to use IcT. B. The programs have found out what ICT skill and knowledge the teachers need. C. The programs have given materials related to the pre-service teachers’ perceptions of ICT. D. The programs were still designed in reference to traditional educational technology and setting. E, The programs have participants who are familiar with the processes of technology mediated educational transactions. Despite its name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. Some of the symptoms, however, are similar to those of a heart attack or heart disease. Heartburn is an irritation of the esophagus that is caused by stomach acid, which can create a burning discomfort in the upper abdomen or below the breast bone. With gravity’s help, a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, keeps stomach acid the stomach. The LES is located where the esophagus meets the stomach—below the rib cage and slightly left of center. Normally it opens to allow food into the stomach or to permit belching, and the closes again. If, however, the LES opens too often or does not close tight enough, stomach acid can reflux, or seep, into the esophagus and cause the burning sensation. Occasional heartburn is not dangerous, but chronic heartburn or gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) can sometimes lead to serious problems. The basic cause of heartburn is a lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, that does not tighten as it should. Two excesses often contribute to this problem: too much food in the stomach (overeating) or too much pressure on the stomach (frequently from obesity, pregnancy, or constipation). Certain foods commonly relax the LES, including tomatoes, citrus fruits, garlic, onions, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, caffeinated product, and peppermint. Meals high in fats and oils (animal or vegetable) often lead to heartburn, as do certain medications. Stress and lack of sleep can increase acid production and can cause heartburn. Smoking, which relaxes the LES and stimulates stomach acid, is major contributor. How does heartburn happen? When you eat, food goes from your mouth down a tube called the esophagus into your stomach. In between the esophagus and the stomach is an opening called the lower esophageal sphincter. This muscular valve act like a door to let food into your stomach. It normally closes quickly behind the food to keep stomach acids—which break down the food—from backing up into your esophagus. If that valve does not close all the way, stomach acid backs up, or refluxes, into the esophagus. Stomach acid irritates the lining of the esophagus and causes a painful burning sensation. The feeling may be worse after bending over or when you lie down. Certain foods and drinks—like tomato product, alcohol, citrus, coffee, and fatty or spicy foods—may be more likely to irritate the lower esophageal sphincter and make heartburn worse. Being overweight, eating big meals, wearing clothes that are tight around the waist and smoking also raise your risk for heartburn, Learning what triggers your heartburn can help you case the burn. (Adapted from Which of the following reflects the author's attitude toward the topic of the passage? (SBMPTN 2016) A. persuasive D. B. indifferent E CC. informative skeptical optimistic The second advantage of herbal medicine isthe absence of long term effect. Repeated and long-term use of herbal remedies does no result in long-term effects on the body. Certain pharmaceutical drugs like paracetamol when used for long periods results in permanent body damage and long-term ill effects. Herbal remedies on the other hand are not harmful to the body in the long term. One can use most herbal remedies repeatedly and regularly without any worries. Another benefit of using herbal remediesisthattheyarecompletely natural. They do not have chemical composition or drugs. Due to their natural nature they can be consumed regularly. These natural remedies also result in a better immune system. Furthermore, herbal remedies have multipurpose benefits. For instance, ginger is usually used as an herbal remedy for colds and digestive disorders, but one can also use it in their tea, beverages, and di home cooked food for flavoring. Similarly, herbal extracts for peppermint can not only add spice and flavor to your kitchen recipe, but can also be used as anti-depressant. Herbal remedies are absolutely inexpensiveandsometimesevenabsolutely free of cost. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, herbal remedies have no manufacturing costs, making them far cheaper. Some herbal remedies like ginseng, peppermint and ginger can even be grown in your backyard. Herbal remedies are easily accessible. Certain herbal remedies like ginger, peppermint and basil leaves can be acquired anywhere in the world. One can even visit any local drug store and purchase herbal remedies without any trouble. Besides this you can even grow some of the remedies in your garden. Another excellent benefit of herbal remedies is that can be used to cure people ofall ages. Children, adults and even elderly people can resort to herbal remedies to get rid of their ailment. Due to their natural nature, herbal remedies most often do not cause an allergic reaction in the body. Several people are allergic to certain chemicals that are part of pharmaceutical drugs. Herbal remedies on the other hand create no allergic reaction. (Adapted from What is the author's attitude toward the topic of the passage? (SBMPTN 2017) A. neutral D. approving B. negative E. uninterested C. concerned The application, games, and websites that are promoted as‘educational'are not always the best ones for supporting learning. The fact that they are interactive does not necessarily mean that they are much better than an old-fashioned workbook with its right and wrong answers. Children may enjoy these products for a while but then get abit bored, and we now know that they are not the most appropriate or engaging way to learn. Treat so-called ‘free’ application with caution. Some will expose your child to advertisement. Others are designed to wait until your child is engaged in a game or storyline and then demand payment before they can go any further. This can lead to frustration as young children do not understand why they can not continue. Sometimes it is better to make a small payment in advance if the application promises no further purchases. However, some applications are free to download and completely free of advertisement or in-app purchases. Choosing an app needs the same kind of thought and care you would put into buying anything else for your child. Do not rely only on the star rating. Instead, read the user reviews and check the privacy policy if you are worried about the personal information that the app might be collecting. If you want your child to enjoy learning, to develop curiosity, and think about things creatively, provide them with a range of games and apps. Open-ended games have become progressively more challenging and encourage children to explore and have fun. They are, therefore, more likely to establish a love of learning and to lay the foundation for their future development. Physical activity, reading, and other more ‘traditional’ activities continue to play a very important part in children’s development. But, most parents do rely on screen devices from time to time to engage their child while they are busy with something else. This is not a problem in itself, just as long as children’s time is made up of a balanced range of activities. (Adapted from Regarding busy parents’ reliance on screen device to help keep their children entertained, the author assumes that .... (SBMPTN 2017) A. It is the parents’ responsibility to make their children less engaged with screen devices. B. Children whose parents are busy with their activities must use screen devices less. C. Parent need to be aware of their children’s need for varied activi D. Such parent's reliance is acceptable as long as the children are given the right proportion of other activities. 461 Itis not tolerable as their children need to have more physical activities. 10. A longitudinal fissure separates the human brain into two distinct cerebral hemispheres, connected by the corpus callosum. The sides resemble each other and each hemisphere’s structure is generally mirrored by the other side. Yet despite the strong similarities, the functions of each cortical hemisphere are different. Popular psychology tends to make broad and sometimes pseudoscientific generalizations about certain functions (eg. logic, creativity) being lateral, that is, located in either the right or the left side of the brain. Researchers often criticize Popular psychology for this, because the popular ateralizations are often distributed actoss both hemispheres, although mental processing is divided between them. Fundamental to brain process lateralization isthe fact that the lateral sulcus generally is longer in the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere. The extent of specialized brain function by area remains under investigation. If a specific region of the brain is either injured or destroyed, its functions can sometimes be recovered by a neighboring region, even in the opposite hemisphere, depending upon the area damaged and the patient's age. Brain function lateralization is evident in the phenomena of right- or left-handedness and of right or left ear preference, but a person's preferred hand is nota clearindication of the location of brain function. Although 95% of right-handed people have left-hemisphere language function, only 18.8% of left-handed people have right-hemisphere language function. Additionally, 19.8% of the left-handed have bilateral language functions. We can conclude that the writer's stance ‘on popular psychology in defining lateralization of certain function is .... (SIMAK UI 2009) A. supportive D. excited 8. ignorant E. attentive C neutral 11. In today’s fast-paced, cyber-linked world, it would be hard to imagine working without the internet. Most of us would probably feel pretty desperate. Well, how about trying to live a day without water, a real every-day nightmare for some people, | know how it feels. ‘After suffering from one-day emergency shutdown of my local water supply, which prevented me from getting a gle drop of water from the tap, let alone showering or flushing the toilet, | started to think how ironic itis that on a planet where water covers 71 percent of its surface, | suddenly had no. But when I learned that just over 2 percent of the total volume of water in the global cycle is fresh water, and that most of that is locked up as polar ice caps and in glaciers, I became horrified. Yes, horrified at the thought of more than 6 billion people sharing this small amount of water that is available. It made me wonder: is there anything | can do to use this precious resource more wisely? That question leads me to one of my favorite lines from the movie Evan Almighty, “How do we change the world? By doing one act of random kindness at a time’ It's a message that applies to all aspects of life, including in conserving water. So, to begin with, | started to list some of my water-consuming activities. And from various sources, | found out that taking a bath is the biggest water consumer (about 45 percent of the total daily consumption), followed by toilet flushing (25 percent) and kitchen activities (15 percent). A survey conducted in 2006 by the Directorate of Water Development of the Public Works Ministry showed that the average daily use of fresh water in Indonesia was 144 liters per person. Based on that figure, bathing, flushing, and 12. kitchen activities represent 65, 36, and 2155 liters respectively or 122.5 liters in total. Assuming the Indonesian population represents around 230 million people, all having equal access to 1225 liters per day, can you imagine what happens to that 2% of global fresh water? You do the math! Those numbers have given me a stronger urge to be more efficient with my personal consumption of fresh water. So, | started off with my bathroom. First, | readjusted the showerhead to a low-flow version and took shorter showers, less than. 5 minutes long, since that could already reduce my water use approximately by half. Second, Itried a simple trick suggested by a friend to save water in the toilet tank by placing a one-liter plastic bottle filled with water in the tank. This way, I save one liter of fresh water every time | flush the toilet. If the toilet is used 10 times a day, | have already saved 10 liters of fresh water. ‘And since! am not really a kitchen type of person, | believe my water spending in that department wouldn't exceed 10 liters per day. So in total, | could save around 56.6 liters per day from bathroom and kitchen activities. Not bad for a start, as there are still more things that can be done to efficiently use water. (Adapted from "Before the Water Runs Dry,” The Jakarta Post, Weekender Magazine, May, 2008, 23) The tone of this passage could best be described as .... (UM UGM 2009) A. concermed D._ informative B. calm E, exaggerated C. emotional Amoeba vary greatly in size and shape, but basically they contain the same structures found in most animal cells. The cell membrane is usually highly elastic, although in one group, the verrucous amoebas, the membrane is thickened and somewhat stiff. The amoeba’s body is divided into a relatively rigid outer 13. zone, called ectoplasm. The endoplasm contains one or mode nuclei, a number of mitochondria and other typical cell organelles and several vacuoles containing food particles. Usually, a contractile vacuole that expels fluids is also present. The most distinctive anatomical feature of amoebas is their capacity to form pseudopods of strikingly different forms, and this trait is used as the basis for classifying amoebas into different groups. Some amoebas, including the common amoeba (Amoeba proteus), have bluntly rounded pseudopods, called lobopods, which are composed of both endoplasm and ectoplasm. Other have slender, tapering pseudopod, called filopods, composed only of ectoplasm. What is the tone of the passage? (UM UNDIP 2009) A. humorous D. cynical B. argumentative £. narrative C. descriptive Climatology is the study of climate. The science of climatology involves the determination of long term weather patterns, the analysis of factors that influence these patterns in different areas, and the practical use of climatic knowledge in such fields as industry, agriculture, and aviation. Several branches of climatology have developed in response to its importance to related fields. Physical climatology attempts to explain climate in terms of the physical processes of the atmosphere. Regional climatology describes. the geographical distribution of climate. Bioclimatology relates to the behavior of plants and animals in various climates. Paleoclimatology studies and tries to explain the climates of past ages. Which of the following best describes the author's tone? (UM UNDIP 2011) A. sensitive D. regretful B. emotional E. useful C._ informative 14. A forgotten issue in urbanism is land use during the night time, with problems such as noise and dirt, which could be improved with information from Twitter. At least this is what Enrique and Vanessa Frias-Martinez believe, computer science researchers at Telefonica Research and the University of Maryland (USA) respectively, who have suggested using geolocalized tweets for urban planning and land use. Enrique Frias-Martinez explained that geolocalized tweets can be very useful source of information for planning since itis an activity carried out by a large number of people who provide information on where they are at a specific time and what they are doing. The researcher points out that thanks to the increased use of smartphones, social networks like Twitter and Facebook have made it possible to access and produce information ubiquitously. These networks generate tags with the event's geolocation. The new technique “automatically determines land uses in urban areas by grouping together geographical regions with similar patterns of Twitter activity,’ says researcher. Using aggregate activity of tweets, the Frias- Martinez siblings have studied land use in Manhattan, Madrid and London. In the first two cases they identified four uses: residential, business, daytime leisure (mainly parks and tourist areas) and nightlife areas. The study has determined that, in Madrid, night-time tweet activity is concentrated on weekends and in Manhattan, on weekdays. On the other hand, London is characterized by its tweeting activity in daytime leisure areas. The tone of this passage is .... (SIMAK UI 2015) A. harsh D. didactic B. neutral E. satirical C. critical 15, Human havea unique affinity for bitter food, like coffee and broccoli. Most other animals interpret a bitter taste as a warning to stay away from a non-edible material, but some humans can't get enough of it. According to a new study, people with the greatest affinity for bitter foods may have more psychopathic and antisocial tendencies. In the study, 500 participants were asked how much they enjoyed different examples of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter foods. Then, they were asked to take a series of personality assessment quizzes to evaluate their aggression, each of the Dark Triad measures (narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism), everyday sadism (verbal, physical, and vicarious), as well as Big Five personalitytraits whichincludeextravasation, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness. The researchers found that people who liked bitter foods were also more likely to score highly in measures of psychopathy, sadism, and aggression. In fact, they write, an affinity for bitter foods was a better predictor of personality than any of the other tastes. This study adds valuable to the little-explored que: personality relates to taste preferences. However, understanding what makes a person like a particular food is a complex knot of biology and psychology, influenced by his or her sensitivity to tastes and odors as well as past experiences. Moreover, the study doesn't provide any information about what might cause that preference, is it biology or psychology, or both? This information might be even more valuable than the study at hand. The tone of the author is best described as? (SIMAK UI 2016) A. formal D. sarcastic B. amiable E. condescending C. doubtful PEMBAHASAN UJI PEMAHAMAN —— EE 1. Opini penulis dinyatakan dalam paragraf pertama “But the idea of simply educating kids seems to have taken a backseat to most educational experts and administrators. They miss the point that kids with real academic skills, ... most likely to be genuinely prepared for the challenges of life and the workplace.” (Namun, ide sederhana mengajarkan anak-anak berada di belakang pandangan para ahli. Mereka melupakan poin bahwa anak-anak dengan kemampuan akademik kemungkinan lebih siap _menghadapi tantangan hidup dan dunia kerja). Jadi, kalimat yang menyatakan opini penulis tentang sekolah adalah “Teaching academic skills is more important than social skills” (Mengajarkan kemampuan akademik Jauh lebih penting daripada kemampuan sosial). Jawaban: C 2. Paragraf pertama menyatakan “Many modern educational experts claim that teaching facts and academic skills is less important than achieving other social objectives. ... But the idea of simply educating kids ..” (Banyak ahli_ edukasi modern menyatakan bahwa mengajarkan fakta dan kemampuan akademik kurang penting daripada mendapatkan tujuan sosial yang lain. Namun, ide mengajarkan anak-anak..). Jadi, teks tersebut bersifat _evaluatif (evaluative) karena penulis memberikan penilaian tethadap dua hal, yakni kemampuan akademik dan kemampuan Jawaban: D 3. Paragraf terakhir menyatakan “It's easy to dismiss tropical diseases as an issue that won't affect the West’, (Sangat mudah untuk menolak penyakit tropis sebagai sebuah isu yang tidak memiliki efek bagi dunia Barat). Jadi, asumsi penulis, yakni pihak Barat akan cepat bereaksi untuk mencegah penyakit yang hanya penting untuk mereka (they act fast to prevent a disease only if it is important for them). Jawaban: A Paragraf terakhir_kalimat _terakhir menyatakan “Disruptions in seasonal events can have profound effects on ecosystems" (Setiap gangguan pada peristiwa musiman ini dapat berakibat besar bagi ekosistem). Jadi, sikap penulis terhadap _siklus fenomena alam tersebut adalah simpatik (sympathetic). Jawaban: E Kalimat dengan kata seemingly merupakan pernyataan —berbentuk —_bias/opinion/ prejudice dari penulis. Paragraf terakhir “Many species have evolved to exploit peaks in resource availability, so all these seemingly ...” (Banyak spesies berkembang untuk memanfaatkan puncak tersedianya sumber daya, jadi seluruh fenomena itu nampaknya Jadi, kecondongan penulis (author's bias) terkait fenologi musim semi dinyatakan dalam kalimat “Many species have evolved to exploit peaks in resource availability’ Jawaban: E Paragraf kedua menyatakan “However, this may not be the case because most current teachers’ preservice preparation, and subsequent in-service courses were designed by using traditional educational technology and setting." (Bagaimanapun, itu bukan masalah utama karena persiapan guru sebelum mengajar dan pelatihan ‘mereka mengajar, saat ini didesain dengan menggunakan aturan dan pendidikan tradisional). Jadi, asumsi penulis tentang program pendidikan guru adalah “The programs were still designed in reference to traditional educational technology and setting.” (Program tersebut masih didesainmengacu pada aturan dan teknologi pendidikan tradisional). teknologi Jawaban: D Paragraf pertama menyatakan “Heartburn is an irritation of the esophagus’ (GERD adalah sebuah iritasi pada esofagus). Paragraf terakhir menyatakan “Learning what triggers your heartburn can help you case the burn’ (Mempelajari apa yang menyebabkan GERD dapat membantu mengobatinya). Jadi, sikap penulis terhadap topik penyakit GERD dalam teks tersebut adalah informatif (informative). Jawaban: C Penulis membahas keunggulan dari obat/ Pengobatan herbal dari awal hingga akhir teks. Paragraf kedua menyatakan “Another benefit of using herbal remedies is..." (Keunggulan lain dari obat herbal adalah ...). Paragraf terakhir “Another excellent benefit of herbal remedies is (Keunggulan yang lebih luar biasa da obat herbal adalah ...). Jadi, sikap penulis terhadap topik yang dibahas dalam teks tersebut adalah setuju (approving). Jawaban: D Paragraf terakhir menyatakan “This is not a problem itself, as long as children’s time is made up of a balanced range of activities” (Ini bukan merupakan masalah selama anak-anak memiliki waktu yang seimbang untuk berbagai aktivitas). Jadi, terkait orang tua yang sibuk tersebut, penulis berasumsi bahwa ketergantungan pada media elektronik dibenarkan selama 10. u. 12. 13. anak-anak diberikan proporsi yang tepat untuk aktivitas lain (such parent's reliance is acceptable as long as the children are given the right proportion of other activities). Jawaban: D Penulis menyatakan dalam paragraf ketiga “The extent of specialized brain function by area remains under investigation.” (Spesialisasi fungsi setiap area otak lebih jauh, masih dalam tahap penelitian). Jadi, penulis bersikap penuh perhatian (attentive) terhadap masalah_psikologi populer dari lateralisasi fungsi otak. Jawaban: E Paragraf kempat menyatakan kekhawatiran (concerned) penulis, yakni "Yes, horrified at the thought of more than 6 billion people sharing this small amount of water that is available, It made me wonder: is there anything Ican do to use this precious resource more wisely?” (Ya, mengejutkan bahwa lebih dari 6 miliar orang berbagi sejumlah kecil air yang tersedia, Hal itu membuat saya berpikir apakah ada yang dapat saya lakukan untuk menggunakan sumber daya tersebut dengan lebih bijaksana?). Jawaban: A Paragraf 1 menggambarkan tentang struktur amoeba "basically they contain the same structures found in most animal cells.” (pada dasarnya mereka memiliki struktur yang sama dengan yang ada di sel-sel hewan). Paragraf 2 menyatakan “The most distinctive anatomical feature of amoebas is cir khusus anatomi amoeba adalah sifat dari teks tersebut adalah Jadi, deskriptif (descriptive) tentang karakteristik amoeba. Jawabar Kalimat pertama menyatakan general classification “Climatology is the study of climate” (Klimatologi adalah ilmu 4, tentang iklim). Kalimat-kalimat berikutnya merupakan bagian description “Several branches of climatology’ (Beberapa cabang dari klimatologi). Teks tersebut termasuk report text sehingga ‘tujuannya untuk menginformasikan hal-hal yang bersifat ilmu pengetahuan. Jadi, sikap penulis teks tersebut adalah informatif (informative). Jawaban: C Paragraf ketiga menyatakan “The new technique “automatically determines land uses in urban areas by grouping together geographical regions with similar patterns of Twitter activity” (Teknik baru tersebut secara otomatis menentukan penggunaan lahan di area perkotaan dengan mengelompokkan daerah geografi berpola sama dari aktivitas Twitter). Jadi, sifat teks tersebut adalah pengajaran (didactic), yakni tentang penggunaan informasi Twitter untuk pemetaan lahan di area perkotaan. Jawaban: D 15. Paragraf terakhir menyatakan “Moreover, the study doesn't provide any information about what might cause that preference, is it biology or psychology, or both? This information might be even more valuable than the study at hand" (lagi pula, penelitian itu tidak menyediakan informasi tentang apa ynag menyebabkan preferensi tersebut, apakah biologi, _psikologi, ataupun keduanya. Informasi tersebut lebih bernilai daripada studi yang ada). Jadi, penulis teks bersikap menyemooh tajam (sarcastic) terhadap hasil penelitian tersebut. Jawaban:D

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