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Team Characteristics Self-assessment

How functional or dysfunctional is your team? Think about a team you are leading or where you are a
member. Rate each of the statements below and then identify actions you need to take as a leader.

Team Assessment
Members of the team… 1 2 3 4 5
are willing to be open about mistakes and weaknesses.
can engage in productive debate without fear of disagreement.
agree on and follow processes that facilitate smooth team function.
are clear on their team goals and individual roles.
buy in and commit to decisions, even when there may be some
uncertainty or apprehension.
hold themselves and others accountable for the agreements and
commitments they have made.

Degree of Agreement (1 = none, 5 = a great deal)

If you scored an item less than a 3, take action to remedy the situation. You may find that you have to
"back up" in order to correct a dysfunction. For example, if your team is having trouble with commitment,
you may need to take a closer look at how willing the team is to engage in debate.

After considering your scores, list three actions you plan to take:


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