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| | sue 4: Define Actds Grine some excunples FF actds. | The compounls that cantina ane ore mom __ eeeeaeel Anyiscagen ALOMS _cund deissolne En Worsere FO ——. Preesduce hydres aiam 2a 682 4S Ahe only _pasthely om Cleeureqest BONG are caled acids. a — 2 ), cere. acka a (eke 2 | Ry Zs common =n a\\ curds 7 | R\\_oceds, conmtoan hydcogen oH oaomcs) | ea Ahem cod preoduce yde@niam eonce> as —ahe Say, post teve Cheseyed EON) hen descwe | en eocrkerc. S. Wher ace organic actds and enorgante acids ? | Acdds AHA Bi Acids can ke preponed oy Khe acttorn of Lascidec anlydrides coeth coer. tt CO2r * QO —? Wotton, — S02 + YAO ——9 H9909, i So, + YO tobe SOG a NOs * "RO —y \ANOS ‘Scanned with CamScanner Os nO > WaPOy N02 + 420 — NOD + ANOS Se G Betde con be prepared by the acteon of NOA- Metals LFA conc. peheic. acid a by the _ OnEAKRON Of Non Merely Sth conc: HNOa S+CeNOxn —> Hesoy + Bad + ENO P+SANOA > Waedy + WoO + Sno. D Reeds can be prepared when Salt Of more volotle acids reach costh less volakle acca: Nach + Wesoy —> Nasoy + ACL MNOS = Hesoy =? Kiso -* BNO’ IS \Wretbe doron the physical presperties of acids. —____The. Physecen\ oroperties of ackds are: Gy The, Wave a sour tebe. & They conduc Sher Arcicd yy en Shei aqunus Stete | a Meneroa\ acktdy are coRROSeve EN nature low Organs acids Ame on- cormmpseve. ——n The change jhe colour Of end cestorss | 14. What are endicators ? State the colour of Hey trdicotors 2n an acidec medtum. Indecertors ame comple, omgancs Sudosdances hod change Avett colour én an Or an alkaline medeum,. Actas tern clue litmus reds eds -yuuce colours meri ORANYS _PEN'K: Acids hove no effect on colsuciess Phenalehthale tex UE: 12 colcurless plhenolelAhalein rmemeng _ce\cucless 20 an acedee medium: ost dee ‘Scanned with CamScanner TOA;enh Gos 7 . ar Me 4smck — 7 mages a Nao y HOLA? Nack * 20 CUO -* Hasoy —> CuSdy +490 GO Keds react costh metal carbonate and i- Carloonates, ko gene Selb, coaters and Coren AZOKedS Yas b CACOS FWcl —y cack + Wood + CO CAQKCOa)\2 FIACL —> cacks -+ W490 +4200, ! ANAWCOR ~t HOY —P Nioosoy =t 240 +2 D: De Trees reack ehh metal Salphites and be- efeee hetes, +o RENE Salt, Sotec and Sulehurcc 44 oxide AS: pecs CAsOs + ACL —D Cacks -k FRO -+ $O2_ TS ae a REE | Bl Reeds crecck ott metal ae As _ evi I | Soon und mesteregen Sched : 7 ae ca el ZAG eso 2 "2nSy + Vos: — ‘Scanned with CamScanner NG! Aces, Sources, ___ Weetic ceed Nene gare - SE Yetc_cctd —___eeyreus fruits range lemon __ Bukyreic cuced - Rancid louttec Hydrochloric aced Groskeic jucce Femmes acid —_______ Bee srengs 1 Lexctte. cet — Seure, mel ———. Malere acid _Reeles_ . Oleic _ackd Olive - —___OXalee acid - Greate actA aks Tartoric acid Tamarind, Grapes = Mert ace rene. Tormotoes Vr) xc ses RBorece acth — Eye- Was) S Ceveec cet d food Sresernakea Netamin < Pee carahion Oxalerc aceéd TAK Shain remmec. Camloontic ccd Flavoured dAccinks Tosctewcic. ccd Baking Poaden. | Reetec ocd ————————_ Table vinegar Way deo chiowic acts | —_ CAeartng of metal atems_ We yrte ceed 2 Enplosanes lee Sekt Phosphoric. asta ——————._ FerrStvezeses- 1Q | Defence degree of antsotwoary Deace: AL Zoresatton es Aclened ag _ Lhe reareo Of No- of actdA Molscales oncsed te ide ketal No-oF cckd molenies PTereny By aquecus | eo Xton |nprressed EN Reccenpaye: = A = No of acid molecules tanised Tole qo: of cacta molecules Preeseny SA Aquasy SoWhay, NOTE = K 7 30) —7 SATONK AK 39t 7 Weak. ‘Scanned with CamScanner WO — Lead dvontde loaye? AN Define chase: Ts no wena Androxig A. metallic axed i Aronium zans of an uakers any 25 cowled a _lbase ————_——__ Lead diaride FS Ob 9 Veese beceuse wh combtnes oo2th_lmdmechy Wmie. coed to GENe _Sarr_ a i —ehWlorine: —— Sea PbO + YNCk —y PloChe + 2hO* Up 20) Dekene _arcali- Ail _beses Arce not aieoile- Explor _oolny 2 Se es An _alwole 2s a loaste Wn dmonide Which when dAssscived EN Woter Praduces hydron| eon ©) as he on\ negative! cl ei EX Naotts KO So ee i A\\ oases cure not aiicalt lrecouse —___Seme_leases Sach os C4 OY 2, Fe Orbs Gre nox soluble en _Woserc. i 2A! Diskoguish beboeen Strong alcak and weak LOMCo\E _|___Sieong_ alcale Wea aiicale, ____ TBa_campletely discaciates _| tk porckaly dissoctets. Lon water A _enoxkere TAS _AqYUecous salutdon [Ts Aqueous solubon __Leomtatns on\y Zons, CONEAAS fons and Mmoleals ___ Th produces large conc- [Th Preaduces len cone _____entrerkton of off" 200s | nbreitian of OW Zons fas. COHAGOUS SWZ __| TS acureous solereon- Jame eArong electrolyte | ore weay eleclealts ‘Scanned with CamScanner | : 2, Meane aacidedy of o ase: Grave *0o Sreunphs of _monoacidre looses, ddccides locses ond miccedic Loses: = - The numer of _ndrconil zons(ow) _ PRSduced Pere moalecabe of Mre lease b9 Sess | Salrion 2s coed acrtdtby of the loose: Manociciddic lbecsy = NaS, KO) Nrt4Orh __Diacides looses - COOwa . MAOW) 2) GO, ricer dic locses— ALOW a, FeO a _ om State the physical preopercttes of bases: The. phustceal properties Of loones cure + G@) “They hove a share lbttber rose - — Lm They are soapy to touch . o_o |) Thetre aqueous solutians Ace good slecteahita, Q) They, Show mld cocerossve acktan on he Skin: DY. Exploen some chemical PBPERKES OF laawes- | The chemical _progerttes of toeyes aces _ dn Strang o\kerl's_cilpsore| _ cacbon AdoretAde From, \ wict OS Rorem cascleonatyes | DNAOW + COs —7 Nowcds ~~ 29 I 2KoW + COz —7K¥202 + W200 Jon They neutralise acrds te fParcm alk and warec on\y: 7 Nao -& OL ——7 Mack - WoO Ge OW) 2 *« Ch —» Fe SOu + Bro. Lan men reeack W2edh ammoantum Salts +o d Adlberrante emanicr yous a I mcd a Nad 7 NaCl -+ Wed = Wh9 Gaya SO4 *2KOW TP KASDY “HAIG WANS | INVBWEL -&§ Calon)oF7 coche + 220 + IN ta; ‘Scanned with CamScanner Zn _+ 2Naow —7 NenTaO2 -+ We > Ph = INqarN =? Nd Pla. O2-- : ! DAL NAO WO —7 2NaALO2 = Swe. > | Slate the uses of locses ore aMleais. Lay Sadeum, Wydeonede es used EN Al : Manufactume of Soap, PApes curd trerjon, Gy) Calctum hydwornide es Used en ti Manufacture of bleaching pacade rc. (o_ Magne stam Wydconide es Used Lankoctd te neutaalese the excess of acd | Produced en Me Shomer tas wn Calerrum Oxide es axed as a _deying agent. 26 DeLene OC. Wor cei you Aectercmine the | motu] of a sate 9 ee eee ne a = t arene Logaritlam to Mac bose 10 of FATOY|N Fon concentrockion eapressed tn |ndles Pees \thne. all ie el = — Loy oflt* 1 Xe Yhe PY of a solukean i {Gy Zs equal to F , the eslutvon ts Newieal. Per Cecsvan et We eee Hay Vs _more khan, de Solution es alteehine ——-Tr_0n_oddeng pune cocten ty actdee ontde- —__jand_solulsie hase cutsle han does the SS Woof water change 9 On addeng pure saoter doan actdse onede BO — PH _deeneases_ona_on Adding. bo cx locusts — oxéde, He PH enereases. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 1 __-28)_ Solutions A. Bs Cc amd D ame Imavtng eH 2 Ee ona 1, TERS PERENGNY | LN Maes conhert SWE Ae Fo\\owrtoy : _ a e _Soluktoag ohich One! aerate 2 _2n codure __ |W The soluteans _eahech, _eonteun loo ons end molecule . I YS cond c. a jeans —Sehentens_ssi cohich are healy ectdce Ae ea a Pres _heqlaly acedes and pts | [cats ea\ccrlene . == 2% What es She expected PY of cx soluteon. ——@ Whicla_ttlnercaahes _€« CO2_ Qas Freom_meral cackongtes, py is \esy Mnan 41- Lo \lhich \rtloerakes anamanta on necking weth. cammontum Sc\ss- I e\t_ ts Were Yhaq Tt low OF Pure coater, | ek ey equal fom. | | BW Mefene Wacolnacs.. What zs the el of she Fo\uwrng S\uktons- Ferree chlowdde, sodccum acetate , Sodsugy chloride: The phenomenon due toa edhich —____ Salt Soremed oy cr toate cctad and a Srany jInase ore _loy_c_Sebresngy Cructd eeMe\ cy cower bore isreacts ew2th eocverm +O Aare ran crordee or Akalime Soluston TS called hydrolysis. ‘Scanned with CamScanner __ Ferreze clWonide = Less Mant 1 __ Sedtam acekerte = Moe Woe “SQAeum chloride — Een Vo At, i | eee | | Defane Sars. Nome We deferean Kus of Sais tobyh excmyles: 2 ____A_sempound feremad by re FeeCrUen og -—-—+Ohal_meplacement of se cootantle amet i ORES Of an _cevd_by.melalite ton ORG Commanteam on Es. carved cs SAM: | Saeed SSE __ mee. Ace Cece EAS OF Bery | }_tel Marmal Salas — Soktum chloride (MaAcL) —_ -—-Sodeaum Salghate (Nea gays. cearletuam ache ee Be etd Salis — Saaecam besulphate CNeson) : ~~ Sesto loc sulphite (Noatsoa) , Soden a dthydrogen Phasphete = Ne W2 PO) es. Lc: Raste Salis Beare lead chlomide PRON _ Basic _megnestum _chioride ™ MYC) CL Basic copper meiereerte CXC WN) NOQ. _&. Mined Salts Sedum potasstcmn. Courloonate (aK Bleaching pasder CCaacte) —- = empler Sa\s— ioe eae NewTno2 _ Sedtum_arngente qqandde — No ta! a — _~.-.. + Potassium mercuric Zadide- Kata Ty] ‘Scanned with CamScanner Retd Salts, _ Reaste Sells and Normal Seilts Retd Salts -— the Salis formed, kay Ae. parekees) reegtacemant of the tontscidle Wngirogen atoms of poryeaste. acted Sy OX Metal ore ayy ammamum 2on Orme eeWied cord Sails a a —B%=_MaWSS4, KwSou , Na S04 ete BOSE Seals = Whe Sats foremed bey Me Farka AEETIACEMEM OF ME drronyl qreeap of A yoy’ —Necne ly an acta ee ee eee ac | 1 Bre Plo OW) CL my Cow ch, So Normal Salts i= The salts formed by the | —complets rmeplcement of the romsoble ydnogen _| Laxoms, of an actA log a metal or Ammanum eon are | Porte ere Sci Ry CacOsa, mysoy > MAsoy | Be Defene he. Fallaoeng: ; = Wert 2s Whe chemical name af common Salt 7 Name. | Ahe Scusccesy of commen salt: Wrette chemicn\ | SMCeRON OF PRE feuTHdWON GF common S<\t_ She eee cee S| The. chemréced nema of common Seth es chloride Moc Common Scout Occears SN Yee Niue con 2s Found From Udder round am Of Rock Seth. Novos CL Mack -+ 20. MMON Ser\h- | QWTA Bs Used zn coneiny Pod __ tmthes Used as o SEAKNe EN Peles » mech ek eS 3M, Aaceke: docu \he uses of ‘Scanned with CamScanner eo (bs Sodtum hydcro cide : AS. hed zs. Abe common name of Soest _ Wyaees ni | Menthe chemtcct. equciton €or. SAS _ PRE RATAN, i The common neme of soem Anyae = [28 Caustte sedcu e ee i TA ts paoduced, “oy. We. ek OF concentrearled aqueous Solereon oF (cMoride soied loreine. yr ANacl + WhO —y_ ZNO me 3G.) Wiretbe. Iclanced elemecal equertean j-Chiore- cicctkt, _preocess + “wane Se 4 pal lak Mhe electeades, _dureiagy Mes presces i —— UNeclh + 2 Woo ——y 2Naow -* CL “jes EEO Aes, ~precess, _nidceagen ges es beloerate) Ox Me cathode curd WA _chiceane gas res \ekerotel | | ok Me anode. | Minx a eheciralyers of mas of being < CeNeh. chon. cWor-= || OXsar2, ae oo We. Clecanolysts of lereine es called _ | aes ~OAMKAIE PmNcess AS 2h MRelds chlorene f OD _OMKNE Sodtun hydeotde « ae \ Arte axon Vhe Uses of Ase feren SEOOY Preaduchs _ | Olekecemed Peam _¢ Wlore~ OME Peacess. ¢ Mccort, |. TA es cwed fore, mating soag SCARS and deher; jlo A RS Used EW MWe Packume of aon _ eo Th es cwed For, —nearetny care _ ‘Scanned with CamScanner olagsmate = _@) Clone oo Qs TA “tte Ae an She Qeealucteon oF rencheny POE. GUNA Wyre ehvorege Curt: DA A GOAA co cam Atxenfectam lo Memilese Are, coewWere, AAERy: LG TA ER Ned Ao mee ONO, CER cind Pestcctdes: 8) Widreogen —. Oe EA Em LOA very Waybeergeredion, of venetotsle ots Xr TEAL Coed ON og Gel fore, reocKeds: 6 SA ES OCA ey Ae, manufacture of ceMMONey | Wwidrem corte, crete) ey we Myaunol: OA NARA] douon She Uses o& \ridico chlorite. cots IA) KES, taed Pore, Chenceng econ sweeds before, see oes oa nh 9 ee : Bi ly ALES Used ey mekectnen. cearretece fe Lany SAP es Used "EN pezkt le, 1 Ayedng and Seren | meus Arie: and any TIONED PNG 0 Wrike Ihe ~ chemécad nome, and ehemtant, Pore | OF Wasting sede eee pee “ne. Chemical name ot. washeny ania, | ts Soden Cardoonale Aecahydrratbe, ee TAS chemical Roremula ts Nasa: iow, lie [rceke. leclarced enurvons, fore Yhe. PRepearceean oF Wes ng. sox : a Nach ab Wo © Sock cor > Nawcds — es ae ‘Scanned with CamScanner 42) Wrrete doug Me, properties of Wershing Seale, SQL ORY se oy Arrcanepeuremt, CHAO WAL, BOWE “2. LOMA: AO) TAR Onecun soliton 26 cnelene 068 Money reed \elmus blue: GS Ra ros dehercgemh ore Cesena Qmaverry. cos, i LRA ca rere derek cine amare from dinky my, we NS State \he uses of _woasng Aden — WT Bs cased Ao meme goremoecesy hamAness OF Wetter. NTA tS Used tn 3 whe, “epufoesure of SEAL, COfey, Ord glass: 200 TA ts. ones Wns toanuCackume. of wore nd PS XR CNOANSANG _AQeny Hb Shake Nhe chemical name. end chemecess Gordy, Ee Wrtke equation fore 2s Preparation. - pce ce = Chr micen\ Nor »me_oF JBAKe ny Lek §.. > hes 2 fenton Weelaagen COREOTOSS Catvd TAS é clmemicas formula es NAaWooa. = at f CUR 6 20. -e COD. NV 7 Na\}COr ~ NL Md Mierke dcaon She SaBpentios oF Poa ring soi OVP Th ts a hehe crestalitne saved, sn SAwale zn waerc, fone Aeortae Bas. Ee ‘Scanned with CamScanner we Stoke, Me Uses of HOOK LOG ead OD T+ em Used as an amtesrd to TmemwNve oc dihy: OTA ts Used en She. pee gaye lon OF Soorich ong gomer.: an TA tS USCA tn Soda ase fare exvenquishert. looxeng, endustrey] I ee Soe LO paoder, ts c meadurce of looking rlorAcutitc actA: Wren 2% 2% Odded Jo She _ _Kteciciion takes place betssen lbaKing. 4 Ae NA < ARorede QOS BS OROAUCEA. cohich pemses | Swreougin the eovala | MOCHA Ae. Coree SOP and SQOngy a ue: Earley Ane se ssorseing of oO. Soden actA Kee ____Lextrenguts) : oe ee eee SSOACENS SAWN OF Sedteum mAdroyen Cestorete and Saulelucie cctd en secarerde containers erstde Wem wy When she nolo vs pressed , Saleghurte actd rrencks eptih sodtum Wdrogen ccuclon rite bo | \ilserotres con ges thet Form ov blanked cxrouod AME. lourenny Srloshaance OnA curs OFF He SuRpl oF _| abt and Ane Fewe gers Badrenguis ed: | DNA COm -& MAQOY -F_NCOSOy “+ WOO 420 | ‘Scanned with CamScanner PO eet Tol e and c\ AD Wiretve cov he. chemecal_ncums ‘emi . Foremala of alec oe " eee _cherveal name oF Selechey. Bay Ks ee coterum ony chiomAe. Tate chem cafe oc 50. Werte ehemicer eq uctkton — Pore fas _OF_loleaching poadier. sAate_ 4s sve, _ preoperehtes _Catowya + U fe —_ahodted ume) Qa Morne) 1 econ rhe. Qreagerckren Of ecco gowdere OSS. WTA 2s a whe poodere having SMEAR Siei\ L |__ef _ch\oreane: © A _Es_solubic_em cold coortese es TA _reeacts with dclute actds fo give chlorine, Cocks “+ 2804 Casoy Yr 20 + | She lWrethe dccon the mo Uses of lnlenchang, Ratden IQ) Ty es Used fore So\ecicange estion con Aeneq, Lan terile endustry and fr bh feos Pule EN Paper zendusiryr- een ee i SUKelye = ——___1)_34_zs_ used For We monulachuee of chlorotam: Jon A fs_used Fore MANY WOd\_LUnshreenkable- 58s hed “es Awe _chemeicel Name and chemeccel | Roreeess\ OF Plaskere af Parris. | Tne. chemtce_Wame of Plaster of parets ts — Tee 2m _sulpherle heme Wydrate and ts = Crrerndcerl Roremyla es CoSoy- + 39. Scanned with CamScanner Sslinewel Ane recs modescial used For, She prepare = Of _Pleistere OF PoRis: Shere ele chemise Formulas INCENSE CMeMeca\ eq crkion SIE AWE PECL FAEEON OF - i Plaster OF pewets: -{ SMe. reewo_mexkerctel Used fore Ave, peepee OF Plaster of pouty es _ SALSM + Ts Chemicon ORME. IS CASOY + 22 a COSO4:2 Ma —S—> Corsoyteeo + VE 20 SX Why is _plastere of games. stowed en moisture PESDE conainere? Because jhe. presence of maisiune can CAUSES Show Serving of plaster of Pars toy loriggieg | Oeorry BAS Widen WC AM Make plester of | Paris Useless- Cosdy: ts e0 +15 Yo0 —> CaSGy 2420: H SS Stoke MWe Qcogerttes of ploskex of GOKES: IQ) ry eA me hike Cader: ay TA has o Proees OF SEWENE = “eee nore wnass Lon werring esthh cookern, BG State She uses OF Plaster of Paris: la x useien hospétols for sete frecctured hones. |__n pawtkeon: | les X} zy Used tn making fet] puro maserctal » | fee. seealtnge care qeups En OR Pacecrberye law Th Zs Used En moneany toys, Chalis aod cosrs Core ol oo sk ta cant fork mmaning sare FEKs Sm Leone i fee ‘Scanned with CamScanner Sh Deane wcrler, of ereystalhes toe: Sette hating conters ce eregstenlenckind wry then Malecalare Feremule: Some salts, Udihe Of wonbere, cohdal ws. 1600-00. 08. CrtAstalhiseartian : : = “AS hrevang, oaders o& exradedlviserkion ting, Cl Mloshing Sada — _MAgtoa. oo @ Epsom Seth — Mysoy: H20. ~ A OYPSuM _ — _ CoSOy - BHO ______——_—_____ __._&) Plaster, of sere PeosO( a On wuSOu SG H2O iotdh o detintic Wonk Ake wetter of “oso +b Ne an ee i: yp SO4 - Ae DMO" 7 _ NOOSSy ~~ BHO. S4 Lead carbonate dee, nok rmeccs cotth dtlure Iydrcochloric cota ore delute sulphuric acid: Wen eed ceomclaonte rrecets With HeSdy , th forems ensolude Looting Of Lead cl chionéde ore \ead se\phate ushich covers She lead en AN comeny cotkh ¢ comtock. LOF acrid. Hence further mecckon is ~ prevented. Ace ah 0 Soke ot a probe ‘Scanned with CamScanner NOTE Metals _\tKe “meuynesiusnn, ard manganese TEOCCR entity Nery Atluke netic ocrd to aeve — ———prvnagen ges: a = Mags AWNOSEH—> MA Noda + a ———M0_=F 2 Nop» MaCnda)> 4 He Gtr Netmogen Atontle 2s oO Aouble oatd onlydctle, Why? : HL Naicagen dioxide when Aeascves en water, | ore ms Hess acts Oe breous acid GEN) and Wircic_ AstA CUNO): Hence Eh 2 a double acta anhy dei | QNO2 ~~ Heo —> WNO2 + HnNas- 62) pelute. Widrwachlorte actA ea Sarccager Wan | | concentrated acetic ackd. Gane recson: t SArcengyy, of an actA depends pon th: LMecseuce OF concentration of Widrontum S08, —__| Produces 2n 34s aqueous soliton: As Are Lconcenbreation Of aot ons =n Aslute Wel is Lmorw Avon Aes of concentrated ciacoo, del. L\Wwidesrchloric acta 2s mone stronger than concen Areeukes, Crceree cick. ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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