Edexcel IAL Paper 1 1B Question Paper

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Edexcel International A

Question Paper
Generic A Level Resource:
Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855-1991

Paper 1: Depth Study with Interpretations

1B: Russia in Revolution, 1881-1917

The exam
Written examination: 2 hours
25% of the total qualification
50 marks

Assessment objectives
Assessment is based on the following objectives across the examination and Paper 1:

What do they % of %
mean? IAL Paper
AO1 Demonstrate, organise and Understanding 45 10
communicate knowledge and of period in
understanding to analyse and evaluate depth
the key features related to the periods
studied, making substantiated
judgements and exploring concepts, as
relevant, of cause, consequence,
change, continuity, similarity, difference
and significance
AO2 Analyse and evaluate appropriate Source skills 25 -
source material, primary and/or
contemporary to the period, within its
historical context
AO3 Analyse and evaluate, in relation to the Conclusions on 30 15
historical context, different ways in which different ways of
aspects of the past have been seeing the past
100% 25%

Keywords relevant to this paper

Context Wider knowledge from the time period in question
Explain Give reasons
Inference Read between the lines
Second-order Change, continuity, causation, consequence, significance,
concepts similarity and difference
Useful Can be used by a historian to answer a given question
Option 1B
Russia in Revolution, 1881-1917

You should spend 2 hours

25% of A Level
50 marks

Section A – Historians differ in their judgements…or Historians have different

(25 marks x 2)
• Answer TWO questions from a choice of four.
• Question targets understanding of period in depth [AO1].
• Question targets conclusions on different ways of seeing the past [AO3].
• The strongest answers will be focused on answering the question using the value of
interpretations and precisely selected knowledge about the historical context.
• Maximum 1 hour per question.
Option 1B
Russia in Revolution, 1881-1917

Answer TWO questions from a choice of four

Q1. Historians differ in their judgements about the reason for the rise of opposition
to tsarism in the years 1889-1903.

‘The economic and political ideas of Karl Marx were the most significant source of
revolutionary ideas in Russia in the years 1889-1903.’

Assess this view using your own knowledge of the issue.

Q2. Historians differ in their judgements about Stolypin’s impact on Russian life in
the years 1906-1911.

‘Stolypin improved Russian living conditions in the years 1906-1911.’

Assess this view using your own knowledge of the issue.

Q3. Historians have different explanations for the collapse of the Provisional
Government in 1917.

‘Kerensky lacked leadership as prime minister.’

Assess this view using your own knowledge of the issue.

Q4. Historians have different explanations for the collapse of the Russian autocracy
in 1917.

‘The influence of Tsarina Alexandra and Rasputin on Nicholas II angered the Duma.’

Assess this view using your own knowledge of the issue.

Chosen question
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4

(The real answer paper may require you to use separate pages)
(The real answer paper may require you to use separate pages)
Chosen question
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4

(The real answer paper may require you to use separate pages)
(The real answer paper may require you to use separate pages)
END OF SECTION A _________

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