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Mighty Mighty

October Newsletter
Eric Riser; District Treasurer October, 2011
Official Newsletter of the Florida District of Key Club Internationals District Treasurer

FLOF and DUES updates!

FLOF The FLOF Application is back online. It is in the same place as before. The only thing different from my last newsletter is that now you have to download it and fill out the application on your computer. It is a word document and will most likely say read only when you open it, fill it out and save it under a different name and it will be fine. Read all of the instructions on the application. If you have any questions please contact me. Dues! The dues season is here. Here are a few suggestions to help your club obtain the Early Bird Dues Award! 1. Obtain your clubs ID number and password for the system from your advisor, if they do not have it please e-mail me immediately. 2. Make sure all of the club members have paid dues and if not contact them personally and make sure they have them at your clubs meeting this week. 3. Ask your Secretary and/or President to stay after this week and help you update your membership and generate an invoice. 4. Contact the book keeper and keep them informed, double check to make sure the check has been sent, then double check again, and then triple check. I say so many times because it was a problem last year and is very important.
If you are having any problems with the membership update center, dues collection, or have some concerns about your role/the process in general, please contact either your Lt. Governor or myself. I will be available every day except between 4pm-8pm Tuesdays and 6pm-10pm on Thursdays. It is ok to call me at anytime because if I am sleeping my phone does not wake me up. PLEASE DON'T WAIT TO ASK, we enjoy helping you, it is our role to serve you and your club in any way possible.

1st to respond to my August newsletter: Shelby Wells Next 3 to respond to my August newsletter: Bernaldo Noel, Brittany Shim and Nicole Dalsania Thank you all for taking the time to read and respond to my newsletter.

ELIMINATE Wrist-Bands and Trick or Treat for UNICEF

I have put in an order for 3000 ELIMINATE Wrist-Bands, yes, 3000! Great job guys, I am looking forward to seeing all of these clubs on the ELIMINATE fundraising list. If you wanted to order bracelets but were not able to at this time or missed the deadline please feel free to e-mail me and let me know, I will be planning another order within the next couple of months, and there is always a chance I may end up with some extras. As a side note, if your club raises $250 and sends it to international by December 31st then you will receive a patch at District Convention from international! I have attached the list of all clubs that I have confirmed orders for, please note that your club will not be sent wrist-bands unless I receive the check. The bracelets are scheduled to arrive on November 2nd but from past experience I should have them 5-6 days before then. Please be expecting the wrist-bands (if you have send your check) during the first week of November. If your club ordered wrist-bands and is not on the list please e-mail or call me immediately. As you can see I received many e-mails about wrist-bands and their were a number of clubs that were interested but changed their mind. I did my best to keep with it but if I missed your club I sincerely apologize and will try to work something out. Each wrist-band represents a life you have protected/saved from Maternal and Neonatal tetanus. A full set of vaccinations is $1.80 and the approximate profit from these bracelets is $1.80. I recommend using this as a method of educating your school about MNT and The ELIMINATE Project as well as selling the bands.

Trick or Treat for UNICEF

If Your club participated last year, you should have received the Trick or Treat for UNICEF boxes by now. I encourage all clubs to participate, it is a great way to raise money for UNICEF (Please note that the money from this fundraiser will be going to UNICEF/Kiwanis ELIMINATE Project) and to have a great time! It is one of those events that you invite your friends to participate in, ask them to go Trick or Treating with you, make some awesome costumes, and collect money for The ELIMINATE Project If your club would like to participate and has not received boxes or would like more boxes please contact Kiwanis International at 1-800-KIWANIS Ext. 411.

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