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Purpose of Referencing: When you conduct research for your essays, you gather

information from various sources. Referencing is the practice of acknowledging

these sources in your work. It's crucial to show that your ideas are grounded in
existing literature.

Avoiding Plagiarism: The text highlights that not providing references can be
considered plagiarism. Plagiarism involves submitting work that is not your own
without proper acknowledgment, and it's a serious academic offense.

Harvard Referencing System: In the management subject area, the Harvard referencing
system is commonly used. The text suggests referring to additional documents for
more detailed guidance on this system.

Citing Sources in the Text: When citing ideas without direct quotes, use the format
(Author, Year) at the end of the sentence. If quoting directly, include the quoted
part in inverted commas and provide the reference as Author (Year: Page).

Reference List: At the end of your essay, create a reference list (not a
bibliography) in alphabetical order. The format for different types of sources

For a book: Author, Initial (Year) Title. City: Publisher.

For an edited book chapter: Author, Initial (Year) "Chapter Title" in Editors'
Names Title of Book. City: Publisher.
For a journal article: Author, Initial (Year) "Article Title" Journal Name volume
number, volume part, pages.
For a working paper: Author, Initial (Year) "Working Paper Title" Name of series
number (if any) City.
Handling Multiple Authors: When there are two authors, provide both names. When
using "et al." in the text (for three or more authors), list all names in the
reference list.

Example Reference List: The text provides an example reference list for the given
paragraph, showing how to format entries alphabetically.

In summary, referencing is essential for academic integrity, and the Harvard

referencing system is recommended for management subjects. The reference list
should be alphabetically organized and follow specific formats for different types
of sources.

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