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Although the first siren had already rung out, a training dummy remained in the dirt of the east-wing

courtyard. Spacious, covered in dirt, and arguably the most space in the world now that every other
person was heading towards the smell of the dining hall. The thuds and clanging of metal echoed off
of the now-vacant hallway passage as Camilla attempted to perfect the strike she'd already been
working at for a week. Twice now she'd been reprimanded for "inappropriate training attire" as if
she gave a shit. She could train in her underwear and it wouldn't matter - naked, even. For this, it
would be worth it. With another clang, she felt herself skid back against the dirt.

"Not so lucky, eh princess?"

her eyes darted around before spotting Leo at the edge of the yard, lazily making his way towards

"Not now. Busy."

"Too busy. I haven't seen you in a week outside practice, and Elise says you've barely been to meals.
Why I’m the one who must come to fetch you instead of your sister is beyond me."

"She tried and failed. Because-" Camilla took another run towards the dummy, another clang of
defeat "She knows me, and thus, talking is useless. Because you see, private, some of us want to get
some practice done here."

"You missed the important bit of what I was saying, princess," Leo's slow approach towards her
dummy was putting him in dangerous territory. "You haven't seen me, outside of actual military-
mandated appearances, for a whole week."


"Leo, frankly, I don't fuck care. And I don't particularly want to leave until I get this right so are you
going to keep standing there like a fucking idiot who wants to get run through with a halberd, or are
you going to leave me the hell alone?!"


"Well. There's the love, Lieutenant. And here I thought stress relief was good for training?"

Clang. "You won't change my mind." Clang. "I'm not going anywhere until this is perfect." Clang.

"...fine then. I've spent all week waiting, I'm not about to be patient. If you’re not going anywhere, I
think I can work with that."

Camilla rushed forward and felt herself stumble as Leo's tail swiftly caught her across the ankles. He
was letting her realise for the first time exactly how close he had been to her blade - before she felt a
claw wrap around her waist and catch her before she could hit the dirt.

"Leo what the fuck!? You could've been seriously hurt or-" but her words are cut off as a final clang
settles Sweetbriar into the dirt and Leo's mouth is on her. His hand snakes its way over her wrists,
with another firm on her waist as he spins and walks her backwards - careful that she doesn't trip
over her halberd, instead finding her back against the training dummy - when her mouth is finally
allowed to be hers again.
"Fuck, Leo, what are you-"

"I'm helping."

"yourself, or me?"

There's the low rumble of a chuckle building somewhere in his chest, and she watches it rise with
the sunlight glinting off of his scales.

"Let's say it's both of us, Princess."

She can feel the sweat and grime on her brow - gods, this isn't the place or time. But he's here. And
unrelenting. And for the first time in a week, she's not trying to think of how to position her halberd

" training session is going to be in here in less than an hour... You're going to have to make it

"but of course, lieutenant."

her surprise at his leniency was swiftly replaced by a wave of arousal as Leo's hand removed itself
from her waist, and instead delved beneath the waistband of her pants, and she didn't have the
heart to complain about staining them. She feels his mouth along her neck and instinctively makes to
grip his horns, but his hands keep her wrists firmly in place.

"Now now, Millie. Cum for me first, and then you can touch whatever you want."

His claws curled and she bit into the cloth of his shirt to stop herself from moaning too loudly, her
hips grinding themselves into the palm of his hand, aching to find purchase. She can hear his teasing
from somewhere above the submergence of her growing orgasm and doesn't register much other
than the fact that his pulses are speeding up, and suddenly accompanied by a well-positioned thumb
at her clit it's all she can do not to make her knees buckle. She feels her pulse hammer and her
breathing increases until with a tremor that fills up her whole body, she's nothing more than light
and air and the smell of incense and charcoal and open flame fills up her nostrils when she buries
herself against him.

"There we are, knew you could take orders for a reason."

She pants "You said quick-"

"I did." he smiles, and her hands are free to wrap themselves around him, cup his stupid face and
run themselves through his meticulously refined blonde hair. The release of her wrists and
immediate need to touch every part of him distract her from the way he's given just enough space to
edge down each of their pants - surprising her as he drags the tip and length of each shaft over her
slit - making her practically whine at the impact—her hips buck of their own accord.

"Quiet." it's an order, and she stills with his free hand against her sternum as he positions himself,
and she can feel the heat of his lower cock just between her ass.

"I said quietly." he groans as he thrusts, making her silence her immediate moan against his
shoulder. He's lifting her slightly, rocking her into him gently. She feels full - the dual sensation of
stretch between her pussy and ass is bordering on too much. There's a rumble in his chest at his sigh
of relief when he's nestled her at his base, taking the briefest moment to gaze over her sweaty form.
She feels high, dizzy from the euphoria of stimulus, and yet when she bucks her hips to find further
purchase, she simply sinks deeper—blurred in a mixed haze of just barely too much.

"Slow down your pulse, Mills..." Leo purrs against her ear "Or you'll have me faster than you'd like."

All she can let out is a whimper as - with Leo's hands firmly against her hips - he begins to plough
her, hard and fast. It's an unrelenting tempo of empty and then immediately full with little else, and
when he spies one of her hands angling for her clit, he shifts one of his own to reach it instead

"Oh no, Millie... You're mine. I waited a whole fucking week for you, you are going to be mine."

His thrusts are just shy of painful when she feels her orgasm building - tears sting at the dirt on her
face, but as it rolls its way through her, Leo doesn't diminish. If anything - he grows. And so.

"Leo...please wait-"

"I'm timing it, we have 15 minutes, it's enough."

she watches through lidded eyes as like glitter his scales expand across his form, the claws lengthen -
and his cocks thicken and lengthen. By the time he's full size, she knows she's nowhere near the
training dummy. Allowing him to play her like a ragdoll in his claws. Each ridge of the cock in her
pussy lights her nerve endings on fire, and she can feel the expansion of his knot starting somewhere
just barely beneath her.

"Please..." it's all she can mutter, but it hardly matters as a violent wave of light and pleasure wracks
her form, swiftly followed by a deep internal feeling of heat as Leo roars from above her.

When she opens her eyes, she has Leo's sweaty-faced grin staring back at her in semi-darkness.


Leo puts a hand over her mouth, as it steadily becomes apparent that they're hiding out within the
storage shed, and with a glint from the light of Leo's horn tips, he's rescued her halberd too.

"They already tried the door. It was locked." he murmurs, "they think someone got hurt. I was too

Together they breathe in silence - waiting for the faint noises of people outside to dissipate. And
eventually, Leo's hand snakes itself away from her mouth.

"But you were fast."

he breaks into a maniacal grin, the glint of fire behind his eyes "Oh yeah, I was fast."

there's a sudden ache, and Camilla glowers a little

"you didn't pull out?"

"didn't have time."

"And now you're-"

"We can stop. Unless you're up for another quickie?"

he's too proud of himself, too much of an ego boost.

"you're on, but this time..." she pulls off her shirt and swiftly ties it around Leo's mouth "Quiet."

Satisfied, she leans back and pats his leg. He obliges, shifting the two of them so that Camilla is on
top, and keeping as far away from Sweetbriar as the cramped space would allow.

With an effortless roll of her hips, Camilla began the process of riding Leo's cocks. Admiring the way,
the scales moved down his chest in the light and the way his eyes lingered upon her body. She has
half a mind to tie his hands with her bra, but for now, she certainly wouldn't complain about letting
them wander - feeling as his cum slid out with every thrust, and providing further lubricant for every
drop back in. She couldn’t quite feel the ridges of his upper cock anymore, too full and coated for
them to have the same effect. She let herself build up slower, taking her time as the pressure
mounted - although Leo was having none of it, his hands found her hips and began to bounce her
faster, forcing her hands onto his chest just to maintain momentum.

There was a kind of primal fury in his eyes that she liked when he was like this, she was going to
cum, and he would make her, no matter what it took. She found it easier to be quiet, keeping her
bottom lip firmly wedged between her teeth and breathing hard through her nose as the feeling of
pleasure spiked on every downward bounce. Leo's breaths come out half as sparks in the dim light.

"Fuck... Leo, I'm not going to" The heel of his hand hit her clit in fury and she was undone,
convulsing, and pulsing over his cocks as with a deep groan he spilled within her, filling her with a
white-hot inferno from within. She had just enough sense to untie the makeshift that almost
definitely did not contain scorch marks before collapsing onto his chest in a rather undignified

"Hey, princess." Leo grinned, although he was far more tired than before

"Hey yourself, private."

"how do you feel about sharing a shower slot and stealing spare food from the kitchens in about
say... 10? 15?"

"I'm not gonna finish my practice, am I?"

"no, not for now Princess."

With a sigh, she let herself exist against the warmth of his chest and contemplated how to inform
her superiors that she may not be able to attend training tomorrow.

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