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Marketing and operating factors really affect the competitiveness of an organization in three
ways or influences and that are identifying the customers wants/needs, price and quality, and
advertising and promotion. Identifying the customers wants/needs in a way that the goal is to
make sure that these requirements and wants are perfectly met by the organization's products
and/or services. It is essential to competitiveness and a fundamental element in an
organization's decision-making process. Additionally, it has a significant impact on how
customers balance their needs and wants. Next is the price and quality in a way that they are the
primary determinants of consumer purchasing behavior. It is critical to comprehend how
consumers choose between price and quality. Lastly is Advertising and promotion in a way that
there are strategies businesses may use to draw customers and educate potential clients about
the advantages of their goods or services.
2. I chose the factor infrastructure. Because it can affect the global competitiveness in a way that it
alludes to the actual physical constructions, such as buildings and roads, that bridge geographic
distances and link markets to neighboring locales. Reduced transportation costs spent by the
business for the delivery of raw materials and the distribution of finished goods are important
factors in determining competitiveness. Global competitiveness is also demonstrated by the
cutting-edge facilities and infrastructure that make customers and suppliers' lives easier.
3. At first, in the year 1980’s, companies in Asia started establishing Quality Control Circles (QCC) to
foster greater employee engagement and promote employee participation as a means of
obtaining feedback for continuously improving procedures and goods. Followed by the year
1990’s, companies have been able to effectively apply the TQM (Total Quality Management)
principles and practices to promote the quality of their products and services. The civil service
was changed to include service quality approaches in Brunei, Indonesia, and the Philippines. And
in 2000’s up until these present times, to ensure efficient environmental management, Asian
nations have embraced international norms. Leading businesses in Asia are currently
implementing international best practices to increase performance, value, and quality.

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