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40recipes 2 8D A Y M EAL P L A N

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Welcome to the best 28 day diet!
Today you make the best decision of your
life, to bring the slim YOU inside of you to
the best version of yourself!
Is the eating plan for everyone?
Please consult your doctor if you are on
any medication and / or have any
medical conditions.
The eating plan has already helped
reduce blood pressure problems as well
as lower diabetic 2 levels.

The eating plan is not for pregnant

women or breastfeeding women but we
have already seen heaps of 28 day eating
plan babies come to life as a result of the
eating plan .. and hopefully your husband

The eating plan is designed to

compliment each meal onto the next
meal so that you will lose optimal weight.
Remember, not everyone loses the same
or at the same pace. Some people who
have more to lose will lose more weight
than people who have less to lose. This is
a lifestyle change and usually consists of
foods that we normally keep in our
homes. If you are Chinese it will be
difficult because here we eat bread,
potato, avo, pasta, curry chicken, ice
cream, smoothies and all kinds of
delicious ordinary foods that you
normally have in your home.

Let's be honest .. your previous habits got

you where you are now, let's change
those bad habits, you will still eat well but
if you go for your old habits you will just
fall back into the old you. Nothing
changes if nothing changes…

This book may under no circumstances be shared

either electronically or otherwise . The contents of this
book belong to Wanda Exley. Offenders will be
prosecuted and criminally prosecuted.

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Testimonies of fellow losers

Important information

Frequently asked questions and answers

Guidelines for children

4 weeks Shopping List

The 28 Day Eating Plan Summarized

Free Vegetables

Exchange Foods

Fruit low in sugar

Fruit high in sugar

Walking and jogging exercise program

Carpet Exercise Program

Cycling program

28 Days meals - per day


Guidelines for when you have reached your goal

Progress Journal

The plan is for 28 days, preferably not to WEIGHING

take a break between rounds. You don't
have to start on a Monday. Just start .. First weigh day is the morning of day 4, then 1 x per
week (only then) on Thursdays or Fridays. DO NOT
R1D1 stands for Round 1 Day 1. The eating WEIGHT EVERY DAY!
plan is worked out so you eat 3 meals a
day and with no snack in between. Meals Women - 350 ml to450 ml bowl per meal
should preferably be eaten 5 hours apart.
Remember, it's a diet plan and a lifestyle MEN AND CHILDREN:
change to get rid of bad habits.
Almost everything you love is on the plan, Men and children under the age of 17 should be almost
stick to it and you will reach your goal double in the beginning, after which it can be gradually
weight sooner. adjusted. (600 - 700 ml tray)
Children at school should take snacks in between (from
The first 4 days are detox days and if you the free fruit and vegetables list) and start exercising.
crook in these 4 days you have to start MEAT AS LARGE AS YOUR HAND PALM
over. Don't crook.
Your brain fools you into thinking you are
hungry, drink lots of water, get used to Drink lots, lots of water, put lemon and cucumber in
having your bottle of water with you at all your water, it helps to reduce appetite. (See below
times and everywhere. At work, in the car, photos for the recipe for the flat tummy water apple /
everywhere. cinnamon water. NO COLD DRINKS

If you drink less water on weekends and crook with Vegetables that you can eat unlimited of when
it, you will immediately pick up (water retention) the plan calls for "vegetables" and not 1
there are no down days, push through. 28 days is vegetable .. are marrows, broccoli, cabbage or
not so long (28 days not 28 years) Drink plenty of cauliflower, chilli.
water (8 - 10 glasses a day)
Fruits: Apple, Guava, Papaya, Melon, Naartjie,
It increases your metabolism. Orange, Mango, Kiwi fruit.
It helps wash away cellulite.
It helps fight hunger. Weigh yourself 1x a week; not every day.
It makes your skin beautiful. Continue with this even though the ideal weight
has been reached.
It's always easier to lose weight if you can
2 cups of tea / coffee with 2% milk without sugar persuade one or two friends to slim down with
are allowed per day. you.
The amount for each meal is one medium pudding

Do not vary, the diet is formulated to promote The first 3 days are the hardest, but push
optimal metabolism and burn fat. through so you can get past te first 4 detox and
weigh day on day 4. Then your biggest concern
Do moderate exercises every day is getting your servings in!

Don't crook.

Diabetics and insulin resistant people, eat every two hours from the
fruit and vegetable lists. Do not replace, add or omit anything on the
eating plan.

If you are allergic to egg, first discuss the plan with your dietician or
doctor - we do not have an alternative to eggs on the page.

If you are a smoker, take extra vit C, you will need it on the plan.
If you can't eat fish - replace with chicken and 1 x egg yolk - only when
you have to eat fish.


The plan drops your blood pressure.

If you are already prone to low blood pressure you will feel the effect
Only if you have measured your blood pressure and confirmed it is
very low can you do the following: (only a recommendation).

1) For immediate relief of low blood pressure - take 1tl of marmite /

bovril just like that
2) Modify your plan: Add roasted and SALTED almonds to your plan as
a snack - before your noon meal (Whole hand full)
3) Small hand full of carved WILDSBILTONG - no fat - after lunch
4) Whole handful of DRIED raisins every morning with your breakfast.

NOTE: This is only a guide and tool you can use if you KNOW your
blood pressure is very low. Take the plan to your doctor / dietician for
further advice if you are still unsure or worried.


Just stick to the plan, don't play around or exchange meals. It's
incredibly important. Don't swap your day and evening meals!
Prepare your meals the day before, take control of your weight by
following the eating plan just like that and get organized with your
meals. Do your shopping and buy fresh produce once a week.
Don't crook, you're going to make it hard for yourself. Press trough
hold on, and eat and drink only what is on the eating plan. The plan
just like it ist will make you lose weight.

Under no circumstances may you snack (except for medical reasons as

mentioned here) and you should never skip a meal.

ALL your food should be able to fit into your bowl. Keep it that way
Chicken and fish are skinless. Boiling or steaming or baking is best, use
only spray and cook (even the one with olive oil on the front of the tin).

Use low fat yogurt and milk. (unflavoured yogurt or flavored, fat-free
milk is also allowed)

If you are used to 10 cups of coffee a day, cut your coffee by 2 cups a
day on the plan, until you reach the allowed 2 cups. Same with your
sugar. Cut, but don't go "cold turkey". (sugar is not allowed on the

If you get headaches or feel hungry, drink a cup of coffee with a little
sugar rather than crook. Headaches especially in the first week are

Everyone don't lose at the same rate, don't compare yourself to

others. 1gram or 1kg, as long as you lose.

28 days is short, the results are lasting. Just know you're going to have
to continue using the plan as a guideline and keep exercising and
eating healthy if you want to keep the weight off. It's a lifestyle change
Your head should be right. You have to want to lose weight.

This is no wonder cure. The plan requires effort and perseverance. That
way you will be successful. “No one is promising you it will be easy -
only worth it”

Don't weigh every day. Water retention etc. plays a big role daily. You're
just going to de-motivate yourself.
If you are allergic to any product you need to eat here, then you would
know what you may replace it with. Your doctor or dietician would have
told you. And if you do not want to eat these foods .. the plan will not
work for you !!


Any cereal is right. Chocolate and other coated cereals and dried fruits
are not right. We use “weetbix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro
nutro, fragrant oats, special K” etc.


Any fruits and vegetables are right, but potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes
and peas (peas) are starch, not vegetables. Know the difference. Refer
to the vegetable lists. On your one fruit meal it is one type fruit, your
bowl full.

Avo is half in a salad or one as a serving of vegetables.

Free vegetables when your plan just says "vegetables". Then you can
mix some of the free / unlimited vegetables and you can eat as much
as you want - you don't have to stay at your portion size. Same with
the "unlimited" fruits on the plan. Only when the plan's fruits or
vegetables. As the plan's 1 x vegetables, it's just one type of vegetable -
not mixed


Dried fruits may likewise be eaten instead of stewed fruit. Any dried
fruit mixture is allowed.

To stew the fruits:

Soak your dried fruit the night before in water or rooibos tea and then
cook until soft the next day. (It also freezes very well if you want to
cook everything at once and then freeze it in portions)


Use “lite or weigh less cup-a-soup”. Two boxes are enough for 28 days.
You may make your own soup, recipe in book ..

Sweetener / sugar is not allowed on the plan at all. It remains a personal

choice if you do use it. Start cutting your sweetener / sugar systematically
until you no longer use anything.


* The whiter the cheese the better. No feta cheeses.


* Start exercising, even if you just walk every day.

* People who do strenuous exercise will need to make adjustments to

their eating plan because this plan's calories are hopelessly inadequate
for strenuous exercise. Consult your doctor / trainer / dietician for advice.
Is the eating plan expensive? How many hours between meals? 5
The eating plan is cheaper than you hours breakfast, 2 hours after getting
would normally spend on basic up, lunch, 5 hours later and dinner
shopping. no later than 6-7 p.m.

How do we stabilize when we reach

our goal weight? You stabilize in your
When do we weigh and
last week on the plan after that you
measure? day 1, day 4 and
just stick to serving sizes and eat
then once a week

May I practice? Yes you may

but if your exercise program
May I put olives in salad? Yes
is too harsh take the plan to
you may use 3 to 5 olives in
a trainer for adjustments.
mixed salad

May I chew sugar-free

chewing gum? Yes you may
How much tomato and
onion relish? 1/2 can or
175ml 'homemade

May I use the plan while

breastfeeding? No, because that
plan contains too little calories.
How do you use Gelatin? 1
With breastfeeding you lose weight
teaspoon, 2x a day in your
already, eat 6 times small healthy
coffee or tea L.W gelatin is not
meals. Wait for you to have
compulsory and is only
weaned your baby and then go on
intended for coffee / tea (It
the eating plan. Please ladies think
helps to shrink your skin while
carefully before you want to hinder
losing weight)
your and your baby's health with
too few calories.

How many Bananas per meal / day

/ week? 1 per meal, 2 per day and
no more than 4 per week, but you
may eat it on your fruit days: 1 in
the morning and 1 in the evening
Should I stew my dried fruit? meal
No you can eat it dry too
How many times
can I eat avo? Only
eat twice a week,
half in salad and 1 x
as a vegetable
What do D and R
stand for? Day and
Round eg your first 28
days are R1, D1, your How many grape
second 28 days is R2 grains per meal?
D1 Large grains 10- 12 or
small grains 12-15

What happens if I crook? It triggers

your plan for 3 days and undoes all
the hard work.
How big is my bowl?
Between 350ml and
450ml for women; men
600ml to 700ml
How Do I Make My Stewed Fruit? What counts as dried
Refer to recipes. fruit? Only apricots,
pears, peaches,
prunes and apple
rings ... the usual
fruits. No fruit rolls or
other dried fruit 80g
to 125g dry is
sufficient but you
may eat more if you
May I eat fruit instead of dried fruit?
May I make a smoothie with my fruit? Yes, but no No, for anyone who wants to know why
additions, only your allowed fruits and water. dry fruit one day and then fresh fruit the
other day and why it can't be exchanged?
Fresh fruits contain more calories and
more sugars where dry fruits contain fewer
calories and less sugar, the days you need
to eat fresh fruits are precisely calculated
throughout the day's calories to provide
the adequate nutritional value for that day.
May I use other sauces? Lemon If you want to swap your dry fruits for the
juice, vinegar and 5ml balsamic day, you add in all your other calorie meals
allowed, tabasco sauce and and therefore your day will contain too
worcestershire sauce. many calories and you will lose less weight
.... that's why you should not swap.

What salad dressing

Eggs: Eggs can be prepared any may I use? weight less's
way using only Spray & Cook or lite salad dressing (not
olive oil spray (any flavor is right). mayo type) or knorr

What counts as red meat?

"Steak", lean mince, lamb
whose fat was removed before
cooking ostrich and venison, no
Bread: Bread must
pork as it takes much longer to
be toasted
because it
replaces kilojoules
How big is a
fish, chicken
portion? As big
and thick as
your own palm. May I eat smoked
chicken? Yes you

May I have free vegetables in between

meals? Free vegetables are only
allowed where your eating plan refers
to VEGETABLES it's not a snack.
May I use
honey? No Not
at all

How much can men eat? Between 600ml

and 700ml bowl and double portions
such as 2 packets of soup, eggs etc., May I use cream
palm size and thickness of fish, chicken in my food or
and meat. coffee? No at all

Cereal: Any Cereal is right, chocalate What Fish May I Eat? Hake without
and other sugared cereals and dried skin are your better choice, but
fruits are not right, we use weet bix, almost any sea fish, if it has burrs you
all bran, corn flakes, pronutro, can eat it, no other seafood, hooks,
unflavoured oats etc. haddock, pike, cod, tuna, (freshly
canned in water) pilchards (2 All
sauce scraped) salmon (fresh / raw
not smoked or canned salmon) the
rest of the fish may be smoked.
Do 2min noodles count May I exchange meals? Do
as pasta? no not swap, the eating plan is
formulated to promote
optimal metabolism and
How many strawberries? 5 small or 3 burn fat should not replace
large or add or omit anything on
Are tomato and avo n 'fruit or vegetables the eating plan, stick to the
on the plan? Vegetables because of their plan as well, do not play
nutritional value !! around or exchange meals it
How many slices of bread? Always only 1 is incredibly important, do
slice unless it is albany ultimate kj not spend your day and
controlled brown bread then 2x slice. evening do not exchange !!
Evenings have fewer

May I use an appetite

suppressant? Yes, but it remains
your own responsibility. May I use fresh
What kind of bread? Any bread garlic, chilli and
white or brown or whole grain, if ginger? yes
you buy the low Gi so much

What type of cheese? Any white cheese, May we eat rice cookies
such as Tussers or Edam, but NO Feta or or cous cous? no
cottage cheese, The portion of cheese is
small .. only enough cheese to cover
your provita or sandwich and no thicker
than n 'provita. Why do we say no alcohol? If you are struggling
to lose weight, you need to cut back on alcohol.
Alcohol promotes fat storage. The energy derived
from alcohol is known as empty kilojoules
because it contains no nutrients and here is one
of the big reasons why you should be careful
about alcohol when trying to lose weight, alcohol
causes you to lower your blood sugar levels and
is therefore responsible for greater appetite.

Breakfast: (At home 28 day meal plan)

At school: Fruits and provitas
Provitas with bovrill and cheese, Apple and banana or Apple and

Lunch and dinner: at home (28 days eating plan)

Remember that your child has many more vitamins and nutrients
needed because he / she is young and active

A suggestion - let your child practice a type of sport or do exercise

and let him / her eat more fruit in between meals.

I.e 6 meals all together: breakfast - at home

Snack - at school 1st break, Snack - at school , 2nd break, Lunch - at
aftercare or at home, Snack - at aftercare or at home (3pm)

Dinner Home (6pm)

Snack Home (8pm)
Snacks at school: Fruits, provitas or even delicious brown bread
and Cheese, Tomato and Lettuce, Snacks at Home: Fruits
28 DAY - WEEK 1 Shopping list
Day 1:
Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)
Afternoon: Chicken (without skin) and 1 vegetable
Evening: Soup (thin not cream), 1 slice of toast and cheese Pasta x 1
(Cup a Soup) (without grease) Cereal x 3
Provitas 6
Day 2:
Morning: Stewed fruit Bread 3 slices
Afternoon: Fish and salad or vegetables Dried fruits 2
Evening: 2 Boiled eggs or omelette with onion and tomato relish Eggs 4
(use Spray & Cook) Yogurt 2
Cheese x 2
Day 3:
Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit Chicken x 2
Afternoon: 1 Vegetable and 1 potato Fish x 2
Evening: 3 Fruits Potato x 2
Single Vegetables x 4
Day 4:
Green salad and / or
Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)
Afternoon: Pasta with onions and tomato relish vegetables x 3
Evening: 6 Provitas and cheese with 1 fruit Fruit x 6
Tomato and Onion Relish x 2
Day 5: Tomato x 1
Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit
Soup x 2
Afternoon: Fish and salad or vegetables
Evening: 1 Vegetables only
2 L milk
Day 6: onions
Morning: Stewed fruit Marmite / Bovril
Afternoon: 1 Potato and 1 vegetable
Evening: Soup and 1 slice of toast with marmite (without spread)

Day 7:
Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)
Afternoon: Chicken with salad or vegetables
Evening: 2 boiled eggs or omelette with tomato and 1 slice toast
(without spread)
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28 DAY - WEEK 2 Shopping list
Day 8:
Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit
Afternoon: Tuna salad (with Weighless salad dressing)
Evening: 3 Fruits Pasta x 1
Cereal x 3
Day 9:
Provitas 4
Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)
Afternoon: 1 Potato with 1 vegetable Bread 1 slices
Evening: 2 Eggs (omelette / stirred / cooked) and toast Dried fruit x 2
(without milk and use Spray & Cook) Tuna 1
Eggs 2
Day 10:
Yogurt 3
Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)
Afternoon: Thin soup (Cup of Soup), 4 Provitas and cheese Cheese x 1
Evening: 1 Vegetable Chicken x 1
Fish x 1 or Red meat x 2
Day 11: Red meat 0 or x 1
Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit
Potato x 1
Afternoon: Fish and salad / vegetables)
Evening: 3 Fruits Single Vegetables x 3
Green salad or vegetables x 2
Day 12: Vegetables x 1
Morning: Stewed fruit Fruit x 13
Afternoon: Fruit
Tomato and Onion Relish x 1
Evening: Red meat / fish and vegetables
Soup x 1
Day 13
Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar) Little salad dressing
Noon: Only 1 vegetable
Evening: Pasta and thin sauce (tomato and onion relish)

Day 14
Morning: Stewed fruit
Afternoon: Chicken and vegetables / salad
Evening: Yogurt and 2 fruits

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28 DAY - WEEK 3 Shopping list
Day 15
Morning: Toast and tomato
Afternoon: Cucumber and carrots only
Evening: Soup, 1 slice toast and cheese Cereal x 2
Provitas 6
Day 16:
Bread 5 slices
Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)
Afternoon: Tuna salad (with Weighless salad dressing) Dried fruit x 2
Evening: Fruit Tuna 1
Eggs 4
Day 17 Yoghurt 1
Morning: Stewed fruit
Cheese x 4
Afternoon: 1 Potato and 1 vegetable
Evening: Soup, 1 slice toast and cheese Chicken x 1
Red meat x 1
Day 18 Potato x 1
Morning: Toast and tomato Single Vegetables x 1
Afternoon: 2 Eggs (stir / omelette / cooked) and mushrooms
Salad or vegetables x 1
Evening: Fruit
Vegetables x 1
Day 19: Fruit x 12
Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar) Tomato x 2
Afternoon: Chicken and salad / vegetables Salad x 1
Evening: Toast with cheese and 1 fruit
Cucumber 1/2
Day 20 Carrots x 2
Morning: Stewed fruit Mushrooms max 500g
Afternoon: Eggs and mushrooms Soup x 2
Evening: Fruit salad

Day 21
Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit
Afternoon: Red meat and vegetables
Evening: 6 Provitas with cheese and 1 fruit

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28 DAY - WEEK 4 Shopping list
Day 22
Morning: Fruit
Afternoon: Fruit salad and yoghurt
Evening: Fruit Pasta x 1
Cereal x 2
Day 23:
Bread 4 slices
Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)
Afternoon: Chicken / fish with vegetables / salad Dried fruit x 2
Evening: Mushrooms and lettuce Eggs 3
Yogurt 2
Day 24 Chicken x 1 or x 2
Morning: Toast with 1 egg and tomato
Vegetables x 1
Afternoon: Pasta with tomato and onion relish
Evening: Thin soup and toast with marmite Potato x 1
Single Vegetables x 1
Day 25 Fish 0 or x 1
Morning: Stewed fruit Fruit x 13
Noon: Vegetables
Tomato x 2
Evening: 3 Fruits
Tomato and onion relish 1
Day 26: Salad or vegetables x 3
Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit Mushrooms 250 g
Afternoon: Fish and salad or vegetables Lettuce x 1
Evening: 1 Vegetables only
Soup x 2
Day 27
Morning: Stewed fruit
Afternoon: 1 Potato and 1 vegetable
Evening: Soup, 1 slice toast - marmite (without grease)

Day 28:
Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)
Afternoon: Chicken with salad / vegetables
Evening: 2 boiled eggs / omelette with tomato and 1 slice toast

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Morning: Cereal with 2% milk Morning: Stewed fruit Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit Morning: Cereal with 2%
(no sugar) Afternoon: Fish and salad Afternoon: 1 Vegetable and milk (no sugar)
Afternoon: Chicken (without or vegetables 1 potato Afternoon: Pasta with
skin) and 1 vegetable Evening: 2 Boiled eggs or Evening: 3 Fruits onions and tomato relish
Evening: Soup (thin not cream), omelette with onion and Evening: 6 Provitas and
1 slice of toast and cheese tomato batter cheese with 1 fruit
(Cup a Soup) (without grease) (use Spray & Cook)


Morning: Yogurt and 1 Morning: Stewed fruit Morning: Cereal with 2% milk Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit
fruit Afternoon: 1 Potato and 1 (no sugar) Afternoon: Tuna salad (with
Afternoon: Fish and salad vegetable Afternoon: Chicken with Weighless salad dressing)
or vegetables Evening: Soup and 1 slice salad or vegetables Evening: 3 Fruits
Evening: 1 Vegetables only of toast with marmite Evening: 2 boiled eggs or
(without spread) omelette with tomato and 1
slice toast (without spread)

DAY 9 DAY 10 DAY 11 DAY 12

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk Morning: Cereal with 2% Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit Morning: Stewed fruit
(no sugar) milk (no sugar) Afternoon: Fish and salad / Afternoon: Fruit
Afternoon: 1 Potato with 1 Afternoon: Thin soup (Cup vegetables) Evening: Red meat / fish
vegetable of Soup), 4 Provitas and Evening: 3 Fruits and vegetables
Evening: 2 Eggs (omelette / cheese
cooked) and toast (without milk Evening: 1 Vegetable
and use Spray & Cook)

DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15 DAY 16

Morning: Cereal with 2% Morning: Stewed fruit Morning: Toast and tomato Morning: Cereal with 2% milk
milk (no sugar) Afternoon: Chicken and Afternoon: Cucumber and (no sugar)
Noon: Only 1 vegetable vegetables / salad carrots only Afternoon: Tuna salad (with
Evening: Pasta and thin Evening: Yogurt and 2 Evening: Soup, 1 slice toast Weighless salad dressing)
sauce (tomato and onion fruits and cheese Evening: Fruit

DAY 17 DAY 18 DAY 19 DAY 20

Morning: Stewed fruit Morning: Toast and tomato Morning: Cereal with 2% milk Morning: Stewed fruit
Afternoon: 1 Potato and 1 Afternoon: 2 Eggs (stir / (no sugar) Afternoon: Eggs and
vegetable omelette / cooked) and Afternoon: Chicken and salad mushrooms
Evening: Soup, 1 slice toast mushrooms / vegetables Evening: Fruit salad
and cheese Evening: Fruit Evening: Toast with cheese and
1 fruit

DAY 21 DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24

Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit Morning: Fruit Morning: Cereal with 2% Morning: Toast with 1 egg
Afternoon: Red meat and Afternoon: Fruit salad and milk (no sugar) and tomato
vegetables yoghurt Afternoon: Chicken / fish Afternoon: Pasta with
Evening: 6 Provitas with Evening: Fruit with vegetables / salad tomato and onion relish
cheese and 1 fruit Evening: Mushrooms and Evening: Thin soup and
lettuce toast with marmite

DAY 25 DAY 26 DAY 27 DAY 28

Morning: Stewed fruit Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit Morning: Stewed fruit Morning: Cereal with 2%
Afternoon: Vegetables Afternoon: Fish and salad Afternoon: 1 Potato and 1 milk (no sugar)
Evening: 3 Fruits or vegetables vegetable Afternoon: Chicken with
Evening: 1 Vegetables only Evening: Soup, 1 slice toast salad / vegetables
- marmite (without grease) Evening: 2 boiled eggs /
omelette with tomato and 1
slice toast
Alfalfa Sprouts
Bamboo Sprouts
Ben Sprouts
Beet Setperke
Brussels Sprouts
Celeriac (celery root, button celery
Collard Greens
Garlic (1 cottage)


Yogurt - Soy (Lactose Free Products)

Provita's - 'Crackerbread'
Eggs - 1/2 Avo / Tomato
Mushrooms / Eggplant
Banana - Papaya
Tomatoes - Peppers
Cucumber - Celery
Cereal - Oats / (Lactose free products)
Avo - 1/2 butternut squash
Fish - Chicken
Potato - Cabbage / Pumpkin
Milk - Lactose-free milk
Cheese - Goat cheese
Carrots - Butternut
Fruit - low in sugar
(Free Fruit)
Kiwi fruit Fruit - high in sugar
Lemon, lime Banana
Lemon, lime soup Figs
Olive Grapes
Please choose
which exercise program
the best
for you
go to work. But ...
practice ...


Jog for 1 minute and then Jog for 1 minute and then Jog for 2 minutes and then

1 walk for 2 minutes. Repeat

for 30 minutes.
walk for 1 minute. Repeat for
30 minutes.
walk for 1 minute. Repeat for
30 minutes.

Jog for 3 minutes and then Jog 5 minutes and then walk Aim for jogging for 7 minutes
walk for 1 minute. You can 1 minute. Aim for a 35- and then walking for 1 minute.

now practice a little longer minute practice session. If Your workouts should slowly
than 30 minutes because you struggle to jog for more get longer, if only for a
you have to start aiming for than 5 minutes at a time, minute - but never shorter.
the 5 km distance. don't shorten it. Rather rest 2
minutes before you continue

Almost there! You can now You can jog for 10 minutes at Now it's time to test your
aim to jog for 9 minutes and a time. And even though you fitness and run the full 5km. If

a 1 minute walk in between. can get more done, it's you still need rest, try slow
By now, your workouts important to take a 1-minute jogging instead of walking.
should be almost 40 minutes break to recover. The
long. workout should take about
45 minutes and will hopefully
cover the desired distance of
x 20 - 10 per SIDE x 15

x 15 x 15

x 30 - 15 per SIDE x 24 - 12 per SIDE

x 15 x 24 - 12 per SIDE

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

30 minutes Cycle for 1 1/2 1 1/2 hours. Warm up 40 min see Rest day Cycle 2 hours at a Cycle for 1 1/2
Abdominal hours for 30 minutes abdominal comfortable pace. hours
exercise A comfortable and then cycle 3 x 5 exercises Concentrate on A slow and
and stretch pace minutes and stretch how you tread. Keep constant pace.
intervals where you
it even. Make sure you
cycle harder and your
drink enough water.
accelerate. Take one
10 minutes
break when you cycle
at normal pace
just cycle.

WEEK 3 and 4
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

30 minutes Cycle for 1 1/2 1 1/2 hours. Warm up 40 min see Rest day Cycle 2 hours at a Cycle for 2 hours
Abdominal hours for 30 minutes abdominal comfortable pace. A slow and
exercise A comfortable and then cycle 3 x 5 exercises Concentrate on constant pace.
and stretch pace minutes and stretch how you tread. Keep Practice 30
intervals where you it even. Make sure you minutes with lights
cycle harder and your drink enough water. weights.
accelerate. Take one
10 minutes
break when you cycle
at normal pace
just cycle.
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

What you eat in private, Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
you wear in public ..
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 1 (Detox day 1)

Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk.

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Any cereal is right. No chocolate and other in your water, it helps to
candied cereals or dried fruits. Please use know reduce appetite. (See
bix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro nutro, recipes below for “flat
unflavored oats, special K etc. (No sugar or tummy water” apple /
honey) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Afternoon: Chicken and 1 vegetable. it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Chicken (without skin and as big as hand palm - there are no down days,
Boil, steam, smoked or baked. Use only spray push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
and cook (even the one with olive oil on the not 28 years)
front of the can)) and 1 of the same kind of Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
vegetables (No potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes day)
and peas). It increases your
It helps wash away
Evening: Soup with 1 slice of toast and cheese. cellulite.
It helps for hunger.
Use the lite or weigh less cup-a-soup or It makes your skin
homemade soup recipe below recipes (no beautiful.
cream). 1 slice toast (without grease. Any white,
brown, whole grain or low Gi bread) and cheese Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
(Any white cheese, such as Tussers or Edam, but
You may use a teaspoon
NO Feta or cottage cheese. Cheese portion - of gelatin and is only
only enough cheese to cover your provita or intended for coffee / tea
sandwich and not thicker than n 'provita. (It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)
Examples of foods on the right just to give you
Permissible sauces -
an idea of ​what your food might look like.
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
Fresh herbs, garlic, chilli and ginger are allowed. balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
No Alcohol. Alcohol promotes fat storage.
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Practice. Eat well. Your Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
body will reward you
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 2 (Detox day 2)

Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Stewed fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Only apricots, pears, peaches, prunes and apple in your water, it helps to
rings ... the usual fruits. No fruit rolls or other reduce appetite. (See
dried fruits 80g to 125g dry is sufficient. Soak recipes below for “flat
overnight in rooibos tea. Make smoothies, fruit tummy water” apple /
rods or fruit rolls (see recipes). Alternative to cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
dried fruits are 2 apples in microwave until soft weekends and crook with
with cinnamon. it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Afternoon: Fish and salad or vegetables there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
Hake without skin are your better choice, but not 28 years)
almost any sea fish, if it has burrs you can eat it, Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
no other seafood, hake, haddock, pike, cod, day)
tuna, (freshly canned in water) pilchards (2 All It increases your
sauce scraped) salmon (fresh / raw not smoked metabolism.
It helps wash away
or canned salmon) the rest of the fish may be cellulite.
smoked. Salad sauce - weight less's lite salad It helps for hunger.
dressing (not mayo type) or knorr light. It makes your skin
If you prefer to eat one vegetable today it can
only be one type of vegetable, not potato, corn, Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
sweet potato or legume.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
Evening: 2 eggs cooked, baked or omelette with intended for coffee / tea
onions and tomato relish (use Spray & Cook) (It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)
If you are allergic to egg, first discuss the plan
with your dietician or doctor - we do not have
Permissible sauces -
an alternative to eggs on the plan.
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
Tomato and onion relish 1/2 can or 175ml and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Strive for progress and not Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 3 (Detox dag 3)

Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
See smoothie and other yoghurt and fruit in your water, it helps to
respete. reduce appetite. (See
recipes below for “flat
Afternoon: 1 Vegetable and 1 potato tummy water” apple /
cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
A kind of vegetable and a medium sized potato. weekends and crook with
Alternatively 5 baby potatoes (depending on it, you will immediately
size) plus one type of vegetable. Thinly sliced pick up (water retention)
baked potato with avo dip are a personal there are no down days,
favorite for this day. (Only 2x a week, half in push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
salad and 1x as vegetables. , more examples not 28 years)
below recipes. Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
Evening: 3 Fruits It increases your
It helps wash away
Don't swap meals, the eating plan is formulated cellulite.
to promote optimal metabolism and burn fat. It helps for hunger.
Do not replace or add or omit anything on the It makes your skin
eating plan, stick to the plan just the same, do beautiful.
not play around or exchange meals it is
incredibly important, do not change your day Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
and evening !!
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
Evenings have fewer calories. intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
Remarks skin while losing weight)
Examples of foods on the right just to give you
an idea of ​what your food might look like.
Permissible sauces -
Fresh herbs, garlic, chilli and ginger are allowed.
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
No Alcohol. Alcohol promotes fat storage. and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

It always seems impossible Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
until done
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 4 (Eerste weegdag)

Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk no sugar)

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Any cereal is right. No chocolate and other in your water, it helps to
candied cereals or dried fruits. Please use reduce appetite. (See
weetbix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro recipes below for “flat
nutro, unflavoured oats, special K etc. (No sugar tummy water” apple /
or honey) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Afternoon: Pasta with onions and tomato relish it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
No 2 minutes Noodles allowed. Tomato relish there are no down days,
1/2 can or 175ml 'homemade'. push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
not 28 years)
Evening: 6 Provitas and cheese with 1 fruit Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
(Any white cheese, such as Tussers or Edam, for It increases your
example, but NO Feta or cottage cheese. metabolism.
It helps wash away
Remarks It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin
Fresh herbs, garlic, chilli and ginger are allowed. beautiful.

No Alcohol. Alcohol promotes fat storage. Maximum 2x cups of

coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Never give up everyone has Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
bad days, pick yourself up
3 Meals today - 5 hours
and move on apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 5 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
See smoothie and other yoghurt and fruit in your water, it helps to
recipes. reduce appetite. (See
recipes below for “flat
Afternoon: Fish and salad or vegetables tummy water” apple /
cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
Hake without skin are your better choice, but weekends and crook with
almost any sea fish, if it has burrs you can eat it, it, you will immediately
no other seafood, hake, haddock, pike, cod, pick up (water retention)
tuna, (freshly canned in water) pilchards (2 All there are no down days,
sauce scraped) salmon (fresh / raw not smoked push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
or canned salmon) the rest of the fish may be not 28 years)
smoked. Salad sauce - weight less's lite salad Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
dressing (not mayo type) or knorr light. 1/2 Avo day)
in Salad (Maximum 2 per week) It increases your
It helps wash away
If you prefer to eat one vegetable today it can cellulite.
only be of one type of vegetable, no potato, It helps for hunger.
corn or sweet potato. It makes your skin
Evening: 1 Vegetables only (no potato, corn or
sweet potato) Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
Butternut soup of gelatin and is only
Boiled and fried curry leaf cabbage intended for coffee / tea
Mushroom (It helps to shrink your
Butternut in garlic oven skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

You can!! End of story Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml

3 Meals today - 5 hours

apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 6 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Stewed fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Only apricots, pears, peaches, prunes and apple in your water, it helps to
rings ... the usual fruits. No fruit rolls or other reduce appetite. (See
dried fruits 80g to 125g dry is sufficient. Soak recipes below for “flat
overnight in rooibos tea. Make smoothies, fruit tummy water” apple /
rods or fruit rolls (see recipes). Alternative to cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
dried fruits are 2 apples in microwave until soft weekends and crook with
with cinnamon. it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Afternoon: 1 Potato and 1 vegetable there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
A kind of vegetable and a medium sized potato. not 28 years)
Alternatively 5 baby potatoes (depending on Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
size) plus one type of vegetable. Thinly sliced day)
​potato baked in an oven with an avo is a It increases your
personal favorite for this day. (Only 2x a week, metabolism.
It helps wash away
half in salad and 1x as vegetables cellulite.
It helps for hunger.
Evening: Soup and 1 slice of marmite toast It makes your skin
(without spread) beautiful.

Use the lite or weigh less cup-a-soup or Maximum 2x cups of

coffee or tea a day.
homemade soup recipe under recipes (no
You may use a teaspoon
cream). 1 slice toast (without spread. Any bread of gelatin and is only
white, brown, whole grain or low Gi) intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Eating healthy is a form of Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 7 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Any cereal is right. No chocolate and other in your water, it helps to
candied cereals or dried fruits. Please use reduce appetite. (See
weetbix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro recipes below for “flat
nutro, unflavoured oats, special K etc. (No sugar tummy water” apple /
or honey) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Afternoon: Chicken with salad or vegetables it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Chicken (without skin and as big as hand palm - there are no down days,
Boil, steam, smoked or baked. Use only spray push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
and cook (even the one with olive oil on the not 28 years)
front of the tin)). Today you can eat mixed Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
vegetables, no potato. Salad sauce - weight day)
less's lite salad dressing (not mayo type) or knorr It increases your
light. 1/2 Avo in Salad (Maximum 2 per week) metabolism.
It helps wash away
Evening: 2 boiled eggs or omelette with tomato It helps for hunger.
and 1 slice toast (without spread) It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

In 2 weeks you will feel it, Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
in 4 weeks you will see it,
3 Meals today - 5 hours
in 8 weeks you will hear it apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 8 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
See smoothie and other yoghurt and fruit in your water, it helps to
recipes. reduce appetite. (See
recipes below for “flat
Afternoon: Tuna salad (with Weighless salad tummy water” apple /
dressing) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
1 Tin Tuna in water. Salad dressing - weight less's it, you will immediately
lite salad dressing (not mayo type) or knorr light. pick up (water retention)
1/2 Avo in Salad (Maximum 2 per week) there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
Evening: 3 Fruits not 28 years)
Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
It increases your
It helps wash away
It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

You're closer than you were Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 9 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Any cereal is right. No chocolate and other in your water, it helps to
candied cereals or dried fruits. Please use reduce appetite. (See
weetbix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro recipes below for “flat
nutro, unflavoured oats, special K etc. (No sugar tummy water” apple /
or honey) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Afternoon: 1 Potato with 1 vegetable it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
A kind of vegetable and a medium sized potato. there are no down days,
Alternatively 5 baby potatoes (depending on push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
size) plus one type of vegetable. Thinly sliced not 28 years)
potatoes baked with an avo are a personal Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
favorite for this day (only 2x a week, half in salad day)
and 1x as vegetables It increases your
It helps wash away
Evening: 2 Eggs (omelette / stirred / cooked) cellulite.
and toast (without milk and use Spray & Cook) It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Your body can withstand Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
anything, it's your mind
3 Meals today - 5 hours
you have to convince apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 10 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Any cereal is right. No chocolate and other in your water, it helps to
candied cereals or dried fruits. Please use reduce appetite. (See
weetbix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro recipes below for “flat
nutro, unflavoured oats, special K etc. (No sugar tummy water” apple /
or honey) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Afternoon: Thin soup (Cup of Soup), 4 Provitas it, you will immediately
and cheese pick up (water retention)
there are no down days,
Use the lite or weigh less cup-a-soup or push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
homemade soup recipe under recipes (no not 28 years)
cream) and cheese (Any white cheese, such as Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
Tussers or Edam, but NO Feta or cottage day)
cheese. and not thicker than n 'provita. It increases your
It helps wash away
Evening: 1 Vegetable cellulite.
It helps for hunger.
Only one of the same kind of vegetables. It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

A little progress each day Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
contributes to great results
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 11 (weegdag)

Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
See smoothie and other yoghurt and fruit in your water, it helps to
recipes. reduce appetite. (See
recipes below for “flat
Afternoon: Fish and salad or vegetables tummy water” apple /
cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
Hake without skin are your better choice, but weekends and crook with
almost any sea fish, if it has burrs you can eat it, it, you will immediately
no other seafood, hake, haddock, pike, cod, pick up (water retention)
tuna, (freshly canned in water) pilchards (2 All there are no down days,
sauce scraped) salmon (fresh / raw not smoked push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
or canned salmon) the rest of the fish may be not 28 years)
smoked. Salad sauce - weight less's lite salad Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
dressing (not mayo type) or knorr light. 1/2 Avo day)
in Salad (Maximum 2 per week) It increases your
It helps wash away
If you prefer to eat one vegetable today it can cellulite.
only be one type of vegetable, not potato. It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin
Evening: 3 Fruits beautiful.

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

You are one day closer to Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
your goal
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 12 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Stewed fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Only apricots, pears, peaches, prunes and apple in your water, it helps to
rings ... the usual fruits. No fruit rolls or other reduce appetite. (See
dried fruits 80g to 125g dry is sufficient. Soak recipes below for “flat
overnight in rooibos tea. Make smoothies, fruit tummy water” apple /
rods or fruit rolls (see recipes). Alternative to cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
dried fruits are 2 apples in microwave until soft weekends and crook with
with cinnamon. it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Afternoon: Fruit there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
Evening: Red meat or fish and vegetables not 28 years)
Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
Steak, lean mince, lamb whose fat was removed day)
before cooking, ostrich and venison, no pork as It increases your
it takes much longer to digest. metabolism.
It helps wash away
If you decide on fish, remember .. Hake without It helps for hunger.
skin are your better choice, but almost any sea It makes your skin
fish, if it has bones, you can eat it, no other beautiful.
seafood, hake, haddock, pike, cod, tuna, (fresh
or canned in water) pilchards (2 All sauce Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
scraped) salmon (fresh / raw not smoked or
You may use a teaspoon
canned salmon) the rest of the fish may be of gelatin and is only
smoked. Salad sauce - weight less's lite salad intended for coffee / tea
dressing (not mayo type) or knorr light. 1/2 Avo (It helps to shrink your
in salad (Maximum 2 per week). Today you can skin while losing weight)
enjoy mixed vegetables.

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Your body achieves what Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
your mind believes
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 13 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Any cereal is right. No chocolate and other in your water, it helps to
candied cereals or dried fruits. Please use reduce appetite. (See
weetbix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro recipes below for “flat
nutro, unflavoured oats, special K etc. (No sugar tummy water” apple /
or honey) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Noon: Only 1 vegetable it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Only one of the same kind of vegetables. there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
Evening: Pasta and thin sauce (tomato and not 28 years)
onion relish) Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
It increases your
It helps wash away
It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Think about the reason you Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 14 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Stewed fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Only apricots, pears, peaches, prunes and apple in your water, it helps to
rings ... the usual fruits. No fruit rolls or other reduce appetite. (See
dried fruits 80g to 125g dry is sufficient. Soak recipes below for “flat
overnight in rooibos tea. Make smoothies, fruit tummy water” apple /
rods or fruit rolls (see recipes). Alternative to cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
dried fruits are 2 apples in microwave until soft weekends and crook with
with cinnamon. it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Afternoon: Chicken and vegetables or salad there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
Chicken (without skin and as big as hand palm - not 28 years)
Boil, steam, smoked or baked. Use only spray Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
and cook (even the one with olive oil on the day)
front of the tin)). Today you can eat mixed It increases your
vegetables, no potato. Salad sauce - weight metabolism.
It helps wash away
less's lite salad dressing (not mayo type) or knorr cellulite.
light. 1/2 Avo in Salad (Maximum 2 per week) It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin
Evening: Yogurt and 2 fruits beautiful.

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Food is not your boss Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml

3 Meals today - 5 hours

apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 15 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Toast and tomato

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
1 slice toast (without spread. Any bread white, in your water, it helps to
brown, whole grain or low Gi) reduce appetite. (See
recipes below for “flat
Afternoon: Cucumber and carrots only tummy water” apple /
cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
Raw, cooked, juiced, let your imagination run weekends and crook with
away with you. it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Evening: Soup, 1 slice toast and cheese there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
Use the lite or weigh less cup-a-soup or not 28 years)
homemade soup recipe below recipes (no Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
cream). 1 slice toast (without grease. Any bread day)
white, brown, whole grain or low Gi). (Any white It increases your
cheese, such as Tussers or Edam, but NO Feta metabolism.
It helps wash away
or cottage cheese. Cheese portion - only cellulite.
enough cheese to cover your provita and no It helps for hunger.
thicker than n 'provita. It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Small progress is still Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 16 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Any cereal is right. No chocolate and other in your water, it helps to
candied cereals or dried fruits. Please use reduce appetite. (See
weetbix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro recipes below for “flat
nutro, unflavored oats, special K etc. (No sugar tummy water” apple /
or honey) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Afternoon: Tuna salad (with Weighless salad it, you will immediately
dressing) pick up (water retention)
there are no down days,
1 Tin Tuna in water. Salad sauce - weight less's push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
lite salad dressing (not mayo type) or knorr light. not 28 years)
1/2 Avo in Salad (Maximum 2 per week) Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
Evening: Fruit It increases your
It helps wash away
It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

How do you want to feel Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
this summer .., fit or
3 Meals today - 5 hours
jealous apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 17 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Stewed fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Only apricots, pears, peaches, prunes and apple in your water, it helps to
rings ... the usual fruits. No fruit rolls or other reduce appetite. (See
dried fruits 80g to 125g dry is sufficient. Soak recipes below for “flat
overnight in rooibos tea. Make smoothies, fruit tummy water” apple /
rods or fruit rolls (see recipes). Alternative to cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
dried fruits are 2 apples in microwave until soft weekends and crook with
with cinnamon. it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Afternoon: 1 Potato and 1 vegetable there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
A kind of vegetable and a medium sized potato. not 28 years)
Alternatively 5 baby potatoes (depending on Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
size) plus one type of vegetable. day)
It increases your
Evening: Soup, 1 slice toast and cheese metabolism.
It helps wash away
Use the lite or weigh less cup-a-soup or It helps for hunger.
homemade soup recipe below recipes (no It makes your skin
cream). 1 slice toast (without grease. Any bread beautiful.
white, brown, whole grain or low Gi). (Any white
cheese, such as Tussers or Edam, but NO Feta Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
or cottage cheese. Cheese portion - only
You may use a teaspoon
enough cheese to cover your provita and no of gelatin and is only
thicker than n 'provita. intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Fall seven times .. get up Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
eight times
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 18 (weegdag)

Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Toast and tomato

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
1 slice toast (without spread. Any bread white, in your water, it helps to
brown, whole grain or low Gi) reduce appetite. (See
recipes below for “flat
Afternoon: 2 Eggs (stir / omelette / cooked) and tummy water” apple /
mushrooms cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Let your imagination run, use photo ideas as it, you will immediately
well. pick up (water retention)
there are no down days,
Evening: Fruit push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
not 28 years)
Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
It increases your
It helps wash away
It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Nothing changes if nothing Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
changes. You are here
3 Meals today - 5 hours
already .. beautiful apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 19 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Any cereal is right. No chocolate and other in your water, it helps to
candied cereals or dried fruits. Please use reduce appetite. (See
weetbix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro recipes below for “flat
nutro, unflavoured oats, special K etc. (No sugar tummy water” apple /
or honey) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Afternoon: Chicken and salad or vegetables it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Chicken (without skin and as big as hand palm - there are no down days,
Boil, steam, smoked or baked. Use only spray push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
and cook (even the one with olive oil on the not 28 years)
front of the tin)). Today you can eat mixed Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
vegetables, no potato. Salad sauce - weight day)
less's lite salad dressing (not mayo type) or knorr It increases your
light. 1/2 Avo in Salad (Maximum 2 per week) metabolism.
It helps wash away
Evening: Toast with cheese and 1 fruit It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin
1 slice toast (without grease. Any bread white, beautiful.
brown, whole grain or low Gi). (Any white
cheese, such as Tussers or Edam, but NO Feta Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
or cottage cheese. Cheese portion - only
You may use a teaspoon
enough cheese to cover your provita and no of gelatin and is only
thicker than n 'provita. intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

It's a slow process, but Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
giving up isn't going to
3 Meals today - 5 hours
make it any faster apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 20 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Stewed fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Only apricots, pears, peaches, prunes and apple in your water, it helps to
rings ... the usual fruits. No fruit rolls or other reduce appetite. (See
dried fruits 80g to 125g dry is sufficient. Soak recipes below for “flat
overnight in rooibos tea. Make smoothies, fruit tummy water” apple /
rods or fruit rolls (see recipes). Alternative to cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
dried fruits are 2 apples in microwave until soft weekends and crook with
with cinnamon. it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Afternoon: Eggs and mushrooms there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
Let your imagination run, use photo ideas as not 28 years)
well. Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
Evening: Fruit salad It increases your
It helps wash away
It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

If you are tired of starting Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
over, stop giving up
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 21 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
See smoothie and other yoghurt and fruit in your water, it helps to
recipes. reduce appetite. (See
recipes below for “flat
Afternoon: Red meat and vegetables tummy water” apple /
cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
Steak, lean mince, lamb whose fat is removed weekends and crook with
before cooking, ostrich and venison, no pork as it, you will immediately
it takes much longer to digest. With mixed pick up (water retention)
vegetables. Curry potjie with cauliflower rice or there are no down days,
cauliflower mash? push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
not 28 years)
Evening: 6 Provitas with cheese and 1 fruit Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
Any white cheese, such as Tussers or Edam, for It increases your
example, but NO Feta or cottage cheese. metabolism.
It helps wash away
Cheese portion - only enough cheese to cover cellulite.
your provita and no thicker than n 'provita. It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

It is not a short-term diet, but Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
a long-term lifestyle change
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 22 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Fruit
Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Afternoon: Fruit salad and yoghurt in your water, it helps to
reduce appetite. (See
Evening: Fruit recipes below for “flat
tummy water” apple /
cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
not 28 years)
Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
It increases your
It helps wash away
It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

You are brave and can do Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
anything you set your mind
3 Meals today - 5 hours
to apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 23 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Any cereal is right. No chocolate and other in your water, it helps to
candied cereals or dried fruits. Please use reduce appetite. (See
weetbix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro recipes below for “flat
nutro, unflavoured oats, special K etc. (No sugar tummy water” apple /
or honey) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Afternoon: Chicken or fish with vegetables or it, you will immediately
salad pick up (water retention)
there are no down days,
Chicken (without skin and as big as hand palm - push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
Boil, steam, smoked or baked. Use only spray not 28 years)
and cook (even the one with olive oil on the Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
front of the tin)). Today you can eat mixed day)
vegetables, no potato. Salad sauce - weight It increases your
less's lite salad dressing (not mayo type) or knorr metabolism.
It helps wash away
light. 1/2 Avo in salad (Maximum 2 per week) or cellulite.
... It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin
Hake without skin are your better choice, but beautiful.
almost any sea fish, if it has burrs you can eat it,
no other seafood, hake, haddock, pike, cod, Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
tuna, (freshly canned in water) pilchards (2 All
You may use a teaspoon
sauce scraped) salmon (fresh / raw not smoked of gelatin and is only
or canned salmon) the rest of the fish may be intended for coffee / tea
smoked. (It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)
Evening: Mushrooms and lettuce

Permissible sauces -
See recipes for more ideas.
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Stay positive, you're almost Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 24 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Toast with 1 egg and tomato

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
1 slice toast (without grease. Any bread white, in your water, it helps to
brown, whole grain or low Gi). reduce appetite. (See
recipes below for “flat
Afternoon: Pasta with thin sauce (tomato and tummy water” apple /
onion relish) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
No 2 minutes Noodles allowed. Tomato relishh it, you will immediately
1/2 can or 175ml 'homemade'. pick up (water retention)
there are no down days,
Evening: Thin soup and toast with marmite push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
not 28 years)
Use the lite or weigh less cup-a-soup or Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
homemade soup recipe below recipes (no day)
cream). 1 slice toast (without grease. Any bread It increases your
white, brown, whole grain or low Gi). metabolism.
It helps wash away
It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

You’ve got nothing to lose Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
but weight..
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 25 (weegdag)

Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Stewed fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Only apricots, pears, peaches, prunes and apple in your water, it helps to
rings ... the usual fruits. No fruit rolls or other reduce appetite. (See
dried fruits 80g to 125g dry is sufficient. Soak recipes below for “flat
overnight in rooibos tea. Make smoothies, fruit tummy water” apple /
rods or fruit rolls (see recipes). Alternative to cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
dried fruits are 2 apples in microwave until soft weekends and crook with
with cinnamon. it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Afternoon: Mixed vegetables there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
Evening: 3 Fruits not 28 years)
Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
It increases your
It helps wash away
It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

Every day counts, every Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
attempt will be rewarded
3 Meals today - 5 hours
apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 26 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Yogurt and 1 fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
See smoothie and other yoghurt and fruit in your water, it helps to
recipes. reduce appetite. (See
recipes below for “flat
Afternoon: Fish and salad or vegetables tummy water” apple /
cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
Hake without skin are your better choice, but weekends and crook with
almost any sea fish, if it has burrs you can eat it, it, you will immediately
no other seafood, hake, haddock, pike, cod, pick up (water retention)
tuna, (freshly canned in water) pilchards (2 All there are no down days,
sauce scraped) salmon (fresh / raw not smoked push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
or canned salmon) the rest of the fish may be not 28 years)
smoked. Salad sauce - weight less's lite salad Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
dressing (not mayo type) or knorr light. 1/2 Avo day)
in Salad (Maximum 2 per week) It increases your
It helps wash away
Evening: 1 of the same kind of vegetables cellulite.
It helps for hunger.
It makes your skin

Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

You are not a quitter Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml

3 Meals today - 5 hours

apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 27 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Stewed fruit

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Only apricots, pears, peaches, prunes and apple in your water, it helps to
rings ... the usual fruits. No fruit rolls or other reduce appetite. (See
dried fruits 80g to 125g dry is sufficient. Soak recipes below for “flat
overnight in rooibos tea. Make smoothies, fruit tummy water” apple /
rods or fruit rolls (see recipes). Alternative to cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
dried fruits are 2 apples in microwave until soft weekends and crook with
with cinnamon. it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Afternoon: 1 Potato and 1 vegetable there are no down days,
push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
A kind of vegetable and a medium sized potato. not 28 years)
Alternatively 5 baby potatoes (depending on Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
size) plus one type of vegetable. day)
It increases your
Evening: Soup, 1 slice toast - marmite (without metabolism.
It helps wash away
grease) cellulite.
It helps for hunger.
Use the lite or weigh less cup-a-soup or It makes your skin
homemade soup recipe below recipes (no beautiful.
cream). 1 slice toast (without grease. Any bread
white, brown, whole grain or low Gi). Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce
Bowl size (whole eating plan)

You just deserve the best, Women 450 ml

Men and Children 600 ml
good luck! Every round
3 Meals today - 5 hours
until you reach your apart. Breakfast, 2 hours
after getting up, lunch, 5
hours later and dinner
no later than 6-7 p.m.

DAY 28 Children under 17 must

take snacks in between
(from the free vegetables
and fruit list on page ...)

Morning: Cereal with 2% milk (no sugar)

Drink lots, lots of water,
put lemon and cucumber
Any cereal is right. No chocolate and other in your water, it helps to
candied cereals or dried fruits. Please use weet reduce appetite. (See
bix, future life, all bran, corn flakes, pro nutro, recipes below for “flat
unflavoured oats, special K etc. (No sugar or tummy water” apple /
honey) cinnamon water.
If you drink less water on
weekends and crook with
Afternoon: Chicken with salad / vegetables it, you will immediately
pick up (water retention)
Chicken (without skin and as big as hand palm - there are no down days,
Boil, steam, smoked or baked. Use only spray push through. 28 days is
not that long (28 days
and cook (even the one with olive oil on the not 28 years)
front of the tin)). Today you can eat mixed Drink (8 - 10 glasses per
vegetables, no potato. Salad sauce - weight day)
less's lite salad dressing (not mayo type) or knorr It increases your
light. 1/2 Avo in Salad (Maximum 2 per week) metabolism.
It helps wash away
Evening: 2 boiled eggs / omelette with tomato It helps for hunger.
and 1 slice toast It makes your skin
1 slice toast (without grease. Any bread white,
brown, whole grain or low Gi). Maximum 2x cups of
coffee or tea a day.
You may use a teaspoon
of gelatin and is only
intended for coffee / tea
(It helps to shrink your
skin while losing weight)

Permissible sauces -
Lemon juice, vinegar, 5ml
balsamic, tobasco sauce
and worcestershire sauce


METHOD Freeze 2 of 3 fruits overnight
Pineapple Puree and (eg 1 banana 2 plums)
5 strawberries Freeze Put in a bowl and fill the bowl with
1 Banana a soft fruit eg papaya
Blend to puree


Note: On yogurt and 1 fruit Fill your bowl with
Puree and
breakfast, remember that this is 175 yogurt and
only 175g yoghurt and 1 kind of 1 or 2 fruits
fruit your tray full
The recipe is ideal for day 22's (Depends on eating plan)
lunch, just adds an extra fruit,
for Day 14 dinner uses 2 fruits SMOOTHIE
Ingredients: Kiwi, mango & Puree and
175g yoghurt low fat smooth Blueberries Freeze
yoghurt A little water
1 kind of fruit to fill your bowl with
your yoghurt If you use banana FRUIT ICE CREAM
then you only use one banana
1 Banana, 1 Pear, 1/2 Papaya.
Add your yogurt and fruit in a Cut into pieces and freezer
food processor and blend till 1 orange in a blender, mix until
creamy juicy

Freeze and enjoy Add frozen fruit, blend and enjoy!


Note: Delicious as 1 vegetable or on days

together with other vegetables, fish and

1 Medium cauliflower cleaned and finely
broken into small trees (+ -6 to 7 cups)
Salt and black pepper to taste

Bring a large pot of water (enough to
cover cauliflower) to a boil
Add your cauliflower and cook until
tender + -10 minutes
Keep about a quarter cup of the water
BUTTERNUT SOUP and drain the rest
Pour cauliflower into a food processor or
squeeze with a masher
Now add one tablespoon at a time of the
quarter cup of water to which you store
Note: Only 1 vegetable (not on the a cup
and blend your cauliflower until creamy.
of soup's days)
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Serve Warm
1 Medium size butternut squash
1 Large onion
500ml Water
Salt and pepper to taste
1 t Chicken spice

Skillet and cut the butternut and onion
into cubes
In a large saucepan, place your 500ml
water together and cook until tender
Or 15 minutes in a steam pot as soon as it
has softened, place back on the stove.
Now add your salt, pepper and chicken
spices and stir well if the soup is too thick
add a little more water. Remove from plate
and serve warm. The soup freezes very
well. Serves 3


Cook 2 large carrots with curry and

Mash and put on cucumber lather
Cook 2 large carrots and 1/2 cucumber
with 1l Bovril, cumin, salt & pepper blend
until smooth pasta


100g pasta
3/5 tins mix or 175ml home made
cook pasta until cooked add 175ml home
made relish or 1/2 a can
Add a pinch of curry and cayenne pepper,
place in a blender and puree.


note: Only on vegetables days where the

eating plan says more than one type of
veggie - This does not replace the cup a
soup meal.

+ -500g country crop frozen vegetables
(you can add a piece of onion)
250ml water
Any herbs and spices (such as curry, garlic
and chicken spices)
Salt and pepper to taste

Boil your vegetables in the 250ml water
until soft. Add your herbs and spices and
cook through. Now add your salt and
pepper to taste. Put everything in your
food processor and blend till fine.

Use only Apples, Apricots, Pears, Peaches

and plums. Cut fruit smaller and blend.
Place wax paper on a flat surface. Pour
crushed fruit on waxed paper. Chill and
carefully roll up the fruit roll. Place in the
freezer overnight. Alternatively, thicker
layers of fruit can be chilled and cut into
Use 200g-250g (2 servings)


Note: Nice recipe for eggs and tomato onion relish

1 large onion cut into rings
2 tomatoes - peeled
Spray and cook and some water for frying
1 teaspoon of curry powder or 2 tsp of hot spices
10ml vinegar
2 hard-boiled eggs
2 Bay leaves - bruised
1 teaspoon of turmeric

Fry onion in spray and cook and a bit of water until
soft and brown. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices
and fry with the onion. Once the tomatoes are
cooked, add mix curry powder and vinegar
Pour the mixture as well as the bay leaves over the
tomatoes and stir well, simmer for a while
Cut eggs in half and place in bowl. Pour the tomato
mixture over the eggs

Fry 250g mushrooms and 1/4 onion in

favorite herbs, roll up with lettuce

Note - 250 g mushrooms can be used


Boil mushrooms and 1/4 onion in water

Add salt, pepper, cumin, bell pepper,
Portuguese chicken mix in the heat and
add Finley sliced ​lettuce
Eat immediately


Fry cabbage and potato in water with 1/4

onion, garlic pinch, curry, Portuguese chicken
spice and bit of vinegar until tender.


Note: Tuna salad meals only

1 x 170g can of tuna
1 Large tomato
1 Small onion
10ml Salad dressing
Herbs such as thyme, origanum, parsley
and garlic to taste

Finely chop the onions and pan-fry with
spray and cook the thyme, origanum,
parsley and garlic. Take out the inside of
the tomato. Now add the inside of the

POTATO AND tomato, 5ml salad dressing and the tuna

to the fried onions. Fill the mixture inside
the hollowed out tomato. Bake the tomato

BUTTERNUT for about 10 minutes in a 180 degree C

oven. The tomato should only be cooked
not softened. Add a small mix of salad

SOUP with lettuce cucumber, tomato and the

other 5 ml salad dressing to finish your



Cook the following until tender

1 medium potato 3/4c butternut,
1/4 onion, pinch of fresh ginger,
cinnamon and curry powder,
fresh chilli, 1 clove of garlic and
salt & pepper

Blend into a creamy soup



Cook potato slightly tender

Cut into chips
Spray oven pan with Spray & cook
Season with spice and place in preheated oven
Grill until brown


Grate potato
Express water
Spray skillet with Spray & Cook
Squeeze potato firmly
Bake at 200 C for 30min

Fill with any one type of vegetable


Note: The only homemade soup that is allowed

on cup a soup lite meal days

2 Onions
4 Baby marrows
+ -8 Carrots
+ -Celery
+ -8 Tomatoes
3 Peppers (green pepper)
1 Bundle of spinach
Enough water to coat the ingredients (add more if needed
salt and pepper

Optional cabbage, cauliflower and / or broccoli. Cook all ingredients until soft. Mash the
ingredients with a food processor or squeeze them with a masher. It makes a large
amount of soup that can be frozen successfully.


It is the only recipe where we add Maizena in order
to bottle store te sauce.

2 kg Ripe tomatoes, peeled
1 kg Shredded onion
1 t Curry
1/2 t Turmeric
15 ml Salt
1/4 cup Vinegar
1.5 t Maizena
1/2 t Mustard powder
Red pepper and garlic to taste

Fry onions until soft, add tomatoes and simmer. Add,
turmeric, curry, and salt and cook through. Mix
Maizena with vinegar and add to mustard and stir
through. Bottle warm

1 can Tuna
4-5 cherry tomatoes finely
chopped, 1 Red onion, cilantro
or parsley chopped, chopped
chilli flakes, salt and pepper

Mash the 1/2 avo and mix
with tuna mixture, put back in
the tuna tin press and cap out
lettuce leaves, the rest of the
avo on top of the tuna


Mix 1 tin of tuna, grated onion, 4

cocktail tomatoes, 2 t lite salad
dressing, 1/2 avo, peel
cucumber in the length around
long turnips and roll up,
garnished with tomato


Marinade: 1/4 k balsamic 3 finely

chopped garlic cloves
1/2 t basil 1/2 t origanum, salt
and pepper
Marinate 500g of Mushrooms
for 1/2 hour
Put on sticks and bake / fry 15-
20 min


Sauté 150g mince, 1/2 onion, chilli, garlic

and spices add 3/4 - 1 cup steamed
vegetables in a bowl and cover with
cauliflower mash.

Bake through and grill least 3 minutes



Grate 1/4 onion, 1 carrot, stalks of 2 large

black mushrooms, flavor with seasoning
and mix with 150g mince, make a ball. Fry
and press slightly flatter, fry crispy on one
side before turning it around otherwise it
will break, fry 2 brown mushrooms whole.
Lettuce, tomato, mushrooms, fried onion
can also be added

150g lean mince 1 grated carrot 1/2 grated
onion seasoning. Roll balls and place in
bowl and cover with foil 20 min 180 degree
C . Open and grill for another 5min
serve with cauliflower and pumpkin


Fry 1 chopped onion, 2 chopped

tomatoes and a little spring onion,
season with salt, pepper
and mustard powder add 2 beaten
eggs and simmer, place plate on 1
and cook slowly then sit under the
grill for a few minutes until brown


Heat a can of tomato & onion relish

on stove with spices to make it a
little thinner
Beat 4 eggs and divide between
muffin cavities, fill with spoonfuls of
relish in the centre

Bake for 180 degree C until cooked


EGG & EGGPLANT Dry fry 1 onion and 2 tomatoes

season with origanum, salt and
Fry 1/4 t cumin, 1/4 mustard pepper, beat 2 eggs and mix
powder 1 sprig of curry leaves with onion relish, pour in muffin
with 1/2 chopped onion pans and bake at 180 degree C for
add water if needed, chop 1 1/2 15 min
eggplant and place in salted
water to prevent it discolour, add EGG PANCAKES
egg plant to spices and onion,
add water if needed. Steam Make homemade relish of 1 onion
the eggplant till soft, add 1/4 and 2 tomatoes, basil, garlic, salt
chilli powder and a pinch of and pepper beat 2 eggs
turmeric, fry for a minute or 2 and season with aromat, bake 5
Serve with a 2 egg omelet small egg pancakes, roll up and eat


Mix chicken mince equivalent to 2

chicken breasts 200-250g) with 1
large grated cucumber as a 3/5
grated onion.

Flavor the mixture, spray muffin pan

with Spray & Cook, form balls
and place in cavities, bake at 180
degrees C for 10 - 15 min, it cooks

Note: Cauliflower mash instead of

marrow squash is a good substitute.
Marrow mumps can be replaced by
other vegetables (eg peppers /
cooked mushrooms)


Fry 1 1/2 k chopped spinach, 1/2 t

garlic powder, 1 clove garlic
1 t organic onion, Salt & pepper,
fresh chillies to soft, strain the 2
CHICKEN & VEGETABLE SOUP chicken breasts and season the
outside with salt, pepper and
Cook 600g sliced ​chicken filets, 1 kg country crop, origanum, divide the spinach and
chicken spice, sun-dried tomato & garlic spice, salt and fold in 2 and wrap using 3
pepper in water until soft, toss until smooth, it freezes toothpicks around the meat
well firmly, place in a bowl for 30-45 min
(until cooked) at 180 degrees C
Fry chicken breast cut into a pot with a little water MARROW & CHICKEN SOUP
1/2 t garlic, 1/2 t fresh ginger, 1t fresh lemon grass, chilli,
1/2 green pepper, - finely chop 1/2 k finely chopped Cook 4 marrows, 1/4 onion, garlic,
cabbage, cook until tender. Serve on cauliflower mash salt & pepper, 1 t bovril to soft


MUFFINS (2 servings)

Fry 250g mushrooms and 1/2 onion

in a bit of water until cooked, beat 4
eggs and season with salt & pepper,
add sun-dried tomato & garlic spice,
mix with mushrooms and create in a
pulverized muffin pan - bake 15 min,
180 Grade c


Snip up 250g mushrooms and cook,

season as desired, whisk 2 egg white.
Stir in egg yolks, add mushrooms,
EGG AND MUSHROOM SOUFLE spray waffle pan very well with Spray
& Cook.
1 cup Mushrooms, 1/4 onion, garlic Bake until cooked
and chop finely.

Fry steam until cooked, season with
chicken spice, salt and pepper, beat
2 egg whites to stiff, fold in egg
yolks and mushrooms, bake for 7-10
min at 200 GradeC


6c Filtered water 1 tbsp Grated ginger 1
Cucumber, sliced
1 Lemon, sliced
½c Mint leaves

1. Mix all the ingredients together.
2. Leave in the refrigerator overnight.
3. Drink everything the next day.


1c Boiling water 1 cinnamon stick
1 Rooibos tea bag

1. Place the cinnamon in a teapot.
2. Add boiling water and steep for 8-10
3. Add the tea bag and steep for
another 2-3 minutes.
4. Pour the tea into a cup through a tea
5. Optional: Add milk and enjoy warm.

When you lost weight and go back to your old eating habits, you
will gain weight again!
Maintain your new habits and healthy lifestyle and do the

Stick to your dish size portion

Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day
Keep to the plan's breakfast
Eat more fish and chicken
Use butter, margarine, bread and pasta in moderation
Stay away from Sugar, Sodas and Any Sweetener
Exercise, even if you just walk
Still have moderation with your coffee
Use alcohol moderately
No take away meals a 'BIG NO NO’
Eat more fruit and vegetables
Follow the detox days (days 1-5) of the plan every 4-5 weeks if
you gain weight.
Remember your BMI (Body mass index) must be between 18 and
Date Round





















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