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Lessons Learned Database

Lessons learned collected by Capital Effectiveness initiative – Technical Affairs and Projects Sector

Last updated: 29 April 2018


The Lessons Learned Database is a proprietary tool developed by the Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) to
capture all the situations that have impacted SWCC's project performance (whether positively or negatively).
Overview This tool should be used by all project teams to:
1) Summarize key insights related to their projects, and
2) Leverage Lessons Learned from current and/or completed projects to maximize project value

The sheet "Categories" includes the categories to which Lessons Learned belong to:
1) Capital Planning
2) Project Planning
3) Procurement & Contracting
4) Engineering
5) Construction
Categories 6) Testing & Commissioning
7) Handover & Closeout
8) Project Controls
9) Quality & HSSE
10) Team Effectiveness and Organization
11) Other
The categories, as well as sub-categories defined, can be modified and updated by SWCC when deemed necessary

The sheet "Lessons Learned Log" is a living document capturing SWCC's Lessons Learned from its capital projects.
For each new lesson learned, the Lessons Learned Responsible enters a new row, and fills the required data based on the
project's information.
The key inputs are described below:
1) Project Type defines the nature of the project: All (applicable for all types), Desalination, Pipeline, Reservoir, Housing, Other
2) Project Stage shows the current stage of the Stage Gate process (in which lessons are captured): Multiple (applicable
across several stages), Select (Initial Planning), Define (Detailed planning and tender for execution), Execute (incl. testing and
commissioning), Handover & Closeout
3) Category is the group to which the lesson learned belongs to (defined in the sheet "Categories")
Lessons Learned Log
4) Sub-category is the sub-group to which the lesson learned belongs to (defined in the sheet "Categories")
5) Description of the Situation should be written in a crisp and concise manner with sufficient information to enable a new
reader to understand the lesson
6) Impact of the Situation refers to either negative effect or an opportunity and includes Cost Impact, Schedule Impact, Team
Impact etc. as appropriate
7) Lessons Learned provides guidance to the reader on the recommended actions to apply and to avoid in similar
8) Recommendations beyond Project's Scope presents the actions to be taken to address the lessons learned that are not
specific to the project (e.g. change procedure, change specifications)
Document ID No:
Page: 1 of 1
Lessons Learned Categories & Sub-Categories
Rev. No.: 0
Date of Issue:

Categories 01. Capital Planning 02. Project Planning 03. Procurement and Contracting 04. Engineering 05. Construction 06. Testing and Commissioning 07. Handover and Closeout 08. Project Controls 09. Quality and HSSE 10. Team Effectiveness and Organization 11. Other
0101. Five-year Capital Planning 0201. Stakeholder Engagement 0301. Contracting Strategy 0401. Cost & Budget Planning 0501. Contractor Management - Construction
0601. Testing 0701. Handover 0801. Reporting Management 0901. Quality Assurance & Quality Control 1001. Teamwork / Collaboration 1101. Equipment & Spare Parts
0202. Permitting Plan 0302. Prequalification of Tenderers 0402. Design Schedule 0502. Contractor Management - PMC 0602. Commissioning 0702. Closeout 0802. Risk Management 0902. Inspections 1002. Team Communication
0203. Project Scheduling 0303. Preparation and Issuance of Tender Documents
0403. Contractor Management - Engineering
0503. Resource Management 0803. Management of Change 0903. Health Requirements 1003. Technical Experience and Capabilities
0204. Cost & Budget Estimation 0304. Tender Evaluation 0404. Standards & Specifications 0504. Permits Issuance 0804. Cost & Budget Control 0904. Safety Requirements 1004. Management support
0305. Award and Contract Negotiation 0405. Value Improvement 0505. Technical Issues 0805. Project Schedule Control 0905. Security Requirements 1005. Decision making
0306. Vendor Management 0406. Design Review 0806. Document Management 0906. Environmental Requirements 1006. Team Satisfaction
0307. Defects & Warranties 0407. User Requirements 0807. Management of Claims 0907. HSSE Orientation & Training Plan 1007. Training
Document ID No:
Prepared by:
Lessons Learned Log
Rev. No.: 0
Date of Issue: 22-Feb-18

System/Equipment associated
ID Date Entered By Project Name Project Type Project Stage Category Sub-Category with the LL Description of the Situation Impact of the Situation Lessons Learned Applicability
(if applicable)
1. Identify potential delays resulting from long approval cycles
Departments/Personnel are not provided with
Team Effectiveness and 2. Communicate with relevant personnel early on to either
LL_0_1005_00001 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Decision making - sufficient delegated authority to manage their Unnecessary approval cycles Future Projects Only
Organization support in accelerating approvals or delegate authorities to the
project effectively
project level

Project activities are initiated without creating a

Team Effectiveness and Significant time is lost during project due 1. Invest in aligning project team from early stages, with clear
LL_0_1001_00002 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Teamwork / Collaboration - project team with clear responsibilities allocated Future Projects Only
Organization to unclear roles and responsibilities responsibilities defined for each team member
to each member

Team Effectiveness & Waste of time and effort to onboard new 1. Maintain continuity of personnel throughout project to
LL_0_1001_00003 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Teamwork / Collaboration - Project team is changed during project phases Future Projects Only
Organization people and transfer knowledge to them control cost and reduce interfaces

1. Ensure that each potential issue, irrespective of its

Risk register does not include project troubles in Avoidable cost overrun and/or delay
LL_0_0802_00004 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Project Controls Risk Management - likelihood and impact, is reported early on and addressed Future Projects Only
their early stages and/or quality issues
before it has the potential to develop further
1. Involve Procurement early on and identify risks related to
Risk register does not consider non-technical
Avoidable cost overrun and/or delay equipment supply and determine mitigation plans
LL_0_0802_00005 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Project Controls Risk Management - risks such as organizational and commercial Future Projects Only
and/or quality issues 2. Include appropriate contingencies for commercial and
organizational risks
"Positive" risk may not be leveraged in
Risk register does not capture "positive" risks
LL_0_0802_00006 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Project Controls Risk Management - similar situations on the project (and in 1. Include "positive" risks in the risk register Future Projects Only
future projects as well)
Deterministic approach is used in cost Deterministic calculations can lead to 1. Use probabilistic approach in cost estimates to mitigate
LL_0_0401_00007 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Engineering Cost & Budget Planning - Future Projects Only
estimations significant discrepancy with actual cost certain expectations
Execute (incl.
Management of Change (Variation Orders) is Actual schedule is not monitored against 1. Apply strict measures to track change in project schedule
LL_0_0803_00008 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Project Controls Management of Change - Future Projects Only
only linked to variations in cost and/or scope initially planned schedule resulting from Variation Orders
Project's planned schedule is not
Select (Initial Project's plan is not detailed enough and does 1. Ensure having a robust, resourced cascading project
LL_0_0805_00009 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Project Controls Project Schedule Control - realistic and does not take into account Future Projects Only
planning) not include multiple levels of activities schedule created by competent planners
all the required activities
Project schedule does not provide an adequate
Select (Initial Inability to have an accurate estimation 1. Include clearly defined milestones that allow accurate
LL_0_0805_00010 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Project Controls Project Schedule Control - number of milestones by which to measure Future Projects Only
planning) of project progress at all times calculation of project's progress
1. Build sufficient cost/schedule contingencies from day 1. For
example, monitor the vendor in more detail than usual to
Execute (incl.
Project includes new/unfamiliar Project endures significant cost overrun ensure construction will not be interrupted, and will meet
LL_0_0306_00011 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Procurement and Contracting Vendor Management - Future Projects Only
contractors/vendors and/or delay project's requirements
2. Conduct interviews with key staff to validate their skills and
1. Build sufficient schedule contingencies
Team Effectiveness and Technical Experience and Project includes a new project team that might
LL_0_1003_00012 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple - Project might endure significant delay 2. Provide close support and advise to the project team to Future Projects Only
Organization Capabilities not have sufficient experience
allow members to ramp up quickly
1. Build sufficient cost/schedule contingencies from day 1. For
Select (Initial Project involves significant first-of-a-kind Project endures significant cost overrun
LL_0_0306_00013 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Procurement and Contracting Vendor Management - example, collaborate closely with the vendor and align on Future Projects Only
planning) elements and/or delay
expectations early on
1. Do not decrease the contingency for the project until the
Select (Initial level of design is at a point where all impacts and changes
LL_0_0401_00014 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Engineering Cost & Budget Planning - Unrealistic contingency on cost estimations Underestimated project cost Future Projects Only
planning) have been identified and a mitigation solution has been
Select (Initial Unnecessary Variation Orders are
LL_0_0402_00015 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Engineering Design Schedule - Limited time allocated for FEED 1. Conduct a full-fledged FEED before starting detailed design Future Projects Only
planning) issued for changed items
Select (Initial Unnecessary Variation Orders are 1. Ensure detailed design is sufficiently mature before moving
LL_0_0406_00016 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Engineering Design Review - Limited time allocated for detailed design Future Projects Only
planning) issued for changed items in to construction
Execute (incl.
Key equipment is not available on site when 1. Plan all the necessary activities to ensure equipment's
LL_0_0805_00017 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Project Controls Project Schedule Control - Project schedule is delayed Future Projects Only
needed because of poor planning availability on site when needed

1. Conduct a thorough due diligence when outsourcing key

Execute (incl. Project Management is outsourced to a
Contracted PM company is not able to project management scopes to ensure that the resources
LL_0_0301_00018 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Procurement and Contracting Contracting Strategy - company without clear qualifications and Future Projects Only
manage the project properly provided have the right competencies and that the outsourced
commissionning) responsibilities defined
company has robust delivery processes to support the scope

Execute (incl. 1. Challenge contractor (and supervision consultant) for

Contractor Management - Approve changes suggested by contractor Avoidable variation orders lead to
LL_0_0501_00019 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Construction - changes during execution and assess the impacts these Future Projects Only
Construction without sufficient study unnecessary additional cost
commissionning) would have on the overall project plan
1. Lead a rigorous and centralized interface management with
different stakeholders (contractors, suppliers and consultant)
Team Effectiveness and Lack of alignment among different project
LL_0_1002_00020 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Team Communication - Project schedule is delayed to maintain delivery schedules Future Projects Only
Organization stakeholders
2. Invest in periodic facilitated review meetings throughout
project lifecycle
1. Prepare documents required for official permits in the early
Select (Initial Lack of alignment with authorities on official
LL_0_0504_00021 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Construction Permits Issuance - Project schedule is delayed construction stages and communicate with relevant Future Projects Only
planning) permits required during construction
authorities accordingly
1. Schedule team events/dinners to strengthen ties among
Team Effectiveness and Over-reliance on written information as basis of team members
LL_0_1002_00022 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Team Communication - Lack of communication Future Projects Only
Organization relationship 2. Clarify the communication approach as supportive, open,
honest, etc.
1. Involve O&M experts in the decision-making process during
Complicated handover to O&M at the design, construction and handover
LL_0_0407_00023 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Engineering User Requirements - Lack of alignment with O&M Future Projects Only
end of the construction phase 2. Schedule meetings with O&M to exchange views in all
project stages
Define (Detailed
planning and Preparation and Issuance of Tender Weak/ambiguous contract terms (e.g. include a Underestimated project cost and 1. Ensure that contract is detailed and covers all project
LL_0_0303_00024 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Procurement and Contracting - Future Projects Only
tender for Documents key project component as optional) schedule requirements

Execute (incl. 1. Ensure proper transparency of controls, clear accountability

Project budget exceeded and potentially
LL_0_0804_00025 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Project Controls Cost & Budget Control - Poor cost and budget controls and a meaningful audit trail of information to validate that the Future Projects Only
unsatisfactory performance
commissionning) reported level of progress reflect what's happening on site

Execute (incl. Project schedule delayed and potentially 1. Ensure proper transparency of controls, clear accountability
LL_0_0805_00026 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Project Controls Project Schedule Control - Poor scheduling controls budget exceeded and/or quality and a meaningful audit trail of information to validate that the Future Projects Only
commissionning) unsatisfactory reported level of progress reflect what's happening on site

Project schedule is delayed and/or

budget exceeded. Delays result from 1. For every change, evaluate other alternatives (if applicable)
Team Effectiveness and Slow decision making by SWCC and delayed
LL_0_1005_00027 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Decision Making - prolonged approval time. Cost overruns before providing approval. Future Projects Only
Organization approvals provided to the contractor
result from contractor's costly 2. Provide approval within contracted time
suggestions that are approved
1. Allow sufficient time (from the early project stages) to
communicate and negotiate with land owners to ensure
Water 1) Potential change in major designs having the RoW on time (prior to construction).
Right of Way is a recurrent issue in multiple
LL_2_0201_00028 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA Transmission Multiple Project Planning Stakeholder Engagement - due to change in pipe route 2. Prepare a detailed route survey during the tendering Future Projects Only
pipeline projects
System 2) Project delay process
3. Involve SWCC's senior management to aceelerate the
process when needed
1. Staff engineers based on previous experience to maximize
Execute (incl. the value of their presence on the project
Team Effectiveness and Technical Experience and Insufficient/inexperienced staff assigned on Inability to conduct proper project
LL_0_1003_00029 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and - 2. Ensure appropriate staffing of all disciplines in Contractor's Future Projects Only
Organization Capabilities certain projects oversight
commissionning) project management, engineering management and
construction management.
1. Evaluate all technological options for desalination plants
Desalination technological options are not
Select (Initial Sub-optimal project overall value (low based on inputs from SDD, PED and O&M. Consider
LL_1_0404_00030 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA Desalination Plant Engineering Standards & Specifications - thoroughly evaluated to determine the optimal Future Projects Only
planning) efficiency and/or high cost) following dimension: 1) lifecycle cost, 2) efficiency and 3)
one for project requirements

Note: The Excel editable file is available with the Capital Effectiveness Team. For more info, please contact Page 4
1. Ensure that contractor is eligible to lead the construction
Execute (incl.
Preparation and Issuance of Tender Contractor couldn't fulfill his obligations as Ineffective project implementation phase. If pre-qualification criteria are not solid enough, include
LL_0_0303_00031 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Procurement and Contracting - Future Projects Only
Documents described in the contract jeopardizing quality and plan specific criteria in the tender that increase the likelihood of
project's success
Execute (incl. Each contractor presents a monthly report in his Difficulty/Prolonged time in
1. Prepare a standardized format for contractor's monthly
LL_0_0801_00032 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Project Controls Reporting Management - own format, with structure and content showing understanding and analyzing monthly Future Projects Only
reports with similar structure across projects of the same type
commissionning) significant differences reports
Execute (incl. Schedules are not standardized, with
Inability to track project progress 1. Prepare a standardized format for contractor's schedule
LL_0_0801_00033 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Project Controls Reporting Management - contractors submitting different types of forms, Future Projects Only
accurately with similar structure across projects of the same type
commissionning) and varying level of detail
1. Develop robust documentation that is relatively
Weak documentation from the Supervision High dependency on supervision
LL_0_0806_00034 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Project Controls Document Management - independent from consultant and contractor, with all internal Future Projects Only
Committee consultant
letters archived and maintained
Define (Detailed
planning and Project specifications are modified in many Waste of time and effort during 1. Adopt standard specifications to be applied across projects
LL_0_0404_00035 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Engineering Standards & Specifications - Future Projects Only
tender for projects tendering process of the same type
Execute (incl.
Inspections are not always documented with Evidence of effective quality assurance is
LL_0_0902_00036 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Quality and HSSE Inspections - 1. Document all inspections with pictures Future Projects Only
pictures missing
Handover & Spare parts are not always updated when Difficulty in matching spare parts to 1. Update list of spare parts if new/renovated equipment is
LL_0_1101_00037 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Other Equipment & Spare Parts - Future Projects Only
Closeout equipment is changed/renovated existing equipment utilized (to be handled by O&M and Procurement)
Define (Detailed 1. Align with PED on all project requirements, including a
Many rounds of discussions are
planning and Preparation and Issuance of Tender Preliminary Scope of Work (SoW) is not clear detailed shopping list
LL_0_0303_00038 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Procurement and Contracting - scheduled with tenderers to clarify the Future Projects Only
tender for Documents and comprehensive 2. Schedule workshops with tenderers to provide guidelines
execution) and align on key technical requirements
Ranges of the budget could be revealed
Select (Initial Budget is communicated to personnel that do 1. Apply strict measures on Supervision Consultant and
LL_0_0401_00039 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Engineering Cost & Budget Planning - to tenderers, which might increase their Future Projects Only
planning) not contribute to budget planning internal employees to ensure confidentiality
financial offers
1. Maintain soft copies of all documentation
Project overall progress is delayed and
LL_0_0806_00040 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Multiple Project Controls Document Management - Incomplete documentation recorded 2. Define an archiving methodology that provides easy access Future Projects Only
quality could be jeopardized
to documents
Select (Initial O&M equipment installation might face 1. Communicate with O&M to take their view on project
LL_0_0407_00041 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Engineering User Requirements - Project location is not easily accessible Future Projects Only
planning) serious hurdles location into consideration, before taking the final decision
Lack of understanding of project 1. Share SoW and all necessary documents with all the
Select (Initial SoW is not communicated properly to all project requirements leads to reduced project stakeholders that will have a role in the project
LL_0_0201_00042 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Project Planning Stakeholder Engagement - Future Projects Only
planning) stakeholders performance and inability to monitor 2. Communicate regularly with stakeholders to ensure a
activities appropriately thorough understanding of SoW

Execute (incl. 1. Project schedule follows the reviewed and approved SoW
Project bottlenecks resulting from dependency Project budget is exceeded (e.g. re-
LL_0_0401_00043 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Engineering Cost & Budget Planning - 2. Ensure that activities are planned in a way to reduce inter- Future Projects Only
among activities mobilization)
commissionning) dependency and minimize bottlenecks

Define (Detailed
Delay in receiving and evaluating bids, 1. Schedule 1 full day including a site visit and meetings with
planning and Preparation and Issuance of Tender Contractor requests multiple extensions,
LL_0_0303_00044 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Procurement and Contracting - resulting in delay in project awarding key personnel. Contractor shall prepare all the questions and Future Projects Only
tender for Documents meetings and site-visits
and initiation clarifications needed

1. Impose stringent payment terms with a potential penalty

clause applicable
Execute (incl.
Contractor Management - Contractor ends his commitment without Project does not fulfill the objectives 2. Ensure that contractor hires skilled staff during construction
LL_0_0501_00045 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Construction - Future Projects Only
Construction completing the SoW initially defined 3. Review contractor's history to identify strengths and
weaknesses during the bidding stage

1. Involve O&M early on to ensure their ability to operate the

The difficulty in achieving a full handover facility immediately after the handover
Handover & Contractor's support is needed during the
LL_0_0407_00046 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Engineering User Requirements - often leads to additional cost and is a 2. If O&M manuals prove to be insufficient to operate the Future Projects Only
Closeout warranty period
sign of poor project performance facility, include an on-the-job training and handover between
the contractor and O&M
1. Communicate all the activities related to testing with the
Execute (incl. relevant stakeholders to ensure availability of equipment at the
Delay in testing due to unavailability of required Project is delayed and incurs additional
LL_0_0601_00047 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Testing and Commissioning Testing - right time Future Projects Only
equipment cost
commissionning) 2. Plan for the technical and logistical requirements to be
available at the scheduled time for testing
1. Communicate all the activities related to commissioning
Execute (incl. with the relevant stakeholders, espacially the vendor, to
Delay in commissioning due to unavailability of Project is delayed and incurs additional
LL_0_0602_00048 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Testing and Commissioning Commissioning - ensure availability of equipment at the right time Future Projects Only
required equipment cost
commissionning) 2. Plan for the technical and logistical requirements to be
available at the scheduled time for commissioning
Execute (incl. Project relies heavily on vendor's 1. If possible, avoid reliance on sole-sourced vendors
Difficult communications with sole-sourced
LL_0_0306_00049 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Procurement and Contracting Vendor Management - commitment, which could impact the 2. If necessary, define an approach to maintain effective Future Projects Only
commissionning) schedule and quality communications
1. Schedule early meetings with stakeholders to align on
Select (Initial Engineering Design Review takes more time Project is delayed and quality of review is deliverables along with the corresponding deadlines
LL_0_0406_00050 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Engineering Design Review - Future Projects Only
planning) than planned not up to the standards 2. Agree on the internal deadlines to review the contractor's
Execute (incl.
Inspections are not conducted as planned to Project does not meet the quality 1. Prepare, review and approve the inspections' plan
LL_0_0902_00051 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Quality and HSSE Inspections - Future Projects Only
accelerate project progress requirements 2. Ensure that qualified personnel leads the inspections
Execute (incl.
QA/QC is not conducted as planned to Project does not meet the quality 1. Prepare, review and approve the QA/QC plan
LL_0_0901_00052 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Quality and HSSE Quality Assurance & Quality Control - Future Projects Only
accelerate project progress requirements 2. Ensure that a qualified personnel leads the QA/QC team
Define (Detailed
1. Build on contractor's previous bidding evaluation report(s)
planning and For contractors who submit bids for different
LL_0_0304_00053 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Procurement and Contracting Tender Evaluation - Waste of time and effort (if applicable) to develop the bidding evaluation report for a to- Future Projects Only
tender for projects, the evaluation is done repeatedly
be-awarded project
1. Conduct a structured site visit as part of the scoping
Select (Initial Contractor Management - Site conditions are reported inaccurately or Project will be delayed due to eventual exercise
LL_0_0403_00054 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Engineering - Future Projects Only
planning) Engineering incompletely in the SoW changes in the SoW 2. Communicate potential SoW changes to the contractor as
early as possible to minimize delay
1. Inform as early as possible external stakeholders of their
role and the support required from their side to complete the
Select (Initial Lack of communication with external Project faces slow progress due to lack
LL_0_0201_00055 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Project Planning Stakeholder Engagement - project Future Projects Only
planning) stakeholders (Aramco, NWC, SEC, etc.) of alignment
2. Schedule alignment meetings to agree on next steps
needed from each side
1. Ensure having a clear cost and schedule plan that enables
Project is not executed according to
a detailed monitoring of the project's activities
Execute (incl. plan. For example, project could be
Contractor Management - Control over contractor's work is not done 2. Follow-up and measure contractor's activities on a regular
LL_0_0501_00056 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Construction - delayed, the HSSE plan not completed, Future Projects Only
Construction properly basis
commissionning) QA/QC deliverables not submitted on
3. Conduct weekly meetings to align on current situation, risks
time, etc.
and next steps
Execute (incl.
Contractor Management - 1. Request the contractor to prepare a mobilization plan
LL_0_0501_00057 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All testing and Construction - Delay in site's logistical preparation Project is delayed Future Projects Only
Construction following the contract award
Handover & O&M trainings are not provided at the right 1. Schedule trainings prior to pre-
LL_0_0701_00058 15-Feb-18 Capital Effectiveness team NA All Handover and Closeout Handover - Project handover to O&M is delayed Future Projects Only
Closeout timing commissioning/commissioning activities
Define (Detailed
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power More effort shall be given to the quality and the alignment of
planning and Preparation and Issuance of Tender The contract contains a large number of
LL_1_0303_00059 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting - the spec. General requirements for the complete plant shall Future Projects Only
tender for Documents redundancies and contradictions
Team Plant - Phase 1 be always identical.
The requirements regarding efficiency,
Define (Detailed The specs shall be written by experts in the field of technology
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power emissions and applicable technologies
planning and Preparation and Issuance of Tender and reviewed by a committee. The review process will slow
LL_1_0303_00060 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting - (especially on the power plant specs) are much Future Projects Only
tender for Documents down the process a bit; it will allow however a better alignment
Team Plant - Phase 1 more advanced than the one applied in the
execution) and quality improvement.
1. In order to allow for a fast start of the engineering, the
interfaces require an extensive documentation. The interfaces
shall be frozen prior to contract signing
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power
Select (Initial The interfaces between the different packages 2. For a power & desal plant, it is recommended to have one
LL_1_0806_00061 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Project Controls Document Management - Slow progress and lack of alignment Future Projects Only
planning) are open to interpretation EPC contractor for both packages. This will have a significant
Team Plant - Phase 1
impact on the schedule and alignment of technologies and
suppliers (DCS, fire fighting, valve/pump selection). O&M of
the plant will be significantly improved

Note: The Excel editable file is available with the Capital Effectiveness Team. For more info, please contact Page 5
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power It would save a lot of time and money if some items are not
Select (Initial Many items have detailed specifications, but
LL_1_0404_00062 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Engineering Standards & Specifications - Waste of time and money described very detailed and left to the EPC contractors Future Projects Only
planning) others again very coarse
Team Plant - Phase 1 standard

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power

Select (Initial The norms and standards are a mix of
LL_1_0404_00063 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Engineering Standards & Specifications - Ensure that all applicable norms are aligned Future Projects Only
planning) European, American and Saudi standards
Team Plant - Phase 1

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. The EPC contractor of the P-Package has split
Contractor Management - The EPC contractor should limit\ the split of engineering and
LL_1_0501_00064 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction - the whole contract in packages but failed to Future Projects Only
Construction vendor packages and assures a plant integration
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) have a sufficient plant integration

The preferred contractor set-up is a consortium with one lead.

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
Contractor Management - P-Package EPC contractor is a Joint Venture Before starting the project a clear division of responsibility
LL_1_0501_00065 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction - Future Projects Only
Construction without clear division of responsibilities between the consortium partners shall be presented and
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)
agreed on

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. The Project Quality of an EPC contractor and main vendors
P-Package EPC contractor has large
LL_1_0901_00066 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Quality and HSSE Quality Assurance & Quality Control - should be done by a third party, who can baseline the Future Projects Only
deficiencies in quality standards and experience
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) experience and focus on quality against industry standards

Define (Detailed
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power
planning and The selection criteria should include quality, scope and risk
LL_1_0304_00067 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting Tender Evaluation - P-Package EPC contractor is selected on price Future Projects Only
tender for assessment
Team Plant - Phase 1

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. The 380 kV substation shall be ordered before or together
The critical path is influenced by the 380 kV
LL_1_0505_00068 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - with the power plant package, and should be part of the power Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) package

1. Optimize specifications to minimize the number of TSPCs

required during execution
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Decision delays in basic design 2. TSPC should be dealt with in a rapid manner in order to
LL_1_0803_00069 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Project Controls Management of Change - The TSPC and VO process was very slow concepts, additional design iterations give the contractor direction, especially during the basic Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) and changes in SoW design phase
3. VOs should be examined and the decision communicated
to the contractor as soon as possible
SWCC should appoint a liaison engineer to enhance
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
Contractor Management - The contractor of one package had a liaison communication and focus on the most critical and urgent
LL_1_0501_00070 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction - Future Projects Only
Construction engineer, while the other didn't items. This could be someone from SWCC or from the
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. The contractor of the P-package was always EPC contractor shall present his activity-based planning,
Setting unrealistic milestones is
LL_1_0805_00071 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Project Controls Project Schedule Control - pushed to agree on milestones, with a top-down which shall be analyzed and optimized to agree on realistic Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) planning milestones

The Liaison office of the consultant should be close to the

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
Team Effectiveness and technical committee office, or even better share the office with
LL_1_1002_00072 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Team Communication - Liaison office was in Riyadh Future Projects Only
Organization the technical committee in order to benefit from synergies and
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)
save costs

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. A senior QA/QC manager shall be appointed to be
Contractor Management - QA/QC is in the responsibility of contractors, but
LL_1_0501_00073 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction - responsible for the procedures from day 1, as this impacts the Future Projects Only
Construction is not being considered sufficiently
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) entire progress and quality of the project

Define (Detailed
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Reference is made to Article 9 of the law for This reference article is out of date and does not align with
planning and Preparation and Issuance of Tender
LL_1_0303_00074 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting - Securing the Purchases of the Government and Royal Decree No. M/58 of the MoFA decision No. 362 as Future Projects Only
tender for Documents
Team Plant - Phase 1 the Implementation of its Projects and Works stated in the contract. Details should be updated

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. P-Package contractor never had a reliable Before starting the engineering, the contractor shall submit a
LL_1_0806_00075 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Project Controls Document Management - Master Document List (MDL) because he MDL for both the basic and detailed design. The quality of the Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) divides the engineering in packages MDL should improve in the course of the project

P-Package contractor split the whole The contractor should propose in the tender phase the
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power engineering up in packages resulting in scope activities to execute the engineering, responsibilities and
Select (Initial
LL_1_0301_00076 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting Contracting Strategy - gaps and interface issues within the scope of allocation of work. Furthermore a clear Work Breakdown Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 the P-Package. He failed to show a Work Structure shall be shown to specify the engineering lots and to
Breakdown Structure identify possible scope gaps
P-Package contractor never followed standard
engineering procedures. Basic design was not
Before passing Gate Reviews, the contractor is not allowed to
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power completed before starting detailed design.
Select (Initial go the next stage. These gate reviews could be:
LL_1_0406_00077 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Engineering Design Review - Procurement was done before the basic design Future Projects Only
planning) These Reviews would result in actions, which could be tracked
Team Plant - Phase 1 freeze and long lead items were ordered before
in the next phase.
the concepts were frozen. Therefore reverse
engineering was required.
A high number of DRM’s and Project Interface Meetings (if
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. No Design Review Meetings (DRM) were
Contractor Management - more than one EPC contractor) are required and need to be
LL_1_0501_00078 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction - scheduled in the contract; only Engineering Future Projects Only
Construction planned in during the start-up of the project (1st 12 to 18
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) Management Meetings (EMM)
Define (Detailed
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power
planning and Preparation and Issuance of Tender P-Package contractor has no experienced The integration of the engineering management in the overall
LL_1_0303_00079 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting - Future Projects Only
tender for Documents engineering management structure shall be shown in the tender phase.
Team Plant - Phase 1
The engineering quality shall be in the focus during the
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. P-Package contractor submits engineering with prequalification phase, since this can make and break a
Contractor Management -
LL_1_0501_00080 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction - a very low quality impacting the schedule and project. If there is only a limited confidence in the EPC Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) construction contractor to deliver high quality engineering, he should be
forced to use an engineer of record

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. A joined documentation management system between the
The contractor used to send all design
LL_1_0806_00081 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Project Controls Document Management - contractor, owner and consultant is improving the document Future Projects Only
documents and letters by emails
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) flow

P-Package split the whole manufacturing up in The integration of the vendor packages shall be assured. The
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
small packages, resulting in scope gaps and Project Quality of the main vendors shall be done by a 3d
LL_1_0306_00082 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Procurement and Contracting Vendor Management - Future Projects Only
interface issues in the scope of the P-Package. party. Furthermore, a clear work breakdown schedule shall be
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)
Also no Work Breakdown Schedule is available presented after the concept review phase

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. P-Package contractor procured the majority of
The contractor should only procure the components only after
LL_1_0306_00083 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Procurement and Contracting Vendor Management - the components before the basic engineering Future Projects Only
the basic design has been completed.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) has been completed

SWCC should have a list of prequalified vendors; the

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power contractor shall only use vendors from this list. In each
Select (Initial Vendors have been pre-qualified only after the
LL_1_0302_00084 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting Prequalification of Tenderers - project, there should be a limited number of exceptions to this Future Projects Only
planning) contractors have submitted their proposals
Team Plant - Phase 1 rule. All vendors should be known at the completion of the
basic design data phase

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) of a number of FAT shall be done after the detailed engineering has been
LL_1_0901_00085 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Quality and HSSE Quality Assurance & Quality Control - systems for the P-Package have been done completed. FAT of the main equipment shall be supervised by Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) before the detailed engineering is completed. the O/OE to make sure the I&T plans are implemented

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Construction has been stopped on site on a
The cash flow of the contractor should be robust to allow
LL_1_0306_00086 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Procurement and Contracting Vendor Management - number of occasions due to non-payments to Future Projects Only
payments to vendors
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) vendors

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. The construction of the P-package is more The construction schedule should reflect the critical path and
LL_1_0805_00087 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Project Controls Project Schedule Control - focused on showing progress and milestone the resources shall be allocated to the construction Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) payments than the critical path activities/areas impacting the critical path

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

Contractor Management - A lot of material is on site without FAT , The engineering (IFC) and procurement documentation (FAT)
LL_1_0501_00088 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction - Future Projects Only
Construction shipment release and even IFC documentation shall be completed prior to construction
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power

Select (Initial HAZOP study and Analysis Report is not This important part of the contract is to be completed along
LL_1_0903_00089 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Quality and HSSE Health Requirements - Future Projects Only
planning) completed with basic system design within one year of contract award
Team Plant - Phase 1

Note: The Excel editable file is available with the Capital Effectiveness Team. For more info, please contact Page 6
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power
Select (Initial HAZOP study and Analysis Report is not This important part of the contract is to be completed along
LL_1_0904_00090 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Quality and HSSE Safety Requirements - Future Projects Only
planning) completed with basic system design within one year of contract award
Team Plant - Phase 1

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power

Select (Initial HAZOP study and Analysis Report is not This important part of the contract is to be completed along
LL_1_0905_00091 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Quality and HSSE Security Requirements - Future Projects Only
planning) completed with basic system design within one year of contract award
Team Plant - Phase 1

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power

Select (Initial HAZOP study and Analysis Report is not This important part of the contract is to be completed along
LL_1_0906_00092 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Quality and HSSE Environmental Requirements - Future Projects Only
planning) completed with basic system design within one year of contract award
Team Plant - Phase 1

The guaranteed completion date shall ensure:

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power
Select (Initial Each section of the Contract has its own 1. Individual PAC Documentation
LL_1_0301_00093 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting Contracting Strategy - Future Projects Only
planning) guaranteed completion date 2. Penalties for Delay
Team Plant - Phase 1
3. Release of deferred monies

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power It would be ideal to award the EPC contract for both Power
Select (Initial 2 different EPC Contracts were assigned for
LL_1_0305_00094 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting Award and Contract Negotiation - and Desalination to a single EPC contractor/consortium to Future Projects Only
planning) Power and Desalination Packages
Team Plant - Phase 1 avoid delays and confusion due to interface issues.

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power

Select (Initial The Tank Farm contract was awarded to a Product water Tank farm should be part of the Desalination
LL_1_0305_00095 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting Award and Contract Negotiation - Future Projects Only
planning) Pipeline Contractor Package
Team Plant - Phase 1

Considering the Plant capacities, individual utility systems

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Utilities such as Air Compressor System. Closed
should be decentralized. That is provision for independent
LL_1_0505_00096 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Circuit Cooling Water System, Chilled Water for Future Projects Only
utilities shall be provided for each package to prevent
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) HVAC are under Package P
implementation of temporary measures.

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

Preparation and Issuance of Tender This should be the responsibility of the Consultant Preparing
LL_1_0303_00097 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Procurement and Contracting - Plant Optimization is left to the EPC Contractors Future Projects Only
Documents the Tender Documents
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Contract does not define the number of power Clear definition shall be available in the contract regarding the
LL_1_0505_00098 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - blocks or the number of evaporators to be size and number of Power Blocks and Number of MSF Units Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) supplied clearly. based on availability in the market.

During tender evaluation, major interfaces shall be fixed with

defined coordinates in order to prevent later claims and delay.
Define (Detailed Following interfaces are to be defined early:
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power
planning and Preparation and Issuance of Tender Tender documents include a list of Interfaces 1. Condensate return pressure
LL_1_0303_00099 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting - Future Projects Only
tender for Documents without defined coordinates or parameters 2. LP/IP /Condensate route
Team Plant - Phase 1
execution) 3. Electric power supply (redundant concept)
4. Incoming power cable route
5. Fire Fighting design
Define (Detailed
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power DCS & PLC, Fire Fighting System, Vibration During evaluation of tender, the sub-supplier for these items
planning and
LL_1_0304_00100 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting Tender Evaluation - Monitoring do not follow same standards shall be contacted to ensure design standardization between Future Projects Only
tender for
Team Plant - Phase 1 between the 2 packages the Packages
Define (Detailed
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power
planning and Plant and Equipment Numbering System is not The Numbering System shall be aligned between the
LL_1_0304_00101 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting Tender Evaluation - Future Projects Only
tender for identical between the 2 packages Packages during tender evaluation
Team Plant - Phase 1

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Design of all major equipment for the Project shall be verified
Issues with equipment (e.g. Brine Recycle
LL_1_0505_00102 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - thoroughly by the Consultant or third Party. All equipment Future Projects Only
Pumps, Energy Recovery Device)
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) shall have proven record of reliability.

In spite of clear definitions and detailed

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power examples in contract documents, Power The importance of OMIM & As Built documentation should be
Handover &
LL_1_0701_00103 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Handover and Closeout Handover - Package Contractor is unable to submit OMIM made clear to the EPC Contractors during tender clarification Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 documents & As Built documents in the or early stages of site handover. (e.g. Kick off Meeting)
required quality.

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power

Select (Initial Preparation and Issuance of Tender Tender documents specifies that Power Plant The Saudi Arabian Grid Code requirements shall be part of
LL_1_0303_00104 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant Procurement and Contracting - Future Projects Only
planning) Documents should comply with Grid Code the Contract documents
Team Plant - Phase 1

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. In the critical construction phase the number of experienced
The number of inspectors and engineers is not
LL_1_0902_00105 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Quality and HSSE Inspections - inspectors and engineers shall be adequate to deal with the Future Projects Only
sufficient for the critical stages of the project
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) construction inspections and as built drawings

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. The technical committee is very lean and lacks The number of engineers of the owner shall be increased and
Team Effectiveness and Technical Experience and
LL_1_1003_00106 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and - experience in construction. They mainly come shall have the required experience in similar construction Future Projects Only
Organization Capabilities
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) from the O&M field projects.

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Fencing and gate shall be established at the beginning of the
Fence and security of the site was very late and
LL_1_0904_00107 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Quality and HSSE Safety Requirements - project. An electronic access system shall be established with Future Projects Only
security is still not fully automated
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) a security team, which is actually functioning

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

Proper access road was not available for the first Access road to the project site shall be completed before the
LL_1_0505_00108 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
year of the project first equipment arrives on site
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Contractor should not be allowed to ship the material without
Contractor Management - Major costly equipment are imported and
LL_1_0501_00109 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction - FAT and shipment clearance or ahead of scheduled erection Future Projects Only
Construction delivered to site early in the project.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) date.

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00110 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Different Voltage standard Standardize the level of voltage Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00111 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - 3 winding for the unit AUX transformer 2 winding Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00112 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - No Generator CB for ST It should be implemented Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00113 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Water cool for chiller plant Air cool for chiller plant Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00114 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Centralized chiller plant Segregated Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00115 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Centralized instrument plant Segregated instrument plant Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Proper separation of cables and the fill % are based in project

specs and standards. For current time where KPI concerns,
1. No proper separation of cables having adequate and systematic labelling will decrease down
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
2. Overfilled conduits and cable trays time of maintenance troubleshooting. It is been practice in
LL_1_0505_00116 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
3. Origin & destination information in wire several industrial facilities in Saudi and other international
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)
marker countries of having the “origin/destination” or “from/to”
information in wire marker and it can provide easy
understanding of either I&C or electrical circuits

Although contractor scope is EPC and clauses under the

Not clearly specify in interfacing details/annexes
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. General Project Requirement state that it is contractor
Team Effectiveness and the tie-in point and scope of telecommunication
LL_1_1001_00117 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Teamwork / Collaboration - obligation to optimize the interface requirement, it will be Future Projects Only
Organization between the plant EPC contractor and the
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) better in future to specify the details in the annex to enable
Telecom Service Provider (e.g. STC)
contractor clearly see it’s under their contract obligation.

Note: The Excel editable file is available with the Capital Effectiveness Team. For more info, please contact Page 7
No detail approached on Smoke Control
System, its operation and interface requirement
with the Fire & Gas Detection and Alarm
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
System. No Firefighters Smoke Control Station Future buildings HVAC design needs to comply as per IBC,
LL_1_0904_00118 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Quality and HSSE Safety Requirements - Future Projects Only
detail in specification in all buildings where as NFPA101, NFPA90A and NFPA92A and NFPA72.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)
automatic smoke venting requirement indicated
in specification. Safe means to manual &
override operation is not considered

Accessibility requirement to applicable I&C

components is clearly point out in specifications
but due to poor plan, design and site Cables shall be suitable to the environment in all weather
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. coordination many junction boxes, Local conditions, cable specifications must withstand the climate
LL_1_0904_00119 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Quality and HSSE Safety Requirements - Instrument Panel (LIP) and instruments. Fuel condition of desert type especially if Installed in outdoor. Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) Gas Receiving Station (FGRS) and Gas Turbine Explosion proof requirement shall be unified and access
Enclosure are of the same Hazardous Requirement shall be more emphasize on specific details
Classification but only FGRS JB’s are explosion
proof and intrinsically safe certified
Currently, CO2 system is being utilized as Due to toxicity or hazard content of CO2, the automatic
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
Automatic Extinguishing System either in extinguishing system needs to improve to a better type such
LL_1_0904_00120 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Quality and HSSE Safety Requirements - Future Projects Only
buildings with or without occupants and CO2 is as “Clean Agent” or other safer system and corresponding
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)
toxic gas. detection must be provided as well

Due to increasing responsibility of Communication System in

plant operation, proper planning, designing and construction
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. approach shall be considered such as separation from other
Team Effectiveness and No broad details on the Communication
LL_1_1002_00121 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Team Communication - plant utilities like process control & instrumentation cables Future Projects Only
Organization Systems scope
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) and electrical cables. Considering international standards and
codes (such as NESC, NEC, ANSI/TIA/EIA, EN, BICSI, etc.)
related to latest trend in Communication System

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00122 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Open intake Curved intake Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00123 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Wave breaker for seawater intake To be provided Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00124 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - One channel/common bay for seawater intake Divided bays Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00125 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Micro silica concrete Use GGBS Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00126 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Coated rebars Black rebars Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00127 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Compressed wood for raised floor Cement / metal composite for raised floor Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00128 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - No canopy for external doors Canopy shall be implemented for external doors Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00129 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Steel door thickness: 4mm Steel door thickness: 2 mm Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

Plant datum: Plant +3 , pumping station +6 Ain
LL_1_0505_00130 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Plant datum should be leveled Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00131 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Conflict in color codes Standardized color codes Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00132 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Access roads not included Access roads to be included Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00133 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Sky light not used Sky light to be used Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00134 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Cable cellar not specified Cable cellar to be above ground Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00135 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Strom channel not specified Storm channel to be open Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00136 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Floor coating using epoxy Floor coating: Hard top self leveling coated Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

Asphalt: Binder course 60 mm; Wearing course
LL_1_0505_00137 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Asphalt: Binder course 80 mm; Wearing course 60 mm Future Projects Only
40 mm
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00138 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Intake: open cover Cover shall be provided shaded Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00139 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Switch gear Building height is 7.1 m This is too high, 5.5 meter should be sufficient Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Steel structure coating: Galvanization or
LL_1_0505_00140 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - painting; Problem: Paint DFT is very thick and Either use galvanization or paint Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) will peel off

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00141 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Height of wooden doors is 2.6 m Standard is 2.2 m Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Design of common facilities such as Roads &

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
Road Lighting, Fences & Gates, Master Key Design for common facilities shall be coordinated and finalized
LL_1_0505_00142 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
System, HCIS Requirements, Storm Water
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)
Drainage etc.

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Seismic Importance Factor: Occupancy As per latest code (ASCE-2010) The Importance Factor for
LL_1_0505_00143 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Category 3, Importance Factor 1 based on UBC Power Plant is 1.25. This IF is to be applied for all Power Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) (i.e. IF=1.00) Plant Buildings

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

The Fire Fighting Pump house is in the Scope of Fire Fighting Pump house shall be in the scope of
LL_1_0301_00144 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Procurement and Contracting Contracting Strategy - Future Projects Only
Power Package Desalination Package in order to minimize interference.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Note: The Excel editable file is available with the Capital Effectiveness Team. For more info, please contact Page 8
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
Piping material for Fire Fighting is Carbon steel Piping material for the fire Fighting ring main shall be GRE
LL_1_0505_00145 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
with Galvanizing and the piping can be underground to minimize interference.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

Ball cleaning system was provided for Heat Ball cleaning system of Heat Rejection Stage is not required
LL_1_0505_00146 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
Rejection Stage of MSF considering titanium tube material.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

RAK specification require Semi-Gantry Crane in Mobile Crane should be sufficient. Access way for the mobile
LL_1_0505_00147 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
MSF Area. crane should be provided.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Pump Seal Design: Gland Packing

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
Seal leakage from split type is higher than cartridge type.
LL_1_0505_00148 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Pump design: Mechanical seal Split Type Future Projects Only
From cost and practicality view Gland Packing is
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Local direct expansion type air conditioning can be installed at
Center Chilled Water Facility (HVAC building) is
LL_1_0505_00149 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - each building in order to optimize the facility for air Future Projects Only
in Power Package Scope
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) conditioning.

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Temperature does not affect the operation of equipment
Train Section of the RO Building shall be air-
LL_1_0505_00150 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - (membrane) installed in RO Building, so air-conditioning is not Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) necessary. Ventilation system is sufficient

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. In order to eliminate flooding risk and provide ease of
The discharge headers for seawater supply
LL_1_0505_00151 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - maintenance of the pump , the pump discharge shall be Future Projects Only
pumps are to be laid underground
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) above ground

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Each Power Block will have its own dedicated Specification change involved provision for one centralized
LL_1_0404_00152 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Engineering Standards & Specifications - Closed Circuit Cooling Water System plus one common Closed Circuit Cooling Water System for all common Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) common CCCW system (TSPC-P-QD70-M-104) auxiliaries and the Desalination Plant
A Common Header and DM water distribution to Power Block
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. DM Water Distribution: 14 Make Up Pumps fed by 5x25% make up water pumps all consumers. No pump
LL_1_0404_00153 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Engineering Standards & Specifications - (2x100%) for each Power Block plus 2x100 % required for Desalination Plants. Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) for Desalination Plants (TSPC-P-QD70-M-084) Higher redundancy and significant reduction of power
consumption during normal operation.
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. The Specification of the flow modulating Gas Bypass Damper
Gas Bypass Damper: As per Contract it was a
LL_1_0404_00154 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Engineering Standards & Specifications - was changed to Open/Close . Exhaust gas temperature is Future Projects Only
flow modulating Damper (TSPC-P-QD70-G-064)
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) now being controlled by the Gas Turbine Control system .
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Gas station is located near the Power Plant and
As far as possible both should be nearer to Power Plant. GIS
LL_1_0505_00155 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - GIS (380kV Substation) is away from Power Future Projects Only
is to be closer to the Plant
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) Plant

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

Fuel gas supply line does not have high speed High speed motorized isolation (double isolation) valves are
LL_1_0505_00156 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
motorized isolation valve required on the supply line.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

No Gas Flow meter is available on the common Gas Flow meter is to be incorporated in the common supply
LL_1_0505_00157 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
supply line. line with bypass valve.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. No common filtration system or moisture
Required redundant filtration and moisture separation system
LL_1_0505_00158 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - separator is available on the common gas Future Projects Only
for the common header at Plant area.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) supply line at Plant side.

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

No scraping facility at common gas supply line Scraping facility (Pig receiving facility) to be extended from
LL_1_0505_00159 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
extended up to the Plant. source up to the Plant limit.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

No purging facility is provided for the common
LL_1_0505_00160 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Suitable purging facility to be incorporated . Future Projects Only
gas header.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

LL_1_0505_00161 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - No flare system is available for the Gas Stations Flare System to be provided at the Gas Stations. Future Projects Only
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. In Plant areas due to safety reasons above ground FG line
The Fuel Gas line is constructed above the
LL_1_0505_00162 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - should be avoided. Gas line may be routed through Future Projects Only
ground in Plant Area.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) underground trenches or buried.

Common header principle can be adopted. Two common

Fuel Gas Station each Block is having 4x100%
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. headers each catering 100% FG for all GTs with
ESD, 2x100 Water bath Heaters, 2x100%
LL_1_0505_00163 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - interconnection valves can be installed. Future Projects Only
Reducing Skids and 4 Gas Booster
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) Each header can have 3 sets of filters and moisture
separators (2 in operation and 1 stand by)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

Total 24 Fuel Gas Compressors are available for Maximum of 8 fuel Gas Compressors suitably designed and
LL_1_0505_00164 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
6 Power Blocks. connected to common header will be sufficient.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Seawater intake: Facility for segregation with
This facility needs to be incorporated in order to clean the
LL_1_0505_00165 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - dam-boards is not available at common bay after Future Projects Only
intake bay without any shutdown over a period of time.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) the travelling band screen

Two different HVAC Systems with interconnection facility shall

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
HVAC system: One Centralized Chilled Water be provided to increase the availability factor.
LL_1_0505_00166 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
System for all areas Switchgear Buildings shall have dedicated air cooled HVAC
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)
systems to reduce the load on the Chiller Plant.
High heat dissipated from the current location of the chiller
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
plant will affect the performance of nearby utility plants (e.g.
LL_1_0505_00167 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - HVAC system: Location of the Chiller Plant Future Projects Only
Instrument Air Compressor, Central Control Room, DM Plant
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)
Main condensate system: No provision is
Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl. Design improvement should enable automatic rejection of the
provided for condensate rejection from
LL_1_0505_00168 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - condensate from condensate extraction pump discharge in Future Projects Only
Condensate Extraction Pump (Dump
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning) case of condenser tube leaks.

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.

HRSG: Start up vent facility is not available at Start up vent facility with modulating motorized valve is to be
LL_1_0505_00169 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
Boiler outlet line. incorporated in the design of HRSG super-heater outlet line.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)

Desal Brine Heater Condensate Return Line:

Ras Al Khair Power and Ras Al Khair Power Execute (incl.
Manual rejection facility is not available at Power Facility for manual rejection of poor quality condensate should
LL_1_0505_00170 8-Apr-15 Desalination Plant Project and Desalination Desalination Plant testing and Construction Technical Issues - Future Projects Only
Plant side (for the condensate return from Brine be provided. too prevent contamination of feed water tank.
Team Plant - Phase 1 commissionning)
1. Allow sufficient time (from the early design stage) to
communicate and negotiate with land owners to ensure
Land acquisition is a recurrent issue in multiple 1) Potential change in major designs
LL_0_0201_00171 2-Jun-16 ILF Consulting Engineers NA All Multiple Project Planning Stakeholder Engagement - having the RoW on time (prior to construction). Future Projects Only
projects 2) Project delay
2. Involve SWCC's senior management to aceelerate the
process when needed
1. All interfaces shall be fixed prior to contract award,
especially the split of scope at pipeline endpoints between
Riyah-Ras Al Khair NWC (or other local water authorities) and SWCC as well as
Undefined or modified interfaces during project Unnecessary Variation Orders are power supply interface with SEC should be finalized during
LL_2_0803_00172 2-Jun-16 ILF Consulting Engineers Water Transmission Transmission Multiple Project Controls Management of Change - Future Projects Only
implementation issued the design phase.
System System
2. No options or alternatives should be included in the
specification. All items should be fixed as far as possible
during tender design to avoid room for discussions later.

1. For future design projects, include 30% safety and security

design (with HCIS approval) in Consultant's scope of work
Riyah-Ras Al Khair 2. For ongoing design projects, involve expert consultant
Select (Initial office and add security design with Addendum.
LL_2_0905_00173 2-Jun-16 ILF Consulting Engineers Water Transmission Transmission Quality and HSSE Security Requirements - Undefined security requirements
planning) 3. For projects under implementation, add safety and security
System System
design and implementation of requirements in Contractor's
scope as variation or award separate contract (ongoing for
example for YMWTS).

Note: The Excel editable file is available with the Capital Effectiveness Team. For more info, please contact Page 9
1. Experienced Engineering Manager overviews and
Riyah-Ras Al Khair Water Execute (incl. coordinates between Contractor and Designer
Contractor Management - Lack of coordination between EPC Contractor
LL_2_0501_00174 2-Jun-16 ILF Consulting Engineers Water Transmission Transmission testing and Construction - Designs might have quality issues 2. Continuity for staffing of key positions is vital (no change of
Construction and Designer
System System commissionning) these position throughout the project should be achieved -
respective penalties to be defined)

When the supervision Committee impulses top-down, actions

Water The current mentality of the parties involved in Difficulties to receive a high quality (e.g. Put in place workshops and open discussions to involve
Makkah Taif
LL_2_0402_00179 3-Apr-18 MTST Team Transmission Execute Project Planning Design Schedule - project execution for SWCC projects is not Project schedule and hence to follow a all the relevant parties in project planning, risks, etc...) the
Strategic Tanks
System focused on project planning realistic and implementable plan culture of all the parties can be changed (Contractor,
consultant, SWCC), and obtain world class results.

There is an impact in cost and time as

part of the project scope needs to be The land acquisition strategy and implementation should be
Water The execution team faces issues with the
Makkah Taif relocated to another plot. In addition a done in a much more detail during the pre-tender phase to
LL_2_0201_00180 3-Apr-18 MTST Team Transmission Define Project Planning Stakeholder Engagement - owners of the lands defined in the project to
Strategic Tanks part of the conceptual design needs to identify potential issues with all the different stakeholders
System locate the works
be redone duplicating the efforts and before tendering the EPC project
potential risk from the client
Two SWCC projects in TAIF are requiring two Having to request two different
Makkah Taif different Power Supply connections to SEC: connections (instead of one for both) Having a portfolio approach of projects in the future can save
LL_2_0402_00181 3-Apr-18 MTST Team Transmission Define Engineering Design Schedule -
Strategic Tanks -Taif Makkah Strategic Tanks represent a higher cost and resources costs and minimize the work and resources to the Firm
-Taif, Turbah, Raniah, Alkhurmah implication for SWCC
During the pre-qualification phase, SWCC should ensure the
The awarded EPC Contractor has no in-house Tenderers have all the capabilities required to execute the
Water Delays in the project due to the time
Makkah Taif capabilities to develop the detailed design as per project. If the Tenderer has no in-house capabilities it should
LL_2_0302_00182 3-Apr-18 MTST Team Transmission Define Procurement and Contracting Prequalification of Tenderers - taken to pre-qualify, hire and mobilize a
Strategic Tanks the Contract, and at the time of the award had prove agreement (joint venture, consortium) with third parties
System design Contractor for the project
not hire any designer to do the work yet. to ensure the capabilities are available to start at the signature
of the Contract.
Water The Project's Supervision Committee has no
Makkah Taif The lack of information creates confusion Some members of the supervision committee should be part
LL_2_0201_00183 3-Apr-18 MTST Team Transmission Define Project Planning Stakeholder Engagement - detailed information of the project nor
Strategic Tanks and delays in the project of the team involve in the select, deign and tender phases
System background when receiving the project
Water There is no accurate information on the The design and whole project is based SWCC should invest more time and resources during the
Makkah Taif
LL_2_0201_00184 3-Apr-18 MTST Team Transmission Define Project Planning Stakeholder Engagement - interfaces of the project, just a high-level on the interfaces' situation assumption design phase to detail the interfaces of the project to ensure
Strategic Tanks
System mention which are inaccurate the design is accurate and fit for purpose
Water The Specifications prepared for the project are Having a detailed and customized set of specifications for the
Makkah Taif Saves time and potential claims from the
LL_2_0402_00185 3-Apr-18 MTST Team Transmission Define Project Planning Design Schedule - very well defined and adapted to the Scope of projects result is time and resources saving as well a limits
Strategic Tanks Contractor
System Work of the project potential claims from the Contractor
Having a proactive approach (e.g.: organizing workshops,
Makkah Taif SWCC has hired a new Contractor that does not meetings, trainings, etc.) with the Contractors to help them
LL_2_0402_00186 3-Apr-18 MTST Team Transmission Execute Project Planning Design Schedule - Overall delays in the project execution
Strategic Tanks know the process of the firm and guide them to understand SWCC's methodology can
breach any initial gap of knowledge
Delays in submission of the design and An unofficial communication link between the
Makkah Taif The Contractor's site office has bad/low designs do not take into account Supervision/SWCC and designers Head office put in place
LL_2_0402_00187 3-Apr-18 MTST Team Transmission Execute Project Planning Design Schedule -
Strategic Tanks communication with the Designer Head office important comments from the (while keeping the official documentation channels) can
supervision team facilitate and expedite the delivery of the design
When resources are limited and obligations are high two good
Water The supervision Committee is light in resource The impact could be a limited
Makkah Taif Team Effectiveness and practices were implemented:
LL_2_1001_00188 3-Apr-18 MTST Team Transmission Execute Teamwork / Collaboration - and has to supervise three different Contracts supervision of the Contractors and low
Strategic Tanks Organization -Nomination of Acting chairman's for each project
System simultaneously final Quality of the delivered work
-Acting chairman reporting weekly to the Sup. Committee
1. Communicate with all stakeholders related to the project
Project Planning involves multiple stakeholders Time and efforts were saved during the
Water ahead of time to align on the requirements from all sides
that impact project progress (e.g. SEC, ADA, project because most of the key topics
LL_2_0201_00189 5-Mar-18 RNCF Team RNCF Transmission Define Project Planning Stakeholder Engagement - 2. Document the agreements, decisions and MoMs developed
MoT) with coordination prepared early on (1 year were agreed upon during the planning
System during meetings with the different parties to allow for a clear
was spent to align with stakeholders) phase

Water Bill of Quantity did not include a specific quantity Additional quantities resulting from 1. When preparing the BoQ, take contingencies into account
LL_2_0406_00190 5-Mar-18 RNCF Team RNCF Transmission Define Engineering Design Review - for each material, but provided a range of project unplanned issues were approved to avoid requesting approvals even for small additions in
System quantities without having rounds of approvals quantities

Standardization facilitates the pipe

Water 1. Reduce the number of variations in diameter and thickness
Only one size of diameter, one size of thickness, supplier's task as well as the
LL_2_0404_00191 5-Mar-18 RNCF Team RNCF Transmission Define Engineering Standards & Specifications - of pipes (maximize standardization) to find the right balance
etc. are specified for all the pipelines coordination with him. It also allows an
System between cost and ease of construction
easier execution
Project team prepared a Summer Plan to take
the necessary actions to accelerate the project
during summer. Project advanced quickly during summer 1. Prepare specific plans for periods when progress can be
LL_2_0805_00192 5-Mar-18 RNCF Team RNCF Transmission Execute Project Controls Project Schedule Control -
Summer season is a period when the (especially in crowded areas) accelerated, with activities detailed in a comprehensive way
construction can be pushed forward since roads
are less congested.

Water Project team prepared a Rain Plan to take 1. Prepare plans for periods when project progress is
Project delay was minimized during rainy
LL_2_0805_00193 5-Mar-18 RNCF Team RNCF Transmission Execute Project Controls Project Schedule Control - preventive and/or corrective actions during rainy expected to slow down to take all necessary preventive and/or
System days, as they might hinder the project's progress corrective actions

1. Ensure the liaison and coordination meetings are held with

the right people at the right level
Agreements with stakeholders made during the
Water Delays, reworks and additional 2. An initiatial top management level alignmnet may be
design phase were not honoured during the
LL_2_0201_00194 5-Mar-18 RNCF Team RNCF Transmission Execute Project Planning Stakeholder Engagement - alignment meetings required with the needed to agree the empowered people from both sides
construction phase due to later changes
System stakeholders to adapt to their changes 3. Ensure the stakeholder management and liaison with the
instakeholders plans (while MoM were signed).
differenet parties is continued to minimize changes and be
aware of them as soon as they are taking place
1. Shoring system design details should be submitted and
Water Shoring/protection system is not implemented Risks of trench collapse including
approved by consultant / SWCC
LL_2_0505_00195 5-Mar-18 RNCF Transmission Construction Technical Issues - properly to protect the wall trench from any putting at risk the health of the workers
2. Pre-qualify specialized sub-contractor to do the shoring
System collapse and integrity of the work
Unexpected pipes/cables found during 1. Pre-construction survey must be more detailed to avoid
Water The as-build plan received from the third parties
construction, causing disruption to the rerouting.
LL_2_0505_00196 5-Mar-18 RNCF Transmission Construction Technical Issues - (utilities) do not reflect the location of the
users and potential hazards to the 2.Do not rely on as-built data from third parties before carrying
System services.
workers a check out
1. Project split can be done in 2 packages, but one for
Water We do not have the best contractor in pipeline
The construction of the stations are pipelines and one for terminals. This way, project ensures
LL_2_0505_00197 5-Mar-18 RNCF Transmission Construction Technical Issues - laying and the bst contactor in station
delayed and lagging behind having 2 contractors, each one qualified for a specific type of
System construction
Delays, difficultiesand additional works
Size of pipeline is huge, especially that it required to implement the project 1. Insead of having 1 large 100'' pipeline, have 2 or 3
LL_2_0404_00198 5-Mar-18 RNCF Transmission Engineering Standards & Specifications -
crosses the city (additional weldings, limited working pipelines with smaller diameters to facilitate construction
time permits to fridays…)
Water Tender design could not be
Design did not consider the connection points 1. All connection points with existing utilities should be
LL_2_0505_00199 5-Mar-18 RNCF Transmission Construction Technical Issues - implemented as is because of the
with external utilities (civil, pipes, etc.) identified and checked early on
System existing connections
There is no clear methodology to engage with Potential project delay and increase in Assign one responsible who manages the relationships with
LL_0_0201_00200 17-Apr-18 SDD Team NA All Define Project Planning Stakeholder Engagement -
different project stakeholders cost stakeholders (MoT, Aramco, NWC, SEC, etc.)
Water Apply these specs on all similar projects as they facilitate
Standard specifications are used for pipeline
LL_2_0404_00201 17-Apr-18 SDD Team NA Transmission Define Engineering Standards & Specifications - Time and cost saving construction and allow for an effective communication with the
System contractor and supervision consultant
Standard specifications are not fully developed Contractor is free to select certain
Apply clear specs on the different components that constitute
LL_1_0404_00202 17-Apr-18 SDD Team NA Desalination Plant Define Engineering Standards & Specifications - for desalination plants and require further standards, which might affect project
a desalination plant
detailing overall quality
Location of tanks is not fully aligned and agreed Align early on with O&M experts, and potentially involve highly
LL_2_0407_00203 17-Apr-18 SDD Team NA Transmission Define Engineering User Requirements - Suboptimal handover during closeout
with O&M ranked staff to ensure proper handover
Contract is not translated from the legal
LL_0_0301_00204 17-Apr-18 SDD Team NA All Define Procurement and Contracting Contracting Strategy - Translation is required from legal department
The project progress and payments are not
Water The progress does not reflect the reality Having a payment schedule as part of the Contractor's Bid,
Shoaiba-Mina Line Contractor Management - aligned, i.e.: contractor is paid for procurement,
LL_2_0501_00205 7-Mar-18 SMLB Team Transmission Define Construction - of the project leading to misleading based in Earned Value methodology would facilitate the
B Construction but there is no progress if pipes not installed,
System information progress control, monitoring and report of the project
with design and/or mobilization.
Contractor's employees mobilized to the site
Water The tendered should include minimum requirements of
Shoaiba-Mina Line have no knowledge to execute some specific Delays in obtaining permits and
LL_2_0302_00206 7-Mar-18 SMLB Team Transmission Define Procurement and Contracting Prequalification of Tenderers - qualifications to execute specific works and should be
B works (i.e.: deal or execute works with utilities execution of the projects
System mobilized to the site
Water The review from SWCC/SC of the designs and Delays in the final approvals of the
Shoaiba-Mina Line Contractor Management - Organizing workshops with all the involved parties resulted in
LL_2_0501_00207 7-Mar-18 SMLB Team Transmission Define Construction - resubmissions by the Contractors where taking design, and hence in the procurement
B Construction speeding consistently the approval of the designs
System too long. and execution of the project
Shoaiba-Mina Line Contractor Management - Delay in supplying key project SWCC should have a list of pre-qualified contractors and
LL_2_0501_00208 7-Mar-18 SMLB Team Transmission Construction - Contractor's procurement approvals are slow
B Construction equipment suppliers to be used by the bidders should include the

Note: The Excel editable file is available with the Capital Effectiveness Team. For more info, please contact Page 10
The Contractors should be obliged to submit a full and
Water Delay in the project and not able to
Shoaiba-Mina Line comprehensive project schedule as part of their bid and
LL_2_0805_00209 7-Mar-18 SMLB Team Transmission Project Controls Project Schedule Control - Detailed scheduling was not submitted on time monitor the progress dur to lack of
B should be updated for the execution phase within two months
System baseline
of project signature
Verifying accuracy of the as-built drawings should be done in
Shoaiba-Mina Line Delay in project progress due to the preliminary stages of the execution phase (i.e.. Suring
LL_2_0505_00210 7-Mar-18 SMLB Team Transmission Construction Technical Issues - As-builts for external utilities are not accurate
B inaccuracy of as-builts design, soils investigation) to avoid disruptions during the
Shoaiba-Mina Line Reduced time and effort especially for Ensure having clear specifications from the start to avoid
LL_2_0404_00211 7-Mar-18 SMLB Team Transmission Engineering Standards & Specifications - Contract had clear specifications
B approvals wasting time in approvals
Shoaiba-Mina Line Team Effectiveness and Technical Experience and
LL_2_1003_00212 7-Mar-18 SMLB Team Transmission - Lack of expertise in the engineering team Low quality of the design
B Organization Capabilities
Shoaiba-Mina Line Size and qualifications of contractor were No delays/stoppages due to contractor's
LL_2_0304_00213 7-Mar-18 SMLB Team Transmission Procurement and Contracting Tender Evaluation -
B essential to maintain performance size

Note: The Excel editable file is available with the Capital Effectiveness Team. For more info, please contact Page 11

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