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The French Revolution

Louis XVI acceded to the French throne on 10 May 1774, upon the death of his grandfather, Louis XV. At this point, towards
the end of the 18th century, the French court, with Versailles as its epicentre, it was very unique in Europe.

But the court system established by Louis XIV and continued by Louis XV and Louis XVI was starting to become expensive,
and the public was becoming increasingly agitated when the people saw the economical waste. The king was aware of this and
undertook various reforms, with the help of his control general of finances, Turgot. The kingdom of France’s expenditure was cut
right back, the cause was the lifestyle of the members of the royal family.

Turgot, remaining true to his liberal principles, removed trade barriers and price-fixing on grain. But bad harvests and price
increases the riots and revolt in the provinces and the Paris region. Forced to resign, Turgot handed over to Jacques Necker in
1776. The new financial control decided to adopt a more rigorous economic policy . The many attempts at reform,, were are
rejected, so they failed. Public opinion associated this economic crisis with the monarchy itself. As a result of Louis XVI’s.

This essay serves as the assessment for the Catalyst position at BDCatalysts

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