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Republic of the Philippines

Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Lanao del Norte
District of Kolambugan
S.Y. 2023–2024
2nd Quarter Examination Test in MAPEH
Grade 7

Name: __________________________________ Section: _______________ Score: ________

Directions: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients.

A. Malnutrition C. Overnutrition
B. Micronutrient deficiency D. Undernutrition
2. It is a medical condition in which a person has too much body fat.
A. Anemia B. Deficiency C. Malnutrition D. Obesity
3. is a condition which a person lacks nutrients leading to disease and deficiencies.
A. Malnutrition B. Nutrition C. Overnutrition D. Undernutrition
4. is a mineral element that is used by the thyroid gland to manufacture thyroid hormones for normal
body development and function.
A. Iron B. Iodine C. Vitamin D. Vitamin A
5. are vitamins and minerals that include proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that all humans need to
maintain strong bodies and mental sharpness, fight off disease, and bear healthy children.
A. Malnutrition C. Overnutrition
B. Micronutrient D. Undernutrition
6. is an iron deficiency in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is less than normal.
A. Anemia B. Deficiency C. Malnutrition D. Obesity
7. is a mineral found in the body in small amounts usually in red blood cells about 70 percent and in
the liver about 30 percent.
A. Iron B. Iodine C. Vitamin D. Vitamin A
8. regulates normal eyesight and healthy eyes, fights infections, and is essential for normal growth.
A. Iron B. Iodine C. Vitamin D. Vitamin A
9. refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients
both vitamin deficiencies and mineral deficiencies.
A. Malnutrition C. Overnutrition
B. Micronutrient deficiency D. Undernutrition
10. It is a micronutrient deficiency that causes night blindness among children.
A. Iodine deficiency C. Vitamin A deficiency
B. Iron deficiency D. Vitamin K deficiency
11. a substance that is important in people for strong and healthy bones.
A. Calcium B. Carbohydrates C. Iron D. Protein
12. a substance that occurs naturally in the blood.
A. Calcium B. Carbohydrates C. Iron D. Protein
13. a macronutrient that is essential to building muscle mass which is commonly found in animal
A. Calcium B. Carbohydrates C. Iron D. Protein
14. a substance found in certain foods that provide your body with heat and energy.
A. Calcium B. Carbohydrates C. Iron D. Protein
15. a substance that helps digest food.
A. Fiber B. Carbohydrates C. Iron D. Protein
16. The following are the ways in which badminton can be played except _______.
A. Doubles B. Mixed Doubles C. Singles D. Squads
17. The game is governed by the ______________________________.

A. Badminton World Federation C. World Badminton Organization

B. Badminton International Association D. Badminton League Organization

18. It is the original name of badminton.

A. Battledore B. Paddle C. Poona D. Shuttlecock

19. It is the measurement of the badminton net.

A. 6.1m x 1.55m B. 61m x 155m C. 1.6m x 15.5m D. 60m x 1.50m

20. The ball used in badminton is called ______________.

A. bat B. cock C. shuttle D. shuttlecock

Directions: Write True if the sentence is correct and False if it is wrong.

_______1. The badminton game started to become popular at a small town in India.
_______2. Forehand grip is commonly used in badminton.
_______3. Matches for badminton include singles, doubles, and mixed doubles.
_______4. The playing court in badminton used for singles and doubles is the same in terms of length and
_______5. Badminton became an Olympic sport in 1991.
_______6. Art is a form of communication that shows the artist’s feelings.
_______7. Color is an element of art which represents many different emotions.
_______8. Mood is the general atmosphere of an art.
_______9. The lightness or darkness of the colors is called message.
_______10. The message of the artist in his/her art is called tone.

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