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IELTS Ready: Member

IELTS Listening mock

test 1
After you have completed your writing test under timed conditions, review the answers below.

1. cream 11. J
2. brass 12. I
3. 65 / sixty-five 13. F
4. perfect 14. H
5. £30 / 30 pounds / thirty pounds 15. B
6. deep 16. C
7. 1.25 metres / 1.25 m 17. A
8. adjustable 18. 7 am to 5 pm
9. £50 / 50 pounds / fifty pounds 19. programme design
10. Domain 20. tennis lessons
(*19 and 20 in either order)

21. abstract 31. living entity
22. key words / keywords 32. nutrients
23. final draft 33. minerals
24. style guide 34. bedrock
25. copyright form 35. subsoil
26. manuscript / the manuscript 36. topsoil
27. confirmation 37. pollution
28. peer review 38. pest control
29. rejection 39. production practices
30. cover letter 40. predators

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