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View Grievance

Grievance Acknowledgement Number 11880456


Date of Resolution NA

Grievance Description I have received notice under section 148 dated

18-04-2022 and due date of filing of return under
section 148 is 18-05-2023 for that notice we are
trying to filing the return but there is no return
processing access is available on portal for such
notice. and on portal section 148 is not mentioned
but notice is attached for filing of response under
section 148.
so i have attached screen shot of portal and issued

Grievance Resolution NA

Grievance Details

Created On 04-May-2023

Assessment Year 2019-20

Financial Year NA

Grievance Department e-Filing

Grievance Category e-Proceedings

Grievance Sub-Category Unable to respond to Assessment Notice

Addressed To NA

Resolution Sought From NA

PAN/TAN Application No. NA

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