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Test - Module 3-4


A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

receptionist exploration delay crowded ladder minimum colourful range

1. Marion is very experienced in cave .

2. Jane bought a(n) T-shirt last week but nobody liked it.

3. The restaurant was really so they had to leave.

4. There was a lot of snow on the mountain .

5. Our flight had a two-hour and waiting at the airport was really boring.

6. Can you bring me a(n) because I can’t reach that shelf?

7. The hotel gave us the key to our room.
score 8
8. What’s the age for scuba-diving?

A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

antivirus expert careless cancel sure afford

handy failed socialise addicted

1. I’m sorry Michael, but we’ll have to today’s meeting.

2. You need to install a(n) program in your computer.
3. Mark was disappointed when he his driving test.
4. She couldn’t to buy the painting, so I lent her some money.
5. Young children can easily become to computer games.
6. Bob thinks he’s a(n) in modern art.
7. This gadget is also environmentally friendly.
8. Make you charge the battery on your mobile before you leave.
9. It’s difficult for me to at parties where I don’t know a lot of people.
10. Lisa is very with her homework. She always makes mistakes.
score 10

B. Choose a, b or c.

1. Alice was of money and had to borrow some from Matt.

a. broke b. short c. saved
2. How easy is it to what will happen in the future?
a. predict b. exist c. destroy
3. this button to turn on the machine.
a. Create b. Enter c. Press
4. Alan has my files by mistake!
a. deleted b. caused c. delivered
5. Philip was in traffic for hours the other day.
a. annoying b. stuck c. worried
6. The we went to yesterday was really impressive.
a. exhibition b. image c. invention
7. On Denise works ten hours a day.
a. average b. total c. example
8. We must leave now because we’re running .
a. non-stop b. cash c. late
score 8

C. Circle the correct words.

1. What a cosy / fascinating story! I liked it a lot.

2. Does the hotel room have parking / air conditioning? score 4
3. The statue attracts lots of tourists / flight attendants every year.
4. The park is important for the communication / protection of pandas in the area.


1. Can you get me some milk when you go to the supermarket?

2. Do you need to finish this project today?
3. Excuse me, could you help me with these bags?
4. We need to buy some souvenirs for our friends.
5. Remember to bring me the car before 5pm.
6. Could you speak Italian before you went to Rome?

a. Sorry, I can’t. They’re too heavy.

b. I could understand it but I wasn’t able to communicate very well.
c. Sure. Do you also need some bread?
d. Yes, I know. But we needn’t spend all our money on gifts.
e. I’m afraid so. I have to give it to my teacher tomorrow morning. score 6
f. OK. Thanks for letting me borrow it.
A. Circle the correct words.

1. A: Can / Must I go out on Saturday night?

B: Of course. But don’t be late.
2. A: Is your wife feeling better?
B: Yes, but the doctor said she needs to / mustn’t go to work till she is completely well.
3. A: Did you finish your project last night?
B: I’m afraid not. I need to / couldn’t work on it again today.
4. A: We don’t have to / mustn’t buy Amanda a gift; it’s not her birthday.
B: OK, but we could / don’t have to get her some ice cream.
5. A: Could /May you help me wash the car?
B: Sure but first I am able to / must finish this e-mail.
6. A: Sorry, Sir but you needn’t / mustn’t take pictures in the museum.
B: I’m sorry, I didn’t know. score 8

A. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Future will of the verbs in
1. As soon as I (know) the results, I (call) you.
2. He (not be able to) help us until he .
(finish) his homework.
3. When we (visit) China, we (see) the
Great Wall.
4. Richard (wash) his car before he (go) to
the gym.
5. After I (read) this book, I (go) to bed.
6. She (buy) tickets when she (get) to the
train station.
7. As soon as the plane (take off), we (leave).
8. I (not wait) until Bill (arrive).
B. Complete the dialogues with the modal verbs in the boxes. score 16

1. do I have to can need to mustn’t

A: Excuse me, I smoke in here?

B: No, I’m afraid not. You smoke here.
A: So, go out, or can I smoke somewhere else?
B: You go outside. Sorry!

2. have to could can’t

score 7
A: you help me with this exercise?
B: I’m sorry but I .I meet Julie in half an hour.

B. Complete with too or enough and the words in brackets.

1. Stacey is (tired) to go to the cinema with her friends
2. Jason isn’t running (fast). He won’t win the race.
3. I won’t be able to walk through the park at 10 o’ clock in the evening. It will be
4. Hugh isn’t (tall). He can’t become a basketball player.
5. Don’t buy this dress. It’s (expensive).
6. Lucy was (kind) to drive me to the airport yesterday.
7. It is (late) now to find tickets for the concert.
8. Tomorrow the weather will be (warm) for us to go
score 8

C. Complete with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Our old sofa wasn’t as (comfortable) as our new one.

2. Kathleen is (interested) in going to the theatre than in going to the cinema.

3. Climbing that mountain was (tiring) than I thought.

4. Mark is as (careful) as his sister when he drives.

5. That was the (bad) film I’ve ever seen.

6. Paul was able to swim (far) than Jim in the race.

7. Today I’m the (happy) person in the world.

8. Scuba-diving was the (exciting) experience I’ve ever had.

score 8

C. Complete the sentences with who, which, that or where. If they can be omitted, put
them in brackets.
1. That’s the artist you met at my house last week.
2. Stratford-upon-Avon is the place Shakespeare was born.
3. That’s the house Paul will buy.
4. Ron is the student won the short story competition.
5. This is the street market tourists can find lots of different things.
6. That’s the boy invited me to the school dance.
7. This is the café my friends and I usually go in the afternoon.
8. Is that the girl you were talking to a minute ago?
score 8

D. Rewrite the questions in Indirect Speech.

1. Where is your passport?

Can you tell me .
2. Who is Jack’s mother?
Do you know .
3. Why are the shops still closed?
Do you know .
4. How much does this sleeping bag cost?
Can you tell me .
5. How many languages does our tour guide speak?
Do you know .

score 5
Read the text and answer the questions.
Twitter is one of the most popular and
fastest growing websites in the world
today. In fact, it’s the third most popular
social networking website on the
Internet after Facebook and MySpace.
Twitter isn’t just about finding friends
online. It’s about getting the latest news
as fast as possible. Many people call it
the “SMS of the Internet.” Twitter is
something like a blog and a news site.
You receive updates as soon as
someone puts them on Twitter. When
you get a new update, or “Tweet,” the
website sends it to your mobile, too.
That way, you know what’s happening
in the world before anyone else! The
website started in 2006 and Twitter
already has about 5 million users,
including presidents, politicians,
celebrities, and college professors.
Twitter is going to be one of the most
important ways of communicating and
receiving news in the future.

1. What can you do on Twitter?

2. What is another name for Twitter?

3. How can you receive an update on Twitter if you are not near a computer?

4. How many people are using Twitter today?

score 8

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