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Submitted by:

Ampol, Prince Timothy S.

Bernados, Justine Carl D.
Divinagracia, Cristel Gene D.
Doctolero, Daniel E.
Dumalu-an, Ara May P.
Grabanzor, Sherniel Eirich C.
Infante, Rechelle I.
Llorca, Jadriel Sam A.
Papa, Erin Marvy R.
Sazon, Christian Paul N.
Tolentino, Anne Grace B.

Submitted to:

Badong, Zandra Meliza T.

Philippine Christian University

April 2023

Table of Content


Business Name

Type of Organization




Vision and Mission

Marketing Plan










Offered Products and its Uniqueness

Producing the Product with the Best Quality

Clients and Customers

Market Location and Promotion Strategy

Launching Date

Swot Analysis

Initial Investment

Cost of Product
Labor Cost

Projected Sales and Cost of Sales

Supplies Expense

Projected Income Statement


Figure 1 Fizzy Float’s Official Logo

Figure 2 Fizzy Float’s Product
Figure 3 The map of the business location and other establishments around the


Table 1 Swot Analysis

Table 2 Initial Investment
Table 3 Fizzy Float’s Product Price
Table 4 Labor Cost: Day 1 of selling
Table 5 Labor Cost: Day 2 of selling
Table 6 Supplies Expenses: Raw Materials
Table 7 Supplies Expenses: Packaging Supplies
Table 8 Supplies Expenses: Other Supplies
Table 9 Projected Income Statement


A classic American delight is an ice cream float. Philadelphian Robert McCay Green created it in
1874. It appears that Green took some vanilla ice cream from another vendor when he ran out of
ice for the flavored cocktails he was selling. He unintentionally created a brand-new beverage. His
invention had become a national sensation by 1910.

A chilled beverage made with ice cream, soft drink, or mixed flavor syrup and carbonated beverage
is known as an ice cream float or ice cream soda. It’s a popular drink in the Philippines as it is
frothy, perfect for the dry and hot weather. This drink is often purchased at large corporations like
McDonald’s, Jollibee, Wendy’s, etc. People have a wide variety of soda and ice cream flavors to
select from while crafting floats. However, root beer appears to be the most popular kind of drink
for ice cream floats overall. For floats, the most often used root beer brands include Coca-Cola,
Pepsi, Sprite, and Dr. Pepper were the four most popular soft drinks. In terms of ice cream, vanilla
ice cream was the clear preferred taste. According to the most recent survey by Ask Your Target
Market, 69% of participants have a favorable impression of ice cream floats. Only 9% of people
dislike them. And 22% have a neutral opinion on them. This introduces us to the marketability of
ice cream float despite the drink’s long history, it has the capability to be sold and marketed in
places like malls and schools and so as marketers, we intend to make use of its popularity to our
advantage. The newest (Business Name) ice cream floats with a refreshing flavor that is sure to
delight many.

Business Name

A "FIZZY FLOAT" is a type of dessert drink that is produced by blending Coca-Cola soda and a
scoop of vanilla ice cream. The mixture produces a fizzy and creamy delight that is popular
throughout the world. We came up with this notion because it is a popular corporate name. Here
are some of the reasons why we are considering this name for our company. It draws attention; our
company name is catchy, memorable, and one-of-a-kind, which can help our company stand out
in a congested market. This is especially vital as we work in a highly competitive field where
capturing people's attention immediately is critical. This is also appealing to younger
demographics; younger audiences are more interested in trendy and inventive enterprises, thus
utilizing this business name can assist our company in appealing to this group.

Type of Organization

Fizzy Float will have a partnership organization in which two or more individuals share a business
venture's revenues and liabilities. There are various structures possible in which partners share
liabilities and profits equally, or just limit liability for some. As a result, it is mostly funded by private
contributions and loans made by financial institutions. Each partner contributes their skills,
expertise, and funds to the company. This allows the company to run more efficiently and
successfully. This is the best sort of company structure for our new venture, as Fizzy Float's
capital will be used to cover the startup costs and expenses.

Prince Timothy Ampol 100.00 10%
Justine Carl Bernados 100.00 10%
Cristel Gene Divinagracia 100.00 10%
Daniel Doctolero 100.00 10%
Ara May Dumalu-an 100.00 10%
Sherniel Eirich Grabanzor 100.00 10%
Rechelle Infante 100.00 10%
Jadriel Sam Llorca 100.00 10%
Erin Marvy Papa 100.00 10%
Christian Paul Sazon 100.00 10%
Anne Grace Tolentino 100.00 10%
Php 1,100.00 100%

Figure 1

Fizzy Float Official Logo

The first thing you'll notice about the logo is the use of bright, cheerful colors. This was intentional,
as we wanted to create a fun and playful feel that would appeal to young people. The main graphic
element of the logo is a bubbly, swirling shape that represents the fizzy, frothy nature of a coke
float. The shape is stylized and abstract, giving it a modern and trendy look that fits with the target
market. The name "Fizzy Float" is displayed in bold, playful lettering that reinforces the fun and
upbeat vibe of the logo. The font is clean and easy to read, making the name easy to remember and
recognize. Overall, the logo for "Fizzy Float" is designed to capture the attention of young people
and convey the fun and fizzy nature of the pop-up's offerings.


"Take a sip, take a float, indulge in the sweetest treat of all - our fizzy Float!"

The perfect mix of refreshment and indulgence conveys the idea that a Coke Float is a beverage
that offers a balance between two key elements: refreshment and indulgence. The refreshment
comes from the cold and bubbly Coca-Cola, which can be a satisfying and thirst-quenching drink
on its own. Indulgence comes from the addition of vanilla ice cream, which creates a creamy,
sweet, and decadent treat that can satisfy a sweet tooth and provide a moment of indulgence. The
tagline suggests that a Coke Float offers the best of both worlds, combining refreshment and
indulgence in a single, delicious drink.

Mission and Vision Statement


To delight and satisfy our customers with delectable coke floats that are suitable for the sweet
tooth of the Filipinos, as well as to deliver first-rate service at a competitive price.


To provide and ensure that each consumer will get a creamy, icy, and affordable coke float. Fizzy
Float will advocate for better desserts of the finest quality that are advantageous to the consumer
and the environment.

Marketing Plan


Our Fizzy Float centralizes on generating and emerging uniqueness that evidently explains our
products that will give advantage to the target customers/market. We will ensure that our customer
will surely hold and assist with the following:

● Fizzy Float is a type of ice cream soda. Wherein our float contains a mix of coca cola with
ice cream kremdensada with chocolate inside. Also has great creamy toppings with an
affordable price where every customer could afford on buying it. We aim to give a natural
and new blended float and nourish our customer with fresh and cold floats. Fizzy Float will
postulate better and best quality drinks to everyone. In addition to that, Fizzy Float aims to
give excellent service and good communication to anyone who will purchase our product.
● Fizzy Float will gladly accept honest reviews or feedback from customers. And most
importantly, to acknowledge our limits as a seller. We will be clear on explaining the
customer's concerns and give safety products to them.


Fizzy Float is a new type of float drink business that is flavorful that was a common drink
nowadays, it also has many competitors. However, the sellers are experienced and have the
financial capacity and ability to make a new delicious one and are currently selling in a successful


Week 1: Planning the products that our team will be doing. Gathering ideas and opinions of
everyone, the design, strategies, modeling, and concept will be.

Week 2: Researching about the products we’ve chosen, for validity and safety of others, if these
products are good and everyone’s product choice.

Week 3: Preparing money or financial expenses that we can spend on doing it. Also, buying the
materials that we will be using.

Week 4-5: Finalizing and Selling the products.



As we started this business, we aim to collect feedback from the customers where we could
improve the things that we should focus on as business owners, to be aware of how our product is
going, if it does influence others to purchase the product that we made. In line with that, through
this way we were able to know how happy or satisfied customers are with the products, capabilities,
and services that we offer. Their experiences are essential in our own business growth.


In our business, teamwork is something that we really implied in making this product. This is one
of the best things or should the owners do in the business, this was a great help and opportunity
for the sellers to better understand the goals and that the business should be done or achieved. Our
Teamwork enables our workforce to split difficult tasks that we may face into a simpler one then
makes or work together to complete the product tasks or goals. In this way, we may specialize our
skills in our business. As we process this, we build trust in ourselves so that we can encourage
clear communication and have frequent communication with everyone.


We firstly aim to gain and increase our profits by establishing this kind of business. We have
decided to increase our profit by acquiring lots of materials and purchasing more stock to undertake
the marketing activities. In order to do that, the first thing that we do is to have profit growth
through preparing the budget that we will be spending throughout the business journey. And,
measuring the profit costs, so that we were able to know how much money we spent. And we could
also give discounts for those people who were nice customers. In addition to that, for us to grow
our profits are to manage the business that we were in well. We may also review our offers,
concentrate on our sales, expand our business, and boost our productivity.


In our business, we really considered our target market, and the customer needs when developing
in processing the product that we will be selling to everyone. The fizzy float is the most preferred
drink by anyone, especially the students or even teenagers nowadays. That's why in choosing our
customers we ensure that they will enjoy the drink that we will offer to them. Fizzy float markets
to both males and females, in the wide group of 14 to 28 years old with a focus mostly on schools
and outside the school area. This brand needed to communicate for those buyers who are most
likely to go in for an affordable and delicious drink. Also, to connect with these social media savvy
customers where they spend most of their time on their mobile phones. Using social media, we
can give brief information about the product we made. They would not spend lots of money just
to drink a delicious one. That's why in our Fizzy Float we can accommodate them at a regular

Figure 2

Fizzy Float’s Product

The renowned Coke Float is available from Fizzy Float, where it is served chilled in cups with
luscious ice cream and chocolate syrup as garnishes. Fizzy Floats cater to fans of ice cream and
soda, attracting a wide range of customers and ensuring repeated purchases. In Australia and
New Zealand, a Coke Float—also called a spider—is a cold beverage made with ice cream and
either a soft drink or a concoction of flavored syrup and carbonated water. To maintain the proper
sweetness, Fizzy Float would closely adhere to measures in both its raw components and
manufacturing processes. A smooth, frothy, and creamy beverage that is ideal on a hot summer
day will be produced by combining the sweet creaminess of the vanilla ice cream with the fizz of
the Coca-Cola.
Clients & Market Location


Our clients are the students in the Philippine Christian University. Students in Philippine Christian
University are typically more active and social than other demographics, which may make them
more likely to seek out and purchase refreshments like Fizzy Float. As a popular beverage with a
creamy and sweet taste, Fizzy Float could be particularly appealing to students who are looking
for a treat or a pick-me-up between classes. There may be a certain brand affinity between
students and Coca-Cola, the company behind fizzy Float. Coca-Cola has a long history of
marketing to younger demographics, and the brand is often associated with fun, happiness, and
good times. By positioning Fizzy Float as a delicious and indulgent treat, Coca-Cola may be able
to reinforce these positive associations with the brand among students.

Market Location

As for the marketing location, we choose Philippine Christian University. One reason could be the
university's large student population, which provides a sizable and captive audience for
businesses operating within the campus. With thousands of students regularly attending classes
and participating in extracurricular activities, the academic buildings in Philippine Christian
University can be a busy and bustling hub of activity. As such, businesses operating within these
buildings may have a significant customer base to draw from. There are several reasons why we
choose Philippine Christian University as a market location for a product like Fizzy Float, including
the university's large student population, convenient location, and potential marketing

The map of the business location and other establishments around the area (Figure 3)
Launching Date

We believe that our business has great potential for success, given the market demand, our unique
selling proposition, and the efforts we have put into our business plan. We are confident that our
commitment to providing excellent service and our dedication to our customers will set us apart
from our competition. We are excited to launch our business on April 13, 2023, and we look
forward to providing our customers with a coke float that they will love.

Swot Analysis

Table 1
Strengths Weaknesses

• It is a well-known product in the • Despite its well-liked selling point,

Philippines there is limited demand for ice
• The product requires little to no cream floats given the present
skill markets and inflation. In compared
• The product is not time-consuming to the typical demand for similar
• High quality products chilled items, it can only satisfy a
• It has eleven (11) different owners small percentage of the remaining
who can contribute to its tangible demand. (e.g. Milk Tea, Coffee, &
assets. According to their areas of Shakes).
knowledge and talent, it also • Similar items are sold by the
enables each owner to concentrate current competitors for a lower
on particular parts of management. price and in a broader variety of

Opportunities Threats
• The business location is easily • Sales are mostly based on seasonal
accessible and seen by its consumer preferences that are
consumers, ranging from students impacted by external factors like
and employees. the weather. Sales might be quite
• The product is offered in an high in the summer and very low in
affordable price the rainy season.
• It will be managed by company • Ice cream floats are already sold by
owners who are members of the major corporations (e.g.
Gen Z demographic, which is its McDonald’s, Jollibee, & Wendy’s)
target market. They will be able to • Increase in supply price may result
meet customer demand in line with in a higher product price
current market trends and have a • Competitors have an advertisement
comprehensive understanding of campaign
their target market as a result.
Initial Investment

The estimated starting capital required for Fizzy Float to start its operations is Php
1,100.00. This estimate includes the initial working capital, inventory, and equipment to
operate the business successfully.

Table 2


3pcs Angel Kremdensada 410ml 2-in-1 Php 190.5

3 pcs Coca-Cola Soda Pop, 2 Liter Bottle Php 228.75

1 pc Mug Root Beer, 2 Liter Bottle Php 65.25

1 pc Jersey Chocolate Condensed Creamer Php 60.00


Tube Ice Php 64.00

Total Inventory Php 608.5


Cooler Php 130.00

1 set of 12 & 16 oz Plastic cups Php 62.00

Straws 20.00

Total Equipment Php 212.00

TOTAL Php 820.5

Cost of Product
The prospective revenue of a corporation can be impacted by a variety of factors, but its
pricing strategy is crucial. A product's profit margins can be effectively maximized by
selecting the right price. Additionally, it shows the brand's value, which inspires customers
to support it and persuade the audience to buy the goods.

The price of each Fizzy Float product when it is introduced to the market is displayed in
the table below:

Fizzy Float’s Product Price (Table 3)

Product Price

Coke Float (12oz) P25.00

Coke Float (16oz) P35.00

Labor Cost

Day 1 of selling (Table 4)

Name of person Rate (Half an hour) TOTAL

Prince Timothy S. Ampol P35.62 P35.62

Justine Carl D. Bernados P35.62 P35.62

Daniel E. Doctolero P35.62 P35.62

Erin Marvy R. Papa P35.62 P35.62

Christian Paul N. Sazon P35.62 P35.62

Anne Grace B. Tolentino P35.62 P35.62


Day 2 of selling (Table 5)
Name of person Rate per hour TOTAL

Prince Timothy S. Ampol P71.25 P71.25

Justine Carl D. Bernados P71.25 P71.25

Cristel Gene D. P71.25 P71.25


Sherniel Eirich C. P71.25 P71.25


Rechelle I. Infante P71.25 P71.25

Jadriel Sam A. Llorca P71.25 P71.25

Erin Marvy R. Papa P71.25 P71.25

Christian Paul N. Sazon P71.25 P71.25

Anne Grace B. Tolentino P71.25 P71.25


Projected Sales

Our small business offers delicious Coke floats at reasonable prices. We are excited to
announce that we have revised our pricing for our 12 oz cup to ₱25 and 16 o cup to ₱35,
making it more affordable for our customers.

Assuming we sell 50 units of Coke floats per day, the projected daily revenue would be
₱1,250 for 12 oz cups and ₱1,750 for 16 oz cups, resulting in a total daily revenue of
₱3,000. If we sell 100 units per day, we will earn ₱2,500 for 12 oz cups and ₱3,500 for 16
oz cups, resulting in a total daily revenue of ₱7,000.
Note that these figures are estimates and may vary depending on factors such as location,
competition, and product quality. Nonetheless, our revised pricing provides more
affordable options for our customers while still allowing us to generate reasonable revenue
for our business.

Supplies Expense

Raw Materials (Table 6)


Coca-cola 7 Soft drink 68.50 553.00

(2Lts) 76.25

Angel’s 7 Cream and 63.50 458.5

Kremdensada condensed milk 67.00

Jersey Chocolate
condensed 3 Chocolate 56.20 172.4
condensed 60.00

Tube ice 6 1 kg 10.00

20.00 129.00

TOTAL P1,312.9

Packaging Supplies (Table 7)

Plastic cups 2 2 sets of 50 pcs 38.00 76.00

Plastic cups 1 1 set of 50 pcs. 24.00 24.00


Straws 1 1 set of 100 pcs of 20.00 20.00

6mm plastic straws

TOTAL P120.00

Other supplies (Table 8)


Ice chest 1 Small Styrofoam 130.00 130.00

Ice chest

TOTAL P130.00

Projected Income Statement

Table 9

12oz cups 16oz cups TOTAL

Sales revenue per unit P25.00 P35.00

Number of units sold daily 19 26 45
Daily sales revenue P475.00 P910.00 P1,386.00
Weekly sales revenue P3,325.00 P6,370.00 P9,695.00
Cost of goods sold (COGS) P10.00 P15.00
Gross profit margin P15.00 P20.00
Gross profit per day P285.00 P520.00 P805.00
Gross profit per week P1,995.00 3,640.00 5,635.00
Operating Expenses
Supplies P500.00 P500.00 P1,000.00
Total operating expenses P500.00 P500.00 P1,000.00
Net income per day P-215.00 P20.00 P-195.00
Net income per week P-1,505.00 P140.00 P-1,365.00

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