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FNB Private Wealth

Ups, downs and

in-betweens to
close 2023


South Africa entered November 2023 on a World Cup high, after the Springboks retained the coveted William
Webb Ellis trophy in Paris. There were accolades all around from inspirational Springbok captain Siya Kolisi to
outgoing coach Jacques Nienaber, who we sat down with in our previous edition of this newsletter.

The highs of rugby victory were still you’ll read there are always opportunities at systems and technology are robust, but
reverberating around the country when hand for the discerning investor. sometimes human behaviours unwittingly
Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana open the door to fraud. I urge you to heed the
How you harness these opportunities has
presented the Medium Term Budget Policy warnings shared by Ettienne Fourie, Head of
much to do with how we support you on your
Statement (MTBPS) to Parliament on 1 Fraud Risk Management, and Trish Ramdhani,
wealth journey. As our Chief Investment Officer
November. The MTBPS highlighted some hard Head of Fraud.
Renzi Thirumalai explains in a piece that takes
truths about South Africa’s weak economic
you behind the scenes and into our wealth and We are also excited to share the news that if
outlook over the medium term, with biting
investment thinking, building an investment you’ve left securing your foreign exchange to
issues including ongoing load shedding,
plan of action around client goals, is a surefire the last moment this holiday season, FNB has
high inflation and rising borrowing costs.
way to create tangible value – no matter what you covered. We’ve enhanced our global travel
The finance minister noted that, since 2008,
the market conditions are. offering so that our clients can now order
government spending had exceeded revenue
foreign notes and even a Multi-Currency Cash
and said: ‘Action is being taken to review and To help you and your family navigate one
PassportTM using the FNB App. Even if you need
reconfigure the structure and size of the state, of the more pressing issues facing South
to top up your forex while you are strolling
in line with the president’s commitment in the Africans currently – loadshedding and how
along the Champs Elysees or sunbathing on
2023 State of the Nation Address. A joint plan to finance renewable energy installations –
a tropical island, you’ll now have immediate
to review government departments, entities we are delighted to introduce FNB Private
access to the funds you need with just the tap
and programmes over the next three years is Wealth’s new solar finance offering, as part
of a screen.
being prepared.’ of Treasury’s Energy Bounce Back (EBB) Loan
Guarantee Scheme. This means affordable If this sounds like futuristic banking, then we
Looking beyond the MTBPS, and towards 2024,
loans are now at your disposal for solar end on an exciting note with a glimpse into
it is easy to see that many questions still remain
systems and solar generation. You can read the future of financial services in the age of
unanswered about the trajectory of the local
more insights on this from our loans expert, artificial intelligence and the rise of generative
and world economies over the next few months.
Gavyn Letley. technologies like ChatGPT. Our Chief Data and
Fortunately, Chantal Marx, Head: Investment
Analytics Officer, Mark Nasila, tells you what to
Research and Content, sat down with us to With the holiday season upon us, we continue
expect and what FNB Private Wealth is cooking
offer a glimpse into what the coming year might to focus on your safety and the protection
up behind the scenes.
have in store in terms of trends. Interest rates of your assets. As such, we urge you and your
and inflation will doubtless remain key drivers, family to remain vigilant as fraudsters and From all of us at FNB Private Wealth, we wish
alongside the many geo-political tensions scam artists up their game when defences you and yours a peaceful – and richly deserved
playing out around the world currently, but as are down. We work hard to ensure that our - holiday break.

Economic update and trends

Looking to 2024: So much is up in the air

Predicting what 2024 might look like, from an economic and markets perspective, is hard
when the world is sitting on a knife-edge waiting to see what else 2023 has in store.

Wealth and performance

Goal-centred wealth performance is about marrying

good investments with good advice
FNB is not just another bank, says Renzi Thirumalai, Chief Investment Officer of FNB Wealth
and Investments, it also manages investments.

Solar generation loans

FNB finances solar generation

through cost-effective loan scheme
In partnership with National Treasury, FNB’s new solar finance offering forms part of
the Energy Bounce Back (EBB) Loan Guarantee Scheme that was formulated to cover
the costs of personal and commercial solar installations at affordable interest rates.


No more fiddling around with forex,

just use the FNB App
Concerned about securing your forex as your long-awaited trip abroad approaches?
Don’t panic, with new features recently added to FNB’s existing global travel offering, you’re
now able to order foreign notes and a Multi-Currency Cash PassportTM using the FNB App.

ChatGPT and AI

AI in banking - it’s not all ChatGPT and Bing

Dinner table chatter about artificial intelligence (AI) has surged since non-profit research laboratory
OpenAI’s launch of ChatGPT just over a year ago. ChatGPT galloped to more than 100 million active
users by January 2023 and then, in March, an even more sophisticated version was released: GPT-4.
Now, it seems everyone is using Chat, for work and for pleasure.


Fighting fraud with FNB

With the end-of-year holiday season fast approaching, scam artists are upping the ante
when it comes to gaining access to your wealth. While FNB continuously works to ensure
that systems and technology are robust and secure, fraudsters still find it effective to
exploit human behaviour, the psychology of trust and our increasing reliance on technology
to poke holes in personal protection measures.

Economic update and trends

Looking to 2024: So much is up in the air

Predicting what 2024 might Markets tend to bottom in a recession and environment because investors are looking
start moving up when the first interest rate for places to put their capital since the
look like, from an economic and cut comes, or the expectation grows that momentum is quite positive. What we’ve seen
markets perspective, is hard the Fed will start cutting or possibly cutting over the last few years is that momentum has
aggressively.’ been broadly negative and there’s been a lot
when the world is sitting on a of uncertainty.’
knife-edge waiting to see what Looking back on 2023
To illustrate the point, Marx notes
else 2023 has in store. The past 12 months have been challenging,
particularly at a local level where the impact that several big listings were meant
With rapidly escalating tensions between of the weaker rand has weighed on rand to come to local market over the last
hedges. ‘Investors have been largely risk
Israel and Hamas in the Middle East, alongside few years but these were put on hold
the continuing war between Russia and averse. Emerging market assets, in general,
have been under pressure and emerging to wait for better market conditions.
Ukraine, the geo-political gulf is widening
between countries on opposing sides of market currencies have been under
these conflicts. While the humanitarian cost pressure, and South Africa is absolutely no ‘Coca-Cola Bottling Africa is a prime example
is staggering, there are also economic knocks exception,’ says Marx. of this. This company was meant to list two
to consider, which will have a direct impact on to three years ago, and they still want to
The underperformance of commodity prices
people in these regions, and around the world. list, but have noted that conditions are not
currently is also part of the South African
appropriate at this time,’ says Marx.
What, for instance, will the implications be story, although this is fuelled by a lack of
for energy prices? If the world’s major oil conviction in China’s growth story, it has She notes that while it is normal for de-listings
producers are drawn into the conflict, what proved exceptionally negative for South do take place from time to time on any stock
might this mean for the supply of oil? How African miners, for South Africa’s terms of exchange, in South Africa she sees de-listings
will grain costs be affected as the Black Sea trade and, in turn, the rand and overall equity being driven by the fact that the market is
corridor stalemate continues? And what does market experience. Marx’s advice currently is extremely undervalued, particularly in the
all this mean for global growth? to ‘look through the noise’ and remember the small- and mid-cap space. ‘This offers an
fundamentals of investing. opportunity for management or founding
These are just some of the questions hanging
family buyouts, and takeovers, which we’ve
in the air as we say goodbye to 2023. ‘Whenever we have these periods of volatility
seen picking up quite substantially. So, this
and chaos – when there’s a lot happening in
According to Chantal Marx, Head: Investment is going to continue happening as long as
the world and everything seems to be falling
Research and Content, we are likely to go into companies are trading at exceptionally cheap
apart around us – the first thing for longer-
the new year with many of these questions multiples,’ explains Marx.
term investors to remember is: don’t panic.
still unanswered. ‘There’s actually no way The market always recovers,’ says Marx.
of looking forward to 2024 because we still Is there an opportunity in this trend?
don’t know what’s going to happen for the The second point to hold onto is that
opportunities are there to be seized. ‘Absolutely,’ says Marx. ‘Either you invest in
rest of 2023,’ she said. ‘I think we’re probably
one of these companies and eventually these
going to feel that way into January, February On this point, Marx says: ‘Perhaps be a little valuations get closer to fair value as they
and even March. Maybe after that we’ll start bit more specific in how you allocate your are driven by broader market optimism and
getting some sort of clarity. What we can say funds and identify the opportunities that are a turnaround in terms of the interest rate
for certain is that there’s a lot going on at out there because of the current volatility environment, or you are going to get a takeout
the moment, and market direction is being that we’re experiencing and the mispricing offer at a 50% premium. At this point I think
influenced by probably 40 or 50 different that we’re seeing, specifically in South African there are so many opportunities there.’
things.’ equities and bonds. These opportunities do
come around, but they don’t come around Ending on a positive note, Marx also believes
The main issue on the table currently, says Marx,
often. So, when something has been sold the number of listings on the JSE will tick up
centres around interest rates and inflation.
off heavily and unfairly - particularly when again when market conditions start improving.
‘These two are linked, and they remain the you keep the long term in mind - it is an ‘The JSE will see new listings come to market,
main driver. As long as there is uncertainty, opportunity to buy.’ you will start seeing companies raising capital
or risk around the trajectory of interest rates, again on a public exchange – because it’s
coupled with the risk of high interest rates for A word on South African equities super-efficient to do so. And, obviously, if
longer, it will have a negative impact on the and bonds we get any sort of momentum or perceived
market in terms of volatility and direction,’ momentum on the reform agenda, this will
says Marx. This uncertainty will impact bond Regarding opportunities, Marx notes that spark additional interest.’
yields as well, further compounding the effect investors should not be put off by the global
With the elections due to be called in early
on global equity markets and continuing to reduction in listed companies. A recent
2024, Marx had this to say: ‘The elections
drive the debate around the potential for a World Finance article, quoting a National
will be a very interesting one to watch and
global recession – led by fears around the Bureau of Economic Research report,
I think that, from a business perspective,
US - in 2024. As long as these issues persist, noted that: ‘The average number of listed
investors will want either a commitment to
sentiment will continue to be broadly negative. companies per one million US citizens has
positive change, or at least, if there’s not going
also halved since 1976 … [and] the US has
to be any sort of business friendly change, a
What to expect from interest rates roughly 5 000 fewer listed companies than
continuation of things as they are - which isn’t
would be expected for a country of its size,
While uncertainty still persists around whether great, but is a known quantity at least.’
population, economic development and rule
or not there will be another interest rate hike, of law. The picture is similar on the other
Marx notes that most investors feel that the side of the Atlantic: since 2000, the number
world is close to ‘the peak of interest rates, of listed companies has dropped by 37% in
which means now we have to start looking Germany and by 23% in the UK.’
towards when we are going to start seeing
interest rate cuts. And we are definitely going In South Africa, ‘the number of companies
to see them at some point - likely next year for listed on the [JSE] bourse has dropped by
the US Federal Reserve, as well as the South more than half over the past 30 years to less
African Reserve Bank.’ than 300’, according to Daily Investor.

What will hasten an interest rate cut will be Marx notes that the global trend of publicly
evidence of a sharp slowdown in the US, says listed companies reducing is ‘a result of
Marx. ‘We would see equity prices and bond tumultuous market conditions. Typically, a
prices move even lower if we start seeing a company would want to list if conditions are
recession in the US, and we would then expect favourable, so if asset prices are going up, it
a very quick response from the Fed. makes sense for them to raise capital in that

Wealth performance

wealth performance
is about marrying
good investments
with good advice
FNB is not just another bank, says Renzi Thirumalai, Chief Investment Attaining good performance requires a multi-dimensional approach
Officer of FNB Wealth and Investments, it also manages investments. tailored to a specific fund, Thirumalai explains. ‘We make broad
‘We have a multi-manager product range with a 16-year track record. asset-class decisions – around which bucket to put our money in – and
We’re an investment destination with our work predicated on creating we’ve done well there, making good calls on asset allocation which has
meaningful value for clients as we work towards achieving their goals,’ contributed to performance.’
he explains.
Overall, says Thirumalai, ‘we have observed very good long-term
Rather than bombarding clients with the technicalities of asset performance’. This doesn’t mean that funds don’t go through highs and
management, FNB investment philosophy is centred around meeting lows in order to reach an upward trajectory to grow one’s assets. In fact, he
client goals, says Thirumalai. ‘The departure point for everything we build notes, this remains an area in which many investors still battle. ‘We need
is client goals. Whether our clients want to save for an emergency, go on to get people comfortable with the fact that figures are not always going
holiday, retire more comfortably, or save for their kids’ education, we then to be green – indicating an upwards trend – they’re not always going to be
reframe that around what investment solution suits that outcome.’ above benchmark,’ he says.

Using a car analogy, he explains: ‘We’re not telling you how big the engine Instead, you want a clear and credible plan of action. ‘We’ve delivered
is and we’re not telling you all the technical specs of the engine, we’re good performance not as a one-off occurrence but in multiple time
telling you that if you’re a family of five, we’ve got a nice sedan for you.’ In frames in multiple product lines and in multiple formats of delivery,
applying this thinking to the investment space, Thirumalai says that while whether it be in unit trusts or private client portfolios. Clients know they
the right technical components are undoubtedly in place, FNB Private can trust in us,’ says Thirumalai.
Wealth aims to connect with clients on a more meaningful level.
Riding out your investment
Managing expectations
Thirumalai compares investment strategies to taking an Uber ride to the
To forge these close connections, FNB Private Wealth prides itself on airport. ‘If you have a flight at 8am and you get into an Uber at 6am, that’s
open communication with clients. Using the example of the long-term like a fixed income asset. You tell the driver that you don’t like driving
goal of saving for a child’s university education, Thirumalai notes that fast so drive carefully and slowly. But if your need is more significant and
this ambition is more complex than a one-year investment plan to save you get into that Uber at 7am and your flight is at 8am then you need the
for a deposit on a house. ‘In the case of a house deposit, you’d put a driver to go faster. Your driver is going to tell you ‘it will feel uncomfortable,
certain amount of money in the bank so it will stay safe over a short yet you’ll meet your objective to make the flight,’ he continues. ‘So, you
period. Yet with regards to a university education, fees steadily increase, hold on and buckle up, but you can’t complain that he’s speeding because
so we would have a 10-year horizon that might include putting savings that is what he has to do. In the same way, you can’t be uncomfortable
into what the market refers to as a Balanced fund, for example,’ he with the ride on an equity or balance fund when your objective is to send
explains, adding: ‘Because we know how to express the outcome of that your kid to UCT. Your need requires that growth element.’
fund, we then focus on managing client expectations.’

During turbulent and unpredictable times, Thirumalai cautions against It all comes back to FNB Private Wealth’s outcome-
going in and out of such long-term funds when motivated by panic based wealth philosophy. ‘We want to enhance our
which ultimately leads to capital destruction. To guard against this, clients’ financial futures by creating congruence
FNB Private Wealth’s approach is to manage expectations upfront
and an ongoing basis by positioning products from a risk and return
between the client goals and the investment solutions
perspective. ‘Clients have to be prepared to take the ride,’ he says of we create,’ says Thirumalai. ‘Without that tie-in it
the route plotted out. It’s not just about the goal but also about the risk doesn’t work.’
you have to take to get there, especially in an uncertain world.

‘Regardless of your financial position, the discipline of staying invested is To ensure your financial future and that of your family and future
hard,’ Thirumalai continues. ‘Consistently investing and staying invested, generations, FNB Private Wealth is dedicated to educating clients by
and not drawing that capital to use for an unforeseen short-term need. providing input and material that they can trust and content they can
That’s why we take the complexity of where and how to invest, and when learn from, especially in times of market crisis. ‘We live in a world where
to change and rebalance, out of the equation for you.’ information is thrown at us, it’s just a daily deluge and bad news sells and
incites impulsive reactions,’ Thirumalai explains.
Ultimately, taking a long-term view is vital but that’s not always easy in
practice when inflammatory headlines cause investors sleepless nights. ‘That is why our value proposition is not only to deliver good products
Thirumalai stresses that no matter what you read, rest assured that FNB but also to deliver good advice – something we call our integrated advice
has you covered. ‘Our portfolios include local and offshore, single and proposition. If you jump out of the Uber before you reach the airport, you
multi-manager, active and passive fund as well as multiple asset classes. have not completed your journey successfully. You need to get to your
We’ve diversified your portfolio for you. We have our finger on the pulse, destination – in other words, achieve your goal.’ And, ultimately, seeing
and make tweaks when needed.’ a goal come to fruition comes down to marrying good investments with
good advice.
Measuring performance

There are various ways of measuring fund performance, mainly against

peers and benchmarks. While the most recent figures show that FNB’s key
funds have delivered good performances in a tough market, Thirumalai
stresses the importance of adopting a realistic long-term view when
assessing such data.

Solar generation loans

FNB finances solar

generation through
cost-effective loan

In partnership with National Treasury, FNB’s new What’s more, unlike banks who restrict the approved solar installation
companies, FNB allows clients to choose their own reputable suppliers.
solar finance offering forms part of the Energy ‘This gives clients more flexibility to choose who they want to, how they
Bounce Back (EBB) Loan Guarantee Scheme that want to have it done and what they want to finance.’

was formulated to cover the costs of personal The loan offering also helps clients not only to finance
and commercial solar installations at affordable a solar system that suits their needs, it also allows them
interest rates. to diminish their reliance on Eskom and help reduce
While Eskom may have given clients a slight reprieve of late,
loadshedding will remain a reality for the foreseeable future. In
recognition of the need to fund solar installations, to not only mitigate A seamless process
the effects of loadshedding but to also take pressure off the power
grid, FNB has teamed up with National Treasury who are providing If one were to finance their solar solutions through their home loan,
funding to allow banks to offer FNB clients affordable loans for solar refinancing and accessing the bond would be a six-to-seven-week
systems and solar generation. process, the loan offering is processed quickly. ‘End-to-end from
personal loan to conversion to the FNB Personal Loans Solar Benefit
‘That allows us to do is essentially create a product at a significantly could be within three working days, although officially it takes seven to
cheaper price point,’ explains Gavyn Letley, product head at FNB Loans. 10 working days.’
‘If clients can demonstrate that their personal loan is used for solar
generation, they will be given a fixed interest rate of Prime +1% over The process to apply is as follows:
5 years. This interest rate is significantly lower the average personal
• Step 1: Get a quote from your preferred solar installer. The quote must
loan rates and very competitive within the market. This reveals FNB’s
include solar panels and solar related expenses only. Solar-related
commitment to offering affordable value driven services to its clients.
expenses can include batteries, inverters and sundries

Financially speaking… • Step 2: Apply for a personal loan. If you qualify, you will be quoted and
paid out on your personalised interest rate
While the loan rate is higher than a home loan rate which is generally
• Step 3: If approved, your personal loan will be paid into your bank
around prime, or prime less for the private wealth segment, it is financed
account as personalised rate. Use the funds from the personal loan to
over a significantly shorter period – five years as opposed to 20 or 30
pay least a 25% deposit to your preferred solar supplier
years. ‘You’re also financing a depreciating asset in terms of solar, solar
panel, batteries and inverters,’ says Letley, ‘which have an average lifespan • Step 4: In order to convert your loan to the lower rate. You go to
of around eight to 12 years. So, you don’t want to finance a depreciating nav» Energy on the FNB App and convert your personal loan
asset over a 20–30-year period when you can finance it over five years, • Step 5: Once documentation has been received, it will be validated and
pay it off, create value for the grid and add value to your house.’ if approved you will receive an updated agreement of your new lower
Individual clients will apply for a personal loan via normal channels at a interest rate of Prime +1%. Changes will be effective on the date your
personalised interest rate, but the interest rate will be lowered to prime documents have been validated
+1%, fixed for the term of personal loan after proof of use is verified.
To find out more about FNB’s Personal Loan Solar Benefit offering and
Loans start at a minimum of R3 000 and go up to R300 000. At least our other finance solutions for power generation, click on nav» Energy
90% of the funds must be used for solar panels and related expenses on the FNB App. Alternatively, speak to your private banking team.
such as batteries and inverters. Only one loan per client is permitted by
the scheme. ‘If you’ve taken a personal loan in the last two months and
used 90% of that for solar, you can convert your loan,’ Letley adds.

Offering more client flexibility

Not only is FNB’s EBB loan competitively priced, it offers clients

flexibility. For example, it can also be used to finance solar geysers,
usually priced at around R25 000. ‘You can reduce your energy bill
by installing a solar geyser at a significantly lower price point,’ Letley
explains. ‘This is because your average geyser consumes 30% to 40%
of your energy bill.’


No more
around with
forex. Just use
the FNB App.

Concerned about securing your forex as your residents over the age of 18 transfer funds abroad for purposes of travel,
gifting and even foreign investment. These forex limits are reported and
long-awaited trip abroad approaches? Don’t controlled at an individual level, based on identity number, which makes
panic, with new features recently added to FNB’s it essential to remain in step with the South African Reserve Bank and
South African Revenue Service and not to exceed the stipulated
existing global travel offering, you’re now able to R1 million per year.
order foreign notes and a Multi-Currency Cash It is important to remember that any purchase using your local debit
PassportTM using the FNB App. or credit card while you are travelling is also allocated to the SDA, says
Robertson. Although she adds that for a couple travelling together,
using the SDA for each will certainly add more flexibility. However, it is
From booking your hotels and flights to planning your itinerary,
important to bear in mind any funds which might previously have been
international travel involves intensive planning – especially if your
externalised, for instance through payments made to overseas-based
trip is over the end-of-year holiday season. Yet, with the enhanced
retail platforms like Amazon, or into offshore accounts like the FNB
Global Travel offering on the FNB App, even if you find yourself needing
Global Account or FNB Channel Islands Account.
more forex when you’re already strolling along the Champs Elysees or
sunbathing on a tropical island, you’ll have immediate access to more To help avoid the additional costs of 2% which you will incur if swiping
funds with the tap of a screen. a local credit or debit card abroad, Robertson adds that part of your
holiday pre-planning should be to open an FNB Global Account in your
Cindy-Lee Mayes, Head of Personal and Private Banking Foreign
chosen currency, be it euros, US dollars, yen or pounds, and to transfer
Exchange, explains that clients can now order forex for themselves or
funds offshore over a period of time – using the FNB App.
their family seamlessly via the FNB App’s newly updated Global Travel
offering. ‘In addition, this can be delivered to you at no additional charge.
The new functionality also allows clients to top-up their Multi-Currency Not only is using a Global Debit card more financially
Cash PassportTM via the FNB App while abroad.’ savvy, but it also earns you up to 4% back in eBucks.

Catering to clients’ travel needs

‘The Global Account is really the most cost-effective and easiest way
This latest innovation is integrally linked to FNB’s consistent drive to for travellers to enjoy their time abroad without any hidden currency
better service its clients. This latest App enhancement is, therefore, conversion surprises and with a lot of additional banking benefits,’
positioned to meet the evolving travel needs of clients. says Robertson, stressing the need to tread carefully when it comes
to regulations.
‘Innovation is crucial for us in solving for our clients’ needs, because it
enables us to continuously improve and evolve our solutions to meet She adds that while those looking to enjoy a slap-up holiday, the limits
their requirements and expectations,’ explains Mayes. ‘It’s part of our of the SDA are not likely to dent your ability to splash out and enjoy
DNA. By fostering a culture of innovation, we can create unique solutions yourself. In fact, says Robertson, if you have gone through you SDA over
and deliver greater value to our clients.’ the course of the past year, it is possible to apply for tax clearance to
utilise the R10 million Foreign Investment Allowance, although this
Not only does this thinking benefit FNB Private Wealth clients – many process does take approximation 21 working days.
of whom are truly global citizens - it has also resulted in FNB Foreign
Exchange being awarded South Africa’s Best Foreign Exchange Provider Enhancing FNB’s existing travel solutions
for the last seven years running, as voted by Global Finance. This is a track
record which FNB as a whole intends to continue building and developing. With demand from clients growing to transact on a global level, and as the
primary banking channel of choice for FNB Private Wealth clients, the FNB
With an inherent appreciation of the amount of effort and time that goes
App is constantly being developed with functionality being built in line
into planning your international trip, it was important to FNB to make the
with clients’ preferences and needs. ‘The enablement of a travel service
process of obtaining foreign exchange as easy as possible, says Mayes.
on the FNB App means a more convenient channel is available to clients
‘With this new functionality, you can order your foreign exchange 24/7 and can be accessed easily, even when they are abroad, to top up
through a simple, secure and convenient process and have it delivered their travel cards with additional funds if required,’ explains Mayes.
for free,’ Mayes reiterates. ‘Our clients’ needs are the cornerstone of our
There are also other travel perks which clients who hold a Global Account
solutions, shaping every aspect of our offering. That was the motivation
should also take advantage of before travelling, these include obtaining:
for the enabling of our extended travel solutions as part of our wider
• Free travel insurance when you pay with your credit card.
forex solutions currently available on the app.’
• Up to 40% discounts on flights and car rental when booking with
Dotting all the forex Is and crossing the Ts eBucks travel.
• eBucks Travel desk assistance with booking your holiday.
As slick and seamless as this new offering is, there are still some
regulatory hoops that must always be considered before converting • Access to SLOW Lounge locally and to more than 1 000 airport lounges
rands into foreign currency. As Chantal Robertson, Head of Cross-Border internationally.
Advice, explains: ‘There are a number of financial considerations that
All of these advantages – along with increased ease when it comes to
travellers need to keep in mind from an offshore spend perspective,
obtaining forex – should help you plan for, and execute, a truly stress-
including individual allowances that South African residents need to
free end-of-year getaway.
comply with from an exchange control perspective.’

Robertson points out that while FNB’s Forex team make it easier to send
funds abroad or convert to foreign currencies, it is still critical to operate
within the rules. For the most part, the Single Discretionary Allowance
(SDA) is the consideration that comes in to play when South African

ChatGPT and AI

AI in banking. It’s not all ChatGPT and Bing

Dinner table chatter about artificial intelligence (AI) has surged since non-profit research laboratory
OpenAI’s launch of ChatGPT just over a year ago. ChatGPT galloped to more than 100 million active users
by January 2023 and then, in March, an even more sophisticated version was released: GPT-4. Now, it
seems everyone is using ChatGPT, for work and for pleasure.

Despite the hype, ChatGPT is not the only AI in with how best to incorporate LLMs into their Once fully embedded in the banking
town. There’s Microsoft’s AI-empowered Bing existing systems. FNB is no different. system the options are seemingly endless.
tool, Google’s Bard and even paid for options A big area of possibility lies in the ability
Nasila explains: ‘In terms of FNB as a bank, we
like Jasper, and YouChat, all of which to harness AI tools to determine a clients
have a clear idea of what we want to do with
fall under the banner of Large Language creditworthiness using alternative sources
AI and what we want from LLMs. Obviously
Models (LLMs). LLMs are user-friendly of data than those usually considered by
digitisation is a big one and it represents an
because they communicate using human- formal banking institutions.
opportunity for us to enhance our processes
like language and have easy-to-navigate
around, for example, how we understand As Nasila explained in a TechCentral article
interfaces, so engaging with them feels easy
what clients are saying as well as responding in 2022: ‘For individuals, meaningful
and natural. On top of that, LLMs have the
to their needs timeously.’ inferences can be made by looking at data
potential to take the grind out of mundane
on their smartphone (with their permission)
tasks such as setting up appointments, He notes that it is not only text generation
which can reveal financial behaviour, from
replying to emails and even coding. So, we applications around client experience and
call activity to app usage, and even which
can expect to see a proliferation of more AI marketing where these tools can be deployed.
applications a consumer uses most…. This
tools in the months and years to come, as In the banking world, there are important
opens the door to new avenues of lending: for
they become increasingly intertwined in our implications around legalities, intellectual
example, smartphone-based microlending,
day-to-day lives. property, and client privacy to consider. ‘For
bereft of the usually prohibitive and punitive
example, as a big organisation what are the
The mainstreaming of AI has been met with a interest rates such lending models tend to
implications if we use ChatGPT to generate
range of views, from Elon Musk (ironically one use to insulate themselves against risk.’
contracts and what if this information and
of the original co-founders of OpenAI) and
input is not aligned to the value proposition of Nasila also notes that in sectors such as
his view that ‘we are not far from dangerously
shareholders? Who takes responsibility?’ agriculture, AI can access satellite imagery
strong AI’ and ChatGPT represents ‘one of
to estimate past and future income from
the biggest risks to the future of civilisation’,
A hands-on approach farming to help bankers make better
to Microsoft founder Bill Gates’ assertion
decisions about loan applications.
to Forbes magazine that AI is ‘every bit Given these considerations, how does a bank
as important as the PC, as the internet’. ensure that it can benefit from tech tools like But watch out for…
Locally, Stellenbosch University’s Johan AI and LLMs without compromising essential
Steyn advocates continuous learning and an data, personal information, and trade secrets? A consideration which Nasila does not feel
adaptable mindset in response to the rapid has garnered sufficient attention in the
pace of technological change and disruption In the case of FNB, Nasila explains that the
current AI debate is how blind adoption
which ‘is posing significant challenges use of AI-enabled technologies hinges
across all levels of an organisation might have
to individuals and organisations across on taking a risk-driven perspective. While
the unintended consequence of negatively
industries and sectors’. exploring and understanding the strengths
impacting critical thinking skills in the future.
and limitations of generative AI-enabled
apps or bots like ChatGPT (which are capable ‘The process of critical thinking comes down
Much has already been written
of generating text, media or images when to trial and error. If you take away the trial
about the potential for AI and prompted) is important, for use cases that and error process then you are likely to have
LLMs like ChatGPT to disrupt involve any form of IP or confidential data a generation of people who never thought
FNB’s response was to develop its own, in- and never actually executed thinking,’ he
financial services by replacing
house AI tools which make it possible to flag explains. ‘This development would affect
advisors, streamlining the client risks and mitigate them, while still the ability of an organisation to come up
experience and even assessing bond benefitting from the efficiencies and with ideas, explore ideas, and arrogate
applications and insurance claims. time-saving potential of AI applications. their own processes, rather than relying on
FNB’s forensic systems have been using the another system to tell them what to do. At
banks own AI tool since 2019. Since rolling the end of the day, LLMs like ChatGPT can
One man who embraces the potential of AI out the technology, Nasila notes that the only work with what they’ve been trained on
tools, but takes a more pragmatic view of time taken to produce reports has been cut and programmed to do.’ This, notes Nasila,
their long-term disruption, is Dr Mark Nasila, by 70% while generating a draft forensic underlines the importance of having teams
Chief Data and Analytics Officer in FNB’s synopsis for scrutiny by a human analyst has of highly-skilled experts working behind
Risk division. Nasila, who holds a doctorate been reduced from hours to mere seconds. the scene to ensure that AI is fine-tuned to
in mathematical statistics and probability address the specific needs of the industry
from Nelson Mandela University, is a frequent At the moment, FNB’s Risk team is adding to its
and business it serves.
commentator in the media on the subject of AI AI capability by piloting the use of AI for digital
and its ability to impact multiple facets of our onboarding of clients, as well as for verifying At the moment, the hype lies around the
lives, including banking. documents and confirming legitimacy. technology as millions engage with AIs like
This represents just one area of potential ChatGPT for entertainment and novelty
AI, LLMs in the world of banking development and opportunity for financial value. Much of the conversation is swirling
services institutions, without compromising around threats and possible disruptions to
Nasila points out that in the world of banking client information and confidentiality. livelihoods and human value. Nasila’s advice
and financial services, security and privacy is: ‘Don’t buy into the hype!’
are key. Therefore any discussion around What are the potential rewards?
Right now, he says, the power of AI lies in its
these technologies must consider that open
Having outlined the possible risks associated ability to automate and optimise routine tasks
platforms like ChatGPT – even if they are
with a laissez-faire rollout of AI in financial and augment the innovation process, but
customised to a specific company’s needs –
services, Nasila circles back to the there is still room for the human being in this
will not offer the robust protections required
opportunities that digitalisation presents in equation. In fact, critical thinking and human
by regulators and law makers.
the banking sector. creativity have never been more important.
Nasila notes that ‘we’ve even seen some US
‘Technology enables or helps us to imagine The role of the Private Advisor in the FNB
banks blocking the use of ChatGPT among
processes, but we need to have the right use Private Wealth context is a case in point. In
employees’, referring to the likes of Citigroup,
cases to create efficiencies,’ he explains. preparation for the AI technology onslaught,
Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo
This requires time and effort to, for instance, our Private Advisors have undergone
and Bank of America which have responded
determine exactly how best to use tech extensive training and upskilling to enhance
quickly due to the legal implications
tools to enhance employee effectiveness by their very human and personal offering, and
associated with use of the tool in what should
analysing the entire system from information their ability to offer relevant and integrated
be a highly confidential and data ringfenced
gathering to how time is allocated for financial advice. The power of our data-
internal banking system.
specific tasks, and even revisiting what might driven AI tools takes care of the routine tasks,
Given that accountability in the use of AI be regarded as important performance giving our people time to form partnerships
is so critical, this rapid shutting down of indicators in the future. A measured approach and meaningful connections.
indiscriminate use of external AI tools – will, to some extent, also cushion the anxiety
particularly in such delicate banking divisions with which some might greet the mass
as forensics – is understandable. Indeed, right arrival of AI tools in the workplace, thereby
now many organisations, from universities to supporting the adoption.
retailers and marketing teams, are grappling


Fighting fraud
with FNB

With the end-of-year holiday add another dash and add your credit card While this functionality protects you in the
number, dash. They’ll then ask you to repeat event of a breach of your banking app, it
season fast approaching, the entire reference number and if you’re not remains a good idea to always vary your
scam artists are upping the paying attention that’s how they’ll get your routine and travel routes on a daily basis.
information. This is just one of many techniques Don’t engage with strangers and do detailed
ante when it comes to gaining to get your passwords and banking details. due diligence when meeting with potential
access to your wealth. While Another ploy that these fraudster use is to
business partners. Unfortunately, fraudsters
are also abusing social media and online
FNB continuously works to tell you that your banking profile has been
marketplaces as a means of scamming people
compromised and, in order to protect your
ensure that systems and money, they ask you to make a payment into
or luring them into a face-to-face meeting.
You might, however, be robbed as a result of
technology are robust and an account, the details of which they provide.
this contact.
They claim that this is a suspense account
secure, fraudsters still find and transferring your funds into this account If you find yourself in a compromised situation,
it effective to exploit human will offer protection, however this is a scam to FNB also offers GuardMe, a panic button for
persuade you to make a payment. use in an emergency.
behaviour, the psychology of
‘These fraudsters are very sophisticated,’
trust and our increasing reliance says Fourie. ‘They might play automated
on technology to poke holes in background music and might even pretend to
transfer your call to a fraud agent if you call Important security tips
personal protection measures. them back. Make sure you know who you are • FNB will never ask you to share
actually dealing with because people claiming your username, password or OTP
This is why FNB Private Wealth is invested to be phoning from the bank are not always One-Time PIN.
in empowering our clients by examining who they say they are.’
the latest fraud trends, so families and • Always know who you are
individuals are better equipped to work dealing with. People claiming to
Lost or stolen mobile devices
alongside us to protect hard-earned assets. be phoning from the bank might
The FNB App and online banking are both not actually be from the bank.
From expert investors to those opening their extremely secure channels, both of which • Immediately contact our
first bank account, anyone can be affected require password access. Sometimes clients 24/7 fraud line on
by fraud. With a recently reported increase unwittingly save these crucial banking 087 575 9444 to delink a lost
in more sophisticated phishing and smishing passwords on their mobile devices, in the or stolen device (including your
scams, in addition to long-established cloud or via their internet web browser. It is lost or stolen cellphone) or to
methods, it pays to be aware of how these for this reason that you should immediately report a fraudulent transaction.
criminals operate. contact FNB through the 24/7 fraud desk in
• Never save your banking
Since vigilance is such an essential tool in the event that your mobile or smart device is
passwords to your internet
ensuring you and your family do not fall lost or stolen. This will allow us to delink your
browser, device or in the cloud.
victim to fraud, let’s recap some of the lost or stolen device from your banking profile.
current methods being deployed. You can also rapidly delink any device from • Never open any suspicious email
your profile using online banking. attachments.
Phishing and smishing ‘If I can get access to your mobile device, then • Never click on any suspicious
I can get access to your life, your email, and links contained in an email
FNB recently alerted clients to an increase as well as WhatsApp where
so on. I can basically access any app for which
in phishing attempts. A type of cybercrime messages contain links or
you have stored passwords on the device,’
in which people are tricked into providing potentially false information.
explains Fourie. ‘It is also important to have a
sensitive information such as login credentials,
screen lock or PIN on your device.’ • Take the time to confirm
passwords, PINs, card details, or ID numbers
by using deceptive techniques such as fake account information when
Go virtual making large payments on
emails and websites, phishing is not new but is
becoming increasingly sophisticated. Similarly, an invoice emailed to you.
Connecting seamlessly to your existing
smishing, the use of text messages that appear Always confirm bank account
business accounts and allowing you to make
to be from reputable institutions is being used information directly with a
digital payments online, FNB Private Wealth’s
to trick people into disclosing the same kind of service provider on the phone
virtual card makes banking safer, thereby
information. before payments are made.
limiting incidents of fraud. It is simple, safe
and the CVV number changes hourly, making • Make informed choices
‘In recent cases, some consumers received
a virtual card more secure. Plus, you can regarding which email address
SMSs claiming that their bank requires them
create and manage multiple virtual cards at no to use, since some email
to urgently FICA by clicking on a link that takes
additional cost. services are not secure.
them to the fraudster’s platform, where their
information is then compromised,’ says Trish • Enable additional security-
Ramdhani, Head of Fraud at FNB Card. ‘The Protect yourself related features to protect your
technique now includes attempting to entice email account, such as two-
In addition to other fraud protection
the user to divulge both their card information factor authentication.
measures, FNB Private Wealth clients have
and the one-time password (OTP), which is • Perform frequent anti-virus and
access to Money Protect, a value-added
subsequently used to complete successful malware scans on your personal
service that helps you in the event of proven
transactions using smart devices.’ computer and mobile device,
card fraud (subject to a fraud investigation).
Never enter your login credentials, card This protection offers partial or full using software that is up to date.
number, OTP or CVV on such websites. Credible compensation against certain fraud losses • Use unique and strong
financial institutions will never ask you to initiated by a third party against a bank client, passwords. Don’t use one
click on links, Ramdhani says. When in doubt, up to a maximum limit as determined by your password for multiple profiles
contact the bank directly using the details type of account. and accounts.
provided on their verified platforms, not those
FNB takes fraud and the protection of our • Limit the amount of personal
provided in suspicious communication.
clients seriously, which is why we have a information that you publish
dedicated Security Centre on the FNB App. on social media and apply
The ‘fraud department’ phone call
You can use the Security Centre to report privacy settings where
In this popular scam, a fraudster gives you a fraud. It also contains additional information appropriate. Closely guard your
call. ‘I, the fraudster, tell you there’s fraud on and videos on how to protect yourself and personal information and login
your account,’ explains Ettienne Fourie, Head your information. credentials.
of Fraud Risk Management at FNB. ‘I convince FNB Private Wealth also offers a unique
you that I’m supposedly phoning from the functionality that enables you to hide your
bank. You, therefore, believe it’s FNB fraud accounts via the FNB App. This may protect
department. You compromise some of your you in the event that you are forced to unlock
details or process a transaction, giving them your phone and log into your banking app.
access to your profile.’ You can access this functionality via the app
The fraudster might give you a reference by going to ‘settings’, then choosing ‘visible
number to write down. They’ll tell you a accounts’ and select the accounts that you
few numbers, then tell you to add a dash want to display.
and then write down your banking password,

A division of FirstRand Bank Limited. An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20)

Disclaimer: The material is based on our specialists’ views in line with current market developments and is for informational purposes only. Information pertaining to specific products
or services offered by FirstRand Bank Ltd or any of its affiliates may furthermore be subject to specific terms and conditions, which terms and conditions are subject to change from
time to time.

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