2024 Year 1 MBCHB Prescribed Booklist

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Course Course Code Course Convenor Author Title & Publisher & Edition (if applicable)
Introduction to HUB1006F Dr. Kishor. Bugarith K. Berger The Developing Person through the Lifespan, 10th
Integrated Health Edition, MacMillan Publishing (or latest edition
Sciences: Part I Ms. Lisa Pio De Paulo available)

Required in 1st semester (students continue to use books Martini, Nath and Bartholomew Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 11th
in semester 2-5) Ed, Pearson Benjamin Cummings (or latest edition)

Introduction to IBS1007SS Assoc Prof. Zenda. J. Baynes and M. Dominiczak Medical Biochemistry. Mosby. 2014, 4rd Ed (or
Integrated Health Woodman latest edition)
Sciences: Part II
Hansen, J. T Netter’s Anatomy Colouring Book. Saunders
Elsevier, USA, 2010 (or latest edition available)

William Horsnell. MBChB Immunology Reader. (2019). UCT and

Required in 2nd semester (in addition to books prescribed for 1 semester)
st Edge Learning Media. An online resource and
registered students will have free access.

Becoming a PPH1001F Mr. Siwe Toto Coetzee, D. (Editor). 2018 2nd Ed. Primary Health Care: Fresh Perspectives.
Professional Gibson, K. Swartz, L and Sandenbergh, R. Cape Town: Pearson Education South Africa
and 2002
Becoming a Health PPH1002S Dr. Ntsiki Mapukata Counselling and Coping. Oxford: Oxford University
Professional Press.
Chemistry for Medical CEM1011F Dr. Sarah Wilson Paula Yurkanis Bruice Essential Organic Chemistry, Pearson International
Students Edition, or 2nd or 3rd Edition, Pearson.

Silberberg, (McGraw Hill) Chemistry, The Molecular Nature of Matter and

Change 3rd – 10th edition, McGraw Hill.
Physics PHY1025F Assoc Prof Steve DC Giancoli, published by Pearson Physics: Principles with Applications. Giancoli
Peterson (Prentice Hall, 7th Edition)

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