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[Recipient's name]
[Recipient's title]
[Name of organization]
[Address of organization]

Dear [applicable honorific and surname of recipient],

[Write a hook to engage the recipient. Consider beginning with a fact, anecdote or
response to an idea that relates to your event. Follow this with a call to action that
introduces your event and invites the recipient to sponsor the event.]
[Provide details about the purpose of the event and show the recipient why it's worthy of
sponsorship. Consider relating it to aligned missions, current events, circumstances
surrounding associated figures or some other aspect of the event that differentiates it
from others.]
[Thank the recipient for considering sponsoring the event. State that you look forward to
discussing the potential sponsorship of the event. Mention your preferred method of
contact and how they can reach you.]
Best regards,

[Your name]
[Your title]
[Name of your organization]

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