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CASE ANALYSIS: Given below are hypothetical situations that require your unbiased
opinion and educated judgment. Write your point of view as to each situation.
1. You are researching on an assignment in your subject in Media and Information Literacy. You
came along an article online that amazingly can answer the research assignment perfectly well.
You copy and pasted it into one great essay, complete with pictures and other visuals. You did
not cite your references in order to impress your perfectionist and strict teacher.
2. A family friend, who also happens to be your classmate in one of your classes was diagnosed
with an incurable illness. Your close family ties enabled you to know the status of her health,
including its severity, and asked you to refrain from spilling out the information outside of your
family circle. In order to help her with her absences and academic standing, you told your class
adviser about her health status.
3. You are living in a peaceful community within your barangay where everyone practically
knows everyone. Lately, there have been rumors circulating around the neighborhood that one
of your friends is into illegal drugs. Upon investigation and personal interview, you found out that
he is actually using marijuana because of an emotional problem within his family. You decided
to help him by enlisting the help of psychologists and authorities in order to help him rehabilitate
and cope with the problem. True enough, he was sent to a rehabilitation center in order to
undergo debriefing. The news spread like wildfire within the neighborhood and soon, his family’s
problems was then discussed out in the open. Your friend’s family have branded you a traitor for
helping the “arrest” of your friend and ultimately revealing their problems to the entire


In a sports competition or school intramurals, sports injuries happen. Write down

at least 5 injuries. Describe the event and the immediate treatment given to the injured
Name of the Sport Sport Injury Immediate Treatment Given

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