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Future simple Be going to Present simple Present continuous

Use - Express actions at the -Express an action that will -When talking -Express future
moment of speaking happen in the near future about the timetable arrangements or
Ex: She will make me some Ex: I’m going to have an Ex: My plane plans often with time
noodles. appointment on the weekend. leaves at three words
-Express predictions but not -Use to predict something o’clock Ex: They’re leaving
having a solid basis mentioned on the basis of the -When asking or tomorrow at 8 am.
Ex: I think the Vietnam team current situation with a high giving directions
will win. probability of happening Ex: Where do I
-Express promises Ex: Look! It’s cloudy. It’s pay?
Ex: I promise I will write to going to rain.
her every day.
-Express warnings and threats
Ex: Stop talking, or the teacher
will send you out.
-Express a request or request
for help
Ex: Will you pass me the
pencil, please?
-Use to offer to help other
Ex: Shall I get you something
to eat?
-Use to give some suggestions
Ex: Shall we play football?
-Use to ask for advice
Ex: I have a fever. What shall I

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