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Hypnotizing Someone with Hypnotic Power

Words and Phrases

One of the most impressive features of hypnosis is that, despite it

being very effective, it requires few tools other than words. You may
be wondering then if hypnosis uses certain words that are more
powerful than the words we use in our everyday communication. The
answer is no—hypnosis doesn’t rely on a certain, special vocabulary in
order to work. In fact, it uses simple words and phrases that you
already use every day. The power of hypnosis lies in how these specific
words are used.

Let’s explore what hypnotic words and phrases are, how they’re used,
and whether they’re effective over text and the phone. We’ll also share
some of the most powerful hypnotic words you can use, and explain
why they work. You may even improve your own communication
skills and learn how to influence others in the process. Let’s dive in!

What is a Hypnotic Phrase or Word?

A hypnotic phrase or word (also called a “power word”) is an

impactful word that’s used with a specific intention. The intention is
often to help the person being hypnotized reach their goal.

It’s important to understand that all words (not just hypnotic words)
come with inherent meaning and impact. As you’ve undoubtedly
experienced, some words can inspire and motivate you, while others
can deter or discourage you. And you already know how to use your
words to make a big impact—like telling someone “I love you” or
telling someone “I hate you.” Certain words set off certain
subconscious triggers in a person’s mind. This is the cause and effect
that words can have.

When you use words with intention, you have the power to:

1. Create certain scenes or images

2. Distract or capture someone’s attention
3. Create associations between two concepts

4. Engage someone’s senses, and more

So it’s not surprising that when certain words are used intentionally,
they can cause a hypnotic effect. This is especially true when multiple
power words are used during a single hypnosis session. In other
words: Hypnotic language is composed of ordinary words put to a
specific use. The more intentional language used, the more
powerful the results can be.

How are Power Words and Phrases Used in Hypnosis?

Whether they’re used during a self-hypnosis session or by a

hypnotherapist, hypnotic words help induce you into a hypnotic
trance by doing three things.

Hypnotic phrases:

1. Capture your attention

2. Move you from your conscious mind to your unconscious mind,
3. Stimulate your unconscious mind

When used correctly, hypnotic power words (combined with other

hypnosis techniques, like repetition, language patterns, imagery, and
music) have the power to influence people by both engaging and
relaxing them. Once they’re relaxed and engaged, they’re more
susceptible to the hypnotic suggestions that will help them reach their
goal. These words also help to connect ideas, making the hypnotic
narrative flow.

11 Common Hypnotic Power Words and Phrases

Here are some of the most commonly-used hypnotic words and

phrases in the English language:

1. “Imagine”

Hypnosis is all about bypassing the critical, conscious mind so you can
access the unconscious mind. In the unconscious mind can you make
lasting behavioral and cognitive changes. (Getting past the conscious
mind is called “bypassing the critical factor.”) Using the word imagine
is a great way to do this because it helps the person being hypnotized
relax their rigid thinking patterns. When people are asked to use their
imagination, they’re likely more willing to envision scenarios and
possibilities that they otherwise may not have been open to

Take for example the phrase “Imagine yourself feeling completely at

ease as you walk into a dinner party.” When a socially anxious person
is asked to do this, they may be able to embody the feeling of being
relaxed in a social situation more easily, because they know they’re
just pretending. However, once they know what that sensation feels
like, hypnotism can help lock that feeling into their subconscious
mind. This allows for easy access to that feeling when they’re in a real
social situation.

2. “Remember”

Sometimes, hypnotic words work by helping you recall a previous

time in your life when you found success. It could be a time when you
felt the most confident, or a time when you weren’t suffering with a
phobia that you’re currently suffering with. For example, your
hypnotist may invite you to “remember a time when you felt
overwhelming joy.” Once you’re able to embody this memory,
hypnosis can help you capture that feeling and apply it to your
everyday life now. For this reason, remember is a powerful hypnotic

3. “Because”

It’s worth reiterating that the goal of hypnosis is to bypass the

conscious mind and get to the unconscious mind. One way to do this is
to provide a reason for the hypnotic suggestions being made. The
rationale is that if the conscious mind sees reasons as valid and
logical, it will let down its guard. This makes the word because a
helpful tool. For example, you may hear your hypnotist say something
like, “Because you’re feeling calm, you can relax even further.”

4. “Sooner or Later”

Using the hypnosis power phrase sooner or later makes the hypnotist’s
desired result seem inevitable. But instead of being direct, the power
of this phrase lies in the fact that it’s subtle. And subtlety is important
in hypnosis, especially since people may feel repelled by abrasive or
pushy statements.

For example, if your hypnotist says, “Sooner or later, you will be

repulsed by the idea of eating junk food,” you’ll begin to feel that,
inevitably, potato chips will disgust you, so you might as well stop
eating them now!

5. “Find Yourself”
When a hypnotist suggests that someone finds themselves in a certain
state or situation, the implication is that they are currently in that
situation. It’s just that they’re only now realizing it. This makes it
easier for the person to embody that situation, since it feels inevitable
and true. For example, your hypnotist may say something like, “You
find yourself feeling an overwhelming sense of peace.”

6. “Just Pretend”

Using the power phrase just pretend is similar to using the power
word imagine. It allows the person being hypnotized to temporarily
set aside their critical, practical thinking patterns. Just pretend
permits them to go along with whatever the hypnotist is suggesting
without feeling like they’re abandoning their common sense, because
they’re just pretending. For instance, your hypnotist may prompt you
to “just pretend that you are falling into a trance.”
7. “What Would It Be Like If”

Using the phrase what would it be like if asks the person being
hypnotized to envision a scenario where a desired outcome occurs.
This is a successful technique because the mind is hardwired to
answer any question asked of it. So you’ll naturally embody whatever
scenario is presented to you. For example, your hypnotherapist may
ask you, “What would it be like if you drifted into a calm, relaxed

8. “Realize”

Similar to when a hypnotist uses the power phrase find yourself, the
word realize implies that you are already in the situation that’s being
alluded to—but you’re only just now discovering it. For example, “You
realize that your eyelids are getting heavy.”

9. “Suppose”

Like the power words and phrases imagine and pretend, using the
word suppose allows the hypnotist to make a gentle suggestion
without pushing you into a state of disengagement or disbelief. Your
hypnotist may say something like, “Suppose you were feeling an
overwhelming sense of calm,” which feels a lot more inviting than
someone simply telling you to calm down.

10. “What’s It Like When”

The power phrase what’s it like when again capitalizes on the mind’s
desire to answer questions and fill in the blanks. So if someone were
seeking hypnosis for success, the hypnotist might ask a question like,
“What’s it like when you feel completely successful?” The person being
hypnotized will naturally embody the feeling of being successful to
answer the question.

11. “And”

Have you ever been lulled to sleep by a song or a rhythm? Has a

repetitive noise ever helped you relax? It turns out that the cadence
and rhythm of sounds can help us enter a calm, trance-like state. So it
makes sense that the strategic use of the word and by a hypnotist can
help to lace words together in a way that lulls you into a hypnotic
state. For example, your hypnotherapist may prompt you that “you’re
feeling calm and your eyelids are getting heavy and they begin to
close,” etc.
Using Multiple Hypnotic Power Words and Phrases

During a hypnosis session, a hypnotist will combine many hypnotic

words and phrases to induce you into a trance. Then, they will make
helpful suggestions to get the best results. Combined, these words and
phrases are more powerful than when spoken separately.

Take for example these sentences, which use multiple hypnotic words
and phrases: “Remember when you felt deeply confident in a social
situation? Suppose you find yourself feeling that way now. What does it
feel like? What would it be like if you felt this way at your next event?”

Can You Hypnotize Through Text?

It’s possible to hypnotize through text. Hypnotic words have a lot of

power because of their implicit meaning. It’s not so much how they
are said, but how they are used. Therefore, it’s possible for hypnotic
effects to transfer through text. In fact, some scientists assert that
when you’re engrossed in reading a book, it’s the same as being in a
hypnotic trance. That said, spoken hypnotism is the most scientifically
supported and effective way to hypnotize someone. Additionally, we
only recommend experiencing hypnosis through a hypnotist,
hypnotherapist, or reliable hypnosis app.
Can You Hypnotize Someone Over the Phone?

Yes, you can hypnotize someone over the phone. Anyone who knows
how to hypnotize someone with words can do so via a phone call.

This is also why hypnosis apps for phones (and tablets) work so well.

Choosing hypnosis over the phone or with a phone-based app is a

great option for those whose schedules don’t allow them to visit a
hypnotist’s office. It’s also great for those who simply prefer
conversational hypnosis in the privacy of their own home. Plus,
hypnosis apps allow people to get hypnosis on their own schedule.

Luckily, hypnosis on your phone can provide just as successful of

results as in-person hypnosis sessions. And because phone-based
hypnosis apps are less expensive than going to a hypnotist in person,
you may be able to afford more sessions, leading to even better

Benefiting from Hypnotic Power Words with Primed


Now that you understand the power of words, and how they can help
you achieve your goals in a hypnotic setting, what are you waiting for?
If you’re ready to benefit from the power of conversational hypnosis,
you can start today! You don’t have to go see a hypnotherapist to
experience the science-backed benefits of hypnotherapy. Instead, try
Primed Mind: a free-to-download hypnosis app that brings the power
of hypnotic primers to your phone or tablet.

One of the world’s leading mindset coaches created Primed Mind so

that everyone can have access to quick (5-20 minute) hypnosis
sessions. These sessions are designed to help you break through
mental roadblocks and achieve your goals. Just like an in-person
hypnosis session, Primed Mind uses the phases of induction,
deepening, and hypnotic suggestion to guide you into a hypnotic

Then, it gives you hypnotic suggestions that help you reach your goal.
Finally, the app guides you back out of the trance once your session is

Primed Mind features an easy-to-use interface full of primers targeted

to very specific goals. It’s as perfect for someone who’s never tried
hypnosis before as it is for someone who’s been getting hypnotized for
years. Plus, it’s a great option for those who feel averse to trying
hypnosis in person. Try a primer on nailing your nutrition goals,
studying effectively, or being confident in any situation to get started
today—Primed Mind is free to download!

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