Supermarket Management Analysis Report

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nanjing university of Science and technology

Supermarket Management System

System Analysis Document

Student ID: 20235200010

The results of the requirements elicitation and the analysis activities are documented in the System
Analysis Document. This document completely describes the system in terms of functional and
nonfunctional requirements.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Purpose of the System..................................................................................................................5
1.2 Scope of the System......................................................................................................................5
1.3 Objectives and Success Criteria of the Project....................................................................6
1.3.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3.2 Success Criteria........................................................................................................................6
1.4 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations..............................................................................6
1.5 Overview............................................................................................................................................. 7
Current System.................................................................................................................................................. 8
2. Proposed System....................................................................................................................................9
2.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Functional Requirements.............................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Admin Functional Requirements......................................................................................9
2.2.2 Product Management...........................................................................................................9
2.2.3 Employee Functional Requirements.............................................................................10
2.3 Non-functional Requirements.................................................................................................11
2.3.1 Performance:..........................................................................................................................11
2.3.2 Usability....................................................................................................................................11
2.3.3 Security.....................................................................................................................................11
2.3.4 Reliability................................................................................................................................. 12
2.3.5 Scalability.................................................................................................................................12
2.3.6 Compliance.............................................................................................................................12
2.3.7 Technology Used..................................................................................................................12
3. System Models......................................................................................................................................13
3.1 Scenarios.......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.1 Detailed Flow For Admin (Inventory Management)...............................................13
3.1.2 Customer Makes a Purchase............................................................................................14
3.1.3 Product Selection and Cart Creation............................................................................14
3.1.4 Checkout Process Initiation..............................................................................................14
3.1.5 Presentation of Items for Purchase...............................................................................14
3.1.6 Loyalty Program Interaction (Optional).......................................................................15
3.1.7 Application of Discounts and Payment.......................................................................15
3.1.8 Transaction Completion and Receipt Generation...................................................15
3.1.9 Confirmation and Exit.........................................................................................................15
3.1.10 Scenario: Manager Generates Sales Report...........................................................15
3.1.11 Setting Report Parameters...........................................................................................15
3.1.12 Initiate Report Generation............................................................................................16
3.1.13 Review and Analysis........................................................................................................16
3.1.14 Employee Processes Sale..............................................................................................16
3.1.17 Customer Redeems Loyalty Points............................................................................17
3.1.18 Detailed Flow for Admin (Customer Loyalty Point Redemption)..................17
3.1.19 Customer Checkout Observation...............................................................................17
3.1.20 Loyalty Card Presentation or Login...........................................................................17
3.2 Use Case Models...........................................................................................................................18
3.2.1 Admin Manages Inventory (Scenario
3.2.2 Manager Generates Sales Report (Scenario
3.2.3 Employee Processes Sale (Scenario 4.1.2)..................................................................19
3.2.4 Customer Redeem Loyalty Points (Scenario 4.1.3)..................................................20
These tables outline the flow of events, actions taken by respective actors (Admin,
Employee, Customer, Manager), and the corresponding system steps for each
scenario in the supermarket management system.................................................................20
3.3 Dynamic Models...........................................................................................................................21
3.3.1 Sequence Diagrams.............................................................................................................21
3.3.2 State Transition Diagrams.................................................................................................23
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the System
Welcome to supermarket management system. This system helps our store run
smoothly by using computers to keep track of everything we sell. It's like a super
organized helper that makes sure we have enough products on our shelves and that
customers get charged the right amount at the checkout.

This system helps us avoid running out of popular items and makes sure we don't make
mistakes when we sell things. It also makes the process of paying for your shopping
faster and more accurate.

The goal is to make shopping easier for everyone who comes to our store. With this
system, we can stay organized, understand what our customers like to buy, and make
sure everyone has a great experience when they shop here.

1.2 Scope of the System

The supermarket management system is like a smart helper for grocery stores. It helps
keep track of all the things the store sells and makes sure everything runs smoothly. It
helps with managing how much stock we have, making sure we don't run out of things,
and helps customers pay for their items quickly and correctly.

This system does a bunch of important jobs: it keeps an eye on what we have in our
store, helps us sell things to customers faster, and makes sure we don't make mistakes
with pricing or running out of products. It also helps us understand what customers like
to buy and keeps their information safe.

Our goal with this system is to make the store work better, keep our customers happy,
and help everyone have a good shopping experience here.
1.3 Objectives and Success Criteria of the Project

1.3.1 Objectives
The supermarket management system has a few big objectives. It wants to help keep
track of what's in the store and make sure we don't run out of things customers want to
buy. It also wants to make it easy for customers to pay for their items quickly and
without any mistakes.

Another important goal is to help the people working at the store. It wants to make
their jobs easier by having simple screens to use and keeping track of how well they're
doing. It also wants to remember what customers like to buy and make sure they feel
special when they shop here.

This system also helps the Admin /Manager of the store. It shows reports about what's
selling well and what's not, so the boss can make smart decisions about what to do next.
And it makes sure that everyone's information is kept safe and follows all the rules
about keeping things private.

1.3.2 Success Criteria

The success of the supermarket management system relies on several key factors.

1. First, it aims to maintain a well-managed inventory, ensuring popular items are

always available while minimizing unnecessary stock to prevent waste
2. Second, it strives for hassle-free checkout experiences, generating accurate bills
and receipts swiftly without errors.
3. Employee satisfaction and productivity are crucial, aiming for a system that aids
staff in their tasks and improves overall performance.
4. The system aims to engage customers through personalized services, fostering
satisfaction and loyalty.

1.4 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

1. SMS: Supermarket Management System

2. POS: Point of Sale

3. ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning

4. CRM: Customer Relationship Management

5. BI: Business Intelligence

6. RFID: Radio-Frequency Identification

7. SKU: Stock Keeping Unit

8. API: Application Programming Interface

9. KPI: Key Performance Indicator

10. CSV: Comma-Separated Values

11. SQL: Structured Query Language

12. API: Application Programming Interface

13. UI: User Interface

14. UX: User Experience

15. PDF: Portable Document Format

16. XML: Extensible Markup Language

17. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

18. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

19. BI: Barcode Inventory

1.5 Overview
In a bid to improve optimal sales and inventory management processes, you need
robust functionality for managing your logistics facilities. Support for inventory
management helps you record and track materials on the basis of both quantity and

Warehouse inventory management functions cover internal warehouse movements and

Using this software we can reduce costs for warehousing, transportation, order
fulfillment, and material handling – while improving customer service.

We can significantly improve inventory turns, optimize the flow of goods, and shorten
routes within your warehouse or distribution center. Additional benefits of inventory
management include improved cash flow, visibility, and decision making.

Employees can plan, enter, and document warehouse and internal stock movements by
managing goods receipts, goods issues, storage, picking and packing, physical stock
transfers, and transfer postings.

Current System
As we know manual system are quite tedious, time consuming and less efficient and
accurate in comparison to the computerized system.

So following are some disadvantages of the Current system:

1. Time consuming

2. Less accurate

3. Less efficient

4. Lot of paper work

5. Slow data processing

6. Not user friendly environment

7. Difficult to keep old records

2. Proposed System
This section describes the envisioned system, and details its functions, quality
requirements, and constraints of the system.

2.1 Overview
The Supermarket Management System project is dedicated to revolutionizing grocery
store operations through a comprehensive software solution. This system aims to
streamline inventory management, optimize sales processes, and foster stronger
customer relations. With a user-friendly interface and diverse functionalities, it seeks to
enhance employee efficiency, minimize errors, and offer personalized customer
experiences. By leveraging data analytics for informed decision-making and ensuring
data security and compliance, the project aspires to create an efficient, adaptable, and
customer-centric platform that drives operational excellence and business growth within
the supermarket domain.

2.2 Functional Requirements

This section will discuss the functional requirements obtained through the analysis of
the information gathered during the requirements elicitation phase.

2.2.1 Admin Functional Requirements

Admins play a pivotal role in overseeing critical aspects of the supermarket
management system, wielding higher-level privileges and responsibilities: .

2.2.2 Product Management

1. The Admins have the authority to curate and manage the product catalog,
ensuring accuracy and relevance. They control the addition, modification, and
removal of products, maintaining up-to-date information about available items in
the inventory.

2. User Access Control: Admins regulate the system's access levels, determining
who can perform specific tasks within the system. This role assignment ensures
that each employee, depending on their position (cashiers, managers, etc.),
accesses only the functionalities necessary for their tasks, safeguarding data
integrity and confidentiality.
3. Reporting and Analytics: Admins wield the power to extract valuable insights
from the system's data. They generate comprehensive reports providing in-depth
analyses of sales patterns, inventory turnover, employee performance, and
customer engagement. These reports aid in making informed decisions for
strategic planning and store optimization.

4. Supplier Integration: Admins manage interactions with suppliers, ensuring

smooth stock replenishment and maintaining healthy supplier relationships. They
oversee the integration of supplier databases into the system, streamlining the
process of restocking products and maintaining optimal inventory levels.

2.2.3 Employee Functional Requirements

Employees, categorized based on their roles, have specific functionalities tailored to
their operational responsibilities:

1. Point of Sale (POS): Employees working at the checkout counters, such as

cashiers, utilize POS functionalities to process transactions swiftly and accurately.
They scan items, calculate bills, handle payments, and generate receipts, ensuring
a seamless customer checkout experience.

2. Inventory Tracking: Employees responsible for inventory management track

stock levels, update inventory records, and categorize products. They ensure
accurate stock data, identify low-stock items, and initiate restocking processes to
maintain a well-stocked inventory.

3. Customer Interaction: Employees engaged in customer service roles utilize the

system to access customer profiles, manage loyalty programs, and personalize
interactions. They leverage customer data to address queries, resolve issues, and
create tailored experiences for customers, fostering satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Schedule Management: Employees in managerial positions oversee employee

schedules within the system. They create, modify, and manage shifts, ensuring
adequate staffing and smooth store operations.
2.3 Non-functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements for the supermarket management system:

2.3.1 Performance:
 Responsiveness: The system's responsiveness refers to its ability to
quickly react to user commands and queries. For instance, when an
employee searches for a product or processes a sale, the system should
swiftly display the information without noticeable delays.

 Scalability: Scalability indicates the system's capability to handle increased

workloads without a decline in performance. As the supermarket grows,
the system should effortlessly accommodate additional products,
customers, and transactions without slowing down.

2.3.2 Usability
 Intuitiveness: A user-friendly interface is crucial. It should be easy to
navigate, with clear options for different tasks. Minimal training should be
required for employees to operate the system effectively.

 Accessibility: The system should cater to users of varying technical

abilities and potential language differences. Providing language
localization options ensures wider accessibility.

2.3.3 Security
 Data Protection: Sensitive data like customer information and transaction
records must be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access or data

 Access Control: Implementing role-based access control ensures that

employees only have access to the system features required for their roles.
This prevents unauthorized access to critical functionalities.
2.3.4 Reliability
 System Availability: High system uptime ensures continuous operations
during business hours. Frequent downtimes can disrupt sales and impact
customer experience negatively.

 Backup and Recovery: Regularly backing up critical data and

implementing reliable recovery processes safeguards against data loss and
system failures.

2.3.5 Scalability
 System Growth: As the supermarket expands, the system should grow
seamlessly to accommodate increased data, users, and functionalities
without compromising performance.

2.3.6 Compliance
 Regulatory Adherence: Compliance with industry standards and data
protection regulations is essential. Meeting GDPR or local data privacy
laws assures customers that their data is handled securely and ethically.

2.3.7 Technology Used

1. Backend Development with Python:

 Python Programming Language: Python is chosen for backend

development due to its simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries like
Django or Flask, facilitating rapid development and scalability.

2. Frontend Development with HTML/CSS:

 HTML (HyperText Markup Language): HTML forms the backbone of the

system's frontend, structuring the content and layout of web pages,
ensuring proper semantics for elements and data presentation.
 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS complements HTML by styling and
formatting the elements, enhancing the visual appeal and user experience
by defining colors, layouts, and responsive designs.

3. Database Management with MySQL:

 MySQL Database: MySQL is chosen as the database management system

for its reliability, scalability, and compatibility with Python/Django,
providing efficient storage and retrieval of data.

 Data Schema Design: Designing an optimized database schema in MySQL

that efficiently represents supermarket inventory, sales records, and
customer information while ensuring data integrity through proper
normalization and indexing.

4. Security Measures:

 Encryption and Authentication: Implementing encryption techniques

within Python to secure sensitive data stored in MySQL. Additionally,
Django's built-in authentication mechanisms ensure secure user access
control and protect against unauthorized system entry.

3. System Models
3.1 Scenarios

3.1.1 Detailed Flow For Admin (Inventory Management) Login and Access Inventory Management

 As an admin, you log into the system using your unique credentials and
navigate to the administrative dashboard. From the dashboard, you select
the "Inventory Management" tab. Add New Products

 Within the inventory interface, you choose the "Add Product" option. You
enter the details of the new product, including the name, description,
category, price, and quantity. After inputting the information, you save the
new product to the system. Modify Existing Products
 To modify existing products, you navigate to the list of available items.
Selecting a specific product, you edit the necessary fields (such as
adjusting the price or updating the quantity in stock) and confirm the
modifications to ensure accurate information representation. Remove Discontinued Items

 Identifying items marked for discontinuation, you access the system's
management tools to remove these products from the inventory. By
initiating their removal, you ensure that these items no longer app

3.1.2 Customer Makes a Purchase Detailed Flow for Customer

3.1.3 Product Selection and Cart Creation

 As a customer, you enter the supermarket and start selecting items for
purchase. You navigate through aisles, picking products, and adding them
to your shopping cart within the supermarket's interface.

3.1.4 Checkout Process Initiation

 After completing your shopping, you proceed to the checkout counter or
section designated for payments within the system.

3.1.5 Presentation of Items for Purchase

 At the checkout, you present your items for purchase, either physically (in
a brick-and-mortar store) for scanning or virtually (by confirming the items
listed) in an online shopping scenario.
3.1.6 Loyalty Program Interaction (Optional)
 If enrolled in the supermarket's loyalty program, you present your loyalty
card or provide login details if prompted to access loyalty benefits or
accumulated points for potential discounts or rewards.

3.1.7 Application of Discounts and Payment

 If eligible for any ongoing promotions or discounts, you observe the
system applying these benefits to the total bill amount. Upon verification
of the final bill, you select a preferred payment method.

3.1.8 Transaction Completion and Receipt Generation

 After making the payment, the system finalizes the transaction, confirms
the successful purchase, and generates a detailed receipt, either in print
(in-store) or digital format (online), providing a summary of the items
purchased, prices, and total amount paid.

3.1.9 Confirmation and Exit

 With the completed transaction and receipt in hand, you confirm the
purchase details, collect your purchased items, and exit the checkout area,
concluding your shopping experience within the supermarket.

3.1.10 Scenario: Manager Generates Sales Report Detailed Flow for Admin (Sales Report Generation) Login and Access Reporting Tools

 Logging in as an admin, you navigate to the reporting or analytics section
within the system's administrative interface.

3.1.11 Setting Report Parameters

 Using the reporting tool, you define specific criteria for the sales report,
such as selecting the date range, filtering by product categories, or
specifying other relevant metrics.
3.1.12 Initiate Report Generation
 After setting the parameters, you initiate the system to generate the sales
report. You oversee the system processing and aggregating the data to
compile the comprehensive report.

3.1.13 Review and Analysis

 Once the report is generated, you review the presented sales trends,
analytics, and graphical representations. This data aids in making informed
decisions and strategizing for the supermarket's operations.

3.1.14 Employee Processes Sale

3.1.15 Detailed Flow for Admin (Employee Sale Processing)

3.1.16 Login and Access POS System

 You, as an admin, log into the system and navigate to the Point of Sale
(POS) interface within the administrative dashboard to oversee employee
activities. Monitoring Sale Initiation and Product Scanning

 Observing an employee starting a new sale, you witness the process as
they scan each item's barcode using the POS interface. The system
updates the ongoing sale list accordingly. Supervise Discount Application and Payment

 As the sale progresses, you supervise the employee applying discounts or
promotional offers for eligible items. Upon completion of the sale, you
oversee the payment processing by the employee and the system's
finalization of the transaction.
3.1.17 Customer Redeems Loyalty Points

3.1.18 Detailed Flow for Admin (Customer Loyalty Point Redemption)

3.1.19 Customer Checkout Observation

 You observe a registered customer selecting items and proceeding to the
checkout counter for purchase.

3.1.20 Loyalty Card Presentation or Login

 At the point of sale, the customer presents their loyalty card or provides
login details for the loyalty program. You oversee the system accessing the
customer's loyalty information.

3.1.21 Verification and Loyalty Point Redemption:

 As the customer chooses to redeem loyalty points, you observe the system
deducting the applicable points from their account. You witness the
corresponding discounts being applied to the total bill.
3.2 Use Case Models
3.2.1 Admin Manages Inventory (Scenario
Use Case Name Manage Inventory
Actors Admin
Entry Condition 1. Admin Login Interface
Flow of Events Actor Steps System Steps
1) The Admin Enters login 2) The system verifies the admin
credentials credentials and grants access.
3)The system displays the inventory
management section.
4) The Admin Inputs new product 5) Input new product details, save.
details, saves.
6) Chooses a product, edits fields,
confirms changes.
7) The Admin Identifies and 8) Identify and remove
removes discontinued items from discontinued items from inventory.
Exit Condition 1. The Admin successful Add Modify of Products.
2. Saving Changes and Logging Out.
Exceptions Step 2) Invalid Product Details Entered.
Step 6) Database Error During Product Addition/Modification.
Step 7) Unauthorized Access Attempt.

3.2.2 Manager Generates Sales Report (Scenario

Use Case Name Manager Generates Sales Report
Actors Admin
Entry Condition 1. The Administrative Officer has an activated SMIS user
account and sufficient access rights to create a Student
Flow of Events Actor Steps System Steps
1) The admin enters login 2) The system Authenticate
credentials. manager credentials
3) The system navigate to reporting
or analytics section.
4) The admin Defines criteria for 5) The system Defines criteria for
the sales report. the sales report.
6) The admin triggers system to 7) The system generate the sales
generate the sales report report
8) The admin Analyzes presented 9) Analyzes presented sales trends
sales trends and data. and data
Exit Condition 1. Successful Generation of Comprehensive Report.
2. Reviewing Report and logging out.
Exceptions Step 2) Data Unavailability for Reporting Period
Step 9) If System Error During Report Generation
Step 9) Inaccuracies or Incomplete Data Representation in the Report

3.2.3 Employee Processes Sale (Scenario 4.1.2)

Use Case Name Employee Processes sale
Actors Employee
Entry Condition 1. Employee Login Interface
Flow of Events Actor Steps System Steps
1) The system Validate employee
2) Emplyee open point of sales 3) The system Opens the Point of
(POS) interface. Sale (POS) interface.
4) The employee Initiates a new 5) The system Begin new
transaction, scans items. transaction, scan items.
5) The Employee applies discounts, 6) The system Applies discounts,
calculates total, processes payment. calculates total, processes payment
Exit Condition 1. Successful Completion of Transaction
2. Logging Out or Return to Main POS Menu
Exceptions Step 4) Payment Rejection.
Step 9) System Failure During Transaction.
Step 9) Incorrect Product Scanning/Error in Price Calculation.

3.2.4 Customer Redeem Loyalty Points (Scenario 4.1.3)

Use Case Name Customer redeem loyalty points
Actors Customer.
Entry Condition 1. The customer picks the shopping cart\
Flow of Events Actor Steps System Steps
1) The customer Browses and adds 2) Browse items to cart.
items to cart.
3) The system add items into cart
4) The customer Moves to the 5) Move to checkout counter.
checkout counter.
6) Presents loyalty card
7) The employee swipe the card on 8) prompts to enters loyalty
POS. card/login details
9) Opts to redeem points, applies 10) The system Opts to redeem
discounts points, applies discounts.
Exit Condition 1. Successful Loyalty Point Redemption
2. Completion of Purchase and Exit from Checkout.
Exceptions Step 8) Payment Rejection During Checkout.
Step 10) If the Insufficient Loyalty Points for Redemption.
Step 10)Error Applying Discounts or Loyalty Benefits.

These tables outline the flow of events, actions taken by respective actors (Admin,
Employee, Customer, Manager), and the corresponding system steps for each scenario
in the supermarket management system.
3.3 Dynamic Models
In a dynamic model, we focus on the interactions between objects over time, typically
represented through sequence diagrams or activity diagrams.

3.3.1 Sequence Diagrams Admin manages inventory.

Figure 4.4.1 Admin manages inventory Sequence Diagram Employee process sale

Figure 4.4.2 Employee process sale Sequence Diagram Customer Redeems Loyalty Points Figure 4.4.3 Customer Redeems Loyalty Points Sequence Diagram Admin Generate Report

Figure 4.4.4 Admin Generate Report Sequence Diagram

3.3.2 State Transition Diagrams Customer Transaction

Figure 4.4.5 Customer order goods State Transition Diagram

This diagram captures the stages of a customer's journey while ordering goods, from
exploring products to completing the order, including possible loops and state changes
based on customer actions and system responses.

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