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Let's whip up some delicious nasi lemak!


Nasi lemak is a classic Malay dish loved for its fragrant rice, rich sambal, and variety
of accompaniments. Here's a basic guide to get you started:

 Rice: Jasmine rice is preferred for its aroma and texture. Wash and soak the
rice for at least 30 minutes before cooking.
 Coconut milk: Use full-fat coconut milk for best results. You can find it canned
or fresh in Asian grocery stores.
 Pandanus leaves: These fragrant leaves add a unique aroma to the rice. Tie a
few knots in 2-3 leaves and add them to the rice while cooking.
 Salt: To taste.
 Dried chilies: Choose based on your desired spice level. Soak them in hot
water for 15 minutes to soften.
 Shallots: Roughly chopped.
 Garlic: Minced.
 Lemongrass: Stalk, thinly sliced.
 Belacan (shrimp paste): Adds umami depth. Use sparingly as it can be
 Oil: For cooking.
 Sugar: To balance the spiciness.
 Salt: To taste.
 Cucumbers: Sliced thinly.
 Peanuts: Roasted and salted.
 Hard-boiled eggs: Peeled and cut in half.
 Fried anchovies (ikan bilis): Optional, adds a salty crunch.
 Sambal goreng: Spicy stir-fried tempeh or potatoes.
1. Cook the rice: Combine rice, coconut milk, pandan leaves, and salt in a rice
cooker or pot. Cook according to your preferred method.
2. Make the sambal: Heat oil in a pan. Fry shallots and garlic until fragrant. Add
lemongrass and dried chilies, cook until chilies soften. Stir in belacan until
fragrant, then add some water to simmer and prevent burning. Mash the
chilies with a spoon for a smoother texture. Season with sugar and salt to
3. Assemble: Fluff the cooked rice and spoon onto a plate. Top with sambal,
cucumber slices, peanuts, egg half, ikan bilis (if using), and sambal goreng (if
 Feel free to adjust the spiciness of the sambal to your liking.

 You can customize your nasi lemak with other accompaniments like banana
blossom salad, rendang chicken, or fried fish.

 Leftover rice can be used to make nasi goreng the next day!

Enjoy your homemade nasi lemak! Selamat makan! ️

Note: This recipe is a basic guide, and there are many variations of nasi lemak
depending on region and personal preference. Feel free to experiment and find your
own perfect combination!

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