RESUME IT Security Analyst

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Leverage Network Management background to design and manage IT security services
Skilled at security policy management including development and validation. Lead security implementation and management
projects, scoping and tracking to project completion
Track record of providing broad range of security services across multiple accounts and industries. Risk based analyst
exceptional at Violation tracking and Management, Patch Management and Security Compliance Checking.
Vulnerability Management | Security Policy Management | Patch Management |
Risk Management | Vulnerability Scanning | Compliance Management | Network Security

Current Certifications CISSP, SCP (Sniffer Certified Professional)
Platforms: Windows (9x, WinNT/2000, 2003, 2008, XP, vista, 7), UNIX (AIX, SunOS, Solaris,
BSD, Linux)
Languages: Java, SQL HTML, CSS, Ada, Lisp, Perl, JavaScript, C/C++, PHP, VBScript
Network Tools: TCP/IP, NNMP, OSPF, IGRP, EIGRP, VitalSuite, CiscoWorks
Databases and Tools: DB2, MySQL, Microsoft Project


IBM 20XX – 20XX

Security Analyst II
Provided security services for newly acquired accounts ensuring compliance, ready for production; interpreted / verified against
security documents; designed and configured security policies based on customer /contact requirements then used for health
checking servers. Scanned servers and remedied defects before certifying devices for production. Managed AIX systems used
to provide multiple services for security scanning.
 Led a project team that reduced manual effort and developed automated tools to complete daily functions which
successfully reduced workload by up to 3 hours per day.
 Conducted system risk analysis on over 40 security defects found during compliance checking. Determined exposure,
projected implications and potential costs and recommended countermeasures.
 Provided security policy configuration and testing services for a new account transition. Verified new devices brought
into production environment had zero defects and remained compliant.
 Conducted scheduled compliance checks verifying defects, mitigating and /or fixing security risk vulnerabilities, all
contributing to brand consistency and company reputation.
 Leveraged System / DB2 Administration expertise to support customer’s multiple security reporting and tracking
servers; reduced cost for account by eliminating the need to hire additional manpower hours.
 Coordinated Change / Issue Management for 6 accounts, approving / denying change to the environment and issued
change tickets that patched vulnerabilities found during compliance checking.


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Security Analyst I 20XX – 20XX
Managed vulnerability scans for 12 accounts with over 9,000 servers. Determined severity level for all findings and created
reports for customer review. Tracked high-level security finding until risk was mitigated through patching or countermeasures.
 Analysed vulnerability reports for both UNIX / Windows environments. Documented high-severity findings for
customer review and mitigation
 Composed patch reports for both UNIX / Windows servers, tracking high-alert patches until all devices in the
environment completed patch updates.
 Collaborated with support team of 45 to maintain 100% compliant posture, and to resolve all security findings before
due dates, successfully ensuring that all SLA requirements were met.
IT Consultant / IT Specialist 20XX -20XX
Provided project management, integration services and e-business solutions with focus on Telecommunications, Media and
Entertainment and Energy and Utilities industries. Partnered with key stakeholders to analyse network options, identify and
resolve possible network and security vulnerabilities.
 Leveraged network design and operational knowledge as part of team of 6 that developed new processes based on
industry ‘best practices’ – an organisational first.
 Successfully implemented new security processes by coordinating development of a project plan that used security
best practices and industry standards that ensured client’s network security.
 Tracked project progress by developing and proactively managing a project plan. Gained key stakeholder buy-in
based on thoroughness of the plan, successfully bring projects to fruition under budget and within often tight frames.


Network Management Specialist

Gained strong experience in Network Integration, implementation, support and monitoring, actively participating in projects
including the migration from a token-ring based infrastructure to an integrated Ethernet / Wireless Network infrastructure. Also
implemented VoIP for a campus consisting of 1,500 users.
 Seamlessly managed rollout of new higher level firewall to over 5000 users nationally over 3 week period, with zero
business interruptions.
 Improved proprietary vendor management system by identifying and plugging ‘security holes’, allowing company to
give 500 national vendors ability to directly access and enter change order requests for the system.


BS in Computer & Information Sciences & Support Services

Griffith University – Melbourne


Certifications: CCNA, CCDA, CCNP, CCDP, CISSP

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