Educ205 Reflection

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EDUC 203

Date: June 30, 2023

Instruction: Cite at least 3 important topics that you find interesting. Give your insights on
how this learning will be of help to you in making your research proposal or its practical
application in the workplace.
In learning the Philippine REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8980 "An Act Promulgating a
Comprehensive Policy and a National System for Early Childhood Care and Development
(ECCD), Providing Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes" can be helpful towards
making a research proposal or its practical application in my workplace. Knowing and
understanding the provisions of this Act can provide a foundation and framework for
research proposals related to early childhood care and development. It can also serve as
a guide for developing practical applications in the workplace, such as implementing
early childhood care and development programs and services. Furthermore, the Act
emphasizes the importance of partnerships among different stakeholders, such as the
government, private sector, civil society, and communities. This can inspire
collaboration and communication among these groups in creating and implementing
programs that support the development and well-being of young children. In addition,
the Act provides for the establishment of ECCD programs and services, including child
health and nutrition, early learning and development, social and emotional
development, and parent education and support. This can inspire practical applications,
such as the provision of comprehensive ECCD services in workplaces, schools, and
communities. Summing it all, learning and utilizing Philippine REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8980
can provide a solid foundation and framework for research proposals related to early
childhood care and development, as well as guide practical applications in the
workplace. This will serve as a big aid to teachers in creating or improving on the early
childhood care and development.
Moreover, learning EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 356 Renaming the Bureau of
Nonformal Education to the Bureau of Alternative Learning System (ALS) can provide
insights on how the Philippine government is addressing the issue of providing
education to marginalized and underserved sectors of society. Understanding the
purpose and key points of the Executive Order can help in making a research proposal
focused on analyzing the effectiveness of the ALS program in providing education to out-
of-school youths and adults, as well as identifying the challenges and opportunities in
implementing it. And, knowledge about the Executive Order can inspire practical
applications in the workplace, such as advocating for the provision of alternative
learning opportunities for employees who have not finished formal education, or
partnering with government agencies or non-government organizations to provide ALS
programs to communities. Being informed about the programs and policies related to
alternative learning can also be useful in assessing the potential impact and benefits of
incorporating ALS in existing educational programs and policies in the workplace.
Therefore, learning EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 356 can provide valuable insights on how
education is being addressed in the Philippines, and can guide research proposals and
practical applications in promoting access to quality education to marginalized and
underserved sectors of society.

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