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UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB IMA’ IRD. Bachelor of Commerce Part-ll, Annual Examination 2004 PASS RESULT INTIMATION Roll Number + 004739 Registered Number 2 O2-cop-57 Name of the Candidate : Maryam Aslam Father's Name + Muhammad Aslam Institute/District + Punjab College of Commerce, 20-Noon Avenue, Lahore e735 She has passed the Bachelor of Commerce Part-II, Annual Examination 2004, held in Jun-Ju! 2004 in the 2nd Divison, obtaining 871/150 marks. The examination was taken as a whole. Marks obtained by her in each paper sre given below:- [Sfsitieds aa ae : =p 1] Rakarnced Prsncal ReCaOANG 700 2 Avaiing es 1 7 Business Communication & Repot Wing 700 1 (Busnes Caw 7 700] 6 | Gusiness Taxation 1 CC [5 Gemtaccooniro ao 7 | Economics of Pakistan: 100 { T Pakietan Stoter oy z 70 * t t i rot 1 it 462} 740 1 Previous partmarks | 409_| 760 | = ~_Grand Total | 871.1500] Ai Ts ond aia a Bod aor and erin eee on 9 esc erty An any appaing 4 dom nol ul cnr be Issued under ta > nN o 2 Assis jntroller/ Admin. Officer oo ae Hall, Lahore (Examinations) ~ tember 08, 2004 Print Date : Sep 08, 2004 Serial No, : 000227 R eam Maryam Asiam Dio Muhammad Aslam 000227 R POMBE LITAAT MOUNT LA Roo Sn * ; " “RESULT INTIMATION CARD ‘Bachelor! ‘ot Commerce Part-I, Annual Examination 2003 t ‘i «PASS RESULT INTIMATION Roll Number! 008688 SS Registered Number: |: 02-cep:57.- | ort _Name of the Candidate; Maryam Aslam Prete Muhammad Aslam: =. nent Father's Name © i Punjab College of Commerce, 29-Noon Avenue, Lahore InsttuteDistrict ‘She has passed ine Bachelor of Commerce Part.|, Annual Examination 2003, held in Aug-Sep 2003, obtaining 409/760 marks. The examination was laken asa whOle, i Matis obtained by her in each paper are sien below: ae se FI | Business Statistics & Nabernaice [2 Computer Aapleaton in Business [ Eeoromes (| Finanoat Accounting TB | Funational Engin 6 | inveduelion Ye Business 171 Money” Banking And Finance [Ey isan Stodes 7Emmies es B02 fey fe ie get oF de acm ercae i eooes Seen tnd pesos eae ee aoe Sac eastern wp Cont Orr es et Oa del uncex ne Teauatlons Fidue course, ‘i " \ Assistant Controtler/ Acmin. Officer ay (Examinations) | Print Date: Oec 04, 2003, Sorlal No. : 001874 R Benes stains’ Dated: November 22: 2003 PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE B.COM. PART II (PASS COURSE) EXAMINATION Ist/2nd ANNUAL 200% __ This is to certify that__MARYAM ASLAM Son/Daughter of. MUHAMNMADIASLAM: University Roll No—_4739. University Registration No. 2-CCP-57 , NE JULY, 2004. Passed the B. Com. Examination held in _2UNE Ut. 200 871 Securing 87? 1500 marks in—28° _ vision ae 16-04-19. Date of birth (as recorded in the College Admission Form) 2604-1984 _ He/She passed the following Subjects: Meoe Pet Cod Sabie rca a arco ec ing : cere on fotane Bonnet Coomaniaicn & ical Behavior tfor aon-Mastan Students) a (E. & OF) PUNJAB COLLEGE OF COMMERCE LAHORE = Principal ——===——— CHARACTER CERTIFICATE ane: MARYAM ASLAM Fathers Name, MUHAMMAD ASLAM University Roll No,_4739 University Registration No, _02°CCP-57 Class Roll No. 2513 Session —_2002"2004 871 2ND Marks obtained Total Marks: 1500, Division_____ Extra-Curricular Activities. JARD WORKING & WELL-MANNERED. General Remarks —_QBESIENT. 4 vO 11-05-2004 Date. 1 Principal —__—> (E. & OE) PUNJAB COLLEGE OF COMMERCE LAHORE “ONDARY EDUCATION, LAHORE XQ BOARD OF INTERMEDIA’ a 018543 Serial No.+ 2259 —r- Roll No. ae. rat | (00422-2215-2000 Result pass Pex) Registration No. Te PROVISIONAL RESULT INTIMATION INTERMEDIATE (PART 1. & 11) ——SNNUAL— EXAMINATION, 2002 GENERAL SCIENCE GROUP _ MARYAM ASLAM NAME ; MUHAMMAD ASLAM FATHER'S NAME GOVT. COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, SHADBAGH, INSTITUTION/DISTRICT Detail of Marks Obtained by the Candidate aM OF SUBJECT FART PEO rovac | ram] Part |[TOTAL|ToraL |staTus ‘URDU (COMPULSORY) oss | ose | a4 | --- | 77> | 777 | 114 | PASS. ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) ‘oso | o40 | 090 | --- | ---- | --- | 090_| PASS ISLAMIC EDUCATION (COMPULSORY) ca | ---- | oza | --- | --7> | -7> | 024 | PASS [PAKISTAN STUDIES (COMPULSORY) =-- | o17 | o17 | --- | ---- | --- | 017_| Pass. [COMPUTER SCIENCE 027 | 037 | 064 19_|_37_| 101 | pass STATISTICS, o2 044 086 14 28 114 | PASS [rcoNosics 033 | 062 | o95 | -- | -—- | -- | 095 | Pass Total marks secured in case of success in Part I & Il 555/1100 Grade: C ‘The candidate hns passed and obtained marks: Five Hundred Fifty Five Only This provisional result intimation 1s issued as a notice only. Errors and omissions are excepted. Any entry appearing init does not itself canfer any right or privilege independently for the prant of proper certificate, which wiil be issued under the rules. ‘The Star (*) indicates that the candidate has passed the subjecu’s with concessional marks under Rule 12, Chapter 2 of the Board’s Calendar. In case he/she is not willing to accept the concessional marks. necessary permission to reappear in the subject’s may be obtained 30 days before the commencement of the next immediate examination, The candidate will have to attach the attested copy of revised result intimation with the admission form. If the resull intimation is lost, an interim result intimation can be obtained by the candidate ‘on payment of prescribed fee. Prepared by es Oe a Cheeked by meh hh "31/08/2002 Dated CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATION: Troma 0001355 3 NOTE: (i) (ii) Gi) BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION, LAHORE sno 79960 — Roll No. _005437 Result___PASS 0043-22106-98 PROVISIONAL RESULT INTIMATION SECONDARY SCHOOL( ANNUAL) EXAMINATIO! 2000, GRrouP SOOKE: NAME, MARYAM ASLAM FATHER'S NAME __ MUHAMMAD ASLAM DATE OF BIRTH oe INSTITUTION/DISTRICT _ GOVT. GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL, SHAD BAGH, LAHORE has secured the marks as detailed below against each subject, S.No. Name of Subjects tei Marks Obtained | Total | Status 1 [Urdu 150 6 Ee 0, PASS) 2_| English 150 3 ET oF | PASS 3 Islamiyat 75 a7 - ar PASS: 4__| Pakistan Studies [== 75 es | = 48 PASS: $ | Mathematics 100 058. = 058 PASS © _| PHYSICS 100 | wee | Pate | 50 PASS 7_| CHEMISTRY 100 | we] P-is| PASS 8 | BroLocy 100 [tea | Pat | 67 | PASS Total 350 | 319 | GRADES “The candidate has __ PASSED AND OBTAINED MARKS FIVE HUNDRED NINETEEN NOTE: (i) ‘This previsional result intimation is issued as a notice only. Errors and omissions fare excepted. Any entry appearing in it does not itself confer any right of privilege independently for the grant of proper certificate whici will be issued under the rules. (ii) The Star (*) indicates that the candidate has passed the subjects with concessional marks under Rule 12 of the Board's Calendar. In case he/she is not willing to accept the concessional marks, necessary permission to reappear in the subject’ may be oblained 30 days before the commencement of the next ‘examination. The candidate will have to attach the attested copy of revised result intimation with the Admission Form. (iii) Af the result intimation is lost, an interim result fetter may be obtained by the candidate on payment of prescribed fee Prepared by Cu} \ Checked by Guo} t j 7 Dated JUNE 30, 2000 CONTROLLER OLE NAMINATIONS focle fe ofecfoofoofenleefe ole cieloety Tooele cde obe ede ecto steeds + ; 5 : ¢ a oF seriat No 437 Group _ Cre ce! z GOVT. GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Ist Shift —~ Ofe ofe ofe ofe of ofe efe ofe efe ofe ofe Shad Bagh , Lahore J fh S QE Provisional and Character Certifcate Session 1998 - Reco This is to certify that Ma fb Bini As boa __ oe Daughter of a fd Aslaarr oe Examination held in Naxid. Rex under Roll No_5 457 _has been declared of Successful/placed in the compartment, securing sth marks with Letter Grade 4 according to the Result Statement supplied by the Controller of Bi, oa Exams., Board of Interrmediate & Secondary Education, Lahore. She has passed/to re- appar in the following subjects : Fi Urdu Q) English Q) Mslamiyat (4) Pakistan Studies oy GYGMaihvEl. Math. (6) G-Sc/Biology. (7) Physies'Givies te gy (10) According to the School record her date of bitth is (_/6 -O4. /935) Stxlven Seoinelee bs Npem Assessment Letter Grade is__D ve > PO etek fe \.11-This certificate is being issued to her only with the object of ‘cnabling her to be admitted to a College and is not to be held equivalent to the cenificate to be issued to her by Seeretacy, B. & § Education, Lahore Se ice coune of time ry (8) ChemistrysiSed— 2 fe lo of oe ofp of of oe fe ela of of oe ef ofo of oe fe efeefe oe ede ee edeete efe Certified that her Character remained Satisfactory during her stay at School Say " ae 7 = 4 Class facharge Date Headmistress Ban “etre sdeedeoclele echo cde oe cfocde oaatecteeafente eof Fo ofe fe ofe ofe ofe efe of Rted thar sor (asaghion of Sama, (_PMMOAL GENERAL SCIENCE (MARYAM ASLAM MUHAMMAD ASLAM. Bpsteant Ne _MA22-215-2000 Cle /D. GOVT. COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, SHADBAGH, LAHORE hs pasud the Sntrmadate Eoamination sondustad by ths Board in eandidala Ha Ske offtrad the sulfeots ard abltuinad the marke as follows: REGULAR ‘SUBJECT Urdu Engtish alamic Edueation Pakistan Studies COMPUTER SCIENCE STATISTICS ECONOMICS ‘TOTAL MARKS (in Figures) FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE ONLY (19 Words) External Grade C Internal Grade D AUGUST 31, 2002 Lahore lease Odtained 114 24 101 114 095 555) SECRETARY Crradmunt Ne 9043-221 06-98 GA 313262 eNe Rd Av 908407 BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION, LAHORE Sandy Sebel BION Fo crntog 2000 : SCIENCE Groups Certfed that MARYAM ASLAM son /daughin of. MUHAMMAD ASLAM Hb Porot___GONT. GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL, SHAD BAGH, LAHORE - Date of Baik. 16-04-1989. (SIXTEENTH APRIL one heasand mine handed and —_________ FIONN FIVE) ig Seondary Seleol Eraminaton Condeted by ths Beard ____FULL_yg___ REGULAR condidate Ha! She ofiad ths sulfets and cltsimed the mark, w filles St.No. SUBJECT Maxknurm 1 Urew 190 pT 2 English 150 7 3. tslamiyat 1s = ae 4 Pakistan Studies 15 48 5 | MATHEMATICS 400 28 6 PHYSICS ae 100 30 7. CHEMISTRY 100 62 8 Brovocy ~~ 100 67 TOTAL MARKS (In Figures) 850 2197 (Words) FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN Extornat Grade yy Internat Grade ee —amacguc VUNE 30, 2000 Lahore. SECRETARY pyr 318282 And Ag 005437 ——905437_ Ensclnent Ka 0043-22106-78 0043-22 106- BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION, LAHORE Trondny Shad __anwan oy (ramenation 2000 . @ scrence " Rasled thee MARYAM ASLAn won /deaghess of MUHAMMAD ASLAN Kebeot/ Danae _GOVT. GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL, SHAD BAGH, LaMORE Dats of Bouik 16-04-1489, {SIXTEENTH APRIL ome thousand mene kendhed and. EIGHTY FIVE . D Ware the Loondiny Saeed Crnminaton Corded by ths Beaudin PU Se: SECULAR serie HOLSheofted ths efocts and ebianed the male a fllws MARKS ‘Se ‘SUBJECT Maximum = Obtained £. Urdu 150 90 2 English 150 be .s Islamiyat 1s a7 4 Pakistan Studies: ats a8 5. MATHEMATICS 100 38 6. PHYSICS 100 50 w CHEMISTRY 100 62 8 BIOLOGY ~ 100 67 ‘TOTAL MARKS {ln Figures) 350 3197 FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN (1a Words) External Grade B Internal Grade. De JUNE 20, Z000 Lahore = VUNE BOr FOOD! SECRETARY Roll No. 004739 Registered No, 02-ccp-57 et THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Maryam Aslam Daughter of Muhammad Aslam of the Punjab College of Commerce, Muslim Town, Lahore HAS OBTAINED THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMMERCE in this University at the examination held in June 2004, securing 871/1500 marks and was placed in the Second Division. S9etZL0Toa ee tia Lahore 10 APR 2006 Contster of Examifations Chancellor 000227 870035 GRADING FORMULA PERCENTAGE.OF MARKS GNADE MARKS 80% and above At Exceptional A Excettent a Very Good 50% and an c Good 40% ond noe , Foie Below 40%. 10 joiajinum pass marks E Satlstactory 'wa131298h peur 2 Copduct and behaviour [COSTAE] ceed roe Mitksiry af Forsigt SMTalrs is} qcetetant Private Secretary tet spast fr peter (For Aeademic a th Extomal Gere _ Internal Gi: vase examinations Awarded by Instixtion, . INTERNAL ASSESSMENT R REGULAR CANDIDATES ONLY) WEIGH chievement on the or activi 8 preced! nd YUL 2008 GRADING FORMULA PERCENTAGEOFMARKS = = GRADE 60% and above 70% and above but below 60% 60% and above but below 70% 50% end above but below 60% 40% and above but below 50% Bolow 40% to minimum pass marks moaor> INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 1, —Academic achlevement on the basis of house examinations 2. Co-curricular activities dui the two years preceding wa? JUL 2029 examination. 3. Conduct and behaviour “COUNTERSIGN ONLY Ouse cracked by ‘Ministry of Fersige 8MTairs i} ‘bol Fespousibie For the Asslstant Prtvata Sacratay canzeats of this documeot Extemal Grade__ Awarded by Board. Internal Grade. ATIESTAMION ‘srawe Awarded by Institution. MARKS: Exceptional Excellent Very Good Good Falr Satistactory (FOR REGULAR CANDIDATES ONLY) WEIGHTAGE » Prepared by Vow Checked by Z 4

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