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Direction: Write the synonyms of the underlined words in the

PR E FAC E sentence.

1. The man said “ Im am the living and I reign big wealthy

Dear Grade 5 and 6 Learners, kingdom”.
The Reading CAFÉ is a reading intervention booklet meaning: _____________________________
specially designed to be your tool in assessing your reading
ability. 2. At last my friend believed that cheating never pays.

This reading tool will assess the four areas of your read- meaning: _____________________________
ability. These include your comprehension, accuracy, fluency 3. The gloomy skies gave the six fishermen an intangible pale
and expanding vocabulary. faces.
meaning: _____________________________
Each reading passage is a short one followed by five
questions to check your comprehension and vocabulary. 4. The geese asked the wolf for mercy and begged for their lives.
This reading intervention booklet will help you become meaning: _____________________________
more comprehensive, accurate and fluent reader. Take time to
read and understand it. 5. The old folks of Kalanganan believed in Kapre.

Answer the questions properly. Have fun! meaning: _____________________________

Master Teacher II

Teacher III

Reading CAFÉ
Read the selection fluently.

The Legend of Pinamaloy Lake

Once there live a
couple in a certain place of
Bukidnon. They wanted to
have a child that they prayed so
One day, an old woman
came to their house and told
them that they will soon have a
child in a condition that the child must not step on the ground.
The couple was so thankful to the old woman and agreed to her
condition. Table of Contents
Not so long, the wife gave birth to a beautiful baby. She was
named Pina. When Pina grew older her parents told her not to go Title Pages
down their house.
One day when the couple went to the woods to look for The King and the Old Man 1
firewood, Pina went down their house. When she stepped on the
land, the land started to shake. Pools of water came out which My Friend 2
drown Pina to her lost. Her parents kept on calling her name The Six Men 3
“Pina malooy ka!, a pitiful cry for Pina. Until now Pina was not The Wise Geeese 4
Kapre 5
Kinds of Plants 6
Note to the teacher: Uses of Plants 7
Listen as the child read the Uses of Water 8
selection. Underline the words or The Marriage Feast of the Cat and Rat 9
phrases that are not read fluently. The Legend of Pinamaloy Lak 10

THE KING AND THE OLD MAN The Legend of Pinamaloy Lake

Once there live a couple

One late morning, in a certain place of Bukidnon.
a king was taking a walk They wanted to have a child that
in the forest when he they prayed so hard.
meet an old man. “I am a
king and I reign over a One day, an old woman
big wealthy kingdom. came to their house and told
I rule over coun- them that they will soon have a
tries for I am a great child in a condition that the
king.” He told the old child must not step on the ground. The couple was so thankful to
man. the old woman and agreed to her condition.
“I am a king too,” Not so long, the wife gave birth to a beautiful baby.
said the old man slowly and softly. She was named Pina. When Pina grew older her parents told her
“You are? the king, surprised as he looked at the worn out not to go down their house.
clothes of the old man, asked him, What kingdom do you rule?”
One day when the couple went to the woods to look for fire-
“I rule myself.” The old man quietly answered. wood, Pina went down their house. When she stepped on the
land, the land started to shake. Pools of water came out which
drown Pina to her lost. Her parents kept on calling her name
Questions “Pina malooy ka!, a pitiful cry for Pina. Until now Pina was not
1. Where is the setting of the story? found.
2. What kind of man was a king?
3. After meeting the old man, the king would From that time on, the villager called the place “Pinamaloy”
probably become ________________ from the visayan word “Pina malooy ka” meaning Pina have mer-
4. What is the general mood in this story? cy.
5. What is the main idea of the story?
6. If you were the king, what would you do? Questions:
7. If you were the old man, what would 1.Who wanted to have a child?
you do? 2. What was the couple and the old woman’s agreement?
3. Did Pina obey to her parents?
4. What happened when Pina step on the
5. What kind of girl is pina?
6. If you were Pina, would you do the
same? Why?

The Marriage Feast of the Cat and Rat
A friend of mine, who
Once upon a time, the animals lived happily in their was a classmate in grade
kingdom. They have plenty of food to eat and they were full of
school always thought that
joy and happiness. But one day, drought visited their land. They
cheating is good. He once said
all flew away to look for food. to me, “Why should I study
However, the cat and the rat stayed in their land. They
when it is easy to get high
plowed the field and made dikes. They planted rice. They were
grade results without hard
happy working together. Many years had passed, the cat married
work? The only sin in cheating
the rat. They invited everybody to their marriage feast. The cat
is being caught.”
wore his beautifully woven barong and the rat was made
lovelier in her long beaded gown. They danced and danced. The And so, despite my repeated warnings, he was still dis-
feast was full of merry making. Long live the Cat! Long live
honest during examinations. But when we took our high school
the Rat! They shouted. entrance test, he had a difficult time. He could not cheat be-
And they live happily ever after.
cause the examiners were very strict.
Answer these:
Thus, he failed and bitterly disappointed. He had to re-
1. Who are the main characters in the story?
view again for two weeks to retake the entrance test. He passed
2. Where is the setting of the story?
the test on his second try. Now he believes as I do, that cheat-
3. When did the story happened? Why do you say so
ing never pays.
4. Where do you think animals go during drought?
5. Were the cat and rat’s decision to stay, right? Why?
6. If you were the cat and rat, what else would you do
to overcome droughts?
1.The selection is mainly about _________
7. If you will meet the same problem, how would you
2. What happened to the author’s friend when they took
solve it?
the high school entrance exam?
8. What lesson can you get from the story?
3. Which among these statements is an opinion?
Act out your well-liked part of the story.
-Cheating never pays.
-Cheating maybe a choice.
-One cheats if the test is hard.
4. Which among the above statements are fact?
5. Why did the author’s friend has change his attitude?

THE SIX MEN Uses of Water

It was raining very hard. Six men with ashen faces Water is very important. Human, animals, plants and other
slumped on two rows of make-shift bench and there was no catch living organisms can not survive without water.
Water should always be clean. It is used for drinking by
for the day. human and animals. Water can also be use for cooking, taking a
Gloomy skies above gave them intangible pale faces. bath, cleaning things and watering plants.
Many resources also come from various water forms.
None of them knew the color of the sky while their eyes look These are fishes, mussels, seaweeds, crab, clamps, shrimps, squid
upon the waves that swept upon them. These waves were of and oysters.
We also find some materials used as decoration such as:
different colors except for its top, which is foaming white. pearl, shells and sea flowers.
The horizons narrowed and widened and dipped and rose Water from waterfalls and dams also help in moving
machines which provide electricity.
and all the time they were ready for the big waves to swallow Water is also very useful among sea travelers.
them quickly.
And finally, they saw an island in the horizon. Answer these:
1. What are the uses of water?
2. What do you think will happen if there is no water?
Questions: 3. Why is water important?
1.The men in the story were probably_______ 4. Why do we need to conserve water?
2. What would likely happen to the six men? 5. How can we conserve water?
3. What is the main idea of the story?
4. What is the general mood shown in the
beginning of the selection?
5. What is the general mood of the whole

Uses of Plants THE WISE GEESE

Once a fox came to a

meadow where there was a flock of
Plants have nice, plump geese. Then he laugh
many uses. Coconut and said, “I’ve come just a right
tree is very useful plant. moment.
Its leaves are used for
making baskets, mats, You’re sitting there togeth-
stick brooms and deco- er so perfectly that all I have
rative items. Its trunk is used as lumber. Its fruits are nutritious. It to do is to eat you up one by one.”
can be eaten raw or cooked. The husk of the fruit is used as brush The geese jump and began
or decoration. The juice of the fruit can be made into vinegar or cackling in fright. They screamed for
cold refreshing drink. mercy and begged for their lives.
Oil is also extracted from coconut meat and used as body However, the fox closed his ears to their
oil or for cooking. Coconut oil is also used as medicine. pleas. “No mercy!” he said. “I’ve got to
Pineapple is another. Its fruit is rich in vitamin C and fiber. eat you.
The juice can also be made into vinegar. Finally, one of the geese plucked
Mango, santol, marang,durian and others give fruits. Ipil- up her courage and said to the fox, “Well,
ipil, mahogany, molave and tanguile are used for lumber. Other if we poor geese must surrender our lives, then show us mercy
plants are medicinal like ginger. A slice of ginger root can be suck by allowing us one last prayer so that we won’t have to die in
like candy if you have cough. Another is guava. Guava leaves are sin. After that, we’ll line up in a row at your convenience.”
good for cut, wounds, bruises and diarrhea. “All right,” said the fox. “That’s a fair request. Go
ahead and pray, and I’ll wait until you’re done.” So the first
Answer these: goose began a long good prayer and kept cackling. Since she
1. What plant has many uses as mentioned in the story ran on and on, the second decided not to wait for her turn and
2. Give the uses of each part of coconut? began cackling too then.
3. What are examples of medicinal plants?
4. How useful are plants to us? Then the third and fourth followed and so they were
5. Why do we need to plant medicinal plants? all cackling together. They cackled so loud that the farmer
heard them and came to their rescue.

Kinds of Plants

There are many

kinds of plants. They can
\ The old folks in Kalanganan in the be seen in the garden, in
province of Maguindanao used to believe in the farms and elsewhere.
“Kapre” . It is so big and tall that a man They have common char-
reached up only to his knees. He lived in the acteristics. They have
big trees and appeared only at night, smok- roots, leaves, and stem.
ing a big roll of tobacco. Plants can be group
He was friendly and did not frighten according to growth. These
the villagers. are trees, shrubs, herbs and
When strangers came to Kalanganan vines. A tree is a big plant
with evil plans, the “Kapre” appeared to with strong woody stem called trunk. Most trees have other
frighten them. The men never accomplished smaller branches and stem. They grow tall. Mango, narra, and
their plans and never came back to the area. mahogany are trees.
A shrub is a woody plant, too. It looks like a tree but it
The people believed that the “Kapre” provided them grows smaller and shorter. Gumamela, santan and rosal are
security against bad elements. Eventually, the “Kapre” left shrubs. Herbs are plants having soft and hollow stems. They do
the place for another place because the large trees where it not grow tall. Mayana, oregano and begonia are herbs. Papaya
lived were cut down when the village’s population is a giant herbs.
increased. A vine has a weak, thin and long stems. It is not strong
enough to stand alone. Some of them crawl on the ground. Oth-
Answer these: er vines climb fences, objects or other plants too. Squash, am-
1. What is Kapre? palaya, and patola are examples of vine.
2. What is the main idea of the selection?
3. In what way did the “Kapre” help the people? Questions
4. What mode is expressed in this line: “The people be-
lieved that the “Kapre” provided them security against 1. What is the selection all about?
bad elements.” 2. What group of plants have soft and hollow stem?
5. What conclusion can be made about the selection? 3. What are examples of shrub?
4. What will happen if there were no plants around us?
5. How can you help keep plants grow?

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