Camero, Joana Iva.-manInTheContextOfHisNature

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Guide Question:

1. Give the Nature and Philosophical Views of Man. 5 points

o Disembodied Spirit View
o Unspirited Body View
o Embodied Spirit View
o Dualism
o Trinity

2. Your respective body is a reality. Does it move because of the pumping of

its heart and the thinking of the brain? 3 points
o No, you can still be physically alive even though 90% of your brain is not working/dead.
You will still be alive when the brain and heart are dead (via external devices), but you
will be in such a deep coma that you will never be able to recover. The key of how we
survive and the energy that powers our bodies has yet to be uncovered. As I already
stated, you will be alive but in a coma even though your brain is dead. So it is not about
the brain, the heart, or even the lungs and liver. It is more than just an organ that
regulates our bodies. God exists.

3. Is the soul the heart and the mind of the human being? Why? 3 points
o I assume so. It is our true consciousness, the eternal consciousness. It does not need
human life to survive. It's nothing but pure thought. It merges with our human bodies to
explore life here, and it's all for educational purposes. Human bodies can be seen as
learning vehicles for our minds. The soul is the actual spirit self of a human being. Our
outer body's consciousness and heart are also windows into the psyche. Anything that
occurs in the human body is registered by our consciousness in the soul. Our spirit self
is forever imprinted with the passion we cultivate in our hearts.

4. Are the soul the spirit one or distinct? Why? 3 points

o For me they are distinct. Soul refers to our mind, will, and desires as manifested in our
personal interests, decisions, and emotional reactions to life's circumstances. Our soul is
reflected in our personality. While spirit is the aspect of man that interacts with and
communicates with God. Our spirit is distinct from our soul because it is still directed
toward and resides only for God, while our soul may be self-centered. Only our spirit will
feel the love, warmth, and harmony of God's presence. While everyone's soul is fully
active, not everyone's spirit is.
5. Which will you value most, the body or the soul? Why? 3 points
o Soul is what I value the most, more than the body. It does not make sense if you have a
good looking or fit body if your soul is not pure and full of sins. One day we will die and
our body will be laid in the ground. But our soul will last forever. So, “Do not fear those
who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul.” Our soul has an endless life. That’s why it’s so
important. It’s immortal. It has a beginning, but it has no end.

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