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Half Yearly Examination - (Online); 2021 – 2022

Name: Subject: Biology

Class: VIII Teacher: Sharmin Akhtar Shova/Irfan Sajid
Section: Full Marks: 100
Roll No.: Score Obtained:
Date: 06/12/ 2021 Duration: 2 hour 15 minutes
Email: Section: Aquila, Athena, Auriga, Perseus
Email: Section: Artemis, Cygnus

Question No. Allotted Marks Marks Obtained

Section A (MCQ)

40 40

Section B

1 10

2 10

3 10

Section C

1 10

2 10

3 10

Total 100


• Number your answers and pages correctly.
• Write down your details on the top sheet also mention the name of the subject teacher.
• Answer different parts of a question in sequential order.
• Use a sharp dark pencil for drawing, labelling and shading the MCQ sheet.
• Shading more than one option on the MCQ sheet will be considered as an invalid answer.
• Leave all mathematical answers in 2 decimal places unless rounding off is required for the question.

Teacher’s Signature…………………………

P a g e 1 | 18
Section A: MCQ (40)
1. The concentration of nitrate ions in a root cell is higher than in the surrounding soil solution.
How do the nitrate ions move into the root cells?
A Osmosis B Diffusion
C Active transport D Saturation

2. The diagram shows cells in fresh blood and the same cells after the blood has been mixed with
liquid X.

Which statement describes the water potential of liquid X?

A It is equal to that of pure water.
B It is equal to that of the cell cytoplasm.
C It is higher than that of the cell cytoplasm.
D It is lower than that of the cell cytoplasm.

3. Which of the following can be done to a wilted celery stalk to make it firm and crispy again?
A Submerge the celery stalk in water
B Submerge the celery stalk in dilute salt solution
C Submerge the celery stalk in 20% sugar solution
D Submerge the celery stalk in 100% sugar solution

4. Similar shaped pieces of potato are placed in sucrose solutions of different concentrations. After
three hours, the mass of each potato piece is measured.
Which graph shows the results of this experiment?

P a g e 2 | 18
5. When a drop of blood is added to water, red blood cells undergo changes. Which of the following
change cannot be observed?
A They increase in size. B They decrease in size.
C They undergo haemolysis. D They turn red.

6. How do nitrate ions, oxygen and water enter root hair cells?
Nitrate Oxygen Water
A Active diffusion Diffusion Osmosis
B Diffusion Active transport Osmosis
C Osmosis Diffusion Active transport
D Osmosis Active transport diffusion

7. The diagram shows two plant cells, X and Y.

Cell X has a higher water potential than cell Y.

In which direction and by what process will water move between these two cells?

8. The diagram below shows the results of an experiment after 3 hours. The liquid in the glass tube
rose to point X from its initial level.

P a g e 3 | 18
In a second experiment, what change could be made to cause the liquid to rise higher than point X
after 3 hours?
A A larger container with the same volume of liquid
B A smaller container with the same volume of liquid
C Change the sucrose solution in the Visking tubing to water
D Change the sucrose solution in the container to water

9. Which of the following statements is true of these cells, assuming that both cells have the same

A Cell X is specially adapted for active transport, and Y for diffusion.

B Cell X has a greater surface area to volume ratio than Y.
C Cell Y is modified for absorbing materials into the cell.
D Diffusion of oxygen into cell Y occurs at a higher rate than X.

10. Five pieces are cut from a potato, all of equal size and shape. The pieces are then placed in sugar
solutions of different concentrations. After four hours, the change in length of each potato piece
is measured.

The results are shown in the graph.

Which concentration of sugar solution has approximately the same water concentration as the
A 0.00 mol dm–3 B 0.15 mol dm–3
C 0.30 mol dm–3 D 0.40 mol dm–3

11. Carbohydrate digestion occurs mainly in the __________

A mouth and duodenum B mouth and stomach
C stomach and duodenum D stomach and ileum

P a g e 4 | 18
For questions 12 and 13, refer to the diagram below which shows an epithelial cell from a villus.

12. How does structure X aid in the absorption of digested food?

A By active transport of the digested food into the villus
B By increasing the surface area to volume ratio for absorption of digested food
C By secreting enzymes to digest and absorb digested food
D By sweeping the food particles into the villus

13. There are many mitochondria in the epithelial cell of a villus. What is the function of these
A Control the activity of the epithelial cell
B Increase surface area to volume ratio for diffusion of digested food particles
C Release energy required for active transport of digested food particles into the villus
D Produce enzymes that digest food particles

14. Where is lipase produced, and into which part of the intestine is it secreted?

15. What are the functions of the colon?

P a g e 5 | 18
16. Study the following classification chart which shows what happens to the food that is consumed.

Which of the following correctly identifies the processes labelled I, II, III and IV?

A Metabolism Secretion Defaecation Excretion
B Secretion Metabolism Excretion Defaecation
C Excretion Defaecation Secretion Metabolism
D Defaecation Excretion Metabolism secretion

Study the diagram below and use it to answer Questions 17 and 18.

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17. Which of the following identifies the labelled part correctly?
A Rectum Caecum Ileum
B Colon Anus Large intestine
C Caecum Rectum Ileum
D Colon Rectum caecum

18. Which of the following identifies the roles of organs I and II in the metabolism of glucose?
Secretes insulin which speeds up the
A Stores glucose as glycogen
conversion of glucose to glycogen
Secretes amylase which speeds up the
B Converts glycogen into glucose
hydrolysis of starch
Secretes trypsin which speeds up the
C Deamination of excess protein
hydrolysis of protein
Secretes amylase which speeds up the
D Synthesis of glycogen
hydrolysis of glycogen

19. In which order do these events occur in human nutrition?

A digestion → ingestion → absorption → assimilation
B digestion → ingestion → assimilation → absorption
C ingestion → digestion → absorption → assimilation
D ingestion → digestion → assimilation → absorption

20. The table shows the results of an investigation into the absorption of products of digestion in the
presence and absence of oxygen.

Which conclusion can be drawn from these results?

A All products of digestion are absorbed by both active transport and diffusion.
B All products of digestion are absorbed by diffusion only.
C Amino acids and glucose are absorbed by active transport only.
D Fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed mainly by diffusion.

P a g e 7 | 18
21. Which of these human teeth are used for grinding?

A 1 and 3 B 1 and 4 C 2 and 3 D 2 and 4

22. The graph shows the pH of the saliva in the mouth after eating sugar.

When are conditions in the mouth most likely to cause tooth decay?
A 0-5 minutes B 5-25 minutes
C 25-45 minutes D 45-60 minutes

23. The diagram represents the liver and some associated structures.

P a g e 8 | 18
What does the blood in blood vessel P transport?
A bile to the ileum B glucose to the liver
C glycogen to the liver D urea to the ileum

24. Which of the following correctly lists the excretory products of the human body?
1 Amino acids
2 Carbon dioxide
3 Glucose
4 Urea
5 Excess water
A 1, 3 and 4 B 1, 2 and 4
C 2, 3 and 4 D 2, 4 and 5

25. What is the process whereby small molecules, such as glucose and urea, pass from the blood into
the nephron at the Bowman's capsule?
A Active transport B Diffusion
C Selective reabsorption D Ultrafiltration

For questions 26 and 27, refer to the diagram of a nephron below.

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26. Which of the following correctly relates the structure to its respective function?

Structure Function
A P Selective reabsorption
B Q Ultrafiltration
C R Ultrafiltration
D S Secretion of ADH

27. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) acts primarily at part __________


28. The following diagram shows a human nephron.

An increase in the movement of water would occur in the direction of ____

A X if the person drinks a large amount of water
B Y if the person drinks a large amount of water
C Y if less ADH is secreted by the person
D Y if more ADH is secreted by the person

29. Which of the following substances are dissolved in the liquid which passes along the ureter to the
bladder of a healthy person?
Glucose Protein Salts Urea
A √
B √ √
C √ √ √
D √ √

30. What is a sign of diabetes mellitus?

A glucose in the blood B glucose in the urine
C insulin in the blood D insulin in the urine

P a g e 10 | 18
31. The table shows the concentration of a substance inside and outside four different cells.
Which cell would need the most energy to absorb the substance by active transport?

32. The diagram shows the structures associated with a human kidney.
What are the relative concentrations of urea in X, Y and Z?

A X is sometimes higher than Y B Y is always higher than Z

C Y is always lower than Z D Z is sometimes lower than X

33. The diagram represents a kidney dialysis machine.

What are the parts labelled X, Y and Z?

P a g e 11 | 18
34. The following graph shows the blood glucose concentration in a healthy person before, during and
after a meal.

What causes the decrease in glucose level 3 hours after the meal?
A Antidiuretic hormone B Glucagon
C Insulin D Adrenaline

35. Which of the following is a correct example of homeostasis?

A Glucagon is secreted to reduce the level of glucose in the blood.
B Increased ventilation rate reduces the oxygen content of blood.
C More antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is produced to increase the reabsorption of water by
the collecting duct in the kidney.
D Vasodilation decreases blood flow to the skin in order to conserve heat.

36. The following are some processes that happen in the human body.
1 Digestion of fat
2 Regulation of water and solute concentrations in the blood
3 Maintenance of body temperature
4 Regulation of blood glucose concentration
Which of the processes are controlled by homeostasis?
A 1 and 2 B 1, 2 and 4
C 2 and 4 D 2, 3 and 4

37. The diagram shows a section through a villus.

What is a function of structure X and of structure Y?

P a g e 12 | 18
38. The body can regulate both its temperature and the amount of water in its cells.
What are these processes?
A assimilation B excretion
C homeostasis D osmosis

39. What causes water to enter plant root from the soil?
A Water potential in root hairs and the soil is equal
B Water potential in root hairs and xylem is equal.
C Water potential in root hairs is higher than in the soil.
D Water potential in root hairs is lower than in the soil.

40. Which of the following substances is not an excretory material?

A Carbon dioxide B Urea
C Bile D Roughage

Section B
1. (a) Complete the following sentences. Do not copy the chart. Just mention the words in
the blanks. [16×0.5=08]

P a g e 13 | 18
(b) How is excretion different from egestion? [2]

[Total 10 Marks]

2. Six identical cylinders of fresh potato (A to F), each weighing 10 g, were immersed in salt
solutions of different concentrations for two hours. They were removed and reweighed. The
change in mass of each cylinder was recorded in a bar graph as shown.


Which cylinder has been immersed in salt solution with: [3]

(i) the highest concentration?
(ii) the lowest concentration?
(iii) a concentration closest to that of the potato cells?
(b) Explain the changes in the cells of potato cylinder D. [1]
(c) Calculate the percentage increase in mass shown by potato cylinder A. [2]
(d) The diagram shows a plant cell drawn by a student.
(i) Draw and label the diagram to show the selectively permeable membrane and fully
permeable wall. [1]

(ii) The diagram shows a glass container divided in half by a selectively permeable
membrane. One half contains water and the other half contains sucrose solution.

P a g e 14 | 18
Draw and complete the diagram below to show the change to the level of the water
and the level of the sucrose solution after one hour. [1]

(iii) Mention the name and define the process that causes the change in the level of the
water and the level of the sucrose solution. [2]
[Total 10 Marks]

3. In 1822, a man, Alexis Bidagan, suffered an injury from a gun fired at close range. The injury was
in the form of a hole about 10 cm in diameter, penetrating both his chest and stomach walls,
below his diaphragm. When the wound healed, the edge of the hole in his stomach sealed itself
with the edge of the hole in his chest wall. The figure below shows the position of the opening
that remained to Alexis’s stomach until he died 58 years later.

(a) Name two organs, other than the stomach, that would have been exposed to infection
through the hole before the wound healed. [2]
P a g e 15 | 18
(b) Suggest why there would have been less chance of the inside of his stomach suffering
from an infection than other organs. [2]
(c) If the wound had extended above his diaphragm, explain why Alexis would have
experienced some breathing difficulties until the wound healed. [1]

(d) The diagram below shows structures from a part of the alimentary canal.


Identify muscle X and Y. [1]

(ii) Describe the action of muscles X and Y at point A. [2]
(iii) What is this process called? Define the process. [2]
[Total 10 Marks]

Section C
1. The human kidney removes urea from the blood.
(a) Name two other substances the kidney removes from the blood. [2]
The diagram below represents a dialysis machine.

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(b) Define dialysis. [2]
(c) State one characteristic property of the dialysis tubing. Why is this property important?
(d) Another function of the kidney machine is to maintain normal blood glucose concentration.
Suggest how the concentration of glucose in the dialysis solution help to maintain a normal
glucose concentration in the blood. [2]
(e) Dialysis machines are used to treat people with kidney failure. The ideal treatment for a
person with kidney failure would be for the person to undergo a kidney transplant. Suggest
the any two advantages of a kidney transplant over prolonged dialysis. [2]

[Total 10 Marks]
2. The diagram below represents a vertical section through a mammalian skin.

(a) Label the structure A to F. [3]

(b) What is the function of G? Where in man is this structure thickest? [2]
(c) State two functions of D. [2]
(d) Draw the negative feedback mechanism flow chart of Osmoregulation. [3]
[Total 10 Marks]

3. The figure below shows the liver receiving chemicals from and sending chemicals to some other

P a g e 17 | 18
(a) Identify organs G and I. [1]
(b) Name the carbohydrate travelling in the hepatic portal vein (E), and explain how, on arrival
in the liver, it is converted into a storage compound. [0.5+2=2.5]
(c) Name TWO parts of the alimentary canal where Protease is secreted. What does it do
(d) The diagram shows the teeth in the upper jaw of a human.

(i) Name the teeth labelled A, B and C. [1.5]

(ii) Outline the functions of tooth A, B and C. [3]
[Total 10 Marks]

P a g e 18 | 18

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