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=== FINAL COACHING by Coach Alice Gopez===

Can we enclose any history of the pt NOT included in the case notes?
-You are not expected to include any info or different history which is not provided in the case notes.
-No need to add details which is not mentioned in the case notes.

-You can get a lower or higher score
 It is possible to get a lower score (Example: From C+ to C)

Is it mandatory to write 200 in 25 lines?

- the word limit is not your main concern
-Rather, select the correct information to include. If you do, it will fall naturally within the word limit.
 25 lines task — NOT provided by OET — This is misleading

WRITING Masterclasses:
20 minutes long

Best preparation book:

Practice Book (3 tests per profession). - WE HAVE THESE and WE ARE USING THESE
The Official Guide to OET - Advice — We use this in the lecture

Passport # different
-Update in your myOET account

Spelling in the writing exam

-It’s a part of the 6 criterias
-accuracy of spelling is important
-it can reduce one criteria score (multiple)

If it’s nursing. Mgt and progress notes, that has already been done— treated and managed while in the hospital.
Discharge — more important to the reader

SPEAKING : Accent is not a big deal as long as you speak CLEARLY and the interlocutor can understand you.

On test day, if you feel that the experience you received is unpleasant. Raise issue on the same day to the test venue manager
so they can take information from you.

You shouldn’t avoid medical terminologies if you know the reader is familiar with it.
Do not use a lot of abbreviations. OET discourage the use of abbreviations. It creates an impact that makes the letter

If you are reporting a past event, use past tense.

It could be past or present tense, depending on what you are reporting.

Practice: Skimming, scanning, detailed reading

Is GP and family doctor the same? — Often they are, but it should be clear in the case notes wether that doctor know the

Include — why you are writing — purpose of the letter
-introduce situation —give brief detail of who you are writing about and why

What if I ommit 2 or 3 relevant detail?

 Word limit is not the most important thing to do
 If you chose to omit relevant details just to be in the word limit you are gonna lose marks for comprehension of
 It is much more important to write all the relevant details and be SLIGHTLY over the word limit than being in the
word limit but left out something that the reader needs to know

Reading PART C arrange in chronological order?


Reading Part C
-practice to know why the answer is correct and why the other answers are wrong
-this will increase your confidence

You are not allowed to use your watch during the test. There is a clock / timer posted at the front.

Review the OET assessment descriptors

16 age or under — just use name ( No need for salutation)
17 year old and over —use salutation

The top of your letter should be the test date

Speaking - To check the name, either use the interlocutor’s name when he introduced himself OR ask him during your 3
minutes preparation time

If it is an emergency situation, write it upfront (BP#1)

Closing sentence (If you have questions, please contact me) —> not included in word count

You can ask your interlocutors during the 3 minutes preparation time:
-a definition in the cue card

-Pronunciation in the cue card

I want to share with you some OET speaking tips. I was able to take the OET 1.0 in July 2018 and 2.0 last January 2019 ,
and Alhamdullilah (Thank God) I was able to score an "A" for both tries.

How was I able to ace the speaking sub-test? Here you go...

LOOK at the setting. Know where the role play is taking place.
Suburban Clinic : “Hi good morning, my name is Alice and I’m one of the nurses here at the suburban clinic. I am the
one who’s gonna assist you today. How are you feeling today Mr Smith?”

2. Always ask the patient “How are you” or “How can I help you?"
3. Build rapport
4. Be welcoming and show respect at all times.
5. Listen to your patient and encourage him to talk. “You mentioned you are anxious because of your child's
chemotherapy session. Can you tell me more / about it?”
6. Make sure you only say “I understand "once or maximum twice in the role play “I understand that this must be a
very difficult time for you and your family”
7. Always provide reassurance but do not provide false hopes
8. Always provide a solution if you can “I know it is not easy to abruptly stop smoking but I’d like to emphasize the
importance of quitting."
9. Be creative at all times, try to make the examiner have an imaginary picture of the scenario.
10. It is important to underline, encircle, box the keywords on the cue card. Make sure you utilize the pencil which
will be given to you.
11. You will be allowed to keep the cue card while the role play is ongoing.
12. Pause when the patient interrupts you and say “Oh sorry, go ahead please”
13. Say “Oh, sorry go head” If the patient is saying something and you interrupt him.
14. Once in awhile, pause and ask the patient If he is able to follow “Is everything clear?” “Are you able to follow Ms
15. You can use medical terms but make sure you explain them in layman terms / everyday language “The main
reason why you are admitted is you have DVT or deep vein thrombosis, which means you have a blood clot in
your leg. In order for us to manage that, we need to give anticoagulants or blood thinners such a)warfarin,
b)enoxaparin, c)aspirin etc.
16. Be confident at all times — Your interlocutor won’t be the one to assess your recording.

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