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SECOND EDITION PS aes wih Workbook g, WZ == SS Gas Sees Ans Sea A BINS. SS Vf i jive American ENGLISH FILE Workbook Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson and lve Oxenden are the cxiginal co-authors of tnelahtie on Englsh ie 2 UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents 4A Myname's Hannah, not Anna 6B Alloverthe world 43 A. AttheNational Portrait Gallery 45 B chelseagirs 8 C Open your books, please 10 [PRACTICAL ENGLISH Arrivingin London 11 A Awriter’s room 47 © Anight toremember 429 [PRACTICALENGLISH Getting lost 50 A Amurder story 13. B Stars and stripes 15 © After 300 feot, turn oft 17 A. Things love about the US 52 B Ahousewith ahistory 54 C Anight in ahaunted hotel 56 A. What late yesterday 19 B Workand play 21 Meetingonne 2 [PRAGTICAL ENGLISH At acto snop 24 A Isshehiswife or his sister? 58 B Whitegold 60 C Quiznight 62 | PRACTICALENGLISH At restaurant 6A. Themost dangerous road... 26 B whatalifel 28 © Shortie, tong ite? 30 A Areyoutthenext American idol? 5B Loveyour neighbors 34 C Sunandthecity 36 BRACTICALENGLSH i a clothing stove 37 A. Readingin English 39 B Times welove 65 B CouchSurf around the world! 67 C_ What's going tohappen? 7. B_ What do you want to do? 73 © Men, women, and the Internet 75. (PRACTICAL ENGLISH Going home 75 A. Books and movies 78 B tveneverbeen there! 41 © Musicis changing thei tives 80 © The American English File questionnaire a STUDY SESS) SELF-ASSESSMENT CD-ROM Powerful listening and interactive assessment CD-ROM Your ichecker discon the inside back cover of this Workbook includes: + AUDIO - Download ALL ofthe ausio files forthe Listening ‘and Pronunciation activities in this Werkbaok for on-the= Bgolistening practice + FILE TESTS ~ Check your progress by taking a self assessment test after you complete each File ‘Auda: when yousee this symbol SITE, got the checker | aaa 5 in English / Excuse / what's me, | “vacaciones* rer, 5 s 6 remember | ean’t lec ries 4 PRONUNCIATION (0: /u far’; eee the alphabet Email address he word with a different vowel sound. a GireD the word with a different vowel soun phorealil BD J soo sort natn as phone DS | we south you boot USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES ar Learn these words and phrases. GT | argentinian start vocabulary Shins NES oar age ‘eid zip code "zip kovd! ® go close do receptionist r'sepjonist/ [phone | ~ fh! _| student studav 3 4 lastname lest nein b Listen and check. Then listen again and cell phone se foun phone number fon nambar How old are you? hav ‘ood ar yu Pm 22. aim twenti tw $82 aD me VOCABULARY Ina hotel Complete the words. [eel ‘ Fal 1 theelevator 4 2as______room 5 thef__fl 3ad room CHECKING IN ‘Complete the conversation with phrases in the box. Can you signhere, please? | havea reservation Justa second... Thankyou That's right Good evening, sir Hello.‘ havea reservation My name's Carl Zimmerman. Can you spel that, please? ZIMMERMAN, ‘Thank you. For three nights? Yes? Can thave your passport, please? Here you are, Thank you. * ‘Thank you. Here's your key. It's room 403, on the fourth floor. The elevator is over there. Enjay your stay, Mr, Zimmerman, a pererara> SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the missing words in the dialogue. 1A Whois this? B This_is David Barnsley, 2. A Where are you from? B Im from Boston, What a you? 3. A Somry. B Nopr 4 A Hella? Bisth Tor? 5 A Areyouon vacation? B No. !mhere on b. GA Js 10:30 0K for you? B That'sp 2A Would you like anather drink? B Nothanks. t'st forbed. 4 READING a Match the hotels to the people. Write the numbers in the boxes. 1 Antonia and James want to havea relaxing weekend, 2 Mr. Edwards wants to have a two-day meeting ‘with managers from other US offices. 3 The Scott family wants to go to Boston and visit the city a= Sheraton 280 double rooms (One Audubon Road conereene eee Restaurant Wakefield, MA01880 Wri connection 42 miles from Logan 236 famly-ealy rooms, Chiron tay for ree ‘BEdwint. Land sconnecton Boulevard Fitness center Cambridge, MA 02141 Free morning coffee and tea l 2a onthe err exon b_ Underline five words or phrases you don’t know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation, 2 A—writer’s room B o VOCABULARY things Complete the crossword. Cluesacross <> GRAMMAR a / an, plurals; this / that / these / those Write It’s +a an or They're _It'sa__change purse, They're pens. dictionary. umbrella stamps. keys. _1Deard. pencil 1 2 3 a 5 6 7 Write each word in its plural form in che correct column. pencil city coin ticket nationality watch windaw address sandwich country class dictionary coins addresses | cities My favorite things in life ‘don't cost any money. ‘Steve Jobs, American founder of Apple Fr Clues down) tt le|t 1 That's French newspaper. t. watch is American. i. headphones! 4 book is good. 5 are your keys, Complete the chart. “Singular Plural person children € Complete the sentences with a word from the chart in d 1 Her mother is avery nice person 2. My English teacher isa Hisname’s William. 3 Thavetwo My first issix years old, 4 Many American drink coffee. 5. Not that restroom, Me. Davis! I's for ot 3 PRONUNCIATION final -s and -es; th a Girl the word that ends in (2. Teas wallets Glangeparses> 2 classes ——files_—_scissors 3 stamps books —_ addresses 4 photos watches headphones 5 tissues pens sandwiches 6 magazines glasses newspapers b GRATED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words © Gircl the word with a different sound. ( 1 that they thanks rather o 2 thing thirty these ‘thumb 3 thee this the rather Be | tmusiy tire | thumb 4 GQTERED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 READING Read the text and label the pictures. The top five things in people's bags Keys are at the top of the list. They can be house keys, car keys, or office keys. Next are pens, to write down names, ‘numbers, and email addresses. Number three on the lit is a package of tissues. These can be white or different colors, like pink or yellow. Next s medicine, for example aspirin For bad head. Receipts are number five on the list. These are small pieces of paper from stores. 1 medicine 5 LISTENING {GERAD Listen to four people talking about things they have in their bags. Which person...? 1 hasa book in his / her bag that helps him her speak to people 2 has something to listen to music 3 changes bagsevery day 4 hasa computer in his /her bag USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. lamp lemp) What's thisin English? wots 1s in ‘ipa Not merely a nation, but a nation of nations. Lyndon 8 Johnson, American president 4 2 Seles eine) slap oles 1 GRAMMAR adjectives b Complete the crossword. Write the opposite adjectives. the correct words. 1 They're jeans blue / blue jeans, 2 It’sanice day day nice. 3. My sistersare very tall | very talls 4 3 Thav'sa car fase /fastear | ‘These are goods photos | good photos. | | 6 Those boots are really cheap | really cheaps. | | e's big house / house big. ro 8 Her children arent very olds /very old. b Order the words to make sentences, 1 blue {This /is/a/ pen - | 1 This isa blue pen 2 expensive {an {That's watch eyo aA 4 rich [very /is woman | That P|. | 5 boots really / Your / dirty /are Ss Clues across = Clues down 6 city | This a / dangerous [is 2 slow 12 cold 1 dangerous 7 small 4 cheap 13 weak 3 easy 9 new 7 very Book] good That isnt a Baek 34 ean ao 10 an 8 big house / very [is / His Match the pictures to the sentences. Write the leeter in the box, 2 VOCABULARY colors, adjectives, modifiers: very / really a Write the colors. blue + yellow = _ green black + white = white + red 1 2 3 red + yellow 4 5 red + green 1 She'sthin,withionghair. (Bl 4 She'syoung, with bond hair. 1] 2 Hestall,withshorchair. C] 5 He'sshort,withdarkhair. 3. He's old, and good- 6 She's ft, and she's okiag OO * beautif Oo Look at the information and write sentences with is 4 READING very (adjective) isn’t very (adjective), or (adjective). Read the textand write T (true) or F (False), = 1 The Walk of Fame sin the UK. [Age 2 It’sashort street. Height [tect | Steet, | Sfeet, 3 Every year there are more stars E Sinches inches Qinches 4 The stars are for famous actors. = [Weight | 200pounds | 250 pounds |121 pounds 5. Michael Jackson has more than one star 6 Only real people can havea star Age (old{young) ; Seeenees TABHON O00 ac (ISCO MME ony Holiwoodis an are of Los Angles n Caria in the US. The > Ne Walk of Fameis in the center of the areaon Hollywood Boulevard 6 Jim = and Vine Street Itis over 1.2mileslong, and has morethan’2400 Weight (fat thin) stars There are more than 20 new stars every year 7 Rob The stars aren fie diferent types: movies, TV, music, rato, 8 Nei and theater Some famous people have more than one star for 9 jim ! example, Michael jackson. He has two stars: one as a sol artist, and one as a member of the Jackson Five, But the Walk of Fame 3 PRONUNCIATION tong and short ep PN ere aaiaee a vowel sounds @ Make phrases with an adjective and a noun with the same vowel sound. Write the phrases inthe chart.Use 5 LISTENING aan with singular nouns. REED Listen to five speakers describing celebrit Adjectives ‘with Hollywood stars. Which speaker describes...?, blue clean good long big stop A ashort singer with blond or brown hair Noi B anold American actor with dark eyes book city watch jeans shoes song atl, good-looking man with brown eyes D anactor and musician with blue eyes E aBritish woman with green eyes 1 USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. | actor /‘wktar a u actress ektros Es Ss b GEER Listen and check. Then listen again and musician /myu'zifn repeat the words, politician pals‘ sportsman sporisman sportswoman ‘sports, women, singer sinor about (50) sbaut famous /'feimas! What colorisit? wot ‘klar v2 Don't worry, be happy. Bobby McFerrin, American musician 2G—*fter 300 feet, turn left 1 GRAMMAR imperatives, let's Com e the sentences with a verb in the box. jor a(=limperative. be close come drink park slow speak turn worry ‘The city is dangerousat night. Please be _ careful It’s cold inhere, Please the window. Itisn'ta problem. Please abou ‘Thisisan English class. Please Spanish. ‘Their house ison this street. Please down: ‘on! We're late! ‘This isa bus stop. Please here. that water—it's dirty. This musicis terrible. Please it off b_ Match the sentences to the pictures A Let's park here. B Let's gohome. C Let's eat lunch there, D Let's cross the road here, E Let's go toa hotel F Let's turnon the air conditioning. 2 VOCABULARY feelings Write a sentence from the box. Tmangry. Imbored. tmcold. tmhappy. Tmhot. rmhungry, tmsad. tmstressed. Imtired. tm thirsty. tm worried. 1 My friend is late Limangry. 2 Ws37°F, 3. Ie’smy birthday! 4 My mother isin the hospital. 5. Istime for dinner. 6 [don't know what to do. 7 Ws 100°F. 8 Iesvery late 9 My husband is 10. [wane water. 11 Thavea lot of work. ery faraway, 3 PRONUNCIATION understanding connected speech a Practice saying the sentences. 1 Lookat those children. 2 Turn pffthe TV. 3 Lee’ 4 isk that man. Don’tgpen the window: 5 Let'ggatat home. 6 Siton this chair b SGTSTED Listen and check. Then listen ‘again and repeat the sentences. © Complete the chart with the words in the box. ‘angry fat happy have hungry matter Monday one sad ugly does young angry 4 GIRLY Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words, 4 READING a Read the article about tips fora long car trip. Match the headings to the paragraphs. Have funl Is yourcarready? Plan your trip. Make sure everything's in the car. Keep awake! © A_ Plan your trip, Look at a map before you go. Think about the time you need to arrive at your destination and places where perhaps there isalotof traffic. +B ‘Accidents sometimes happen because cars are in bad condition. Check the engine, the lights, and the wheels. ‘Take the car to the garage if necessary. “c Put your bags and everything you want to take with you inthe hall the night before. Don't forget essential documents like passports or ID cards, and of course your driver's license, “D Being tired is very dangerous for drivers. If you are tired, stop at a service station, Have a coffee or sleep for 15 minutes. In the car, open the windows and turn the radio on. +E Children are often difficult during long trips. Take games, for example, computer games or word games, and iPods to listen to music. And don't forget things to eat and drink. b Underline five words you don’t know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. 5 LISTENING STEAD Listen to the dialogues and choose a,b,ore. 1 Where are they? a atanairport b athome inarestaurant 2 Whereare they? 2 inahotel b inacar 3 Whereare they? a inaplane b inahotel 4 Where are they? b athome 5 Where are they? a inahorel b atanairpore © athome USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. jacket /dseekot pants ‘p) sign (sain skirt skort ents tuniform /'yuno,[>em) great (opposite terrible) ares left (opposite right) ‘eft park (verb) park stop stop trip (trip with jv Be quiet! /bi ‘kwarot Don't worry. /dount ‘war Slow down, /slov davn turn on (opposite turn off) ("torn an SSD GSB rez Aperfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is j blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is braken. James F. Dent, American humorist and political cartoonist, 1 VOCABULARY verb phrases - res Complete the verb phrases. ses Be ag ‘animals dinner economics homework German» _- Complete the sentences. glasses anewcar newspaper sory anumbrella L__don’t play _(not play tennis. 1 1 cook 2 They_______(nor go) to the movies. 2 seudy 3 She (have) two children, 3 speak 4 Her father (not work) in an office 4 read Ske (ain) alot. 5 say 6 We________ (live) ina big apartment. 6 wear 7 My friend (nor speak) English. 7 do 8 My friends (rudy) at Tufts University. 8 like 9 You (not do) your homework. 9 want 10 take 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, 3 third person -s a BRAMAN: tiple pron es) a Say the words. Isthe vowel sound the same or different? a GiB the correct words. Write S (the same) or D (different). 1 Alot of American people has [faav® pets. Lsay take 2 Itdon't rain { doesn’t rain a lot in my country. 2do go = 3 Youlive a beautiful house, 3 drink tive 4 The sunshine | shines a lot in Southern California, 4 want have [) 5. My father don’t cook | doesn’t cook. Seie deve OO 6 My brother don't wear | doesn’e wear glasses. 6 call walk LC 7 Americans don’t eat / doesn’t eat fast food every day. Tread oe = L] 8 Weneed | needs a new computer. 8 feel wear] 9 My Canadian friend make {makes good coffee. 9 phy wach CL) 10 Idon’t do | doesn’t do housework. 10 buy —tike = bb Lookat the chart and complete the sentences. b GMETAD Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. Ryan im aatfesetond 7 7 . ¢ Gir the word which ends in /iz/ wear jeans x ’ Tikes works nie Wells ia & 2 lives drinks watches dohousework x ieee: | % 3 drives finishes. plays 2 | 4 uses rakes speaks 1 Ryan _ eats fast food, 5 studies listens kisses 2 Ryan jeans. 6 changes gives wears 3 Ryanand Kim water. 4d QGIPRED Listen and check. Then listen again and 4 Kim, housework repeat the words. 5 RyanandKim _____theguitar. 4 READING Read the text, Match the headings (A-D) to the paragraphs, A Enjoy your dinner Shopping on the street C Traveling is so easy! We can find that for you. Things I love about South Korea Carly Hamilton is American, but she lives in Seoul, South Korea. Here are some things she loves about living there. 1 In South Korea, the customer is really important. When you walk into a store, the salespeople greet you with {a smile and say, “Hello.” As you shop, they ask you if, you need help. if you can't find something you want, the salespeople try to find it for you. They want you to be happy. ut 2 Hove restaurants that serve South Korean meat. I's so delicious. The servers gfill the meat, and then they cut itfor youl They also serve banchan—litle sidedishes of vegetables. The servers are very busy in South Korean restaurants. They don't talk as much as servers in the US, but they make sure that you have a great meall 3 There are so many places to shop in South Koreal People sellthings lke clothes and jewelry on the street. There are shopping Booths in the subway stations, too! When | take the subway to work, often buy a pretty bracelet or necklace because they're so cheap. It's really nicel 4 The transportation system is great here! It's easy to getaround because there are signs, anda lot of them are in English! You can use your cell phone on the subway here, too, You can't do that in the US! 1b Guess the meaning of the highlighted words. Check in your dictionary, 5 LISTENING SRE Listen to the three speakers talking about Britain. Answer the questions with H (Hannah), L (Lina), or Julianna). Hannah, Korea Julianna, the US Lina, Brazil Who? 1 doesn tke the Food q 2 likes eating food from many diferent counties] Silesia hence Ppreynnty 5 thinks the erafficisterible 6 thinks thar peopleae lee vo forelgers O000 USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. love sav buy (opposite sell) ‘bai call kok change /tfemdy feel fil need nid pay ip prefer (prior 3B —Work and play ike to work:it fascinates me. | can sit and look at it for hours. Jerome K. Jerame, British writer 1 VOCABULARY jobs [4] a Complete the crossword. Clues across > b_ Complete the job descriptions with a verb from the list. work earn speak drive have work travel wear 1 “1 work inside and outside during the day orat night: i @ car and sometimes | walk along the street. Idont® alot of money.1*_ ___aumiform, JanlGFRee With a Computer or outside with other people. French and Spanish and sometimes todifferent countries.don’t wear a uniform. foranewspapert 3) “Iwear a uniform and i work with other people. |* a college degree, but! don't” allot of money. work during the day or at night, but I don't work outside, re in ahospital” Match the descriptions ajo. ajoursatia aimee C1 apaticoomticer CI © Write-eror-or 1 soccer player 4 hairdress 2 manag 5 doct 3 teach 6 hwy 4. Complete the sentences with these words. @ an at for in retired unemployed 1 He studies economics _at_ school. 2. My brothers engineer. 3. Wework an American company 4 [don't havea job. 'm — 5 5 Paolais, receptionist. 6 My grandparents are 75. They're 7 They work a factory, e Complete the words. 1 jacket 2 sh 3 4 sk $e 2 GRAMMAR simple present [2 a Complete the questions with Do or Does. 1 Do youworkinan office? your parents speak foreign languages? jour sister drive? you havea college degree? your mother work? James travel ator? your father earn lot of money? they wear a uniform? Ann walk to work? sou work on the weekend? b Complete the questions with does, do, is, or are. Then match, the questions to the answers. 1 What _does_ she do? a. He'sanactor. 2 Whar they do? |] fina ecemiane=thete' vata 3 heanarchitect? (] ¢ She'sadoctor: 4+ What youdo? [] d No,they’re lawyers. 5 ___ they police officers? © Tima hairstylist. 6 Where tncgods Lol Noida akaigtaces: 7 sheastudent? Cl] g They're pilots 8 What hedo? [1] h No, she’sateacher. 3 PRONUNCIATION /2r/ a Underline the stressed syllable. 1 architect 5 journalist 9 ra{cepttionist 2 dentist 6 model 10 soldier 3 engineer 7 musician 4 teacher 8 pilot 1b GGIERED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words © ive more words with /ar/ and write them the chart, ‘siport Git) engineer Europe far here nurse journaist service short sure thirsty tired worker 4 GUEVA) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING a Listen to a contestant ona quiz Bee aac high ‘administrative assistant dentist flight attendant lawyer nurse receptionist veterinarian b GGIREH Complete the questions with the verbs in the box. Then listen again and check. eam have make speak travel wear work 1 __Doyou make things? 2 acollege degree? 3 foreign languages? 4 uniform? 5 for your work? 6 alot of money? i with other people? USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. degree kdigri jacket /dsekot pants penis skirt (skort comfortable /'kamftabl foreign (languages) earn money 910 Itdepends. fron it di’pendz! It’s relaxing to go out with my ex-wife because she already knows man idiot. Warren Thomas, American writer 3 G=Mecting online 1 GRAMMAR word order in questions 2 VOCABULARY question words a Order the words to make questions, Complete the questions with the questions words in 1 heavy /like /you | metal | Do the box. Doyoulikeheavymetal Tay Teena a 2 the do jon do / What | weekend (you (ata WH he. Wik 3 kind | What /do J books | read | you / of 1 A How doyougo towork? oe ee ? B Bycar 4 drink / want /another you [Do 2A _____cardoyousrive? ? B AToyota, 5 a Ave/ light) you attendant 3A __doyou work? [Ase [EL yeu 6 B Ina factory. GGA aa 0 you go tothe gym? 6 live Where / do j Seattle | you : ee Ss 5A do you prefer, the movies or 7 is [favorite | Who | writer | your SenEET = oS B The theater, think 8 old | How [you /are : 6A of music do you te? B Pop. 9 iad {have | you jan/Do 7A 5.0 youhave? : wanee 2 8B About hundred 10. your | good ft /salad aA is your favorite singer? ? ® Rihanna, b_ Martin and Beth are new friends. They go for acoffee. eee ert Complete the questions. B Because she has a great voice. M So,Beth,' _wheredoyou live? B South of Denver, n a big apartment. 3 PRONUNCIATION question words; Me with your parents? sentence stress B Nove with my sister.* any Rearie asi gator? @ Match the question words 1-7 to the words with the M havea sister, she's 23. same sounds ag Be student? 1 why O a you M No, she works. She's a salesperson. 2 which = C] b bur B What about you? ® work? 3 who Qa © there M Ina hotel 4 what Fi d my Bo = your job? 5 how QO © ten pairess(0s. ove tt 6 when =] f rich 7 where — L] 8 now SW Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. © Underline the stressed words. ‘A What do you do? B fmadactor. ‘A. Where do you work? B work in a hospital bone SEWED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the sentences, 4 READING a Read the article. Is Facebook good for your love life? Love on Facebook Ei Is Facebook good for your love life? Read on to find the answer. You don't want to see your ex-boyfriend when your relationship finishes. And you really don't want to know about his new girlfriend, But Facebook tells you everything, including how happy he is with his new girlfriend. 20 Your boyfriend doesn't write on your “wall” one day. You're worried. Does it mean he doesn't ike you? Another day, he sends you ten ‘messages. You fel stressed. Does he like you too much? 30 Your friends know you have a new boyfriend because you change your status from “single” to “in a relationship." The problems they know \when it finishes too, because you changeit back to "singte” again. 40 You get alot of messages from boys, but this isn’t good for your relationship. When your boyfriend sees you writing to so many other boys, he feels worried. And that can mean the beginning ofthe end b_ Read the article again. Match the headings A-Dto the paragraphs 1-4. A Nosecretson Facebook B Popularity is dangerous (arsetiniee D What does he realy feel? 5 LISTENING a GRIEVE Maxand jessica meetina restaurant for dinner. Listen to the conversation. Are they a good match? b GETS) Listen againand mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) 1 Maxand jessica meet ina Japanese restaurant. r They have the same job. = ‘They work forthe same airline = ‘They like the same movies. = Jessica lives near the movie theater. Max wants to go to the movies next Sunday. 7 USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. TV shows. /tivi Jouz Me too. imi tui meeta partner /mit 9 ‘partner Really? ili Who's your favorite (actor)? /huz yar ‘ervorat How interesting! /hau ‘iats9stu) What about you? (wat ‘sbaot yu SEED FILES. Practical English 1 VOCABULARY Telling the time 4 READING Write the times. a Read about some coffee shops in Seattle, Washington, In which shop can you...? 1 celebrate a friend's birthday 2. pay nothing to hear music 3. get your coffee very quickly Resta = 1 sto 2 4 buy things for your house thirty. aS, eo SF 5 learn about differenrkinds of coffee BY BAUHAUS BOOKS AND COFFEE 301 East Pine Street This coffee shop serves some ofthe best coffee in Seattle. It also sells books and paintings—you can shop and drink coffee atthe same timel Not interested in shopping? Sit ata table and use the wi-fi connection, 2 BUYING A COFFEE Order the dialogue [1] A Canihelp your [bes ahi ow muchic hate [Gi TRABANT COFFEE AND CHAI 1309 Northeast 45th Street eclce Trabant Coffee and Chal is open every day for breakfast, H eee Dune sngcks, lunch, and dinner. Al the food is Homemiads : ‘and vegan food is available, too. This coffee shop also gives [FA $365. Thank you. And your change. classes about coffee. (Cl) B Sorry, tow muck? [CIifauhs guiaroe ater B Yes. Canthave latte, please? [)_ A That's $3.65, please. (CB Totake away. (C] A Tohavehere orto go? (1B Large,please. 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH PHRASES Cees esr lackson Street, This coffee shop is popular because it serves great coffee. The Complete the sentences with the words in the box. friendly baristas can make drinks very fast. And they don’t make ~ — mistakes Zeitgeist i also a fun place to be with friends. There's @ aseat fisttime todrink toyou weare IAPR esse are pi Eabraftina cai 1 Here _weareThisisthe office. 2 Isthis your in Brazile b_ Guess the meaning of the highlighted food words. 3. Would you like somethin, 4 Talk later. 5 Take Check the meaning and pronunciation in your dictionary. celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well-known, ‘then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. Fred Allen, American comedian 1 VOCABULARY family 2 GRAMMAR Whose...? possessive's a Complete the chart. a Order the words to make sentences, 1 in{ work | father’s / my |store —Lwork inumy father'sstore 2 Japanese / husband's / My [car Jis 3 girlfriend's /is/ His / Argentinian / mother 4 Sandra's | Do / know / you / brother 5 live | wife's with | parents | my [We 6 of / money | earns | friend [son's /a/ Their lot * grandmother mother i 7 dangerous Is job / Adam's ; uncle ss 7 = Pe 3 /ugly [is brother b Add an apostrophe (’) in the correct place in these sentences. “daughter 7 Carlos is my brothers friend ‘Thatis my parents car. I think this is that womans pen 1 2 3 cousin > 4 They drink coffee in the teachers room. 5 6 Do you know Barbaras sister? 1b Complete the sentences. My grandparents house isin Canada. 1 My father's brothee is xy — unc James wife is Brazilian, 2 My sister's daughter is my _ © Look at the ’sin these sentences. Write a letter in the box: 3. My mother’s sisteris my , A= possessive, B = is. 4 My father’s mother is my 1 Kate's sister isa lawyer. 5 Their uncle’sa pilot. Oo 5 My aunt’s daughter is my —_ 2 His mother’s very short. 6 Jim's children wear glasses. L] 6 My brother's sonismy 3. Mycousin’scaris very big. L]_ 7 Mybrothe's wife plays the piano. L] 4 Ourgrandfather's 70 today. [_] 8 Her name’s Christina. 4. Complete the sentences with whose or who's Whose _is that bag? Who's the woman in the red dress? ‘umbrella is this? _her boyfriend? the man with the sunglasses? _are those keys? your English teacher? headphones are those? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 PRONUNCIATION the letter o;’s a Match the sentences 1-4 to the sounds ad. 1 Those phones are od. a 2. Who do you choose? oO 3. Theirson comes every Monday. [7] 4 That blond modelisadector, — [] bb GGTTAY Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words © SGIEVED Listen tothe sentences. Then listen again and repeat. 1 pS Thera $ jece, ‘They're Kate's parents. 2 “D He’s Sandra's husband. She’s Andy's cousin. 3 MIZ/ vim Grace’sboytiend. Ace you Chase's wit? 4 READING @ Read the article and complete the sentence. Mason is Kim Kardashian's A Celebrity Family he Kardashian family is one of the very famous celebrity families in the US. Kim Kardashian is probably the most famous of them. Kimn’s mother is Kris. Her fathers Robert. Together, they had three and Kylie, daughters, kim, Khloe, and Kourtney, and a son, Rob. Krisand Robert were divorced in 1990. In 19), kris married a famous sports star, Bruce Jenner. Bruce had two sons, Brody and Brandon. Then he had two daughters with Kris, Kendall. Kim's sister Khloe married basketball player Lamar Odom. Kim's other sister, Kourtney, has 5 LISTENING Listen to Jessie showing photos to her friend. How many photos does she show? Then listen ags Write T (true) or F (False). 1 Jessie's sister has ason. E 2 Jessie's sister is short. = 3 Jessie's sister plays basketball = 4 The beach in the photo isin Canada, = 5 Jessie went toa music festival with her sister. 6 Rosie has blond hair. 7 Rosie sees her boyfriend all the time. ~ 8 Peteis Jessie's boss = USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. boyfriend ooifvend celebrity olebrat exchusband_ ks ‘hazband! girlftiend 'gorlfend politician pals‘ beinterested in (bi ‘introstod private life the other (person) i \or ppratvat kath babies named Mason and Penelope. Kim married basketball player Kris Humphries in 201, but they were divorced by the end of the year Glossary married = past tense of many was = past ofis were = past of are _ Read the article again and complete the names in the family tree. AB=What a life! Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do. Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher 1 GRAMMAR prepositions of time (at, in, on) and place (at, in, to) a Write the wordsin the correct column March Decemberéth 630. the winter Monday night theafternoon noon Saturday evening 1984 breakfast August 21st in [on at ‘March December ik | 6:30 b Girclthe correct preposition, ike ire Go fa esi ‘They goon holiday In/on at August My niaes soll ocsceicont] tombe My brother goes to bed in on at midigh, Do ymuwosat} hi boasted We have Engl clarelinjom [at Tueitays: and Thursdays The children have lunch at [in| 0 school. Tied WGehstn jo) etche weskeal peta Spb aaron i. iesvery borin fant ane, © Complete the text with the correct prepositions. “My name is Tyler Benson and Twork an office in New York City. During the week, I get up + __sixthiry. 190° _work by train, but‘ _ Fridays Idrive my car soTcan visit my mother® _ the afternoon. I start work © quarter to nine and Ihave lunch ”_work, “the summer, I work different hours because © June 15th, we change to the summer timetable. It's very hot in New York City ® _ August, so most people go on vacation 2 VOCABULARY everyday activities a Grelthe action that you usually do first. 1 getup |@ake up) 2 getdressed [take a shower 3 have lunch / have breakfast 4 goto work [start work 5 gohome | gethome 6 makedinner / go shopping 1b Complete the texe with have, go, or get. TUDENT’S LIFE |ASY — OR IS IT? Many people think that students have a very easy life. We ask two, Elena and Yejoon, about their typical day. ERs _go__toa college in Texas in the US, so | don't live at home. Every day, |? up at 7:30 and | take a shower. I don't have time for breakfast, but | x coffee in a cafe before classes start. lunch at school, and then P to my afternoon classes. 1° ‘on my way home, so 1” home late, | do some housework and study in the evening, and then it _ to bed at 11:30. I'm very tired at night!” | YEJOON KIM, is from Seoul, South Korea 1 to Seoul National University, so Ilive at home. My mother wakes me up every morning and we” breakfast together. Then, |” shopping dressed. 1" to school by bus. (& to classes in the morning and then I" home for lunch, My mother isa good cook andwe™ lunch together. In the afternoon, I study for an hour or two and then | watch TY. | take a bath after dinner. 'm relaxed when | to bed Match the words to make phrases. dtngp ET | ack igs ED) thea 3 check € dressed day TL) | aio est Seo TEL: “ssa treakiace PRONUNCIATION linking and sentence stress Mark the connected words in each sentence. 1 You getup ate. 2. Ttakea shower. 3 Wecheck emails 4 Hehasacoffee. 5 She goes home early 6 They have lunch at work SGERED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the sentences. Try to connect words. GTAD Listen and underline the stressed words. ‘Copy the rhythm. Iwake up at six. take a bath 1 go t0 work by bus. Ido the housework, Ihave a pizza for dinner. 1 go to bed at midnight §GIAID Listen again and repeat the sentences Copy the thythen LISTENING §QIRED Listen to an interview with Mark. Answer the questions. 1 What does he do? 2 Doeshe like his job? 3. When does he work? bb GGA Listen again. Number the activities in the ‘order Mark does them. Mark starts work at 7 pan, He goes to bed. He goesto the gym. He goes home. He has a hamburger ora pizza. He watches TV or checks his emails He gets up. He has breakfast. He sleeps for eight hours. He has dinner. He finishes work. O00000000008 He rakes a shower. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. customers /kastomarz everyone /evriwan everything evry) busy bizi ready rod couple of (hours) (2 ‘kapl av goback ‘goo ‘bek prepare food /priper ‘ud enjoy. /n'd5ou ‘The man who works and is not bored is never old. Pablo Casals, Spanish celist 1 GRAMMAR position of adverbs and expressions of frequency Complete the You column in the chart: Then complete the sentences with a verb and an adverb of frequency. ‘always usually we often ww sometimes hardly ever ¥ ee Matt | Becky | You sleepforeighthours | ww | Ww berelaxed wud | We Play sports or a . eathealthyfood [wv |v besick - Wid 1 Matt usually sleeps for eight hours. 2 He relaxed 3 He sportsor exercises 4 He healthy food 5 He_ . 6 Becky foreight hours. 7 She _ relaxed. 8 She sportsand exercises, 9 She healthy food. 10 She sick. nt for eight hours. 1 relaxed. 31 sports and exercises. ra healthy food. 151 sick ce the adverb of frequency in the correct place in the sentence. 1 Pilots sleep in hotels. (often) _Pilotsoftensleep inhotels 2 The children walk to school. (every day) —Thechildren-walk to school every day. 3 Mike rides his motorcycle to work. (sometimes) 4 My sisteris late (never) 5 Tsee my grandparents, (every weekend) 6 Ellie drinks coffee. (three times day) 7 Fmbungey. (always) 8 We study English, (twice aweek) VOCABULARY adverbs and expressions of frequency Answer the questions. Complete the sentences with one or two words. 1 Leo goes tothe gym all week and on weekends, Leo goesto the gym every day 2 Tomo usually takes a vacation in the summer and winter. ‘Tomo usually takesa vacation ayear. 3 Weusually see one new filma month. ‘We go to the movie theater 4 Adele doesn’tdo any homework a all Adele does homework. 5 They have English classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, amonth, and Fridays. ‘They have English classes aweek. 6 My mother goes tothe hair salon once a week, on a Friday. My mother goes to the hair salon Friday. 7. Sofia walks to work once a year. Sofia ‘ever walks to work. 8 Lahvays buy a new pair of sunglasses inthe summer. buy new pair of sunglasses summer. 3 PRONUNCIATION the letter h b Read che interview again, Write T(erue) or F (False). 1 Esther thinks her day is normal a Match the words to their pronunciation. In which word isthe nor pronounced?” = 2 SdH a ag ase, fel et 4 She think her jobs fcule aoRe IE 10 5 Sheafeensce frends afer work = pee, Teme 6 Shelves wth one her chile, = 7. She never does housework 5 hardly FI Spee 8 She two children. Gere LF rhepi : hing g. Phardli © Underline five words you don'tknow. Useyour eer) ee xonary took up ther meaning and pronunciation 6 GGTTED Listen and check. Then listen again ‘and repeat the words. 5 LISTENING a §GETED Listen to. radio program about being healthy. Who does the doctor say is healthy: Marge, Robbie, or Marge and Robbie? 4 READING a Read the interview. Whats surprising about Esther Armstrong? b SGTFVED Listen again. Write T (true) ot F (False. Robbie doesnt think he's healthy F Marge hardly ever eats fast food. Interview with Esther Armstrong, 94 Interviewer How do you spend your day, Esther? Esther My day is very normal, really. I get up, I get ‘dressed, I have breakfast. Then I go to work. Interviewer What do you do? Marge often goes to the gym. = Marge goes to bed late, 6 Robbie sometimes has breakfast. 7. Robbie plays soccer three times a week. 8. Robbie sleeps for six hours every night. 1 2 3. Marge always has breakfast. 4 Esther man accountant Interviewer Why do you still work, Esther? Esther To have an interest. Also, my job ts very USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES exciting Learn these words and phrases. Interviewer What time do you start work? Esther __Istart between 9 and 10 everyday and I finish at 4oclock It isnt very stressful, ealy minutes. minats Interviewer What do you usually do after work, Esther? seconds sekondz Esther Igo out for dinner with friends two or three teenager /tinetdsar times a week, and we goto the movies or the healthy (oppasite unhealthy) hi theater, or tothe ballet. nian Interviewer Do you live alone? hours /oar2 Esther Yes, Ido. Ihave quite a big apartment and bekivmasy mits someone helps me with the housework for four Dita? Recta hoursa week. I do everything else myself. social life /'soofl lar Interviewer Do you have children, Esther? spend time /spend ‘taum/ Esther Yes, Ido. Both of my daughters live here in = a2 New York. One daughter works nearby, and = she comes and has lunch with me. And I work GED GSP rites with the other daughter, so we eat together two or three times a week, too. I'm very, very happy with my life. Glossary ‘an accountant = a person whose job itis to make lists of all the money that people or businesses receive and pay Inthe future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. ‘Andy Warhol, American painter 5A Are you the next American Idol? 1 GRAMMAR can/ can't © Match sentences 1-6 to a-f. Write a sentence for each picture with can | cart. Peto eu merch ae aL 2 Canyou give me my glasses? gO 3 Can youcall my mom? I Oo 4 Canyou speak more slowly? 1 oO § Canyoumakedinneefor83071 = E] 6 Canyoutell me yournameagain?t —C] can't come before then. 1 They can’t sing. b cantsee, © emtdoit: cant find my cell phone, © canttunderstand you. £ cant remember it 4d Write a sentence with can or can't for each picture. 1 You _cancross_ now. 2 1L now: b Write a question with you for each picture. Then write your answer: Yes, can. or No, can't Your answer Tt Aik yyit' sing Be oa - 3 you ? 3. Dr. Atkins. 4 you 2 younow, 5 you 7 2 VOCABULARY verb phrases a Complete the crossword with the correct verb. b Complete the sentences. 1d hear help lookfor play run talk He can't _ find _any parking spaces. There are alot of car. Toften chess with my nephew. He's very good. ________ me. lean’t open the door. I most of my clothes from Zara. Twantto, in the Boston Marathon this year. Please Hi, this is Paul. Can you Idon't understand this. Ineed to Where are my keys? Can you tothe teacher, them? PRONUNCIATION sentence stress SGIEAED Listen and repeat the sentences. Stress the bold words. ‘A Can you speak German? B Yes, ican. lean’t find the keys, Shecan sing, Where can I buya newspaper? ‘A Can your father cook? B No, he can't. My sister can’t swim. 1b Write the words in the chart. ‘are bad can card far fat have park stamp start GIZA Listen and check. Then listen ‘again and repeat the words, LISTENING SEED Listen to the dialogues and choose a,b, orc. 1 When can they goto the swimming pool? a On Saturday morning. b_ On Saturday afternoon. © On Sunday afternoon, 2 Where can the man park? a Outside the hospital b_ Outside the restaurant © Outside the movie theater. 3. When can she help her brother? a Thismorning b Thisafiernoon © Thisevening. 4 Why can’t they send the postcard? a They don't havea pen. b_ They dontthave the address. © They don't have a stamp. 5 Why can'tthey goin? a Hecan't open the door b_ Hecan hear his boss © Hecan’t find his keys. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. audience fodions concerts. *kansorts entrance. entrons’ judges /Us,dsuz late (opposite early) ‘leit ahitrecord (a hut ‘rekard parkinglot_/'parkuy lot Good luck! (gud ‘lak I's yourturn now. its 'yar torn naw Hells other people. j Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher neighbors 1 VOCABULARY verb phrases 2 GRAMMAR present continuous Complete the text with these verbs in the a Order the words to make: simple present. i entences, sister’s/ My {exams for {studying / her. agus oheuE ere ehy. tales Have _Myssister’sstudying for her exams —___ have play play 2 with | staying / week / her | friends / this Jare | Sarah's 3 tonight / party | We /a aren't / having 1 seas SS OG [aT JET 5 for {looking | job /is/a/ Marco | Why Bono hy ag ey fA computer | Are /using you the 8 soccer |Is/ park | Adam playing inthe b Complete the dialogue. ‘What ' are you doing (you / do) Andy? {0/ make) the coffee. Why? Ican hear a noise. I's people's voices. I know. That's the couple upstairs. 2 they argue? No,* {they / not shout) It's the TV. They’re very old, so they cant hear it. {they / watch) a movie. ‘A Oh. What's that music? ita party? B ts the boy next door.* the / not have) a party! *___ {he /listen) to music. He likes heavy metal. ‘A. Your apartment is very noisy, Andy. B Iknow. (1/Lo0k for) anew one! My neighbors are very noisy. A young couple wid @>o>ro> a baby and a dog live upstairs. They aren't happy together, so they shout all the time, Their dog 2 when they aren't at home, and their baby’ __when they are, An old couple lives downstairs. They can't hear, so they always _ the TV on very loud, They loudly because the TV is loud, a uly bebaise the EY ee a € Look at the picture on page 33. What are the people doing? ‘lot about which shows Complete 1-9 with a verb or verb phrase in the present continuous. towateh, Some students live next door. They all 1 The omental ab ct pho 7 ___ musical instruments and they aren't 2 The couple very good! Every night, they" noisy 3 The children parties and” very loud music, Iwant 4 The woman ‘a new apartment or some new neighbors! 5 Thebaby 6 Thedog 7 The boy — 8 The girl 3 PRONUNCIATION /1/ 4 LISTENING a GQETED Listen and repeat the words. GERD Listen to four speakers talking about problems with their neighbors. Match the speakers to the 5) ae 1S problems. There are two problems you don’t need to use. Jy arguing barking crying having singer Speaker 2 L] B Their dogs bark. 5 = : speaker3 EF] They have noisy parties. 1b. GirelDthe word with // in each pai. Speaker4 [] _D Theyhavethe TV on very loud, fe ___® E. Their baby cries 1@® ng F ‘They play musical instruments 2 pink brown thn ne USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES 4 “uncle Learn these words and phrases. <_< T furnitare /oritjr neighbors /neibarz & France England En ie [7 yong Sto noisy noi bg eg strict sirikt @ think want ; , upstairs (opposite downstairs) /sp'stera © Listen and check. Then listen again sow fonts ‘and repeat the words, complain. /kam'plein) apartment building /'partmont bid washing machine yin mafin ''m leaving because the weather is too good. hate London when it's not raining. Groucho Marx, American actor ‘5 G=sun and the City 1 GRAMMAR simple present or present 2 VOCABULARY the weather and seasons continuous? a Write the seasons in the correct order. a Geb the correct form, winter 1A What are you doing hers? 'b_ Complete the sentences with words in the box. What's 8 tmon vacation. Ieghtsee the weather lke? 2. Accanyoutak? cloudy cold foggy bot raining snowing sunny windy 8 No.thave dinner / I'm having dinner right now. 3. A Where do they usually go / are they usually going ‘on vacation? B ToFlorida. 4A How often does your husband go abroad? B He travels / He's traveling to Asia four times a year. 5. A What does your! B She's a travel gui iend do / is your friend doing? 1 e's hot. 2 Is. 5 A Doyouwark / Are you working this week? B No. mon vacation, 7A What time does the museum close? B It closes / It’s closing at 6 pm. think. BA Does it rain /Isit raining today? B No. t's hat and sunny, b_ Complete the sentences. Use the simple present or present continuous. 1 My parents _don’t like _ (not like) their hotel 2 They_ {argue) about money all the time. 3 I'm 18now, sol (learn) to drive, My father (each) me. 4 When, youustally (go) to the gym? 5 My brother (go out) almost every night. 6 Thesun (not shine) today. Ie's quite cold 7 you (use) your computer right now? (vant) co check something on the Internet. 8 My sister (love) ice skating but she (not do) it very often. PRONUNCIATION placesin New Yorkcity 9) eyo ole Underline the stressed syllable. 1 Ralckefelter Center 2 Yerikee Stadium f 3 Ellis island DILTS Goto the Molly Brown House Museum 4 St Paltrick’sCatheldral ‘The Molly Brown House Museum is abig, | 5 Grand Central Terminal beautiful house on 1340 Pennsyvaria ‘Avenuein the center of Denver Molly Brown the Brookiyn Bridge 6 the Brooklyn ridg is world famous because she was on the 7 the statue of Liberty Titanic. You can take atour of Molly's house. 8 Washington Square Park ‘You can see interesting exhibitions, including 1 SIRE Listen and check. Then listen again See aa DS een Titantc,f the sun comes out, you can walkin Molly's yard or sitin her gardens, and repeat the words, READING ‘ead the guidebook extract about things to do in. Red Rocks Parks a mountain park in Read gute ecto hingso a eee 2 Molly Brown is famous because she is an actress. rocks are over 290 million years old. You can, yous ‘walk around the park and take pictures of Youcan see clothes from one of Molly’s trips. 4 You can se the city very well from Red Rocks Park. —_ PERRO In teee 5 You can usea camera inthe park Z 6 Thetheaterat Red Rocks Parkis very small. __—__ theater can seat almost 10,000 people. 5 7 Glenwood Hot Springs is in the center of Denver. ; Ateeenhe EE BELL 1-1) Goto Glenwood Hot Spring 9. ‘The water s different in the summer Glenwood Hot Springs is hotel with an and the winter. cutdoor pootha's open al year. tsritin Devner,butit’snearbyin the Rocky Mountains. The hotel hastwo pools. One sa small pool. LISTENING “The other pools 405 feet long! The waterin GERD Listen to the descriptions of places ‘the big pools always 90°F, even in january! If you dort keto swim nthe cold, vist the spa Sa Vila BoA Colon ts nl we er aiey Viciig te peatian Which tour do you need to take ifyou want to...? A see some old Asian art B learn about insects, USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. see some animals and play sports D listen to music E havea drink and take aswim oO0O0 O8000 building. iy F sbayiortha W ieaved ec es earn a monument _/‘manyament Fier cba tit Cala gen sts! fascinating /"hessneitny wonderful vandorfl Juding “in kludi open-air swimming pool /oupon ee swim pal II GSP Hes Practical English VOCABULARY clothes Write the words. 1 _ajacket 5 2 — 6 a a + 8 i zi 5 5 7 BUYING CLOTHES Complete the missing words inthe dialogue. A Cant 'h_ you? B Yes. Whats. is this T-shirt? [Aisa medium. What size do you need? B Ineeda’l A Here you B Thanks, Where can| try iton? A The*f. ‘rooms are over there. B ‘Th — you. A Howisit? B itsfine. How’m isit? A 18591599, SOCIAL ENGLISH ‘Match the words to make Social English phrases. Vitec Ld) a wal 2 Right 1b wrong? 3 Dot Cc besilly 4 Waie Od coot 5S thaveto [Je funt 6 Have O £ now. 7whas Og ¢0. 8 No Ch aminute. 4 READING a Read the article, Match the questions A-D to paragraphs 1-4. A Whatcan youdo there? [Z] B Howdoyougetthere? EJ C Wherecanyoueatthere? [] D Whattime doesitopen? CI Shopping in the US One of the best places to shop in the US these days is at the Fashion Island mall in Newport Beach, California—this open-air shopping. ‘mall is the nicest ofits kind in California. Customers at Fashion Island can buy fashion, food, home, and beauty products from more than 150 different stores. There are three Jhuge department stores and a large supermarket. thas a seven- screen movie theater, four hotels, and a view of the Pacific Ocean, 1 Fashion Isiand has more than 35 different restaurants and food bars. There are take-out restaurants and sit-down restaurants, including Hawaiian food and a bakery that sells vegan desserts and salads, Many of the restaurants stay open after the stores close. ‘Most ofthe stores in the shopping mall open from 10 a.m, to9 pm. during the week, and from 10 a.m. to7 pm. on Saturday. The opening hours on Sunday are from 11 am, to6 pm. The restaurants close around midnight and the movie theater closes at 11 pm. Fashion Island has more than 6,000 parking spaces and three valet parking’stations. You can get to this shopping mall by public transportation, too, Fashion Island is only one-half mile from the Pacific Coast Highway and about § minutes from John Wayne Airport 1b Guess the meaning of the highlightéd words. Check the meaning and pronunciation in your dictionary. Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life. Joseph Adelson, British writer and palitcian 6A—Réading in English 1 GRAMMAR object pronouns 2 VOCABULARY phone language Complete the chart Complete the dialogues with these words EE ne ater meee - 7 pe Press there this wrong 1 AHelio.isMarta there ? he 8 No,!m sorry. She isnt. she 2. A What numbers this? ; 5 8 917-555-9932. . 3A The phone's ringing. we | s Brcaryu te ploase? sid 4. A Helos this Sophie? . 8 No, msorry, ‘s Grace b Complete the sentences with object pronouns. iammenpeean tes call 8 the red button, 1 My sister has anew friend. She's on vacation ‘with her right now. 6 A Thisis 714-695-3622, 2 Canyouhear “cto Taved to shout B timvery sory t's the umber 3 This bookis ery exciting. I'm rally enjoying 7 A tmsonty, the managers ina meeting 4 He works near his wife's office. He has lunch with 8 Oh. Can you give hima 2 every day, 5 Areyouarhome? Can [call later? 7 6 Alberto doesn't live with his parents, bat he talks 3 PRONUNCIATION fay, fi, and // to__onceaweek. a GIF Listen and repeat the sentences. Stress 7 Excuse me, we have a problem. Can you help ___? the bold words 8 I can't find my bag. Can you see ? Call me tonight. 9 ‘These shoes are new. Do you like ‘Cantu help wat 10 Where's Charlie? [want to talk to Don't listen to her. See you later. don’ like them. Don’t think about it. Giveitto him. © Complete the text with these words he her her him him she them they Lily is wartied about her boyfriend, Jamie. She calls * him every day, but he doesn't call?__ ‘When she wants to talk to Jamie, _ always says he's busy. She waits for after work, but he's usualy with some friends. Jamie's friends don't lke Lily, and she doesn't like * - Lily says hello, but ‘ won't look at her. Now she knows that Jamie doesn't love” _ But she’s happy because she knows that * can find new boyfriend, 1 him we nice 4 these his ring 2 she this meet 5 we leave it © GGTRGD Listen and chi the words. Then listen and repeat 4 READING Read some more of Sally’s Phone and answer the questions. 1 Who's Katharine? 2. What does Louise suggest to Sal 3. Why doesn’t Paul know his phone number? 4 Who tells him what his number is? Sa ’s Phone Sally talks to Claire and Louise. “Thave a message for Paul ~ bur who's Paul? Do you know Paul, Claire?” she asks. “No. What’s the message?” Claire asks, “It’s his sister Katharine’s birthday, and she’s having a party tonight. Do you think it's a wrong number?” “Yes, [think itis,” Claire says. “Hey, Sally!” Louise says. “Put on your red skirt and go to the party. Forget Andrew! Paul talks to.a friend at work. “This is Sally’s phone ~ and Sally has my phone.” “But who is Sally?” “Idon’e know,” says Paul “Why don’t you call her?” “What's my number?” Paul asks. “I don’t know my number.” “Why not?” “Because I never call my number!” Paul calls his mother. “Mom, what's the number of my phone?” “Why do you want your phone number, Paul?” “Because Sally has my phone.” “Who's Sally2” his mother asks. “Idon’t know, butshe has my phone, and Ihave her phone.” “Idon’t understand.” “know,” says Paul. “It doesn’t matter. Do you have my number?” “Here itis. 0781 644834." “Thanks, Mom.” b Gircld the word with a different sound. B65 smite niece buy 5 LISTENING SETAE Listen to the phone conversation, ‘Choose a or b. 1 Who does Holly want to talk co? a Beth b Emily 2. Where is Emily? a athome b out 3. Where is Holly's bag? a inEmily'sear b in Emily's house 4 What is Holly’s phone number? 2 606-555-4923 606-555-9423 5 What does Beth give Emily? a the message b the phone 6 Which keysare in Holly’s bag? a her car keys 7 Whois Holly with? b herapartment keys a aneighbor b afriend 8 Where do Holly and Emily meer? a atHolly'shouse —b inacafe USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. fall ol happening heponn ring ny smile /smail give amessage (to somebody) iy 9 esis) pickup pik ap) pressthe button pres da “bata, put down ‘put davn, It’s the wrong number, /its 02 ro ‘nambar Exrract from Oxford Bookworms Library Searter: Sally's Phone by Cheistine Lindop © Oxford University Press 2008, Reproduced by Permission. ISBN 978-0-19-423426-9 6B=Times we love IF we had no winter, the spring ‘would not be so pleasant. ‘Ann Bradstreet, American poet 1 GRAMMAR ike + (verb + -ing) a Write the verb + ing form of the verbs in the box in the correct column, buy come draw find get have give run stop swim take wait double consonant ting verb +-ing er 2 VOCABULARY the date; ordinal numbers a Continue the series. 1 September, October, November, December May, june, = January, February spring, summer, first, second, sixth, seventh, eighteenth, nineteenth, 2 3 4 5 6 7 1b Complete the chart, bin ——— b Look at the chart and complete the sentences dance at parties | dohousework drive at night swimintheoaeen GS @ watch soccer | @ 1 William hates dancing —at parties. Amanda at parties 2 William. housework. Amanda housework: 3 William atnight, Amanda at night, 4 William inca. Amanda incafes. 5 William __ inthe ocean, Amanda inthe ovean, 6 William _ soccer. Amanda soccer. 1A 24 74 10/31 5/t Day Date | Yousa May Day SL | ___May first __ Halloween ] New Year's Day “US independence Day | Valentine's Day —* 3 PRONUNCIATION consonant clusters; saying the date a Linderline che stressed syllable in the multsyllable words. 1 January 7 July 2 February 8 August 3 March 9 September 4 April 10 October 5 May 11. November 6 June 12. December b QUIRED Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words. ¢ QGETE) Listen and repeat the dates. 14/3 6 6/14 2 12/26 72/1 35/11 8uj7 41]5 9 10/22 318 0 7/12 4 READING Read the article about important dates in the US and find theanswers to the questions. Write A,B, C, or D. Onw 1 do some people watch sports on TV? 2 do people think about a man who helped others 3 do people help che earth 4 do people go to work 5. do people hear or read stories that aren't true 6 do some people walk outside in big groups Wee) foremenber ‘A. April Foot’s Day ison Api ist tisr't a national holiday, but it’s day when people play jokes on friends and family Some good jokes are onthe Internet, inthe day or days...? OO0008 newspapers, or on TV—for example, one year on the Internet, a compnay that sells glasses put an advertisement for dog ‘sunglasses on its website. Many people believed it was true, B_ Earth Day isnt a national US holiday, but its day the US and the restof the world thinks about the earth and how to help it. People do things like clean up parks, ride thelr bikes, or plant trees. The first Earth Day was in 1970 € Martin Luther King, Jr. Day js 2 US national holiday. On the third Monday in January, Americans. remember Dr. King and his work helping Americans in the 1960s, Most schools and some businesses close far the day. ‘There are also parades and talks to celebrate Dr. King D_ Thanksgiving is 2 US national holiday on the fourth Thursday of November. A traditional Thanksgiving activity is cooking a turkey and eating a big meal with family and fiends. ‘After the meal, many people watch American football on TV or sitaround the table and tell stories or play games. 5 LISTENING SEA Listento four speakers talk about ‘their favorite times of year. Match the speakers to the seasons. Speaker! spring Speaker? fall Speaker3 winter Speaker 4 summer b SUMED Listen again. Match the speakers to the activities they enjoy doing at that time of year. Speaker 1 L] Speaker 2 [] Spealer3 EI speaie Ll a walking b planning © taking photos d traveling USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. birthday "bard asleep /2'slip depressing diipresty) outside (oppositeinside) /aot'sa hhate bert ina good mood in 9 gud ‘mud When's your birthday? /wenz yar ‘bortklen ‘Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here! 1K. Rowling, British author (G=Miusic is changing their lives 1 GRAMMAR eeview: be or do? 2 VOCABULARY music a Complete the sentences with the correct form, a Complete the words. of beor do. 1 What _are_ you listening to? 2 Whichinserament you play? 3 Thesinger Spanish. She's Argentinian, buy CDs. Allmy musi watching movie, We're watching the news. 6 your friend like reggae? 7 Which song your brother downloading? 8 He sing ina group. He’sa solo artist. 9 They gotoconcerts because they're too expensive. 10 _ youa member of fan club? b Rew the sentences as questions. 1 They listen to music online, Do they listen to music online ? 2 Baisings karaoke, 4-That guitars expensive 5 They gotoa lor of musicals 6 Fmwaiting in che right place HN ? 1 Rihanna isan R&B singer from Barbados. 7 Kathy likes reggae. : 2. Kings of Leonisan American r band. 3 Black Eyed Peasis a famous h, 8 You go dancing on the weekend. h Se gry e 4 Iron Maiden isan English h 9. He listens to classical music when he's stressed m band. 2 5 John Lee Hooker is famous for b music, 10 They'reinan orchestra. 6 Bach and Beethoven are two German composers of 7 Jennifer Lopez isa popular singer of L music. 8 Manyr____ musicians are from Jamaica 9. Jamie Cullum plays modern j 1b Complete the sentences with the words in the box, concert godancing download fan club karaoke lyrics musicchannels online i Diy Gel ote gulditig me Saturday 2. My sister loves Green Day and she's amember of their = 31 new music onto my MP3 player almost every day. 4 My children love watching especially MTV, 5 When she’s using her laptop, she often listens to music the song, but I don’t understand the 7 Many Japanese people love singing 8 Would you like to cometoa tonight? Ihave ewo tickets for Michael Bublé 3 PRONUNCIATION /y a Girelthe word which doesn’t have /y | yi yacht 1 use beautiful umbrella 2 young journalist yellow 3 nurse use music 4 musician lunch usually S January university summer | b GGT) Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words. LISTENING GED 1 Raul thinks eggaeis, a loud, fen to the dialogues and choose a, b, orc b slow. © great, 2 The people who sing on the woman's favorite CD are, a aclassical choir. b arock band. © actors. 3. Wendy usually listens to music. a online. b onCDs. © onthe radio, 4 The second man really likes. a Rihanna b Beyoncé, © Justin Bieber. 5 Joha...che song. a likes USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. aband (9 bend conductor /ksaldaktar karaoke /keriouki orchestra /arkostr> soundtrack /’saundtriek: awful fl fantastic /fen'teestik beafan(of...) ‘bis Beamember (of...) /bi 9 ‘membor download music godancing (goo deensin ‘dauntoud ‘myuztk > GSO rice 1 GRAMMAR simple past of be: was / were 7A—Et the National Portrait Gallery My life is a simple thing that would interest nobody. Itis a known fact that | was born, and that is all that is necessary. Albert Einstein, German scientist a Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn't, or werent ‘A Who's that? B It's Edith Wharton. ‘A Why’ _was_ she famous? B She* a writer. Ae she Canadian? B_No,she* F She* ‘American, She * born in New York City in 1862. A And” she married? B Yes, she| 1b Write questions and answers, 1 Alexander Graham Bell | sportsman? x Was Alexander Graham Bella sportsman No, he wasn’t 2 Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor actors? 7 Were Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor actors Yes, they were 3 Jorge Luis Borges writer? ¥ 4 The Beatles from the US?x 5 Robert Frost politician? x 6 LM.Pei |composer? x 7 Sofia Vergara | born | Columbia? 7 8 Frank Sinatra singer? v 9 |.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis | painters? x 10 Michael Jackson / born / Britain? x © Complete the dialogues with present or past forms of be. 1A What day _is it today? B Monday. Yesterday was _ Sunday. 2 AH your sister at home? BNo,she she here this morning, but now she at work. 3. A Ican't find my keys. Where __they? B I don't know. They ‘on your desk this morning, 4A Where ‘your new fiend fron? BHe born in the US, but his parents ‘bom in Singapore. 5 AWhy your boss angry yesterday? B Because! very late for work. 2 VOCABULARY word formation 4 LISTENING @ Make professions from these words. Useaoran. a S(T} Listen toa radio program about the greatest Americans of Anes Ga feats alltime, Number the people in the order they come on the list. write dence compose paint business act 10 sail ms rer oor b_ Underline the stressed syllables, eg, an inventor. George Washington | _ Ben Franklin © Practice saying the words ina, d_ Complete the sentences with was were anda noun froma, 1 Francis Drake _wasasailor 2 Beethoven and Mozart were composers 3 James Dean 4 Galileo 5. Freddie Mercury 6 The Weight brothers VEE) Lc 7 F. Scott Fitzgerald 8. Howard Hughes 9) Degasand Toulouse-Lautree b AGERE Listen again. Write T (true) or F (fase). 1 Ben Franklin was a young newspaper owner. r 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 2. George Washington was born on February 12, 1732. GTR Listen and repeat the conversation, 3 He was 76 when he died. 4 re Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15th, 1929. 10 Was Aaron Coplané He was a composer. Was he British? ‘No, he wasn't. He was American, Safenveste bow? 8 The greatest American of ll rime wasa singer. He was young when he died. 6 Abraham Lincoln was a painter He was 56 when he died. He was born in 1900. Were his parents composers? No, they weren't, USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. A B A 8 A B A 5 the (16th) century 09 ‘sent killed kilo between (1816 and 1820) /bv'twin be against something) bi ogenst bein love (with someone) i 1 Girls just want to have fun. Cyndi Lauper, American songwriter/singor 7 B—Chelsea girls L_ GRAMMAR simple past: regular verbs 8 time | work | did / What /arrive / Luisa | yesterday at Fe ? a Complete the sentences with a regular verb in the simple B Atteno'lock ast, first in the affirmative and then in the negative. B ? © Complete the questions and answers. book download listen miss play study watch work 1980 1997 1998 2001 2004 2007 2009 aa “ona When did ie ee wt happen: e Akasi-Kaik 2 61 some musi onto my laptop Ce oe but any movies. 7 The salesperson last Saturday, Baten Micheal iaciéon die bur she on Sunday, 2 8 My brother tennisarschool, He died in but he basketball b Order the words to make questions. saerions prcebock / start: 1 you did night (TV / What jonas / watch? sears ‘A _ What did you watch on TV last night ? iain 4. wen / Princess Diena/ die > 2 dij game the [time fend | What ee [eee [eal Z She died in B Atsix o'clock. 'S when/ the first tourist / travel into space 3 your presents birthday [like /you Did = 2 A 2 traveled into space in B Yes, {did They were great! 4 did { college | your Jin | brother / What | study aman mores ( WAS SPPCEC. ~ A ? B Modern Languages. pueveppesredin 5 parents | your {arrive late | Did 7 wien / Tim Berners-Lee / create the World Wide Web i ? ao B No,they didn't. They were early He created it in 6 Brazil/ your in/ friends / did Where live A > B Riode janciro 7 of {you Did Jat the /cry movie fend | the A ? B Yes, Idid. Itwas very sad. 2 VOCABULARY past time expressions the day before yesterday. 3 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. EBD Listen to the words. Underline the word Learn these words and phrases. ‘where -edis pronounced fd GPS asi pi'es 1 booked checked wanted —_ walked. surprised ‘sor'pratzd 2 painted arrived finished traveled arrive /sra 3 asked waited looked stopped cry rau 4 called played chatted listened miss. /nus S missed watched cooked started text tekst 6 followed decided lived relaxed travel Pinel STEGD Listen again and repeat the words. country house /kntri READING Read the article and choose the best ttle 1 chatted with my friends for an hour(ast nigh®| 5 LISTENING 2 BLED Listen to four speakers describing bad trips. How did they travel (e.g,, by car, etc.)? yesterday night. 1 3 2. My gislfriend finished college ago two years | 2 4 two years ago. 3. They traveled abroad last month | the last month. 4 Did you call me last morning | yesterday morning? 5 [estopped raining two hours ago / ewo ago hours. 6 My brother worked in the city last July / the last July 7 We watched that movie before two weeks | two weeks ago. 8 David booked the tickets yesterday afternoon | last afternoon, 9 Steve was horn in 1990 / on 1990. 10 I played golfthe day yesterday before | 1 ‘The wrong match 2 The wrong destis 3. The wrong player Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 How old was Bojana when the incident happened? Where was the tennis tournament? How did she travel to Carlsbad? Where die Bojana travel to first? ‘When did she arrive at the tournament? Who did she play in her first match? Did she win? b AGERE Listen again and match the speakers 1-4 to the sentences a-d. speaker speaker? CI speater3 CI Speakers C] A Asstranger helped me B Someone in my family helped me. € [started my trip twice. 1D I didn't arrive at my destination. erbian tennis player Bojana Jovanovski ‘was only 19 when she played in the 'San Diego Open. However, she almost rmissed the tournament, Her first match was in Carlsbad, California, so her agent booked a seat for her and gave her the ticket to Carlsbad. It was a long trip because Bojana needed to take three different planes. \When she finally arrived in Carlsbad, she was surprised to find that the airport was empty. She waited for 15 minutes and then called Tournament Transportation. The problem was that Bojana ‘was in Carlsbad, New Mexico and the transportation service was in Carlsbad, California where the tournament was. So, Bojana stayed in New Mexico for ‘the night and then traveled to Carlsbad, California the next morning. She arrived only 30 minutes before the start of her match with the Italian player Roberta Vinci, Unfortunately, the day finished badly for Bojana because she| lost the match 3-6, 6-4, 6-1. After that, she just wanted to go home! y Never be the first to arrive at a party or the "i last to go home, and never, ever be both. ‘Anonymous 1 GRAMMAR simple past: irregular verbs a Change the sentences from the present to the past. 2 VOCABULARY £0, have, get a Crossout the incorrect expression. 1 We meetin acafé. (last night) 1GO —tothebeach out toarestaurant bus —_Wemet ina café lastnight 2 HAVE lunch asandwich forawalk asister 2 Mateo sees his friends after work, (lastnight) 3GET dressed agoodtime up anemail 4GO —tobed acar away _onvacation 3. Emily loses her keys. (yesterday) 5 HAVE breakfast abike shorthair IS years = = © GET shopping home anewspaper _ataxi 4 We don'thave dinner at home. (last night) 15. Cosaplete te ua with wet had cxyor. 5 They leave work at 5:30. (yesterday) 6 Alex doesn't getup early (yesterday morning) 7 My frend feels sick. (yesterday) 8 Junko doesnt go out during the week. (last week) 9 Idon'e wear glasses. (yesterday) 10. Luciana can’t come to my party: (last year) b_ Complete the questions in the dialogue. feo! ~ i ry wife's birthday last Saturday, ‘went-to that new sushi restaurantin town. Pa waa ay Sa aon ae eee, {Ibooked a hotel on the Internet, and on B Yes,itwas great. Friday we the train to the coast. A Who? itn Itwas late when we arrived, so we just pape cemerons : sandwich and tobed. 8 1 worejeans and my new black shit. fe ee ‘A What time * home? 'B_ We got home at about midnight. beautiful day, so we” tothe beach. a ataxibome? We took a swim in the morning, and in the Yes, We didnt want to drive afternoon we* fora walk. In the ‘A Di?__agoodtime? evening, we? dinner in an expensive Yes wohada retire. The food was eos Ses ka eee pt OL fetes ikwass pete! next day was Sunday, sowe" _back_ ‘home again. The weekend was very short, but we ___agreat time, 3 4 a PRONUNCIATION irregular verbs, sentence stress Look at the pairs of irregular verbs. Do they have the same vowel sound? Write S (the same) or D (different). Lcame had (D) add fel Ss Sitangh “wore, El Sie: © pete. Sime wet” =O Giinew fare & OO Thad ot =| Brook cod O AGEEVED Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the irregular verbs. {GD Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm, ‘8 What cid you do last night B Iwent tothe movies. ‘A Who did you go with? B Iwent witha friend. ‘A Where did you go after the movies? 8 we went to orestaurant. we didn’t have an expensive meal. wedidn’t get home late. LISTENING GD, Listen toan interview aboura ‘memorable night. What did Melissa do? > gre 1 When wast? isten again and answer the questions. 2 Who was Melissa with? 3. Where were they? 4 When did she arrive in the city? 5 Where did they have coffee? 6 Did they havea good time? Why (000)? 7 What did they have for dinner? 8 What time did they get home? USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. goal (goo!) scarf iskarf screen (skrin embarrassed. /im'bierast memorable 'memorsbl decide (di'saud take aswim teik 9 'swinv know (somebody) alittle now 9 “itl SEI GSD Fue7 1 VOCABULARY directions a Complete the words. 1 cumleft gostr a gop on thee across f ab_ atthe tr L ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS Complete the dialogue with these words. “exactly Excuse miss near say Sorry tell way Where's ‘A + Excuse _me,please.* the train station? BS sIdon't live here. ‘A Excuse me: is the train station * here? (© Thetrain station? It's near here, but Idon't know s where. Sorry. ‘A Excise me, Can you ‘me the 7 to the train station, please? D_ Yes, of course, Go past the hotel. Then turn left at the traffic lights. i's at the end of the street. ‘A. Sorry, could you" that again, please? D_ Yes.Gopast the hotel. then turn left at the traffic lights. ‘andit's at the end of the street. You can't : itt ‘A Thank you. SOCIAL ENGLISH the box. Complete the sentences with the words “could course meet nice Maybe there What would What What Whatis We goto the art gallery. forlunch? of you. another time. Would you like to ‘That's really Yes, of | 4 READING a Read the information about getting around in the US. By bus 7 Inthe US. an economical way for craven ong stances by bs. The most important company is Greyhound which has Hele service between big ces, Greyhounds also 2 eanvenlen way for vavling to smaller ces and towns that dot have other forms of transportation tke rains or airplanes, Tavling by bus uvaly cheap you buy your ticket ety and travel at times ofthe day that ae not busy By car Many people travel by carn the US. can be expensive, and there is often alot of trafic, However. traveling by car means that you can be independent and flexible Also, acar with three or more passengers can be cheaper than public transportation, You can go quickly from one city to the next on freeways, but small roads ae often ‘more Scenic and fun Parking in bg cties can be difficult and very expensive. Some cities lke Denver, Baltimore, and Philadelphia have light rll rain systems. You can park outside the city in a free parking lot and then take a light ral train downtown, By train Train are generally faster and more comfortable than buses for long dstance travel. but they canbe alot more expensive ‘Theres only one train company that operates train service inthe US, and that is Amtrak. Passengers can get information on timetables and fares fom the Amtrak website. which also has a way to buy tickets. There are three types of tickets: coach Glas. business class, and fist class. Tickets are cheaper if you buy them early. b_ Read the information again. Write T (true) or F (false). 1 Taking a busisa slow way to travel T 2 The besttime to travel by busisat quiet times, — 3 There isn’t much trafficin the US. 4 You need to pay for parking when you use light rail in Denver, 5 You can buy tickets from Amtrak. : © Match the fighlight@d adjectives to cheir meanings. beautiful easy todo cheap easy to change something happening often ry 1 GRAMMAR simple past: regular and irregular @ Read thispolice report, Complete the sentences with the simple past form ofthe verbs in parentheses. POLICE REPOR Bank robbery ‘We ‘arrived (arrive) at the bank at 0:56 in the evening, and we * (parlo our police car outside, The bank ss (be) closed and all the lights * (e) off, but we ook) through the window. We * (see) a person inside the bank, At first, we z (not can) see who it was, but then he * open) ‘the door and came out — it was Steven Potter. He ® (not run) away — he just walked slowly to his car, and then drove away. The next morning, we (G0) to his house ‘at 6:00 a.m. We " fina) him in bed. He (not want) to speak to us, but we ™ (take) him to the police station. 8A—A murder story b Complete the ques Elementary, my dear Watson. Attributed to Sherlock Holmes (but he never saidit) verbs in parentheses. DETECTIVE Where *_were you _ at about 9:30 yesterday evening? (be) STEVEN POTTER Iwas at the movies. The movie* started at 9.00. start) D_ What movie” ? (506) 'SP_ can't remember. It wasn't very good D Him. Very interesting. Andwho* tothe movies with? (go) ‘SP With my girlfriend. regs the movie? (ike) SP_ Yes, she thought it was very good. D Whattime® ______the movie 2 {end} ‘SP Atabout 10:30. D- Andwhat after you left the movies? (da) ‘SP We went toa restaurant - La Dolce Vita on Main Street. D_ LaDolce Vita? know it. Very good spaghetti, What time ‘ the restaurant? (leave) SP Atabout 12:00am, D That's very late. * __home after that? (g0) SP No, we went to abirthday party at Flanagan's. Then we went home. DB How? ataxi? (get) ‘SP No, we got a bus. 1D And what time * ___ to bed? (go) SP At about 400 am.Can| go home now? tm tired. D__ No, idlike to ask you some more questions. 2 VOCABULARY irregular verbs a Complete the base form and past forms of these irregular verbs with a,e,i,0, or. Past began dr_nk or_ve eve kn_w pt st 9 swm sw_m 10 w_ke [op] w_ke [up] uwon won 12 wr_te wr_te b_ Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verbs in the box. buy find break heer make take can lose meet think 1 Lastnight we heard a noise downstairs 2 They the man's daughter was the murderer 3 The police officer the money in an old bag, 4 They __ their friends outside the restaurant. 51 a detective story in the bookstore. 6 My wife her cell phone last night 7 Theman window and went into the house. 8 Somebody ry laptop when Iwas out of the room, 9 Wewere worried because we _ see a police ‘car outside our house. 10 Iwas thirsty so acup oftea. 3 PRONUNCIATION simple past verbs a Match the verbs with the same vowel sound. drove could made said learned bought had made left spoke 6 took 7 heard b GRA Listen and check. Then listen and repeat a b 4 LISTENING GETED Listen to a radio interview witha detective. What does he like most about his job? GIERED Listen again and choose a,b, or. I Jeremy Downs decided he wanted to be a detective. a when he wasachild b_ when he left school © whem he finished college. 2. His first job in the police a ateacher. b apolice officer. © adetective, 3 Jeremy took a... to make sure hhe was strong and healthy for the job. a alawtest b- arunning test © physical fitness 4 Jeremy usually works a outside, b inanoffice. © atthe police station. 5 He sometimes feels...when he isat work a. bored bb stressed © worried USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these wordsand phrases. brary lasbreri murder nord nobody noubadi secretary 'sekroteri believe /biliv ill business partner bbiznas partnat 1 GRAMMAR there is / there are, some / any + plural nouns Complete the dialogue with the correct form of, thereis| thereare and, ifnecessary, a some, or any. ‘A. Hello. minterestedin the apartment for rent. B Oh, OKLet me tell you aboutit. There’sa_targe living room and ‘small kitchen. ae table in the kitchen? B No, But? _ very nice dining room with a table and some chairs. ‘A. That's fine. What about the bedrooms? How many bedrooms * 2 5” ‘three bedrooms and a bathroom. A shower in the bathroom? B Yes, ; ‘A Good.” bookshelves in the living room? B Nom sorry. But * cupboards. ‘A. That's OK. think t's perfect for us. How muchis it? b Write the sentences in the plural using some or any. 1 There’san armchair in the living room, Thereare some armchairs in the living room. 2 Istherea rug downstairs? 3 There’sa CD on the shelf, 4 Isthere aglass in the cupboard? © Girelthe correct form. (19) There's a nice apartment and it isn’t / there isn’t very expensive. * There are / They are two rooms, uc‘ there aren't they aren’e very big. "There's /Itis ‘small kitchen and a bathroom. °There isn’t /Ieisn'ta bathtub in the bathroom, but” ’s| there's a new shower. ‘The apartment ison the 10th floor, so" there’s {itis aa great view of the city, And” there's itsa very large balcony with a lor of flowers. ® They are / There are beautiful in the summer! 8B=—Ahouse with a history If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen. Allison Pearson, rtish writer 2 VOCABULARY the house a Complete the crossword, Clues across Clues down) b Write the room. 1. You usually take off your coat in the hall 2 You usually take shower in the b You usually have dinner in the d You usually use a computer in the st You usually park your car in the g—_ You usually make lunch in the k You usually watch television in the L 8 You usually sleep in the b. 9. You usually sit outside in the y 3 PRONUNCIATION ‘er/ and /ir/; sentence stress the word with a different sound. 1 theyre there dear 2 cheers stairs near 3 where wear were chair App) | 4 pete hat hear bb QURED Listen and repeat the words. © Underline the stressed syllable. 1 office 2 mirror 3 culpboard 4 balcony 5 bathtub 6 sofa 7 armchair 8 garage 9 ceiling 4 GQIRED Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words LISTENING ETED Listen wo Mrs. Goodings show her house to Bradley and Joanna, a couple who are interested in renting it. Check¥ the three rooms Mrs. Goodings shows them, 1 bathroom 2°bedroom — EI 3 iningvom ‘ane 5 hall ga 6 kitchen = 7 ving root sed AGTRDD Listen again and write T (true) or F (false). 1 Mrs. Goodingsalwayseatsin the kitchen, 2 Joanna doesn’t like the living room. 3 There isn'ta washing machine inthe kitchen. 4 There's hole in the ceiling ofthe kitchen. 5 Joanna likes the ‘There isn'ta TV in the living room, ‘There are three bedrooms upstairs. Bradley forgets about the hole in the bathroom ceiling. {ndows in the living room. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. advertisement edyar taizmiant shwasher /'difwalor lovely vl along time ago. Ioy) taim sigou: Wow! /wvavi How horrible! /haw ‘horsbl e's perfect! its 'porfikt 'm not frightened of death, | just don't want to be there when it happens. Woody Allen, American movie director 1 GRAMMAR there was / there were @ Complete the text. Use was, were, wasn't, or werent Iwent on vacation to Brazil last summer, and Istayed in an amazing hotel. My room was great. There was a large bed, and there *___ ‘cupboards to put my clothes in. There’ _ akitchen, but there‘ _a small refrigerator full of drinks and snacks. There” three Afferent restaurants to choose from. There * _ a beautiful swimming pool in the hotel, and there *___along beach nearby. There * any tourists on the beach, but there” baby turtles. They were really beautifull some big b_ Complete the dialogue with a form of there was / there were. ‘A. Did you have a good vacation? B Notreally.” Therewas _ aproblem with my hotel. ‘A Oh,no. What happened? B_ Well, we couldn't swim because * ‘a swimming pool. And * any restaurants near the hotel, ‘a small refrigerator in your room? B No," asia refrigerator and ‘ television. The only thing inmy room was the bed! ‘A Oh? bathroom? B Yes,but* ___any clean towels. Everything was very dirty. A + __anynice people at the hotel? B Yes," some great people, but they allfelt the same as me - very angry! 2 VOCABULARY prepositions: place and movement. Complete the sentences with these words. behind in infrontof next to acrossfrom outof over under up ‘There's family _in_ the dining room. ‘The boyissitting __the girl. ‘The woman is the man. There's a ghost standing 1 2 3 4 the woman. 5 There’sabag 6 7 8 __ the table. Awaiteris coming the kitchen. ‘There’sa ghost the waiter. The waiter is carrying the plates the kitchen the tables. 9) There’saclock___the kitchen door. 10 A ghostis going _ the stairs PRONUNCIATION silent letters ross our the silent letters. 5 hour 6 walk 3 white 4 know 1 ghost 7 builder 2 cupboard wrt, SGIATD Listen and repeat. Copy the ehythm, SGA Listen and underline the stressed words, There was lamp on the table There wasn't bathtub inthe bathroom, 1 2 3 Was there a mirror in the bedroom? 4. There were some books on the shelf, ‘There weren't any cupboards in the kitchen. 6 Were there any plants in the study? GGA Listen again and repeat the sentences, READING Read the text. Write T (true) or F (false). Maesmawr Hallis sore than 500 years old F People have seen ghosts inside and outside the hotel ‘The ghosts areall of people who lived in the hou: Robin Drwg's ghost sometimes appears as a bull Paranormal investigators didn't think that Maesmaws Hall was haunted. inthe past. LISTENING GERED Listen to four people talking rooms. Which countries did they visit? STEED Listen again. Match the speakers to the rooms Speaker! C] Speaker? C} Speakers C] speater C1] A Theroom was under the water. B Theroom had mirrors on the walls andthe ceiling C The room wasa' very comfortable D The room was up atree USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. ghosts /goust haunted /hontod guest (ges strange (streind owner [ou In the middle of the night wicks in 89 mudl av remote control (in brave /t frightened Yrattad) | Gp res | Tal Maesmawr Hall: A Haunte is a manor house in Powys, Miscrteeiins tots 20-bedroom hotel and venue for weddings, Its famous because people say itis haunted. Many quests say that they have seen ghosts. A businessman who stayed at the hotel said that when he looked out of the window, he saw hundreds of Roman soldiers marching. Infact, in Roman times ‘there was a road that passed through the grounds of Maesmawr Hall. Other guests said they saw the hosts ofthe Davies sisters who owned the hotel in the 1900s, and the ghost of an old housekeeper ‘walking through a wall in the hall. But perhaps most frightening is the story that the ghost of an evil man named Robin Drwg haunts the woods around the hotel. Some people say that they have seen this ghost suddenly change into the shape of a bull. Maesmawr was on a TV show about houses with ghosts called Most Haunted. The TV show hosts and investigators from the Mid Wales Paranormal (MWP) reported a lot of strange activity inthe hall ~ seeing balls of light, Feeling movements, and hearing unusual sounds, During the investigation, the floor in one of the upstairs rooms moved. The hotel's current owner, Nigel Humphryson, says he often hears voices and banging noises that he cannot explain. So if you're interested in ghosts, why not stay here? But don't go outside at night unless you're feeling really bravel 1 GRAMMAR countable / uncountable nouns; a/an, some / any @ What did Sarah and Martin buy when they went shopping yesterday? Write a, an, or some in the blanks 1 some. sausages 6 orange 2 lettuce 7 pineapple 3 eggs 8 potato chips 4 carrots 9) sam 10 ——: 1b Write the sentences in the affirmative! negative =]form, 1 There's some cheese in the refrigerator. G2) There isn'tany:cheese in the refrigerator 2 There are some strawberries in our garden, El There 3. [didn't have an egg for breaktast. 4 There isn’t any sugar in my tea here int eat any snacks yesterday. 6 There weren't any sandwiches in the kitchen, ee 7 Lbought a pineapple at the supermarket. Gr 8 There was some bread in the cupboard, Ei There © Complete the dialogue with a, an, some, or any. ‘A What do weneed to buy for our dinner party? Let's make alist. B Well, want to make’ _a_ lasagne, soweneed* _ pasta and” meat. ‘A. Pasta..and meat, What about tomatoes? Are there: ‘ tomatoes in the refrigerator? B. Let's look. There's* _ onion, but there aren't ‘ tomatoes, Put those on the lst, too. ‘A. Ok..tomatoes. Is there” cheese? B_ Yes,theres" mozzarella cheese, so thats perfect: ‘A Let’shave® salad with the lasagna, 8 A 8 0K. Then we need to buy ™ lettuce. What about dessert? is there fruit? No, there isn't. Let's get * strawberries. 52 J Sai ietelel eles einige =)\) To eat well in England, have breakfast three times a day. W. Somerset Maugham, British writer 2 VOCABULARY food a Complete the crossword Clues across 1b Write the words in the correct column. ‘apples bananas candy carrots chocolate cookies. ‘mushrooms onions oranges peas pineapple potatoes potatochips sandwiches strawberries, “Vegetables | Snacks Fruit apples 3 PRONUNCIATION the letters ea 5 LISTENING a Gir the word with a different sound. a §GETED Listen to four speakers talking about their favorite meal. Complete the meals. Speaker! roast Speaker 2 tikka masala Speaker3 hor dogand Speaker4 sweet and sour tofu and 1 meat breakfast tea 2 bests Peaeny ‘ce cream 1b AGIA Listen again, Match the speakers to the sentences. Speaker! C] A often eatit ouside Speaker? EJB Lalwaysorderrice witht JTET | 3 eat great steak Speaker3 [J] C thaveitata local restaurant train Speakers C] —_D Teatitwhen visit my parents b QTE Listen and check. Then Tisten and repeat the words USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. 4 READING eich . a Read chearticle and match the headings dishes ii tothe paragraphs. ingredients /in‘gridiont caconut water popscies roast camel ee Tee b Read the article again. Write T (true) sweetcorn /'swit korn or F (false (00d) t0g0 tov gou delicious /arios 1 ‘The Bedouin people eat roast ‘camel on special occasions. vegetarian /vedsoterion 2 There are seven ingredients in the Bedouin meal because the weather was cold giles: interestin . Seen ETS a coconuts. 1 eM To Lar aie tere c Contereingtincmammgmm (Ey meme eee ere acca GueshemezningotheBGNED Sty saad epee be a ens cae SEE REE ee Creer ‘the fish, the sheep with the chickens, and the camel with the sheep. Then he cooks: in hredene oper inane: MN ne er 2 ltwas an I-year-old American boy who invented these, In1905, the boy, Frank Epperson, wanted to make a drink, He put some soda powder ina cup of water and used a stick to mixit. Then he forgot about the drink and left it outside. That nightitwas very cold, 0 the mixture froze. Eighteen years later, he made some more ofthe frozen mixture and sold his first one at an amusement park. The Britsh call them ice pops." si You can find tis liquid in young fruit thats stil green. People drank itn South-East Asia Africa, and the Caribbean before it became popular as a health drink, Today, athletes drinkit after playing sports. Its very good for you as itis lw in fats ‘and sugars. Doctors sometimes use it in an emergency because itis smilar to human plasma. he was 29 years old Human beings are 70% water. i With some people, the rest is collagen. OB=white gold 1 GRAMMAR quantifiers: how much / how many, a lot of, etc. @ Complete the questions. Then complete the sentences. — you put on your food? do you put in your tea? wedi 1 Hedoesn'tputmuchsaltonhisfood. 2 He 3 She (einen salt do Not my.) (on (pcb sya to yee 2 22 ey aera Y 6 She _ = e Read the information and write questions. FOOD FACTS 1 How muchsugaristhereinan orange __? Answer: 81 ounces. a : ‘There is .81 ounces of sugar in an orange. % Answer: About 125. P hae ‘Answer: About 18 ‘There are about 18 oranges in a carton of orange juice. <4 2 ‘Answer:,04 ounces [ea ee ra Re oR) ee Fe Tate ate twelve 993 na carton nee 6 > Answer: 16 ounces. 2 VOCABULARY food containers 4 a Unscramble the words to make food containers. a 1 rja jar 2 bxo 3 encoat 4 gab 5 cpeagha 6 nica 7 rotble b_ Complete the sentences with a container from a. 1 She was thirsty so she boughta_can_of soda. 2 Doyouneed the scissors to open the LISTENING Listen to the radio program about food ‘groups. Complete the examples of the groups. of juice? 3 Hetook the of strawberry jam out of the cupboard 4 Thereisa lange ‘of potato chips on the table 5 Wealwaystakea of water when we go fora walk. 6 Ken feels sick because he ate abig of cookies 1 carbohydrates: bread, pasta, 7 Igavehera of chocolates to say 2 fruits and vegetables: apples, oranges, thank you, carrots 3 protein: meat, 3 PRONUNCIATION and /s/ 4 milk and dairy: yogurt 5 fats and sugars: cake, scandy, chi a Gireldthe word with a different sound. penne lst | 1b _GUERED Listen again. Fill in the blanks with 1 sugar salad cereal ‘one word. snake 1 Carbohydrates give us 7 he 2 Fruitsand vegetables contain important —__ S| 2 swe fresh salt 3 Protein helps our bodies to and repair. theniat 4 Milk and daiey are important for our bones and 2 & fou should eat fats and sugars or $ 3 fice shopping science oe =e aweel bi aha” + tcrmnetlony itera: USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Stover Learn these words and phrases. b AGITAY Listen and check. Then listen and gold igould repeat the words. pia te © SGIELED Listen and repeat the sentences. feeamains Lctoaron i ‘She St i re Jide the study fresh fref saw Susan standing outside the study. iret vnien 2 Shawn said sorry for singing in the shower. 3. Steve puts six spoons of sugar on his cereal instead of “in'sted av 4 Sylvia spends Saturdays inthe shopping center, 9 E=ctiz night 1 GRAMMAR comparative adjectives @ Write the comparative forms of these adjectives in the correct circle. bad beautiful cheap dry sad difficult dirty cold far wet high hungry comfortable thin good ‘one syllable = 4 -er Tvowel + Ieonsonant = double consonant + -er Tord syllables endinginy=+-ier [Zor more syilabres| 2 = more +adjective b_ Write sentences using the opposite adjective. 1 Abikeis slower than a car. Acar _isfaster thana bike 2 Lions are smaller than tigers. Tigers 3 Brazil is wetter than Argentina. Argentina 4 January is longer than February. February : 5 Alaptop is more expensive than an iPod, AniPod 6 Fridays are better than Mondays. Mondays 7 Astove shorter than a refrigerator. A refrigerator 8 Spanish is easier than English English Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein, German scientist 2 VOCABULARY high numbers a ATED Listen and Gircl9 the correct numbers. 1 104 304 2 586 596 32,670 2,660 4 8,905 9,905 5 11,750 12,750 6 543,830 553,830 7 1,318,000 1,350,000 8 25,460,000 35,460,000 1b UERED Listen and write the numbers in words. 1125 2 895 3450000 _ 412470 _ 5 33,930 6 575,600 7 6,250,000 8 34,800,265 3 PRONUNCIATION (or), sentence stress a Write the words in the chart. better bigger cheaper colder dirtier drier healthier higher slower thinner worse @ ge £ @ 1 tree eee phone better b GGA Listen and repeat. © GGERE Listenand stressed words. A pencil is cheaper than pen China is bigger than Japan ‘The kitchen is dirtier than the living room. An apple is healthier than a cookie. Canada is colder than Mexico. Everest is higher than Kilimanjaro, 4 GAT Listen again and repeat che ‘sentences. Copy the rhythm, 4 READING a Read the sentences. Do you think they are T (true) or F (false)? Then read the article and check. 1 There are fewer car accidents on Tax Day, 2 Elephants remember more than other animals. 3 South America is bigger than North America 4 Margarine is healthier than butter. b_ Guess the meaning ofthe ighlighiGdl words. Check the meaning and pronunciation in your dictionary. 4 T spans have brains that are bigger than any other land mammal. The expression “an elephant never forgets" suggests that the bigger an animal's brain is, the better that animal can remember things. Animal researchers discovered that this is actually true for elephants! These animals can remember details about areas of land as big as 1,200 square miles! ss There are 12 countries in South America including Argentina and Brazil. It has an afea of 6,888,062 square miles and its population is over 371,090,000. North America includes Canada and the US, but it also contains the countries of Central America, It covers an area of about 95,401,198 square miles, and its population is almost 529 million. This makes it bigger ‘than South America, nderline the 5 §r LISTENING GEES Listen to a conversation between a couple talking about two cities with the same name. Write T (true) or F (False). More people ive in Birmingham, UK than Birmingham, US. Birmingham, US is bigger than Birmingham, UK. - US is greener than Birmingham, UK. 1 2 3 Birmingh 4 Birmingham, US is older than Birmingham, UK. 5 Birmingham, US is wetter than Birmingham, UK. 6 Birmingham, US is hotter than Birmingham, UK. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. contestants /Kon'testont population /papyolefa prize (pra approximately /s\praksomatl win a competition win 9 kampo'tf =) GP Furs myths 3 wen ne Amercon Medica Assocation studied he number of people injured in traffic accidents in the US, they got a surprise. They discovered that there were more dangerous car accidents on Tax Day. Tax Day is. every year around April 15. People in the US are busy ‘around this time! 4 exports have cifferent opinions about margarine and butter, and there isa big argument about which ‘one is better for you. The truth is that margarine today is better than itwas in the past because producers use a different type of vegetable ol. Butter still contains a lot of animal ft. Margarine today contains less fat ‘which makes it healthier than butter. Practical English 1 VOCABULARY AND READING @ Look at the menu and answer the questions. 1 Which is the best appetizer for somebody on a diet? 2. What main course can a vegetarian have? 3 Canyou have fruit for dessert? 4 How many types of coffee are there? 5. Dochildren pay the same asadults? Appetizers Chicken soup Shrimp cocktail Grilled vegetables with low-fat cheese (V) Salads Tossed salad (V) Seafood salad Main courses Roast beef served with roast potatoes and vegetables ‘Mushroom risotto with Parmesan cheese (V) Griled salmon served with French fries and peas Desserts Fresh fut salad Chocolate brownie with cream ‘New York cheesecake Beverages Iced tea Soda Coffe espresso or latte) Today's specials $1995 se the bord forthe diy speci 25% discount on children’s portions (W) Suitable for vegetarians $650 59.25 3675 $5550 $725 $19.25 $11.50 $16.75 $6.95 $850 $8.25 $275 $275 $2.25 Underline the words or phrases you don’t know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. ORDERING A MEAL Complete the dialogue with one word in each blank. ‘A Good evening. Do you have a reservation _? B Yes,a* for two. My name's Regina Morgan. ‘A Come this? lease, A. Are you ready to 2 B Yes. The grilled vegetables and the mushroom risotto, please. € §___ tke the shrimp cocktail and then the roast beef, please. ‘A Whatwouldyou® _todrink? cis. water for me. B Abottle of mineral water, please. A ‘or sparkling? B Is sparkling OK? © Yes, sparkling. ‘A Thankyou, madam, B Thankyou. SOCIAL ENGLISH Match the sentences 1-6 to the correct responses a-f ‘What do you do on your birthday? Would you likea dessert? Addecaf espresso. ‘Can | use your phone? Good news? ‘Could we have the bill, please? o o Oo oO o Not for me, thanks. Yes. gorthe jab! Sener Yes, of course, sit. ‘The same for me, please. Yes, goahead, {As soon as there’ life there is danger. Ralph Waldo Emerson, American weiter HE 7 - Set WateMaves=jele|-19)=1=1f010 = elle 1 GRAMMAR superlative adjectives @ Complete the chart. the coldest 2 high 3. expensive 4 dy 5 dangerous | =a 6 hot 7 beautifol | 8 interesting 8 good 10 bad 1b Write the questions. 1. What | small continent / world __What’sthe smallest continentin the world 2. What /ig ocean | world 3 Wes (agony Fe 1 Waa [aS 5 What | wet place | world Wie iene 7 asia ilo af 8 What / cold place / world © Gireld the correct answer to the questions in b. b Europe © South America 2a TheAtlantic b The Pacific © The Indian Ocean Superlative 3a Canada b China © Russia 4a Mumbai b- Shanghai © Buenos Aires Sa India b Ireland © Brazil 6 a The Sahara Desert (Africa) b The Painted Desert (The US) © The Atacama Desert (South America) 7 a Mandarin Chinese b English © Hindi 8a The Arctic b Alaska © The Antarctic VOCABULARY places and buildings Complete the sentences with a word in each box. art department pang palce post shopping town tan 1. Where can you visit different stores? Ata shopping mall 2. Where can you see paintings? Inan__ 3. Where can you get a train from? Froma 4 Where can you buy stamp? Ata 5. Where can you talk to police officer? Ata 6 Where can you buy clothes forall the family? ‘At 7 Where can you leave your car? Ata 8 Where can you speak to local politician? othe 3 4 Complete the puzzle. Can you find the hidden word? PRONUNCIATION consonant groups GIVED Listen and repeat the sentences. It’s the cheapest place to live. Ie’s the highest mountain in the world He's the healthiest person in the family. e's the prettiest town in the country Ie’ the most difficult language to learn, Ie’s the most polluted city in the area, ‘They're the most attractive couple I know. She's the most intelligent person in the lass. LISTENING GIT Listen to.a radio interview with a travel writer. ‘What is his book called? AGEVAD Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1 Uluruis the rockin the world 2 Is feet long 3 The world’s highest waterfall 4 Thetallestbuilding in the worlds 5. ‘The world's oldest city began in BC feet high, 6 The world’s longest train track goes from to Vladivostok. 7 The shortest runway in the world is feet long, 5 READING a Read the textand write T (true) or F (false) 1 Ulm Mansteris the world’s biggest church, 2. You can sometimes see the mountains from the top ofthe church 3 Ulm Manster was the city’ firse church 4 Construction ofthe church took over 500 years ‘The church opens ev 6. Ie’s very expensive to visit Ulm Munster day at 8 o'clock. b_ Guess the meaning of the highlighted words. LIMIT THE THE SKY'S ‘Ulm Munster in Germany isthe tallest church in the world The tallest part ofthe church isthe steeple, which is 528 feet high and contains 768 steps. From the top of the church there isa view of the city, and on a clear day ‘you can see the Alps, Before the Minster was built, Uim already had a church outside the city walls. However the inhabitants ofthe ‘ity decided that they wanted a new church in the town ‘center, and they agreed ta pay for the building, ‘Construction of the church began in 1377, but the building _wasn't completed until May 31, 1890, At first, the work ‘was dificult because the heaviest pats fell down and the builders had to repair them, Then construction stopped from 1543 to 1817 for political reasons, ‘Today, tourists can visit the church every day ofthe ‘year. Inthe winter, the church is open from 9 a.m. ‘0 4:45 pum, and the church is open in the summer months from 8 am, to 7:45 p.m, Admission to the church is free, but the price of climbing the steeple is €3 for adults and €2 for children. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. accidents /eksadants fan (fan region. ridson popular "popyslor wide (opposite narrow) /waid) below (opposite above) bi'low ‘To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish writer vita) CouchSurf around the world! 1 GRAMMAR be going to (plans), 2 VOCABULARY vacations future time expressions a Write the expressions in the correct column, a Order the words to make sentences. aaa Gk ASI ET 1 are /there | you / get [0 / How / going the sights inahotel nice meals How are you going to get there 2 somebody around your town witha friend 2 to [isn't {He {a going stay Jin hotel . eae = GO| back home 3. show /t0 /They'e [city / going /the |me Tie 4 good! / going /time /have / We're /to /a gee SHOW 5 is home /t0 she | going | When / go stay 1b Complete the texe with the verbs froma. 6 not] sights / going | 'm see [the [to 1b Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of going to, 1 _Arethey going toleave by rain? (they /leave) 2 We ‘our friends the city. (show) 3 They rice meals in expensive restaurants. (have) 4 with a friend? (you / stay) 5 They the museum. (not visit) 6 the sights? (they | see) 7 He alot of people. (meet) 8 She_ ‘on vacation this year. (not go) © Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of going to. Me cis aeveas Maria is relly happy because she’s going to “go on Risayinnen® es see tomorrow, Sigg Pe B Wel this year (not/sleep)inhotets bith er cousins in Euenoa Aree, Theye gong 10 Instead, 'm going to CouchSurf. 2 her around the city, and she's ‘A CouchSurf? What a great ideal ® (travel) going to * all the sights, They're alone? going to «a lot of nice meals B Yes, 1am. My best fiend” (crve) to Sandiego he aR TaRT OT i Sierra tay ian (eee — hr fon the beach, and they * ~ (@ance) al night. 8S feb a that dnd bf vacation 1° _ Giietie ‘Aires for a week, The second week, Maria and her cousins lotof new people and see a lot of new places. ‘are going to travel to the coast. Theyre going to ‘A Which states ® 2 Wisit) ‘na hotel, and they're going to B Virgiviafist, and then North Carolina, South Carolina, and Bares as are nna Georgia. My CouchSurfing hosts how ay ce 0 Bu perk he me the sights. 1° (have) a great time! nO PT goes home, PRONUNCIATION sentence stress (UERED Listen and underline the stressed words. How are you going to get there? Where are you going to stay? We're going co stay fora week. Tm going to see the sights. Wearen't going to go by ear. mot going to stay in a hotel. ETD Listen again and repeat the sentences. ‘Copy the rhythm, LISTENING AGA Listen to four speakers talking about their first experience CouchSuefing, How many people did not enjoy the experien §GQEVAD Listen again and match the speakers tothe sentences A-D. Speaker! [] —Speaker3 Speaker? C] Speaker CI] A CouchSurfing gave me the chance to make friends. B CouchSurfing helped me with my work. C Myhost was also my tour guide tothe city D My second experience CouchSuefing was better than the first READING Read the text. Answer the questions with A (Angela), J (ay), $ (Sofia), or T (Tomo). 1 Which person made new friends while traveling? ] 2. Who spenevezylinksonaccomodatioas? =| L] 3 Who used his or her InterRail pass on another form of transportation? 4 Who was traveling broad forthe fimétime?> 5. Which person found it easy to make new plans while traveling? USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. couch /kavtf roommate /‘rummest ahost_/a ‘hoost ‘ereate a profile /krieit 9 ‘proof recommend (things todo) ‘eka'mend! Havea good trip! /hev 2 god ‘trip Ie’sfree. fits ‘fri Things didn't workout. (inz ‘didnt wark aov Traveling by InterRail ‘Since 1972, backpackers have enjoyed the freedom to. explore 30 European countries thanks to the InterRail pass. Here, Interail travelers say why they love InterRall so much. Angela Bowman, (23, the US) ‘Amsterdam ~ Hamburg ~ Berlin ~ Warsaw ~ Krakow ~ Prague = Vienna ~ Budapest ~ Zagreb ~ Split Mostar ~ Sarajevo ~ Belarade Tove InterRal because you can go where you want, when ‘you want! When we started our trip, we had an idea of ‘where we wanted to go, but as we traveled, we got new ideas. Changing our plans was easy ~ you can stay an extra night or two if you like a place, and if you don't like it, you can go somewhere else The InterRail pass gives you real freedom. Jay Honahan (26, Canada) ‘Amsterdam ~ Bonn ~ Stuttgart = Salzburg ~ Ljubliana ~ Split~ Pescara ~ Bati ~ Corfu ~ Igoumenitsa ~ Patras ~ Athens. ‘One ofthe best things about InterRail i that you get cheaper, ‘or even free travel on ferries as well as trains. I traveled to Split, in Croatia and then took the ferry to Pescara in Italy. Then | traveled by InterRail tothe south of Italy and then took the ferry tothe Greek island of Corfu. twas fantastie! You also get discounts on hotel, tourist attractions, and a lot more Sofia Valenzuela (26, Mexico) Paris ~ Versailles ~ Epernay ~ Blois ~ Angers ~ Lyons ~ ‘Chamonix — Nice ~ Monaco ~ Ventimiglia ~ Pisa - Florence ~ Perugia ~ Assisi ~ Rome ~ Naples In six weeks, Imet so many new, interesting people and ‘made friends from all over the world. I's a cheap way to travel too, especially if you take the night trains ~ I saved a lot of money on accomodations this way I really want to g0 InterRailing again! Tomo Nagasaki (21, Japan) Innsbruck = Venice ~ Sienna ~ Lucca ~ Pisa ~ Florence ~ ‘Cannes ~ Monaco ~ Nice ~ Figueras ~ Rosas ~ Barcelona ~ Paris — Antwerp ‘This was the first time I'd left Japan, and Tloved it. InterRail is safe and easy for first-time travelers. I got an InterRail Global Pass so I could take as many trains as I wanted. 1 saw many amazing places, and learned a lot about Europe's cculture and history. I visited over 15 cities in less than a month, I'm definitely going to do it again next year! Love cannot save you from your own fate. Jin Morrison, singer with The Doors EQ@=What's going to happen? 1 GRAMMAR be going to (predictions) @ Lookat the pictures. Write sentences using these verbs and be going to. eat have listen lose read take 1 _They're going a pizza, 2 VOCABULARY verb phrases z ____ some mone; = rae Complete the phrases with verbs from the box. 2 acoftee be become fall get) have mest move travel tomusic es 6 book, Ate tutky ——— Esa 2 somebody new hl pape 3 toadifferent country é 4 __married Write a etter in he box: A= plan, B = prediction . salscoFisoneh 1 'mgoing to buy some stamps. 6 inlove 2 It’s going to be cold tomorrow zo famous 3 Jim's going to study tonight. 8 _anew job 4 Our team is going to lose this game. sae aurptise 5 There's goingto bea storm later. 6 think that restaurant's going to close. 7 They're going to buy anew TV. 8 I'mgoing to book a flight online. toanew house ooo0o0o000 68 3 PRONUNCIATION the letters oo Look atthe pairs of words. Check ¥ the pairs with the same sound and putan X on the pairs that are different. 1 choose school v 2. book soon 3 food ‘moon 4 good cook 5 took spoon 6 look too b GGA Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 4 READING a Read the text. Match the headings to the paragraphs. 1 Giveme your hand 2 Let's play cards 3 How do you like your tea? 4 What's inside the ball? b_ Read the textagain and write T (crue) or F (False). 1 The easiest way to read tarot cardsis to use four cards, 2 Animage ofa nurse means bad health. 3. A trong heartline means you'r going to find love 4 A shape of a bird means bad luck © Guess the meaning of the highlighted! words. Check in your dictionary 5 LISTENING GTR Listen to Peteand Amy's conversation about the psychic Uri Geller. Was his with the spoons real? b _GGRED Listen again and write T (true) or F (false). Alot of people watched Uri Geller inthe past. Pete and Amy see a video oftthe trick. Amy doesn’t believe the trick at first 1 3 4 Uri doesn't use a normal spoon. 5 Uri doesn't speak during the trick. 6 ‘Today, Uri doesn’t appear in public tac at tanh tats ti seen tate tint a setae i name ee d if tasseography, tic foriune-teller uses tea leaves to predict the future. You drink a cup of tea and leave @ small amount in the bottom of the cup. Then you Se Mand hick Me a Saucer, and turn it ipsidedown. The fortune-teller looks at the shape the tea leaves make. For example, a bird means that you're going to have good news. are ee In crystallomancy, the fortune-teller uses a glass ball. She places the ball on the table between you and her, and looks into it for a long period of time. At first, the ball looks @iill and cloudy, but then it clears En a ene pone these pictures to predict your future. For example, a nurse means that you're going to be sick. a Intarot reading, the fortune-teller uses a special pack of tarot cards to predict the future. There are 78 cards in the pack, and there are different ways of using them. The quickest is to lay three cards on the table ‘from left to right. The cards represent the past, the present, and the future. The fortune-teller turns over the cards and says what they mean. For example, the sum means that you're going to become famous. D = es Chiromancy is also called palmistry and it’s when the fortune-teller studies the lines on the ali of your hand to predict your future. There are four major lines on the hand: the life line, the head line, the (REE line, and the health line. For example, 4a strong heart line means that you're going to find the right partner and be happy in your life. echggetiinedl USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these wordsand phrases, becky bi Taki gpemarted sooo niki ak. i meer tu anador ‘kantei SIE GHB Fe 10 et ern a | | | You can fallin love at first sight with a place as with a person. | ‘Alec Waugh, British writer gS Fs estes ino) n 1 GRAMMAR adverbs (manners and modifiers) a Complete the sentences with an adverb. 1 The French cook perfect meals. They cook _ perfectly ‘The Americans are careful drivers, ‘They drive 3 The British are very polite. They speak very 4 The Brazilians ‘They play soccer 5 The Japanese are very hard workers, They work very sre good at soccer, 6 The Canadians eat healthy food. They eat 7 The Argentinians are beautiful dancers, 2 VOCABULARY common adverbs ‘They dance ‘Make adverbs from the adjectives and complete the sentences. b GieWthe correct word, My brother dresses casual /€asually Shoji cooks real / really well. careful good easy hard healthy incredible perfect quiet In the ideal city. car drivers drive — carefully It’s easy / easily to ride a bike. : ‘hey wae quik quickly vote 2 mele 5 He'svery quiet / quietly. Henever 4 people speak foreign languages Slgeecnaeaeerl saysanything! 6 Elena's pizzas areineredible | 6 ...people talk incredibly. 7 ..everybody treats tourists 7 My French is very bad | badly. 8 ..everythingis cheap. 8 Can you speak more slow | slowly? 9 Mark speaks English good / well. 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress 10. Sheeatsunhealthily | unhealthy. LL They have real | really stressful jobs. a Underline the stressed syllable in the adverbs. Which three adverbs are not stressed on the first syllable? 1 beautifully 4 danigefously 7 perfectly 2 carefully 5 fashionably @ politely 2 casually 6 incredibly 9 unhealthily b QQTHGD Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the adverbs. 4 READING @ Read the text, Match the headings A-D to the paragraphs. [A The Mexican way offife B Feelingathome abroad CC My first impressions D Notwhat lexpected First impressions of Mexico City Christina Hornick, from the US, came to Mexico for the first time three years ago. She now lives in. ‘Mexico City where she is a teacher. 1 _ ‘You always remember your first impressions of anew country. When I first came to Mexico City, I didn't know much about Mexico at all. I didn’t ‘know anything about the culture I didn't think the food was very different from American food, and expected the weather to be similar to North Carolina in the US—maybe even warmer! But when I got there, I discovered how wrong I was. 2 = It was summer, and it was warm, but not hot. In fact, the temperature was about 70 degrees Fahrenheit, My first impression was that Mexico City was more beautiful than T expected. I spent a lot of time looking at the incredible architecture} The city was so colorful and had a wonderful atmosphere: I saw pink, yellow, and red houses. The trees were colorful too with pink and purple flowers. 37. = ‘Mexican people are very friendly. A lot of, ‘Mexicans can speak a little English, and some speak it very well. I speak Spanish pretty well, but when I make a mistake, my Mexican friends don't mind. Mexican people are very hospitable and they love to Socialize —get together, eat, dance, and play music. At parties, there is often allot of delicious, homemade food to eat. And there is often very loud music which makes it hard to hear people! 4 ‘Mexico is a great place to live. Ithas everything— friendly people, great public transportation, and delicious food. In Mexico City, the summers are warm, and the winters are cool. Its great weather for long walks in the nearby canyons. Mexico has mountains, lakes, beaches, and rivers. It has ‘many beautiful cities and a fascinating culture. T still love the US, but Mexico feels like home now. ‘Complete the sentences ‘atmosphere culture socializing fascinating architecture expect Chri 1 Before she went to Mexico about Mexican — 2 Shedidn' _ the city to beso beautiful 3 She was very impressed by the __in Mexico City, 4 She liked the colors and the wonderful of the city. 5 The welcoming, 6 Mexican people like and family. 7 Christina finds the Mexican culture Guess the meaning of the fighlight€d words. Check with your dictionary. LISTENING J Listen to two people talking about where they live. Answer the questions. adidn't know much ofthe Mexican people is warmand __with their friends Speaker 1 Toronto, Canada 1 Where don’t people usually go ‘on the weekends? 2 How do people normally dress during the week? 3. Whyis Toronto's nickname “Hollywood North?" 4 When do people goro swimming pools and hot tubs? 5 Whatare there very few offin the Icelandic countryside? 6 How many people are there... in Reykjav inthe second:-biggest city 7 What kind of things do Icelandic people make? USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. foreigner /iaranor myth mid) subtitles. 'sabtastlz incredible in'kredabl incredibly in'kredobli dress (well) dre astrongaccent (9 stron ‘eksent first impressions {erst umprefaz! getdark /get ‘dark: in general Jin “dsenoral lock (your) doors lak ‘dar

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