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Offering Help
10 Questions

1. You see someone with a heavy suitcase and

you offer help. You say, "Would you like a ... "

A carry B offer

C hand D need

E suggestion

2. Can I ... you a hand?

A give B help

C need D make

E be
3. ... the washing, if you like.

A May I B Can I

C Should I D I'll do

E Would you

4. ... like a cup of coffee?

A May I B I'll do

C Would you D Should I

E Can I

5. It's lunchtime and you want to eat with your friend, but he/she is busy
studying. You offer to buy sandwiches for her/him and say, "I'll go and get
some sandwiches, ..."

A if you like B if it helps you

C if you know D if it's okay

E if I want
6. You're carrying two bags and you're nearly
home, when someone offers help to you. You
don't want help and say, " ..."

A Thanks, but no! B Thank you.

C If you don't mind. D Actually, I'm fine thanks.

E Go away, please.

7. This week you have lots to do. A friend offers to

help you, but you don't want your friend to help.
You say, "Actually I'm fine. Thanks ..."

A for asking, though. B for saying, though.

C for offering, though. D for coming, though.

E for helping, though.

8. Rina : May I help you?

Dinda : Hmmm. Don't bother yourself, thanks.

The underlined sentence expresses ...

A Asking help B Offering help

C Refusing an offer D Giving help

E Hoping an offer
9. Mr. Win : Hello, Miss Wilis. Would you like a
cup of coffee? I'm just making some.
Miss Wilis : Oh, yes please. That would be

The underlined expression expresses ...

A Offering something B Accepting an offer

C Offering help D Refusing an offer

E Asking an offer

10. David : Hi, Jane. Do you want me to buy an ice

Jane : Oh great! ... , I'd love one.

The suitable expression to complete the

dialogue is ...

A Not for me. B Yes, please.

C Never mind. D No, thanks.

E Don't bother.

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