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1) Introduction -Disagree (change to a neutral TS, only include TS in draft)

 Lot’s of hidden benefits of joining extracurricular
 Not only for the students, but also for the college

2) Help students release stress or boredom (Okay, but kaitkan lagi dengan uni prep)
 One of the main reason extracurricular exist
-Lot’s of activity or club exist to let students choose
-They can choose any activity they want so that they will enjoy the activity more
-The more they enjoy doing the activity that they like, the less the stress that is building up in
 Not too focus on study
-Help them to get distracted from the stress of being college students
-Homework, Assignments, Friendship problems and other problems too
-Too focus on studying can lead to depression which is not good
-Lots of student fall into depression because they don’t have a way to get rid of the stress that
they are facing

3) Not everyone think that extracurricular is a waste of time (Make this your final body
paragraph)(kaitkan dengan uni prep)
 There are some students that prefer to only focus on study
-They would prefer to not join any club because they think it will become a burden to them
to reach their goals
-This is the student’s preference and opinion and we cannot change that. If they don’t want to
join any clubs, that is their choices and no one should force it on someone
 Some students also prefer to join the activities
-They prefer to join any activity that the college have and held
-They took it as an opportunity for them to get away from the college life stressed
-It is like a relax or leisure time for them
-To them, it is part of enjoying the life in college

4) An opportunity for the athlete’s students (make this your 2nd body paragraph)
 It is an opportunity for the athlete’s students to shine in what they are best at
-For example, there are some students that didn’t stand out during their school life. They get
the second chance to stand out during their college life.
-They did not only get a second chance, but they also get to enjoy doing what they like
-If these athletes students join any tournament and they stand out, they could get sponsored to
get a scholarship for their further studies.

5) Conclusion – Joining extracurricular is not all that bad

 As you can see, there are lots of benefits of joining extracurricular at college
 Before we blurt out our opinion, we should always think about the consequences of our action
(This is all you need for the draft)
 We also need to think before we talk and talk only relevant things
 Not everyone has the same opinion as us and we also need to respect other people opinion
 Try to look on the brighter side of some things
 Like the saying goes ‘All’s well that ends well’ which means as long as the outcome is good,
problems on the way wont matter

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